1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 614 I hope you won’t regret it in the future

"How could it be submerged?!" Ye Luo slapped the table.

The staff who came from the capital of Shandong Province and Han Fuju's subordinates did not dare to reply.

All of them lowered their heads, like children who had made mistakes, and had no shame in looking at Ye Luo.

"We dredge the river and build the Haihe River water conservancy improvement project. Even if the disaster is serious, the land will not be flooded!"

Ye Luo asked again, but still no one could answer.

Seeing that the second young master was about to lose his temper, these people hesitated and told the truth.

Since she married Ye Luo, Xiao Qiao's temper has gotten better and better. After listening to the reasons these people put together, unknown fire arose in her heart!

It turned out that Ye Luo had previously sent an engineering team to repair water conservancy, but later Han Fuju sent many people in to fish for oil and water.

After all, it was Chairman Han's territory. In order to complete the water conservancy project as soon as possible, Ye Luo turned a blind eye to the behavior of these people.

Unexpectedly, they were so bold that they not only deducted wages and project funds, but also cut corners on the project without permission!

Han Fuju's people made huge profits, and even some employees of Ye's Construction were influenced by it and started doing these immoral things.

You work hard and can only take part in the salary given by the second young master.

With the mountain of Han Fuju at my back, I couldn't help but come here to make money and enjoy happiness.

There are few people who are not jealous.

The bad thing is that this group of people think that the water conservancy project is just a prestige project for Ye Luo to enter Shandong Province. In order to win the hearts and reputation of the people, they think that they only need to complete the project.

So what if you cut corners? Will it really lead to a flood?

Unexpectedly, the flood really came.

Get rid of all the bad things that happened to these people!

"It's useless to say all this now. Jianqiao arranges a convoy and we will go to the capital of Shandong Province immediately to see the situation."

Ye Luo stood up and told Xiao Aqiao to quickly contact Ye's Construction and other relevant personnel. Those who deserved to be fired would be fired, and those who deserved to be fined would be fined.

Worried that flooding would cause unexpected dangers, Ye Luo finally decided to let Xiao Aqiao and Kong Lingjun continue to build a food city in Qingshi.

He himself took his skilled subordinates to the capital of Shandong Province.

Little Aqiao has been with Ye Luo for thirteen years and knows his character very well. Knowing that Ye Luo is really angry this time, she doesn't say anything and just follows his instructions.

Whenever this happens, Ye Luo's "tyrant" attribute will be fully reflected, and no one can disobey him.

"I'm here to help the second young master drive!" Cao Fan, who followed over, said excitedly. He was exhausted in Shanghai.

As Ye Luo's official driver, every time Ye Luo travels, he usually takes Shi Jianqiao with him. Others don't dare to let Cao Fan be their driver. Over time, he has become the most leisurely person in Ye's investment. that.

This time when he came to Qingshi, Cao Fan volunteered, and little Aqiao took him with him.

Ye Luo smiled and scolded: "You're driving a car, maybe the streets of the capital of Shandong Province are now submerged. Can your four wheels move?"

"Ah, is it so serious?" Cao Fan scratched his head.

"But you might as well come with me, maybe I can use you." Ye Luo patted him on the shoulder.

Cao Fan immediately stood up straight: "Okay!"

Not to mention the capital of Shandong Province, some streets in the mountain city of Lianqing City were flooded.

Fortunately, the water was not deep at this time and there were still people wading through the water.

For poor people, the disasters caused by floods are not limited to water damage, but also delay their work time.

If the heavy rains continue, many workers throughout the city will go hungry.

Because work is not started, their foreman will not be in charge of food and livelihood, and there is no guarantee of basic wages and benefits.

The farmers are even worse off. Their hard work this year has been in vain. It is not easy to bear all kinds of pressure on their shoulders. Now they have fallen short and no one can bear it.

The losses caused by such floods start at a few hundred million oceans, and the total losses may be as high as several billion oceans.

It is not a problem that Ye Luo alone or a few people can solve.

Several people quickly got on the train.

Worried that something might happen to Ye Luo there, Pan Wenhua first called Han Fuju in the name of Liu Xiang, saying that Ye Luo was temporarily going to Shandong for inspection on behalf of Commander Liu, and then arranged for Liu Fangwu's troops to leave the mountain city and follow them to Shandong Province along the way. .

Liu Fangwu was also frustrated in the mountain city.

He came all the way from Jiacheng in the south, and fortunately he fought a good battle and did not disgrace the name of the Second Young Master and the Tax Police Corps.

But once things are done, a group of people don’t know what to do.

It's not like going back now, nor is it going to stay here. It just so happens that I'm going to Lu Province this time, so I can be the second young master's bodyguard. Maybe I can have another fight with their people there.

Liu Fangwu is not afraid of fighting, but he is afraid that there will be no war.

This is also the reason why he later went to the battlefield in northern Myanmar.

Arrive at the capital of Shandong Province.

Ye Luo found that the Chinese were still very resilient in the face of disasters. Some vendors had begun to stand in the water to set up stalls, and there were even children who regarded the flooded streets as fishing grounds, shouting and laughing while catching fish on the streets.

Gradually, we reached the higher streets, and finally no trace of the flood was seen. The streets were cleaner after the heavy rain, and occasionally some alluvial debris could be seen.

The group went straight to the city hall.

Han Fuju knew that Ye Luo had come to raise an army to investigate, so he left the capital of Lu Province early on the grounds of military training, leaving only a few lieutenants to deal with Ye Luo.

Ye Luo and his men sat down boldly, and several lieutenants took turns to communicate with him. But from the tone and attitude, you could tell how perfunctory Han Fuju and the others were.

Anyway, the money was lost, the water conservancy project was ruined, and it was your second young master’s name that was ruined. Doesn’t it have to do with me?

Cao Fan, who was following him, was about to explode with anger. He looked back at the second young master, who still looked calm and composed, and couldn't help but admire him in his heart.

As expected of the second young master, he can still keep his composure like this.

After drinking a few sips of tea at the city hall, Ye Luo laid out his plans and directly wanted to hold accountable those who had been inserted in the first place. Who was corrupt, who cut corners, and who caused the project to fail? He hoped that Han Fuju could give an explanation.

It's not that he cares about the little bit of fame.

In fact, the public has no negative comments on this at all.

It is known to everyone that the water conservancy project in Lu Province was bad and that the warlord Han Fuju was bad.

Ye Luo came over to repair the water conservancy, and everyone applauded. Now that the project collapsed, with Ye Luo's control over public opinion, it was natural that Han Fuju's behavior as an unworthy son had long been spread among the people.

Everyone also likes to hear this kind of drama about doing things with good intentions but being ruined by villains.

To be honest, the water conservancy project gave Ye Luo a good reputation.

But Ye Luo didn't care about these things from beginning to end.

If he really cares about this, or really wants to build a golden body for himself, there are many ways.

The collapse of the water conservancy project not only touched the bottom line of his business, but also made it difficult to see the ordinary people who were displaced and lost their lives as a result.

Even if I tell myself many times, even if I'm a time traveler, I can't change the general trend.

But Ye Luo still wanted to fight.

If one less person dies because of this, it is a good thing with immeasurable merit.

Those who survive may be butterfly wings, able to bring different changes to the future.

But all these ended under Han Fuju's malicious manipulation.

"Second Young Master, we also know your request, but you also understand that this kind of thing involves too many things and is difficult to handle."

The bald adjutant continued to speak in an official tone.

Anyway, Han Fuju gave instructions, no matter what the God of Wealth says, you say yes.

But just don’t do it.

"I understand. I also understand what Chairman Han means. We will see you later." Ye Luo stood up and clasped his fists, "I hope Chairman Han will not regret it in the future." (End of Chapter)

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