1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 630 The Queen in Distress

"Brother Luo, I'm here to say goodbye."

Zhang Xueming, wearing a crisp suit, came to visit.

Ye Luo sighed. Even though he had told Zhang Xueming many times before, the other party did as he said and successfully thwarted several Japanese aggressors' plots in Tianjin City.

But the final result was still unsatisfactory.

Zhang Xueming led the Tianjin City Security Team to defeat the attacks of Japanese spies and spies several times, but finally fell into the hands of his own people.

Not long ago, the principal personally sent a message to Zhang Hanqing, asking him to remove Zhang Xueming from his posts as mayor of Tianjin and director of the police department to go abroad for "inspection."

As soon as Zhang Xueming left, his security team formed by former members of the Police Department and Ye's Security Company could only be disbanded on the spot and would no longer interfere with the police work in Tianjin City.

A few days ago, the Japanese invaders also protected the former Qing Emperor Puyi from escaping from Tianjin City, and lodged a serious protest against the Jinling National Government, saying that Zhang Xueming ordered the Tianjin City Security Team to attack the Japanese Concession.

Demand that the authorities severely punish his misconduct.

The new mayor who is about to replace him is not even Zhang Hanqing, but Zhou Longguang, a diplomat of the Jinling National Government.

"Brother Luo, I, Zhang Xueming, rarely admire others. Even if my brother became the commander of the north, I didn't think it was that great. But you, you are one of them."

Zhang Xueming said sincerely,

"You predicted the Japanese invaders' plot very accurately, and you are considered an unparalleled national scholar. However, my brother and the principal did not listen to your advice. They only focused on internal fighting. In this world, even a person with my status cannot accomplish anything. , let alone others.”

The passion and energy in his eyes no longer existed, and he looked like an honest man who had been deeply hurt by a scumbag.

After Zhang Xueming left, he traveled to Britain, France, Germany, the United States and other countries.

In Germany, he met Zhu Luojun, the daughter of Zhu Qiqian, the former acting prime minister of the Beiyang government. They were good friends when they were in Tianjin. This time they met in a foreign country, the two got closer and eventually became husband and wife.

Ye Luo, who was familiar with his situation, didn't try to persuade him. He just suggested: "After you go to various European countries, you can consider settling in Xiangjiang or Aocheng. There are people arranged by me there who may be able to help you."

"Brother Luo, you..." Zhang Xueming, who had a keen sense of smell, immediately realized something, but he was not sure, so he had to look at Ye Luo, nodded after a while and said, "In this case, I will take people to Xiangjiang after the tour. Maybe we can Help you.”

"That's great, I'm worried that Ye's investment over there doesn't have reliable allies." Ye Luo laughed loudly and patted his shoulder, "By the way, I asked you to intercept Pu Yi, but you still failed in the end? "

"Yes, that bastard is hiding in the Japanese Concession and is protected by the Japanese. I followed your instructions and paid close attention, but I still let him find an opportunity to escape."

Zhang Xueming nodded regretfully.

They all knew that the Japanese secretly transferred Puyi to establish a puppet regime in the north. Unfortunately, they failed to crush this conspiracy.

In addition to Puyi, there are many former Qing Dynasty veterans rushing there, and there is a lot of commotion here in Shanghai.

The purpose of these people is self-evident.

"By the way, Brother Luo. I heard that the Japanese are still plotting to take away Wanrong. I have sent someone to help you solve this matter."

Zhang Xueming came closer and said.

Last year Wenxiu publicly announced her divorce from Puyi in the newspapers, causing a stir.

Everyone said it was because Ye Luo shot Pu Yi on the head at the banquet.

After Wenxiu left, only Wanrong, the queen, served Puyi.

Historically, it was Jin Bihui who planned the January 28th Incident and Wanrong's transfer.

Ye Luo looked at him confused: "What do you mean help me?"

"Huh? It's spread all over the north. It's said that you, Shuang Fei Wanrong and Wen Xiu, gave Pu Yi a cuckold. Pu Yi was so angry that he obstructed you in business and bullied you with the power of the Japanese invaders. That's why you did that day A big fight."

Ye Luo couldn't laugh or cry.

During the Republic of China, these pornographic tabloids were constantly banned. They dared to write and say anything.

In the south, it ranges from Huang Yao, who made the principal's wife, to Ruan Lingyu's scandal. In the north, Zhang Hanqing is naturally the number one victim, and other celebrities are hardly spared.

The conflict between myself and Puyi was portrayed like this, it was really embarrassing——

If it’s not shit, it’s still shit.

"This matter is not what you think. But after you reminded me, I should go and ask what happened."

Ye Luo wasn't sure whether Jin Bihui was really that loyal to him, even though she had taken the initiative to unlock various postures and was used by Ye Luo inside and out.

But when it comes to big things, you still have to be cautious.

Zhang Xueming saw that it was almost time for dinner, and he didn't want to bring any criticism to the Ye family by eating here, so he stood up and said goodbye: "Okay, Brother Luo, I will take the ship to Europe tomorrow. If anything happens, we will write to you."

Shanghai Bund, Japanese Concession, Hongkou Dojo.

Gently stroking his slightly bulging belly, Jin Bihui sighed and looked at the shivering former Qing empress in the dojo, feeling even worse.

After this incident, there is a high probability that I will lose the trust of those above me.

In fact, after helping Ye Luo leak several secrets, people from the Army Headquarters began to doubt her.

Otherwise, how could she not be notified in advance of such an important matter as the attack on Beida Camp?

Jin Bihui is one of the important middle- and high-level leaders in the Japanese spy system in China, commanding the spy agency in Shanghai.

Now the superiors have given her two new tasks - planning an incident against Shanghai and transferring Queen Wanrong.

The former can still be taken lightly, and the latter is an imminent matter, and she can't avoid it no matter what.

Why transfer Wanrong?

Isn't it just so that Puyi can have a queen when he ascends the throne in the past and appear more legitimate?

After doing this, she and Ye Luo would inevitably part ways.

But now.

Jin Bihui touched his lower abdomen again, and could clearly feel that the life inside seemed to be beating.

She decided to follow Ye Luo very early and gradually cut off from Japan.

So after thinking for a long time, and with the Ye family's flesh and blood in her belly, she decided to secretly send Wanrong to Shanghai.

One is to show loyalty to Ye Luo, and the other is for him.

There are rumors in the north that Wan Rong has been in close contact with Ye Luo.

Who knows what he is thinking, so he has no choice but to arrest him first.

Thinking of this, Jin Bihui felt a little sour.

Not long after feeling sorry for himself, there was a knock on the door outside.

Wanrong shrank her head when she heard the noise, not knowing what kind of fate she would face.

She knew that even if she left Puyi, the name of the former Qing empress would still attract many men.

Facing the beast-like Japanese, she is really...

I can only pray that I don’t become their plaything.

When the door opened, it was not a Japanese person who came in, but a face that was quite familiar to her.

"Second Young Master!" (End of Chapter)

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