1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 619 Song Ziwen was assassinated!

Shiliupu Pier is crowded with people.

Human-powered cranes unloaded bags of wheat and corn onto the shore, and porters lined up to transport them.

Not far away, there were many onlookers, beating gongs and drums, shouting loudly, and even dancing lions in celebration.

Situ Feifei, the beloved daughter of Mr. Situ Meitang, the eldest brother of Hongmen in the United States, walked out of overtime work with her head held high. The attendant behind her held a loudspeaker and shouted: "Hongmen Zhigongtang brings all Chinese Americans to donate wheat to the disaster-stricken compatriots in China 2 Ten thousand tons, 20,000 tons of corn!”

"Mr. Situ Meitang personally donated 10,000 tons of corn and 10,000 tons of wheat!"

"This batch of disaster relief food has now all arrived in Shanghai. I hope our country and people are safe and that the affected compatriots will get through the disaster as soon as possible!"


"Who said that Hongmen is worse than the Qinggang? Mr. Situ helped Mr. Sun in the beginning, and today he is helping with disaster relief. From now on, I will fight with anyone who talks about the affairs of the North and South Hongmen!"

The onlookers couldn't stop cheering, and celebrities also shouted and applauded.

Tens of thousands of tons of food are actually only a drop in the bucket for this flood, but compared to those warlords who are still in trouble, Situ Meitang's aid is no different than providing help in times of need.

Zhang Qun and Bai Xiongqi walked over and held Situ Feifei's hand, and said excitedly: "Miss Feifei, on behalf of all the affected people, we thank you, everyone in the Hongmen Zhigong Hall, and Mr. Situ!"

"If you want to thank me, just thank the second young master. If he hadn't helped transport the food and contacted the vendors, we wouldn't have been able to deliver the relief food so smoothly."

After Situ Feifei married Xu Wenqiang, he restrained his eldest daughter's temperament and now looks like a virtuous man like a chicken and a dog.

Fang Yanyun, who was also in the crowd, looked very uncomfortable. She knew clearly that there was no chance of anything happening between herself and Xu Wenqiang, but she couldn't help but watch and listen to things related to him.

It's a pity that flowers never bloom again and people never get young again.

Fang Yanyun chose to abandon him at the beginning, preferring to be Feng Jingyao's nameless lover. At that time, it was destined that she and Xu Wenqiang were destined to be together.

Countless grains were unloaded from ocean-going cargo ships in waves, piling up like mountains that would never be finished, leaving the onlookers stunned.

The same scene also happened at the Tianjin Port Terminal. The next day, the second and third batches of disaster relief food arrived in Tianjin to assist Zhang Hanqing in relieving victims in the northern region.

The most severely affected area this time was the Jianghuai region. The northern region was relatively okay, but it was almost in a terrifying situation where people were exchanging their children for food.

In the following days, major newspapers across the country successively reported on a series of relief actions by Yip's investment. Old newspapers such as "Shenbao" and "News" devoted an entire page to describing the charitable deeds of Yip's Charitable Foundation.

"The Shenbao" did not hesitate to praise: "China is suffering from a flood that is unprecedented in a century. All walks of life have donated generously. The second young master's personal donation of food is said to have reached 200,000 tons. He should be regarded as the number one tycoon in the Republic of China!"

Under the control of Ye's newspapers over public opinion, and with the cooperation of the propaganda department of the Jinling National Government, Ye Luo created new business districts in Qing City, Shandong Province and other places, and the repairs of water conservancy projects were also known one after another.

The name of the number one tycoon in the Republic of China gradually spread, and more and more people began to acknowledge and actively spread the word about it.

Song Ziwen also immediately announced that he had purchased 450,000 tons of wheat on credit from the U.S. government, all thanks to the cooperation of Ye's Investment and Livermore Group. At least he no longer had to worry about food during this flood.

Things have come to this.

The most unlucky ones are Han Fuju and those senior Kuomintang officials who had trouble with Huixin.

They became street rats that everyone yelled at and beat them up. Whenever anyone praised Ye Luo, they would be pulled out and whipped to death.

It is true that for these people, the pressure of public opinion alone has no impact on their lives, but in the Republic of China, it was impossible to go further if they lost popular support and reputation.

At least in the north, Han Fuju's reputation plummeted, and he was no longer worthy of wiping Zhang Hanqing's ass.

This side of Shanghai Beach.

Many important military and political figures from Jinling gathered together.

They have no ability to provide disaster relief, but their ability to share credit is first-rate.

The disaster relief in the south relied entirely on Ye Luo and Hui Xin. Originally, Bai Xiongqi thought that he, the deputy mayor, should take the first share of this credit——

The one who gave up his strength was his brother-in-law!

But at this time, Song Ziwen brought Tang Fulu and a group of powerful people to Shanghai.

They said they were inspecting the disaster relief situation, but they were actually here to share the credit.

Bai Xiongqi had no choice but to knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. He was so reluctant that he could only give away some of the credit.

Who told the other party to be the principal’s brother-in-law!

Song Ziwen is very happy these days. Anyway, the heavy burden on him is gone. From now on, he only needs to slowly advance the progress of disaster relief.

He was originally worried that Ye Luo's little girl was unreliable, but after several conversations, he was shocked to find out.

This generation of the Ye family is full of people!

Needless to say, Ye Luo.

Ye Hao, who was guarding Shanghai Beach, now controlled both black and white, and his momentum was even greater than that of Ye Yuqiao back then.

The youngest sister, Ye Qingqing, also earned a reputation as a female Bodhisattva of the Ye family by running the Ye family charity foundation.

After finishing these things, Song Ziwen said goodbye to everyone and took Tang Fulu to prepare to take the train back to Jinling at Shanghai Railway Station.

Tang Fulu, who graduated from Harvard University with a master's degree in economics, officially served as Song Ziwen's confidential secretary in 1930 and won Song Ziwen's trust.

On June 3 this year, Tang Fulu and Tan Duan, the niece of Tan Yankai, the former president of the Executive Yuan of the Nationalist Government in Jinling, were married at Tian'an Hall. The two lived in Shanghai.

Tang Fulu has been urging his sister Tang Ying to continue running to Ye's house recently.

Seeing that Ye Luo has several concubines: Xiao Aqiao, Meng Xiaodong, Lin Ruxian, Ruan Lingyu and so on.

There are countless confidantes.

Many of these women have looks and abilities that are no worse than Tang Ying's.

Even if Tang Ying becomes a concubine, Tang Fu thinks it is a good deal.

However, Tang Ying was thin-skinned and she was in the same situation as Feng Chengcheng, so the two of them hugged each other for warmth, which made it less uncomfortable.

Tang Fu was so angry that his parents happened to be hospitalized in Jinling, so he left his wife behind and planned to follow Song Ziwen back to Jinling.

The two of them followed the motorcade to the train station. At this time, there was a huge flow of people due to disaster relief, and the platform was full of foreigners speaking with accents from various places.

Both Song Ziwen and Song Ziwen were wearing white suits and white Napoleon-style hats. However, Song Ziwen had empty hands, while Tang Polu was carrying a briefcase.

"Okay everyone, just send it here, and we can get in the car ourselves." Song Ziwen turned around and responded to the senior officials who saw him off with a smile.

"Minister Song, walk slowly." They also smiled and gathered the two of them to the platform.

"Minister." Just as Tang Fu was about to say something, several loud shouts suddenly broke out from the crowd around him.

"Go to hell, Song Ziwen!"

"Traitor, deserve death!"

"Chiang, Song, Kong and Chen, the four great national thieves!"

Several masked killers in black rushed out of the crowd, shouting, raising the musket in their hands, focusing their firepower on Tang Fulu, and countless bullets poured out in an instant!

Tang Fulu fell to the ground, covered in blood, and his white suit turned red all of a sudden.

The accompanying intelligence agents immediately counterattacked and covered Song Ziwen behind a pillar.

The siren blared on the platform, and the policemen from the Songhu Police Department rushed into the waiting room.

When the masked killers Hua Kezhi, Zheng Baozhen and others saw Tang Fulu lying in a pool of blood, they thought they were done, so they threw smoke bombs and took the opportunity to evacuate! (End of chapter)

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