1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 624: Persuasion to no avail, the night before the incident

Natural disasters happen by chance, but civil strife is carefully planned by people with good intentions.

Since the establishment of the National Government in Jiangcheng, three friends rebelled on July 18.

On July 21, the Jiangcheng National Government issued an order for the Northern Expedition against Chiang Kai-shek.

On July 22, Chen Youren, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Jiangcheng National Government, secretly visited Japan and met with Japanese Foreign Minister Shigehara Kijuro many times. He expressed his willingness to exchange northern rights and interests for Japanese support, but did not receive a reply.

Chen Youren immediately met with the Soviet ambassador to Japan to seek support, but was rejected.

On August 5, Yan Xishan took a Japanese military plane and returned to Shanxi to resume power.

At the end of August, Feng Yuxiang rebelled against his old subordinate Lei Zhongtian and rebelled against Chiang Kai-shek, and for a time took control of the military and political affairs of Gansu Province.

On September 1, the Jiangcheng National Government carried out general mobilization and appointed Yan Xishan, Feng Yuxiang, Han Fuju, Zou Lu and others as members of the Northern Military and Political Commission.

On September 2, the Jiangcheng National Government officially sent troops.

On September 13, the Guangdong-Guangxi coalition troops attacked Hunan Province in five groups.

The principal had even postponed the "suppression of bandits" operation and hurriedly transferred troops to deal with the anti-Chiang coalition forces.

Zhang Hanqing also asked people to keep a close eye on the northwest and north China, not daring to slack off at all. How could he have the energy to deal with the Japanese invaders?

If everything was a coincidence, it would be too much of a coincidence.


After the Tang Fulu incident, as September 18th approached, Ye Luo did not give up. He still took the train and went to Peking to find Zhang Hanqing.

At this time, Ye Luo came to Zhang Hanqing's official residence angrily and asked Yu Fengzhi in front of him: "Brother Six, why haven't you mobilized elites to defend the north?"

"Sister Yu, please step aside for a moment. I'm talking to A Luo about something important." Zhang Hanqing was shocked by his hurried look and quickly waved to his wife.

Yu Fengzhi nodded towards Ye Luo and said, "Okay, then you two will talk slowly. We are all our own people, so don't get into an argument."

After Yu Fengzhi left, Zhang Hanqing said: "Yan Laoxi has secretly returned to Shanxi, and Feng Yuxiang is constantly stirring up trouble. North China and northwest China are not stable now, and there may be rebellion at any time. How can I dare to use the army without authorization?"

"Aren't the Japanese on guard?" Ye Luo sat down and took a sip of tea. "The Japanese invaders are planning a big conspiracy in the north. It is already known to everyone on the road. Don't tell me that you can't feel it."

"Of course I know, but that is the consistent style and thinking of the Japanese invaders." Zhang Hanqing looked confident, "If you give them a hundred courages, they won't dare to fight."

The situation has developed to this point. The principal, Zhang Hanqing, and Yan Xishan all guessed that the Japanese would take action, and even domestic and Japanese newspapers reported it.

As early as July, He Yaozu, who was aware of the Japanese conspiracy, sent a secret message to the Nationalist Government in Jinling: "The Japanese Military Council meeting decided to set up a standing division in South Manchuria. This is extremely harmful to our country's sovereignty, that is, to the integrity of our territory. It can be said to be a great danger. Check out the recent changes in the Japanese government's policy toward Manchuria. As Governor Yu Huan officially stated, Manchuria used to be ruled under a dual system, but now it has been changed to a unitary system."

Zhang Hanqing took out another confidential document and handed it to him: "You should read this first before talking."

Ye Luo opened the document and read it carefully. It was information sent back from Japan by Fengjun spies.

The content of the intelligence clearly stated: The Japanese Kwantung Army is preparing to take action at the end of September. However, the conspiracy has been leaked, and Foreign Minister Moto originally questioned Army Minister Nanjiro about this.

After Ye Luo read the intelligence documents, Zhang Hanqing continued: "Your judgment about the north is correct. But we don't need to worry too much about this matter. The Japanese cabinet is opposed to the military sending troops, and they will restrain these fanatical militarists."

"Brother Six, after Hamaguchi Yuyuki's death, Japan's new cabinet is far less binding than the old cabinet. Do you really think they can stop the military from sending troops?"

Ye Luo smiled bitterly.

Zhang Hanqing nodded and affirmed: "The binding force of their cabinet is far beyond what you and I imagined. Previously, when Hamaguchi Yuyuki was still alive, the military was ready to move, but it could not even control a naval agreement, which is evident from this. And the plan was exposed, and they Are you still going to forcefully send troops in front of the eyes of the whole world?”

"Since the plan has been exposed, if it were me, I would choose to attack in advance and catch you by surprise. They will probably come in mid-to-late September."

Ye Luo said coldly.

Speaking of which, if Zhang Hanqing doesn't raise a warning, Ye Luo can't either.

"You are thinking too much, Aluo." Zhang Hanqing comforted him. "In the past year, I have sent people to sneak into Japan many times. As far as I know, their cabinet has a very high level of restraint. But if we don't take tolerant measures, the front-line Fighting with them will give them an excuse to send troops to fight. "

"Be patient. In other words, even if they provoke, you will choose not to resist." Ye Luo looked at him coldly.

Zhang Hanqing shook his head and said, "Don't worry. Things won't reach this point at all."

"What if they come and further annex the north?" Ye Luo continued to question.

Zhang Hanqing waved his hand, ready to end this meaningless topic: "Impossible. Don't assume that it is nothing. And if it really comes to this point, they will face the siege of all our domestic warlords, coupled with international public opinion, the internal conflicts in their country Objection and so on. They can’t bear it.”

"Now that you have made up your mind, I don't have much to say." Ye Luo sighed, "Brother Six, I really don't want to see you become a sinner for the ages."

"What are you talking about, Alo, you really think too highly of the Japanese. I know you have a quarrel with them, but militarily, you are not as good as me."

Zhang Hanqing smiled.

Historically, after the incident, the Japanese cabinet did its best to prevent the military from continuing to fight, but what next?

In October, Japan's young military officers launched a coup. Although it failed, the cabinet was frightened.

In order to prolong the life of the cabinet, they began to coordinate military-civilian relations and supported the actions of the military department to a certain extent.

The Japanese Army Headquarters was still dissatisfied, and finally forced the entire cabinet to resign in December, and then took over the political arena itself.

The conversation between the two ended unhappily.

Before leaving, Ye Luo still talked to Yu Fengzhi, hoping that the eldest sister could persuade Zhang Hanqing.

It is a pity that the women of the Zhang family do not care about government affairs, so Yu Fengzhi can only try his best to admonish them.

After leaving Peiping, Ye Luo rushed to Tianjin City and gave Zhang Xueming an early warning. Zhang Xueming accepted his idea very much.

After doing this, Ye Luo could only leave the north alone and wait quietly for things to happen.

On the evening of September 18th.

"Commander, there is an urgent call from Fengtian!"

Adjutant Hu Ruoyu hurried over with a telegram.

"Read it!" Zhang Hanqing was stunned for a moment and had a bad feeling.

Hu Ruoyu thought: "A unit of the Kwantung Army left the station and headed south along the South Manchuria Railway. The specific intention and goal are unknown."

"Order the Beida Camp and local garrison troops not to respond to the provocation of the Kwantung Army and not to give the Japanese aggressors an excuse to send out large-scale troops." Zhang Hanqing waved. (End of chapter)

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