1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 606 Someone is starting to stir up shit.

At this unique dinner, Ye Luo taught Kong Lingjun another good lesson, which also opened the eyes of Lu Zuofu and others who had been doubtful about his series of actions before.

They were still worried about Huang Yunzhen and Thomson covering the sky with one hand, and the second young master talked about the arms business with Liu Xiang.

After finalizing these things, everyone ate and drank for a while. Liu Xiang left the table first due to being busy with official duties, and others also left the hotel one after another.

Only Kong Lingjun was still feasting on a table of Sichuan food, like a starving ghost reincarnated.

The little girl has lived in places such as Jinling and Shanghai for a long time, and most of the food she eats is sweet. Recently, she has been exposed to spicy and refreshing food such as hot pot frequently, and she can't stop eating it.

"The food in this restaurant tastes pretty good. In a moment, baby, go find the store manager and say that I am willing to buy it for 100,000 oceans."

Ye Luo wiped his mouth, took a sip of soup, and decided on the ownership of the largest hotel in Qing City while talking and laughing.

"Okay~" Little Aqiao also likes to buy, buy, buy, but she mostly goes to department stores to shop. She rarely buys something like Ye Luo does when she sees something that she thinks is good.

In fact, Ye Luo thinks carefully about everything he buys. After eating in this restaurant several times, he was surprised that its taste was ahead of most restaurants in the Republic of China. He also regretted not being able to taste the most famous Qingshi restaurant in later generations. Signature Jianghu cuisine.

Jianghu cuisine is a special food in Qingshi, with a strong local flavor of Bashu. It originated from many street shops and gradually became popular throughout Bashu through word of mouth.

Dishes such as spicy chicken, beer duck, stir-fried bacon with dried radish and other dishes that became very popular in later generations are must-try delicacies in Jianghu cuisine.

Since he was determined to change the business world in Qing City, Ye Luo simply brought him to the food industry and stabbed him to death.

As soon as he arrived in Qingshi that day and had hot pot with two beauties, he had plans to rectify the catering industry and give ordinary people more opportunities to make a living.

After buying this big hotel, he will buy the surrounding shops one by one, and then have the engineering team demolish them all to create an authentic Sichuan-Chongqing style food street.

This will also allow the roadside stalls crowded in the blocks below to be moved here, making room for military facilities such as air raid shelters in the future.

"Teacher always has some weird ideas, but they are very interesting!" The old Kong Lingjun would not have cared about the life and death of the people below. She only wanted to be happy.

But as she stayed in the Ye family longer and longer, Ye Luo and the Ye family's compassion for ordinary people gradually infected her.

"Okay, I'll leave all the food court matters to you. I can ask your sister Jianqiao for the manpower, and I can ask your godmother for the money. How long do you think it will take to build it for me?"

Ye Luo changed the topic and looked at her with a smile.

Kong Lingjun suddenly panicked, hesitating and speechless, and looked at Xiao Aqiao as if asking for help.

Little Ah Qiao said quickly: "Husband, Ling Jun is only twelve years old."

"What's wrong with being twelve? When I was twelve, I helped Jing Ruishan build a playground, bought Fengming Building, and even fell in love with you at Shiliupu Pier!"

Ye Luo showed off his glorious deeds without any shame.

"Since you want to inherit the mantle of my second young master, the young lady of the Kong family has to show some strength, right?"

"Hmm." Kong Lingjun thought about it but didn't want to think about it, so he could only nodded lightly while picking up the rice.

"Three months, three months at most. If you don't succeed, I will send you back to Jinling Rest House." Ye Luo raised three fingers and gave an ultimatum.

"I don't want to go back to Qilu!" Kong Lingjun waved her hands quickly. She used to like finding another godmother, the principal's wife, but after staying there for a long time, she felt that Qilu was less interesting than her own home.

How fun is it to follow a teacher!

"Then get things done for me." Ye Luo patted Kong Lingjun's little head, feeling as if he was giving the little guy a lot of winter and summer vacation homework.

May 27, the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931).

Ye Luo, who had been calm for a long time, finally made various movements.

He first dealt with a group of Chinese businessmen who chose to join Huang Yunye that day, and "gentlemanly" pocketed all their assets.

Before Huang Yunye could react, he called Shanghai again and asked George to contact Barton, the British Consul General in Shanghai. Through Barton's relationship, he found the British Minister and Ambassador to China, and used coercion and inducement to ask them to help the British people here in Qing City. Apply pressure.

You have to ask why the British minister and ambassador obediently help. This is the horror of money's ability.

Ye Luo used money that they could not refuse, plus some scandals that they could not make public in China, and used both soft and hard tactics. These foreigners soon became unable to resist and had to follow his arrangements.

As a declining superpower, Britain now has less say and combat power than the United States. In the United States, there are many politicians who support Yello, and they cannot afford to completely turn against Yello over a mere Thomson.

In fact, if he had enough time, Ye Luo would use a gentler method to boil the frog in warm water instead of using such a method that would break up with them to forcefully achieve the goal.

It's a pity that time doesn't allow it.

Just today, the National Government in Jiangcheng was established, becoming the second center in the country, and issued an anti-Chiang declaration.

After Wang learned that Hu Hanmin was under house arrest, he immediately published an "Important Declaration for Hu Hanmin's Imprisonment", in which he sternly criticized the principal and stated that he and Hu Hanmin would put aside their past grudges and cooperate in the fight against Chiang Kai-shek.

Li Zongren of the Guangxi clique and the Xishan Conference faction also joined the anti-Chiang coalition camp, and the anti-Chiang situation in Guangdong and Guangxi was formed. The principal adopted a strategy of disintegration and disintegration against the Jiangcheng National Government, which caused Ningyue to have to fight against each other.

The impact of this incident was so great that everyone involved with the two forces was swept up in it.

Ye Luo and Zhang Hanqing could not stay out of the matter. The former was strongly boycotted by Jiangcheng's business community because of his good relationship with Jinling.

Even in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions, there have been radical remarks about overthrowing Ye's investment and overthrowing the principal's lackey.

Zhang Hanqing couldn't make peace with the matter, so he had to call the principal to express his support and ask Wang and others not to take the opportunity to cause civil strife again.

Due to this commotion, he could have withdrawn his troops back to the north in the past two months, but due to the tense situation, he had to continue to station troops outside and wait and see what happens.

Had it not been for the September 18th Incident initiated by the Japanese invaders in September, this incident would have definitely developed into a civil war comparable to the Great War in the Central Plains.

At the same time, the Tax Police Headquarters allocated three battalions, led by Liu Fangwu, the prototype of the "Dead, Dead" dragon article in "My Commander, My Regiment", traveling lightly in Chaoqing City Come.

Huang Yunye finally realized how powerful Ye Luo was recently. He was hit with a combination of punches one after another until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, making him unable to react, and they were all tricks on the surface.

There were health audits that came every three days, land gangsters causing trouble, newspapers and magazines criticizing the quality of the Huang family's industry, etc. In short, Ye Luo always found a way to cause something to cause him a headache.

Just when Huang Yunye was busy dealing with it, Kong Lingjun bought the Qingshi Hotel in his personal capacity and also swept away an entire street nearby.

Huang Yunye felt that he was too busy to do anything.

How could a twelve-year-old girl spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy so many houses?

Even if she is Kong Xiangxi's daughter, it's too outrageous.

What was even more outrageous was what happened next. Kong Lingjun went to the Industrial and Commercial Office to register his company. The staff at the Industrial and Commercial Office were confused but did not dare to disobey.

How could her father Kong Xiangxi be the Minister of Industry and Commerce of the Jinling National Government?

their immediate boss's immediate boss's immediate boss's

Anyway, she is the eldest lady who cannot be messed with!

A series of actions indicated that Ye Luo was about to start a war against the Huang family. Huang Yunye couldn't sit still anymore and ran directly to the General Department of Customs.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I stepped through the door of the General Department of Customs, I was informed that the former director Thomson had been dismissed from his post. The person who issued the order was the British Ambassador to China. He said that Thomson had personal financial problems and had to be removed from his post and investigated first!

It's like a big joke.

Who doesn't know that no one who works in customs has a clean butt?

If you use this reason to investigate people, you might as well just arrest them!

"Something's wrong!" Huang Yunye finally panicked. (End of chapter)

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