1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 615 Playing with money? I'll stay with you until the end!

Han Fuju, who was far away in the military parade at the front, learned from the telegram that Ye Luo came to question him, but in the end he just left with a harsh word and stopped asking about the matter.

After all, he is just a businessman, how can he make a difference?

Ye Luo, after leaving the city hall, rushed to the places where the embankments had burst and took a closer look.

The matter has come to this, and it is too late to make amends.

But seeing ordinary people in dire straits, Ye Luo couldn't get over the humiliation, so he asked the employees of Ye's Investment who are still here to help the victims as much as possible while ensuring their own safety.

Naturally, the Ye's Charitable Foundation quickly mobilized to provide disaster relief and minimize losses.

On a hillside.

Ye Luo, Shi Jianqiao and Cao Fan faced the wind and rain and looked down.

"When I think about Han Fuju being free and happy outside, while the lives of these victims are in danger at any time, I...I..."

Shi Nuxia's voice was choked, her fists were clenched as she spoke, and her other hand was tightly clenching the shovel.

The employee holding the umbrella for her was too frightened to speak out, fearing that Shi Nuxia would pull out a gun and kill herself on impulse.

Ye Luo sighed and said softly: "With Han Fuju's incident, at least tens of thousands of people died innocently. They might have survived."

"His grandma." Cao Fan cursed halfway. He realized that the eldest sister and the second young master were next to him, so he quickly stopped talking and said angrily, "This bastard Han Fuju really doesn't treat us ordinary people as human beings. ”

Every time he compared himself with these people, Cao Fan felt more and more that the second young master was too kind to them.

This group of people, if the second young master had not been willing to take them in, would have ended up as bandits, either as bandits that everyone shouted to beat, or as subordinates of dog warlords like Han Fuju.

Life is over.

"He will always pay the price for this." Shi Jianqiao added, thinking in her mind, just like her father-killing enemy Sun Chuanfang.

However, Ye Luo suddenly said: "Justice that is delayed is not justice."

The most annoying phrase in his previous life was "Justice may be late, but it will never be absent."

Is delayed justice still called justice?

"Second Young Master, what do you mean?" Cao Fan was very smart and immediately realized that Ye Luo would make a move, so he asked in a low voice.

Ye Luo smiled: "Han Fuju occupied Lu Province, and all he could think about was competing with Zhang Hanqing to dominate the north. Indeed, in another month, he will have the best opportunity, but now."

The upcoming September 18th Incident will make Zhang Hanqing plummet, and this is obviously the best time for Han Fuju to attack Zhang Hanqing.

Originally, Ye Luo was too lazy to pay attention to this kind of warlord dispute and was unwilling to deal with it.

But now.

The principal killed Han Fuju in 1938. Ye Luo couldn't wait any longer.

"When I leave the capital of Shandong Province in a few days, help me inform the Ye's Investment employees here. We will be stationed here for a long time in the future and do business as usual, but don't make money from poor people for profit. In addition, if you don't want to stay here, Employees who apply, as long as the reasons are legitimate, I will approve, as for those who are willing to stay."

Ye Luo paused and chuckled,

"Everyone will be paid three more months of salary every year, and various welfare standards will also be improved."

In today's Republic of China, apart from Ye's Investment, no other company has employee benefits.

Many employees who are willing to risk their lives by investing in Ye Luo are willing to sacrifice their lives for him just because Ye Luo cares about their family's life problems.

After all, these days, even in peaceful areas, no one can predict what will happen that will ruin their lives.

In the south under the rule of the principal, the Jinling National Government was unable to give the people a real sense of security.

Therefore, Ye Luo, who can provide a sense of security, naturally has the cohesion of the people comparable to the top warlords.

This is very incredible to say.

A businessman with basically no armed force can actually make his employees fight for him through life and death.

But during the Republic of China, this special era, such a thing really happened.

"I, Ye Luo, have nothing but a lot of money." Ye Luo smiled, "If you like playing with money with me, then you will stay with me until the end."

Shi Jianqiao secretly glanced at Ye Luo. She had seen the second young master in this state several times. It was a moment when he was extremely charming as a man. Even a very nervous heroine like her would sometimes be inexplicably moved.

And every time Ye Luo shows this look, some unlucky guy will be finished.

"Three more months!" Cao Fan's eyes lit up, "Second Young Master, I."

"No. You are my official driver. If you stay here, who will drive for me?" Ye Luo laughed and scolded him, "Why are you so obsessed with money?"

"Hey, second young master, you gave me too much. I just want to think about it, just think about it." Cao Fan's salary is not low, and it is more than enough to live a small life of his own.

But people are always greedy.

Three more months of salary!

That's several hundred oceans. With current prices, he can go to some dance halls and sleep with red-label dancers!

"It's worthless! Isn't it better to follow the second young master than this?" Shi Jianqiao hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

Cao Fan smiled and scratched his head.

"Cao Fan, there are a few things I want you to do in person before you leave." Ye Luo called him over and gave some instructions.

Shi Jianqiao felt itchy when he heard it, but he had to pretend not to see it.

Liu Fangwu, who was holding the umbrella for Ye Luo, remained silent, but he saw everything and kept it in his heart.

It seems that my two and a half battalions will be stationed here for a long time.

"Captain Liu, work hard and I will treat you well in the future." Ye Luo patted Liu Fangwu mindlessly.

Liu Fangwu stood at attention and saluted.

Within a week, Ye Luo left the capital of Shandong Province with his people.

I heard that Ye Luo not only did not take away some of the industries that Ye invested, he even continued to hire people to help him wipe the dirty ass caused by the flood.

Han Fuju felt happy, thinking that the famous second young master was nothing more than this.

After all, he can't live up to his title as Chairman Han, nor can he compete with the big gun in his hand.

Anyway, if the God of Wealth is here, he will have money, no matter what he can do.

I heard from several adjutants that there was a fat man with a sly eyebrow who was running around and applying to register many companies. After hearing that he was from Ye Luo, Han Fuju waved his hand and it was confirmed.

Anyway, no matter what Ye's investment does, as long as it does not involve arms or smoke, he will turn a blind eye. When the tax is collected at the end of the year, it is not Chairman Han who has the final say on how much he has to pay?

Just when Han Fuju was feeling happy, Ye Luo rushed all the way to Tianjin City.

Yuan Kewen, who once helped Ye Luo contact the Qing Gang forces, died.

The Second Young Master Yuan is somewhat famous in Tianjin, and because he is the son of Yuan Datou, he always has some influence on his life to some extent.

In Ye Luo's eyes, people like him would have been able to live a good life, at least better than most people in the Republic of China.

But he didn't.

Second Young Master Yuan died of poverty.

The family rummaged through the box and found only 20 yuan in his pen holder.

Where did his money go?

Some of it is used for my own expenses, some of it is used to secretly support the poor and do charity, and some of it is used to provide emergency relief to various friends.

In short, Second Young Master Yuan is a strange person.

He is a kind-hearted person who spares money and righteousness.

He is a true Jianghu person.

Ye Luo was envious, admired and emotional.

Therefore, when Mr. Yuan Er died, his family searched through his address book and found that he had had several small interactions with Ye Luo, and they were able to shamelessly call him to express condolences.

Isn’t it because of the second young master’s life and money?

But even so, Ye Luo happily went to the appointment. (End of chapter)

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