1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 618 Yuyuki Hamaguchi is dead!

"Mr. Johnson, I hope your country can speed up and send this wheat to us as soon as possible. The people affected by the disaster are waiting for it."

Song Ziwen couldn't help but said.

He was really anxious.

Jason glanced at Huixin and Ye Luo next to him and said with a smile: "Mr. Song, don't worry, you will be able to see these wheat at the pier in Shanghai in a month at the latest."

Today's fastest ship can reach Shanghai Shiliupu Pier from the west coast of the United States in only fifteen days.

If it is shipped by air, it will be faster.

However, air transport is now generally used to transport military supplies. Even Ye's investment cannot be involved in the field of air transport.

Whether in the Republic of China or the United States, this is an industry strictly regulated by the government.

This gap will only be opened up after World War II, when countries stabilize and many new airlines emerge one after another.

"It will take another month." Song Ziwen had another headache.

But it's better than waiting forever.

After leaving the embassy, ​​Song Ziwen couldn't help but hold Ye Luo's hand, and almost burst into tears to thank him and Huixin.

In fact, when Huixin came to the Republic of China this time, the business cooperation was not going smoothly.

She nominally represents the Livermore Group, but is actually a member of Yello.

When I came to the Republic of China, the talks were all about big cooperation and big projects, so I had to negotiate with the top leaders of the Kuomintang Party.

This group of people was more shameless and corrupt than she imagined. They didn't even want to do business. They just wanted to "join forces" with foreign friends to harvest the leeks of the Republic of China.

Huixin was really tired, so she still couldn't go to Ye Mansion to see her eldest daughter Li Siye because of this matter.

Song Ziwen saw all these things, but those who caused the trouble had high backgrounds, so he was caught in the middle and was in a dilemma.

Song Ziwen was a little surprised when he failed to help Huixin in business, but still relied on others to solve the food problem.

As soon as they walked out of the American Embassy, ​​Song Ziwen's secretary ran over with an urgent telegram: "Minister, it's an urgent telegram from Shanghai!"

Song Ziwen's head exploded again: "What's wrong? What happened on the beach again?"

"No, it's not Shanghai, it's Japan." The secretary was out of breath, but his face was full of joy.

When he heard about Japan and remembered that today was August 26th, Ye Luo immediately understood and laughed.

But smiling and smiling, there is also a sense of sadness.

The wheel of history is like a rolling torrent. Everyone is an ant on the road and cannot escape the fate of being easily crushed to death.

"It's the Prime Minister of Japan, Yuyuki Hamaguchi is dead!"

After the Japanese caused two major incidents in the north, the Wanbaoshan and Nakamura incidents, the people have already sensed that the relationship between China and Japan is becoming increasingly tense.

The boycott movement against Japanese goods can be seen across the country.

Even though Zhang Hanqing and the principal have been asking local governments to focus on appeasement, the people's anger will not go away.

The secretary did not know what impact Hamaguchi Yuyuki's death would have on the two countries. He only knew that the death of the Japanese Prime Minister was a good thing that everyone celebrated.

Song Ziwen knew that Hamaguchi Yuyuki was at odds with those fanatical militarists in Japan.

Those fanatical militarists are the culprits of the Zhang Dashuai massacre, the Shandong Provincial Capital massacre, and many current incidents.

In short, Hamaguchi Yuyuki is a big hand holding down the militarists. Without him, the situation may change.

"What's so funny about national events? Do you want people to laugh at you?" Song Ziwen glared at him.

The secretary immediately fell silent.

"Look, A Luo, something happened suddenly, and I can't treat you to dinner any more. How about another day?" Song Ziwen hurried to the principal to report the good news, and asked about the impact of Yuyuki Hamaguchi's death.

Ye Luo nodded and smiled: "I'll treat you to Shanghai some other time."

"What about Mrs. Livermore?" Song Ziwen glanced at Hui Xin, feeling a little embarrassed.

Ye Luo smiled and said, "Brother Song, don't worry, I will take care of her."

"Then I'll trouble you first. Tell Mrs. Livermore for me, and I will help her deal with the internal opposition so that she doesn't have to worry!"

Song Ziwen knew that there was a disconnect between Huixin and Ye Luo, so he smiled and said nothing more.

"I will." Ye Luo nodded.

Song Ziwen didn't know that Huixin could understand Chinese and dialects. After saying this, he took the secretary and left.

Huixin was eager to let Ye Luo "receive" her. She was now a child waiting to be fed, and she was eagerly waiting for Ye Luo to "feed" her!

The two got into the car. The driver was Hengsan, one of Ye Luo's confidants. Knowing this, Huixin no longer concealed her lovesickness and threw herself into his arms, resting her head on his chest.

The two hugged each other, Hengsan looked calm on the surface, but felt turbulent in his heart.

I didn’t expect that the second young master could even pick up foreign wives!

Moreover, this woman seemed to have a very high status, even Song Ziwen and the others treated her with respect!

Here, Ye Luo and Hui Xin had a warm conversation, and then Hui Xin asked in a low voice whether Hamaguchi Yuyuki's death would affect them.

Ye Luo briefly talked about the situation, and Huixin quickly understood.

It seems that the Japanese invasion is accelerating.

Everyone was shocked by Yuyuki Hamaguchi's sudden death, but not Ye Luo.

When he visited before, he had already had a premonition, and since he was familiar with history, he could only say that some things cannot be changed.

After being discharged from the hospital on January 22 this year, his body had not recovered at all, but Hamaguchi Yuyuki insisted on going to work on February 19.

However, when he was about to go to work, his body was still extremely weak, and his cabinet ministers advised him to wait. Doctors also said that his life could not be guaranteed, but Hamaguchi insisted on going to work. He said: "I promised the people that I would attend the Diet and did not say anything." Trust is to deceive the people! How can I win the trust of the people when I am a prime minister? I will not keep my word even if it is about my life. Even if I die in the parliament, I will be responsible for it!"

In this way, Hamaguchi Yuyuki dragged his weak body and appeared at the official residence in formal attire on March 9. Amidst the cheers of reporters, he collapsed and remained unconscious until the next morning.

For nearly 20 days, he forced himself to speak in a hoarse voice despite his illness, and passed all 72 bills proposed by the government.

However, the exhausted Hamaguchi's symptoms worsened rapidly. On April 4, he was readmitted to the hospital and had to resign as prime minister.

Two more surgeries took place over the next three months, but neither worked.

Just today, he stopped breathing in a Tokyo hospital.

When bidding farewell to the body, more than 2,000 people attended, including representatives of the emperor, dignitaries from government and political parties, and ordinary people. Even senior officials from the opposing navy went to see the funeral. It became a de facto state funeral.

It can be seen that although Hamaguchi Yuyuki did the unpopular things of restoring the gold standard and signing a naval treaty, his efforts for the country and to prevent war were recognized by the people.

But his death also sounded the alarm.

Ye Luo knows that although disaster relief must continue, business and overseas plans must be accelerated! (End of chapter)

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