When the autopsy incident broke out, the spies headed by Dai Li completely became street rats that everyone wanted to beat.

Tan Duan didn't tolerate them either. He was ready to fight to the end this time. Tang Fulu's body had not passed his first seven days and his body was sent to the court for forensic autopsy.

The two elders of the Tang family cried so hard that Tang Ying also cried all day long. Even Yunshang Clothing was closed for seven days to comfort her brother's spirit in heaven.

As for what Dai Li said about Meng Lang at the funeral home, many pornographic tabloids copied them intact, and some even began to write "fan fiction" about Ye Luo and Tan Duan, which was extremely popular on the black market.

All the blame for these matters naturally falls on Dai Li.

The agents from the Secret Service and the police from the Songhu Police Department have almost figured out the whole story.

The whole thing is the follow-up to Jinling's assassination of the principal.

The killers were still the same people from the dangerous building, but they mistook Tang Fulu, who was wearing the same clothes, for Song Ziwen.

At that time, Tang Fulu was still holding a briefcase in his hand. He looked more like Song Ziwen than Song Ziwen beside him, and he suffered an unreasonable disaster.

As for the relationship between Wei Lou and Ye Yuqiao mentioned by Dai Li, there is no evidence anyway. On the day of the assassination, Ye Yuqiao took the brothers Ye He and Ye Hao at home. There were more than ten witnesses, and they were all innocent.

There is no evidence of the scandal between Ye Luo and Tan Duan, because Ye Luo went to Qingshi in June, and Ye Luo didn't even have time for Tang Fulu's wedding.

This wave of shooting himself in the foot made Dai Li feel miserable, so he had no choice but to publish clarifications in various newspapers and publicly apologize to the two families in the name of the Secret Service.

Dai Li is notorious in Shanghai, but no one can cure him. Now that he is defeated, countless people are celebrating and are very happy.

Except for the internal newspapers of the Kuomintang, no magazine or newspaper dared to accept his public apology letter.

Ye's newspaper industry now envelopes the entire literary and art world in Shanghai. Who in this industry dares to disobey the second young master?

After the incident, Tang Fulu's body was sent to the crematorium for cremation.

The next day, Tan Duan and Tang Ying, dressed in mourning robes, carried his ashes from the Jing'an Temple Crematorium to the Shanghai Bund Cemetery. Accompanied by many important military and political figures, Tang Fu was finally laid to rest.

Tang Fulu's death also served as a warning to the senior officials of the Kuomintang.

Unknowingly, they have become villains that everyone wants to get rid of.

Jinling, Qilu.

The mother of the principal's wife suddenly heard that her son had been assassinated, and without hearing the details, she fainted.

A few days later, she died of a serious illness.

The principal's wife hurried back to her hometown in Hainan for the funeral, but the principal couldn't leave, so she had to ask the secretary to send someone to accompany her.

After handling the urgent government affairs at hand, the principal put down the newspaper and asked: "Did Ye Luo and American Hongmen really donate so much food?"

"This is true." Song Ziwen took a sip of tea when he returned to Jinling. "I specially asked someone to check it. They are all the highest quality corn and wheat, which can temporarily alleviate the famine problem in the Jianghuai disaster area."

"Oh, natural and man-made disasters, bandits and bandits are everywhere. Those Red Army soldiers chose this moment to assassinate you, Niang Xipi!"

The principal cursed depressedly,

"And Chen Jitang and Bai Chongxi are really good at choosing the right time! Ziwen, put aside your work for the time being and go to Jiangcheng to try to win over Wang. I will give him whatever he wants! I will give it to you as the Executive Dean!”

Song Ziwen hesitated and said: "Wang is now the leader of the puppet government in Jiangcheng. I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince him with a high official and a generous salary, right?"

"Haha, does Wang want to be a leader?" The principal smiled disdainfully, "He is just a shield being pushed to the front by Chen Jitang."

Now Jiangcheng and Jinling are in a hostile relationship, and with this assassination incident, Song Ziwen is not willing to take risks. He evaded: "The relief work is busy, I'd better go after some time, at least the Guangdong-Guangxi coalition forces must be repulsed first. "

The principal thought about it carefully and felt that the time to win over Wang was indeed not mature enough, so he nodded and said: "That's fine. By the way, you will issue a commendation order to Ye Luo in the name of the National Flood Relief Committee. Also, he is not Did you have a conflict with Han Fuju from Lu Province?"

"Yes, it's about the water conservancy project." Song Ziwen nodded.

"This Han Fuju is beginning to want to support his troops in Lu Province. It's time to start hammering. You can handle this matter. Let Han Fuju spit out all the money he spent on Ye Luo!"

The principal has long been unhappy with this guy. Every time he fights, the wind blows on both sides. After occupying Lu Province, he is unwilling to leave. He has a tendency to become a king on his own.

Song Ziwen left immediately after receiving the order. When his mother passed away, he had to take time to express condolences. There were too many things and he was too busy.

The principal sat alone on the sofa, rubbing his temples in exhaustion. Now he has become a dog in the water within the Kuomintang, and everyone calls for beatings.

Floods were serious across the country, but the Jiangcheng National Government ignored the disaster and chose to send troops to fight at this time.

Just yesterday, at the urging of Wang, the generals of the Guangdong-Guangxi Allied Forces, with Chen Jitang as the commander and Bai Chongxi as the vanguard, along with Tang Shengzhi and other troops, marched north to attack Hunan Province with 50,000 troops.

The rebellious Guangdong army has joined forces with the Gui army, and the defender of Hunan Province is the unreliable He Jian.

The principal is very prejudiced against He Jian.

The troops under his command were all Tang Shengzhi's old troops. It was likely that the three armies of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hunan united to fight against Chiang.

It was already early September, and with the Guangdong-Guangxi Allied Forces marching northward, the Hunan Army was in danger, and all parts of the country were still flooded.

While the principal was raising donations for disaster relief, he was also raising military funds to send troops. He was already extremely poor.

The food provided by Ye Luo and the Hongmen Zhi Gong Tang in the United States really gave him a reprieve.

He had heard that Ye Luo had gone to Qing City before, and he was worried that this kid would do something wrong again, and was he considering giving up on him and defecting to other warlords.

Now it seems that Ye Luoke is much more determined than some of the so-called old people in the Kuomintang.

At this time, Yan Xishan was also secretly flying back to his hometown of Shanxi from Dalian on the Japanese invaders' plane.

The subordinates were worried about Yan Xishan's safety and asked, "Commander, when you return to Shanxi, aren't you afraid of double oppression from the principal and Zhang Hanqing?"

"They don't care about me." Yan Xishan replied with a smile, "The flood and Wang are enough to give them two headaches! I came back this time to defeat them in one fell swoop!"

Natural disasters, civil strife, invasion by foreign enemies, turmoil, and economic collapse, Yan Xishan chose the best time for him to make a comeback.

Moreover, he knew the Japanese invaders' plan for the north. In a short while, that boy Zhang Hanqing would transform from the mighty Sixth Commander into the despised Little Sixth Son!

What Yan Xishan cares about most is Ye Luo.

Before the Central Plains War, in order to get dividends, he did not hesitate to mortgage the Salt Department and Customs to Ye Luo. It was all money in vain! (End of chapter)

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