1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 622 You are not welcome here, Director Dai!

"Director Dai, long time no see. How are you?"

Ye Luo responded with a smile.

The two shook hands in a friendly manner, and then Dai Li first bowed to Tang Fu's body, and then whispered to him: "The second young master's skills are wonderful."

"What does Director Dai mean?" Ye Luo asked.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Tan Duan is indeed beautiful and plump. No wonder the second young master can't help but feel excited." Dai Li's voice was neither soft nor serious, just enough for Song Ziwen on the side to hear it.

Song Ziwen's face became extremely ugly now.

He glared at Dai Li and looked at Ye Luo doubtfully.

Everyone knows Ye Luo's romantic temperament.

However, compared to the principal's ruthlessness and Zhang Hanqing's wanton mercy, Ye Luo's bottom line is very solid and there has never been a real scandal.

But Dai Li's words were intended to push Ye Luo into the latrine.

"Dai Li, if you have something to say, just say it, if you have something to say, fart, it's no fun to be a Yin-Yang riddle person." Ye Luo laughed coldly.

Dai Li didn't know what the Yin Yang Riddler was, but he knew it was Ye Luo spraying him, and he felt even more comfortable.

If he is anxious, it means there is something wrong in his heart.

Dai Li thought about it and replied unhurriedly: "Why should the second young master be angry? Who doesn't like a pretty widow? A wife is a good person and understands her."

He himself often did this kind of thing in original history.

Once the problems of certain officials are discovered and he uses his power to remove them, the wives, daughters and lovers of those people become his food.

From petty officials to high-level officials, there is nothing that Dai Li would not dare to do.

Dai Li is also very good at interrogating female prisoners.

In the original history, even though Hu Die was married, he still stalked her and wanted to take her by force in front of her husband.

But Ye Luo didn't think he was the same person as this guy.

"We have sent people to investigate the death of Secretary Tang. The known killers are one named Hua Kezhi and the other named Zheng Baozhen. They were both officials on our side. They later defected and are said to have joined underground organizations."

Dai Li saw Ye Luo's bad expression and immediately smiled and said,

"They are also the ones who planned the assassination of the principal last year. What a heinous crime!"

"What does these bandit leaders have to do with me?" Ye Luo looked at him with a smile, "Director Dai doesn't think I arranged for them to kill Brother Song, right?"

"A Luo wouldn't do such a thing, Dai Li, didn't you just review him last year?" Song Ziwen frowned.

Song Ziwen was the first one not to believe that Ye Luo was a member of an underground organization.

There are so many reasons why Ye Luo can't be that it's impossible to refute any one of them.

Moreover, in last year's incident, Mrs. Sun personally provided guarantee, and the principal's wife also came to speak for Ye Luo, but nothing was found out.

Now a year later, Dai Li wants to interrogate Ye Luo about this matter again, and Song Ziwen is not happy.

"That's definitely not the case. Who doesn't know about the relationship between the Second Young Master, the principal, and Minister Song? But just because you don't do it, doesn't mean that your family won't do it."

Dai Li looked at him with a half-smile.

"Tsk." Ye Luo's first reaction was that someone in his family had secretly joined an underground organization behind his back.

But when I thought about it carefully, I found that the other party had extended an olive branch to me. Although I did not agree, the two parties still maintained a friendly relationship and always had a weak connection.

There is no need or possibility for the other party to infiltrate the Ye family.

"Have you ever heard of the Weilou organization, Second Young Master?" Dai Li continued to ask with a smile.

"I don't know what a dangerous building is. Director Dai can just say it directly. Minister Song is here. I, Ye Luoxing, can sit upright. I have nothing to hide. I don't need to cover up my words and pretend to be false." Be a human being.”

When Ye Luo heard about the dangerous building, he had an idea.

My mind gradually calmed down.

Weilou was originally an assassination organization organized by a group of patriots headed by Ye Yuqiao.

He has planned many major cases that shocked the country and abroad.

Ye Yuqiao was targeted by the principal because of this. In the original history, he did not escape Dai Li's pursuit in the end, and his whole family died.

After traveling through time in this life, Ye Luo has deliberately avoided this matter since he was a child.

He neither stopped nor denied his father's patriotic enthusiasm.

But it doesn’t have to be so extreme.

The current dangerous building has nothing to do with the Ye family and Ye Yuqiao.

After Ye Yuqiao washed his hands in the golden basin, even if Ye Luo asked him to come out to help Ye Hao, he would only walk around occasionally and take care of the children at home all year round.

No more participating in these things at all.

"Wei Lou is an assassination group composed of bandit leaders of underground organizations. The two people just mentioned, as well as He Shaoru, Zhang Wei and others who failed to assassinate the principal and were arrested last year, all belong to this organization."

Dai Li smiled and said,

"Second Young Master, what a coincidence or not, your father seems to have close contacts with this group of people."

"Oh, you mean my dad hired someone to assassinate Minister Song, but he accidentally killed Brother Tang." Ye Luo nodded and said loudly, with such a loud voice that everyone looked over.

"This, Second Young Master, this matter has yet to be verified." Dai Li didn't expect Ye Luo to be so aggressive, so he shouted out like this.

Suddenly the three people here seemed extremely embarrassed.

Dai Li received some news, but he was not sure yet that it was related to Ye Yuqiao.

In short, if you continue to investigate all the way, as long as there is a problem with the Ye family, you can always find clues.

As for Ye Luoyin instigating his father to do these things because he targeted Tan Duan, it was just Dai Li's habit of throwing dirty water on other people.

It doesn't matter whether it's right or not. Let's spill it first and then talk about it. It's really not the case anymore. Wouldn't it be better to just apologize?

After not seeing Ye Luo for a while, and having a smooth sailing in Shanghai, Dai Li felt a little drifting, and was used to his own way of thinking when doing things.

No matter who it is, no one can withstand his three axes. Those with problems will naturally show their flaws.

No problem, once he apologizes, no one will hold him accountable.

But this time it’s Ye Luo!

After Ye Luo said this, Dai Li regretted it.

My intestines are full of regret.

Why have we forgotten that this Lord is not afraid of trouble and is not forgiving? !

"Please get out! You are not welcome here!"

As the center of the discussion and extremely disgusted with Dai Li, Tan Duan, dressed in mourning clothes, walked over, pointed at his nose, and said coldly.

Now Dai Li was asking for trouble.

"Before the truth of the matter is found out, please don't slander us and the second young master with your words. Even if you are the secret service, you can't talk like this, right?"

Tan Duan said angrily,

"Okay, Director Dai. Aren't you going to do an autopsy on my husband? OK, you do it. I agree. But if it is found out that this matter has nothing to do with the second young master, I ask you to solemnly apologize to our family and give My husband kowtowed three times!”

"Mrs. Tang" Ye Luo waved his hand quickly, "There is no need for an autopsy. Brother Tang is dead and the situation is clear. It will be hard to let him go."

He also heard about Dai Li's request for an autopsy and cremation. During the Republic of China, widows were really bullied.

"No! Second Young Master, I have made up my mind. You and your wife came to help with good intentions, but you were slandered by the villain. I think he would agree with my approach if he were still alive."

Tan Duan suddenly became hardened.

The widow said so, and Tang Ying, her biological sister, also agreed with this matter. As parents, the two elders of the Tang family also remained silent, so it was naturally difficult for others to say anything.

The problem that had been bothering Dai Li was solved instantly.

But he couldn't be happy at all.

He wanted to autopsy Tang Fulu just to disgust Tan Duan and the Tang family, and to let Song Ziwen feel the power of the Secret Service.

Anyway, the other party will not agree, but there is nothing he can do about it.

Now it's better, you can't steal the chicken but lose the rice!

"This" Dai Li wanted to say something else, but Tan Duan made another inviting gesture.

"You are not welcome here, Director Dai, please go back." (End of Chapter)

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