1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 617 Advantages brought by compound interest

The principal himself was very cooperative and agreed with Ye Luo's approach.

Taking into account the rampant corruption in disaster relief-related departments, the Jinling National Government also specially introduced various supervision and penalty measures.

Among them, the disaster relief funds are jointly responsible for the General Affairs Department, the Relief Raising Department and the Auditing Department. The three departments restrict each other and strengthen the supervision of funds.

Within each department, there are three procedures for withdrawing disaster relief funds. The chairman, secretary-general, and chiefs of each department are responsible at all levels. In addition, they must finally be handed over to the people of the Yip Charity Foundation.

It's actually very difficult to embezzle from it.

For those who want to take advantage of the chaos to commit suicide, Yeluo has also issued severe punishment regulations, including but not limited to taking kickbacks, passing off inferior goods, abusing power for personal gain, trafficking in disaster relief items, and falsely receiving relief expenses.

Once verified, all cases will be sentenced in accordance with the current criminal law, which will be aggravated by one-third.

Ye Luo was not worried about this, so he asked the principal to set up a relief agency to monitor public officials across the country, and also sent some so-called "imperial envoys" to secretly visit various places.

With the support of local governments, these imperial ministers ruthlessly exposed and dealt with a group of corrupt individuals, which had the effect of knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger.

The Yip's Charitable Foundation has also set up an audit office to conduct financial review of the flood relief funds and eliminate serious corruption in the accounts.

It is a pity that the bureaucracy of the Republic of China has been corrupt to the core. Even with so many regulatory measures in place, corruption still occurs in endlessly.

For example, an official named Wang Danhou refused to release the disaster relief funds after receiving them, and reported to his superiors that they had been robbed by bandits.

After being exposed by local people, the county magistrate was imprisoned and became a prisoner.

There are countless such officials, and some even join forces with foreigners to commit corruption.

The Disaster Relief Committee dispatched the British Gutwin as the director of the Yuezhou Disaster Relief Station. The British man, together with the deputy director Liu Yisheng, colluded with local profiteers and falsely reported the freight capacity as 100,000 oceans.

After dividing the spoils, the group of people took the prostitutes for fun and had a great time.

In addition, this group of people also deliberately deducted the wages of disaster relief personnel and embezzled thousands of dollars in total every month, all of which were spent on debauchery.

What is ridiculous and sad is that all the domestic officials in the case were investigated and punished according to law, but the foreigners got away with it, and even the so-called imperial ministers did not dare to interfere.

The most outrageous thing is the group of cases that occurred in northern Anhui Province.

Relief commissioners took the lead in corruption, causing great public outrage.

Due to the seriousness of the case, senior executives of the Yip Charitable Foundation personally accepted the investigation and handed over the investigation results to the judicial department.

Then a strange scene occurred.

After the Relief Agency personally accepted the case, the evidence was conclusive, but the court delayed the decision, leaving the case unresolved.

Such a ridiculous situation happened simply because the relief specialist who took the lead had a very strong backing, so strong that even the principal had to give him some face.

Rule of law?

Rule by people!

Song Ziwen is mentally and physically exhausted these days. With such a severe flood, as Minister of Finance and Vice President of the Executive Yuan, he needs to be fully responsible for disaster relief affairs.

On one side is the principal who doesn't want to attack those old Kuomintang people, but also wants to get things done.

On one side is Ye Luo's biological sister who can fall out with anyone for disaster relief.

With the support of her second brother, Ye Qingqing felt confident. Wherever she went, the local warlords had to give her some face.

If we openly oppose the Ye's Charitable Foundation, we must also consider offending the two largest warlords in China, increasing public outrage, adding Ye Luo, who is known as the God of Wealth, and celebrities from all walks of life.

Therefore, wherever Ye Qingqing is and the Ye's Charity Foundation can reach out, the disaster situation has been greatly alleviated.

But in places like Shandong Province, people still live in misery due to the inaction of local warlords.

This pain will slowly turn into a storm, and sooner or later it will come back to them.

August twenty-sixth.

Jinling, U.S. Embassy in China.

Ye Luo put down the pen in his hand and smiled slightly when he looked at Song Ziwen's relieved smile.

Johnson, the U.S. Minister to China opposite, smiled and shook hands with Ye Luo: "Mr. Ye, it is an honor to cooperate with your company."

"Thanks to your assistance, Minister, and Mrs. Livermore's donation, many people will survive this difficult time. I should say it is an honor."

Ye Luo answered with a smile.

After the efforts of the Jinling National Government, the U.S. government, the U.S. Embassy in China, Yip Investments, Livermore Group and other parties, Song Ziwen finally successfully signed a contract to purchase U.S. wheat.

It is also a credit contract.

Because Song Ziwen can't come up with money now, he can only buy 450,000 tons of American wheat on credit at one time.

At this time, the United States was in the most severe period of the economic crisis, and domestic agricultural products were completely oversupplied.

Let alone credit, they would be happy even if Song Ziwen asked them to sell it at a discount.

Of course, Song Ziwen didn't know much about the business or the situation in the United States. This cooperation was completely led by Ye Luo and Huixin. He was only responsible for signing and managing the Jinling National Government's request for money.

With this wheat, at least a large number of disaster victims can recover.

Ye Luo naturally asked Huixin to use her status as a senator to easily find a company that could provide wheat.

Then these companies were bought out by Ye Luo half a month ago, and the embassy was asked to contact the United States. Naturally, the money fell into Ye Luo's pocket.

Of course, Ye Luo will not make a lot of money from this, nor will he raise the price.

Because these wheat means human lives, he cannot make money from the national crisis.

This time Song Ziwen was able to get a credit contract and buy the 450,000 tons of wheat at market prices, which was entirely due to Ye Luo.

Today, the price of wheat in the United States is only 25 cents per bushel, which is equivalent to a unit price (kilogram) of US$0.046.

That's right, buying 200 pounds of American wheat only costs US$4.6, which is equivalent to 23 yuan.

450,000 tons, which is 103.5 million oceans.

It can be said to be a bargain price.

If Song Ziwen had traded entirely with the Americans, he would have spent an estimated 160 million oceans to buy the wheat.

Corn is even cheaper.

The price of 200 pounds of American corn is 12 cents.

Apples are sold directly by the box. A large box contains 200 apples. They are all in good condition and only cost 40 cents.

It is also cost-effective to buy land in the United States now. A quarter of the pastures in the United States are now listed for sale, all at cabbage prices, but no one is buying them.

Ye Luo's Ye Investment has naturally become the largest investor in the United States, and this is why Hui Xin can easily become a senator with financial resources.

The US$3 billion he earned from the US financial crisis is not just a number, but affects the development of Ye's investment in all aspects.

This is the horror of compound interest! (End of chapter)

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