1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 628 Coming one after another

At the end of October, before the principal left office, a bunch of things he worried about happened.

First the north.

Zhang Hanqing's brother, Feng Delin's son Feng Yong, was captured by the Japanese invaders on the third day after the Fengtian Incident.

He was first placed under house arrest in Fengtian. The Kwantung Army failed to persuade him to surrender, and then abducted him to Tokyo, Japan.

Fortunately, with the help of a Japanese friend, Feng Yong successfully escaped from Tokyo and transferred to Shanghai to Peking, where he continued to preside over the school affairs of Feng Yong University.

Feng Yong was a famous patriot and educator in history. Although he came from a warlord family, he did not behave like those warlords' children.

When he was in Fengtian, whenever Ye Luo came to visit, Zhang Hanqing would look for Feng Yong first if he wanted to find a partner.

When Ye Luo warned Zhang Hanqing many times, Feng Yong also followed him to persuade him. Unfortunately, the two sworn brothers failed to persuade him.

In early November, the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army of Fengyong University was sworn in, and teachers and students who were willing to participate in the Anti-Japanese War began to seize the time to train.

Feng Yong also felt that the war of resistance could not rely solely on the teachers and students of the school, so he handed over school affairs to the vice-principal. He took Wang Huayi, Lu Guangji, Yan Baohang and other northern progressives to Jinling to petition the National Government.

He hoped that the Jinling National Government could send troops to resist Japan. If it could not send troops, it would give his anti-Japanese volunteers an official designation, and then assist them in carrying out anti-Japanese propaganda in the north.

In addition, Feng Yong had exhausted all the private property left by his father. In order to resist Japan, he had to raise military expenditures to purchase weapons and equipment, otherwise he would really have no choice but to kill the Japanese invaders with a machete.

Here in Tianjin City, after the Fengtian Incident, on November 8, the Japanese Tianjin Garrison Commander Kashiki Kohei and the special agent Doihara Kenji launched a plainclothes riot.

Due to Ye Luo's repeated reminders and assistance, Zhang Xueming, who was well prepared, responded quickly. In the early morning of November 9, the security team jointly formed by the Tianjin Police Department and Ye's Security Company defeated the attack of the plainclothes team and recaptured the important occupied locations.

However, the Japanese invaders did not give up. Within a few days, a group of special agents led a plainclothes team from the Japanese Concession to attack the military and police again. The well-trained security team once again defeated the rioting team.

Two consecutive small-scale riots were defeated by the security team. This made the Japanese angry and directly called Zhang Hanqing and the principal, asking them to remove Zhang Xueming.

The resistance of Zhang Xueming and the security team made the principal feel that it was holding him back in a major matter, so he immediately sent a secret message to Zhang Hanqing, asking him to advise his brother to calm down and stop causing trouble in Tianjin Port.

In the south, Yu Qiaqing and others saw that Wang's power was getting stronger and stronger, and that the principal seemed to be unable to escape the fate of going to the countryside, so they quietly began to lead the caravan closer to the forces in Jiangcheng.

This time Song Ziwen went to Jiangcheng, Wang was very happy, agreed to serve as the president of the Executive Yuan, and agreed to temporarily make peace with the principal faction.

Of course, the premise is that he returns to Jinling in person to take charge of the overall situation, and the principal must step down.

At this time, Mr. Wang was really proud of himself.

Yan Xishan's group of warlords had not yet completely made a comeback. Zhang Hanqing was sweating profusely due to the events in the north, but he successfully convinced the principal!

Now Mr. Wang feels that he has money when he wants (Yu Qiaqing and others have sent money), he has people when he wants, and he has the right time, place and people.

And even the Japanese invaders who invaded the north have a good relationship with the Jiangcheng National Government!

Just when Wang was feeling proud, Feng Yong and his entourage took a train to Tianjin City, and then picked up Zhang Xueming, who was forced to leave Tianjin City to study abroad. The group continued south and rushed to Shanghai.

In early November, Feng Yong and others arrived in Shanghai by train. As soon as they got off the train, they were subjected to various inspections and body searches.

Song Ziwen was assassinated here and Tang Fulu died, causing the military and political officials to panic. They reported to the principal one by one, asking him to order Zhang Qun to increase the security intensity of various transportation hubs in Shanghai.

This business naturally fell into Ye Luo's pocket.

The Songhu Police Department and the Secret Service were previously in charge of such matters, but after the incident, although Ye Luo successfully saved Ma Yongzhen, he will not be able to participate in any security work in the near future.

As for Dai Li's secret service.

After the last autopsy incident, the Tang family and the Song family were also very unhappy. Tan Duan, a widow, is not afraid of anyone. If you come to the door, I will fight with you.

If you don't dare come to the door, I will go directly to you, Dai Li, to ask for an explanation.

Dai Li suffered from being unreasonable, and the principal had said that if he caused trouble for Ye Luo again, he would be considered to be transferred back to Jinling.

The last person to be transferred back to Jinling was Wang Hu, the former director of the Songhu Police Department. This man is still at home.

Dai Li immediately straightened up his posture. In addition to kowtowing, he gave Ye Luo and Tan Duan enough face. He also specially led people to scan some pornographic tabloids to show his sincerity.

The security team members responsible for the inspection could tell at a glance that Feng Yong and others had extraordinary origins. After inquiring, they learned that they were here to find the second young master, and immediately sent someone to take them to Ye Mansion.

Speaking of which, Feng Yong really spent all his money to fight against Japan.

Not only him, but also the people who came to petition this time, like Lu Guangji, were obviously big businessmen, but they were almost penniless, like a tramp.

Almost all of their working capital that could be used was invested in Feng Yong University.

After all, those teachers and students were the ones who called on them to fight against Japan. We can't just let them rush forward with a big sword!

When the group arrived at Ye Mansion, Feng Yong was immediately attracted by the majestic architecture.

Now everyone in the north and south said that the second young master had replaced Kong Xiangxi and became the real richest man in the Republic of China.

But how rich he is, no one can tell a specific amount.

Ye's Investment had done well in the north before, but it was still far behind the front-line companies. After all, its base camp was in the south, and Ye Luo seemed not to care about the north at all.

Kong Xiangxi had a lot of assets in the north. He controlled various basic industries and tacitly allowed his subordinates to transport and sell cigarettes and make huge profits.

Someone has calculated that at least 70% of the income from opium in the north alone falls into the pockets of the Kong family every year.

What is the amount of 70% profit?

There are two mainstream theories, one is that about 200 million oceans are released every year, and the other is that about 70 million oceans are released every year.

Why is there such a big gap between the two statements?

In fact, the root cause is whether the Song family was involved and split the money.

Selling cigarettes is an act prohibited by the principal.

Moreover, he was responsible for the previous anti-smoking committee. If the Song family was involved, it would be a slap in the principal's face.

Anyway, the big smoke has been defeated in the south, thanks to Ye Luo, a businessman who regards the big smoke as a scourge.

As long as Ye's investment is in the place, no one will be allowed to sell tobacco!

"Brother Feng, long time no see!"

Upon hearing that Feng Yong was visiting, Ye Luo went out to greet him personally. (End of chapter)

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