1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 629: Loyalty and wealth, saving the country through curves

Feng Yong and others followed Ye Luo to sit down in the living room of Ye Mansion.

Looking at the group of people in front of him, Ye Luo was filled with emotions.

According to the principal's wishes, it would be best for Ye Luo to secretly bring down the entire Anti-Japanese Salvation Association and wipe out all these rebels.

But aside from some extreme behaviors, these people are real patriotic celebrities.

Feng Yong needless to say that although Wang Huayi was not a member of the underground organization, he participated in the rescue operation of the underground organization members. Yan Baohang secretly joined the underground organization after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War and became an outstanding international strategic intelligence expert. .

Lu Guangji was engaged in education and business. He and the most handsome man in the Republic of China were classmates and good friends. The phrase "study for the rise of China" was what the big boss said when the two of them were studying together.

Everyone explained their purpose, and Ye Luo quickly shook his head and said, "Your petition will not succeed. The Kuomintang party in the south is busy fighting among themselves, and the principal is about to step down. They have no intention of dealing with the Japanese invaders."

"Dou, dou, dou, we are either fighting this or that all day long! Don't they know how to do something serious?" Feng Yong said angrily.

Yan Baohang said from the side: "Even so, we have to go over to petition and at least inform them of the current situation in the north. It is their business to do it or not, and it is our business to say it or not."

"Baohang is right. I know it will be difficult to convince the principal to send troops on this trip, but I have said that it always makes people have a clear conscience." Lu Guangji nodded in agreement.

These people cannot be persuaded.

Ye Luo had known this for a long time, so he didn't say much. He just said that if he could help them, just ask.

Although the headquarters of Ye's Charitable Foundation has evacuated from the north, there are still many informants hiding in various places, and it is not difficult to do small things for them.

After hearing this, Feng Yong didn't show any pretense and directly asked Ye Luo for money.

There is no way, these people are really short of money.

He knew the relationship between Ye Luo and Zhang Hanqing, and also knew that Ye Luo hated the Japanese very much. Therefore, in the eyes of Lu Guangji and others, Feng Yong's behavior was a bit too reckless, but he did not think so.

Ye Luo immediately smiled and said: "I can't accompany the soldiers to the battle to kill the enemy, but I can still do my best with my little effort. For the money, I personally contributed 500,000 oceans, and Ye's investment was 1 million oceans. A total of 1.5 million yuan is considered as funding for the Anti-Japanese Salvation Association.”

"How heroic! He deserves to be the number one businessman in the Republic of China! 1.5 million yuan, Liuzi is really right, I will definitely have no problem asking you for money!"

Feng Yong gave a thumbs up and sincerely thanked Ye Luo for his support.

His family's fortune has not declined, Feng Delin's total assets are only tens of millions, and he is one of the few warlords in the north.

And Ye Luo now casually started with a million yuan, which shows his strong financial resources.

"Brother Feng is too praiseworthy." Ye Luo said, taking out the check book, writing down the numbers, and handed it to him, "This check can be used in many banks, but I don't recommend that you withdraw it all at once, and try to avoid the Kuomintang Party It is better to go to a foreign bank like Citigroup and HSBC.”

"I understand." Feng Yong solemnly accepted the check, clasped his hands in his fists, and thanked him again.

Lu Guangji on the side couldn't help but said: "Second Young Master, you are generous and generous, and you are a famous patriotic industrialist. Why don't you just join our National Salvation Association? If you can join it and serve as the honorary president, I believe The effectiveness far exceeds the 1.5 million oceans!”

"Yes, Second Young Master, let's think about it." Yan Baohang saw him raise his head and simply said what everyone was thinking, "We are like headless flies now. Principal Feng led us to hit the wall everywhere, and we are missing someone. There are influential people in the south coming to help organize the work.”

"Well, it's not that I don't want to, but the situation is unfavorable." Ye Luo didn't hide anything and directly stated the principal's intention.

He accepted the task of killing and saving the Congress, and then infiltrated inside, which was simply seeking death.

The principal hasn't left the field yet.

Even if he goes out and comes back a month later, it will be difficult to resist him to settle accounts with him.

"We can't accept this money!" Feng Yong said quickly and took out the check again, "If you had told me first, I would never have even walked through the door."

"Brother Feng doesn't have to be like this." Ye Luo waved his hand, "I originally wanted to go north to find you regarding these matters. You come here this time to save me a trip."

"If you accept the money, things will not stop. But, I hope to change the way." Ye Luo suggested, "First of all, the Anti-Japanese Salvation Association must be formally dissolved."

"This" Lu Guangji was stunned for a moment, but did not continue, but waited patiently for Ye Luo to finish.

Ye Luo continued: "If your organization is not disbanded for a day, the principal will not be able to live in peace for a day. Not to mention petitioning, even a normal life will not be given to you!"

"It's true. We are all ready to go to Jinling to die." Feng Yong nodded while holding the check.

The principal had dared to put Hu Hanmin under house arrest before. If not for the pressure of public opinion, he would have been shot.

Who do they count?

"But if it is disbanded." Yan Baohang frowned, "How will the future work proceed?"

"This matter can be left to us. After you go to Jinling and the petition is over, you can pretend to give up and dissolve the organization on the spot. At least not so loudly on the surface."

Ye Luo smiled and said,

"Then underground, you can gather people again to carry out propaganda and explanations. My Ye's Newspaper has branches in the north and south, and has strong support from the Kuomintang Propaganda Department. I can help you with a little propaganda and print some propaganda materials. Distribute; after you are disbanded, I can still purchase supplies secretly and it will not affect your work. "

"I understand, isn't this what underground organizations do!" Feng Yong suddenly realized that although he was patriotic and saving the country, he still tended to favor the Kuomintang faction due to his own stance.

Moreover, my father is a warlord, so I can’t wash off this layer of skin.

Therefore, Feng Yong had almost no dealings with underground organizations, and he did not agree with using that method to confront the principal.

But now and then, in the eyes of today's principal, what is the difference between them and those people?

Yan Baohang, who had already been in contact with members of underground organizations, looked at Ye Luo and rolled his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

"Our goal is to resist Japan and drive out the Japanese invaders. As for the methods and methods, they are all negotiable."

Ye Luo explained what he meant, and it would also make it easier for him to continue working in Shanghai.

After all, there were still six years left before 1937.

"Okay, I understand!" Feng Yong was not a pedantic person. He stood up and clasped his fists, "Then let's go to Jinling to petition first. The best we can do is to achieve success. If not, just do what you said, A Luo. At least you are so helpful. We can’t make it so difficult for you!”

"Then thank you, Brother Feng." Ye Luo also stood up and returned the greeting.

After Feng Yong and others left, Dai Li and the agents, who were hiding in the dark, silently took pictures of these scenes, which might be used in the future.

The secret agents were very anxious. The secret service had been defeated by Ye Luo several times, and they were almost out of control. Seeing this group of rebels coming to look for Ye Luo, they seemed to have benefited from it. They wanted to rush out and capture the bag on the spot, but were stopped by Dai Li. Stopped.

The most important lesson Dai Li learned from Ye Luo was to let the bullets fly for a while.

This guy is so evil.

He can always turn defeat into victory and take things by surprise.

He thinks he is no match for Ye Luo in this regard, so he should try another approach.

As long as you don't take action first, at least you will always be invincible!

"Director, Zhang Xueming is here too!" a secret agent growled excitedly.

Zhang Xueming has been sent by the Jinling National Government for "overseas investigation."

"Wait a moment." Dai Li's eyes were wandering. (End of chapter)

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