1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 637 The Principal Goes Down

Although the current Kwantung Army has occupied most of the towns in the Black Province, the resistance organized by all parties is very fierce. Among them, Mazhanshan is the strongest and most famous.

Ma Zhanshan's original position was the Heihe Security Commander. After the Fengtian Incident, he publicly announced: "If there are those who invade our territory and disturb our public order, we will not hesitate to use all our strength to get rid of them. It is my responsibility to defend the place."

Ma Zhanshan shouted loud slogans and fought bloody battles with the Japanese invaders for three days and two nights, repelling the enemy's attacks many times.

Many people in the Republic of China were inspired to spontaneously organize sympathy groups and support groups to donate money to the soldiers who fought against the Japanese invaders in the Black Province. Many young students also directly joined the army and formed the "Malaysian Aid Anti-Japanese Regiment" to participate in the Anti-Japanese War.

Seeing that he was powerful, Zhang Hanqing did not stop his actions. Instead, he secretly sent people to support his anti-Japanese activities.

It's a pity that after Kenji Doihara arrived in the Black Province, he quickly used military and political means to put him in a dilemma.

Later, Ma Zhanshan could not withstand the attacks from all sides, surrendered to the Japanese invaders, and personally served as the military and political minister of the puppet Manchukuo.

However, history defines his surrender as a false surrender.

In short, the situation in Mazhanshan is a true portrayal of the dissident forces from all sides fighting against Japan during the Republic of China.

Without the support of top warlords such as the principal, it would be really difficult.

December 15, the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931).

Jinling, Qilu, principal's office.

The principal sat on the boss's chair and looked at the group of confidants in front of him: Kong Xiangxi, the Chen brothers, Song Ziwen and others, with indifferent eyes.

After a long time, Deng Wenyi knocked on the door and entered. Facing these powerful figures of the Kuomintang, she immediately stood up straight and saluted.

"How's it going? A'luo really can't come?" The principal knocked on the wooden table, somewhat displeased.

"I have sent people to conduct extensive investigations. Marilyn, Mrs. Livermore's daughter, does have a sudden illness and must be rushed to Peking for treatment."

Deng Wenyi nodded.

Because of the life and death of a child, he actually didn't come to attend the last meeting before the principal left office. It was hard for Ye Luo to be here.

But after Deng Wenyi said this, several grown men could understand Ye Luo's mood.

Mrs. Livermore, also known as Hui Xin, anyone with a discerning eye can see the unusual relationship between her and Ye Luo.

The principal is not stupid and knows that this little daughter is most likely Ye Luo's son.

Ye Luo now only has two sons and one daughter, and finally got a new daughter. If she died suddenly in Shanghai, no one would be able to bear it.

"Well, after the meeting is over in a while, I'll ask my wife to call and ask about the situation." The principal nodded, "Then don't wait for him, let's get started directly."

When everyone was seated, the principal spoke loudly: "Why is our country in such a crisis? It's all because it's fragmented, everyone is for themselves, and they harm the public and enrich themselves. How can a country be strong? There must be a unified authority. Within the institution, Everyone should have strict discipline and unite firmly around the leader, do you think that is the case? "

"What Dang Zuo said is absolutely true." Several people agreed.

Judging from the appearance of the principal, he was stimulated by the experience of going out to the field and was finally ready to change his path.

Today's political situation is extremely serious, and principals must be prepared to make a comeback.

He learned deeply from the failure of this political struggle, and prepared to cultivate cronies frantically, eliminate dissidents, and develop a spy organization to consolidate his rule and threaten other high-level officials.

This is why Dai Li, as the director of the Shanghai Bund Secret Service, can stand here for meetings.

He is the head of the new spy agency appointed by the principal.

This time the principal stepped down and planned to return to his hometown of Fenghua Xikou for vacation, but he must not be without people around him, so he asked Dai Li to secretly organize a liaison group and set up its headquarters at No. 53 Ji'e Lane, Jinling, to continue to follow him and provide him with various services during this period. intelligence.

"Before leaving office this time, I asked Dai Li to organize the Secret Service of the China National Renaissance Society. This organization is different from the current Secret Service and is dedicated to mastering intelligence for me."

The principal looked at them and said calmly.

Chen Guofu, who controlled the CC department, immediately had an opinion: "Party seat, we already have the Central Intelligence Agency, so there is no need to establish a new secret service."

Dai Li knew that this matter would make Chen Guofu hate him, so he declined.

The principal shook his head and said: "I will arrange everything, you don't need to say anything."

Dai Li had no choice but to stand at attention and salute and express his position: "From now on, I will receive the order in one hand and my head in the other. I am determined to die and will never look back."

"Okay!" The principal clapped softly, then looked at Song Ziwen, "Ziwen, my resignation is only temporary, and I will retreat in order to advance. During the period of my resignation, you must be responsible for winning over and uniting the aspiring young people, working hard internally, and severely cracking down on the rebels externally. ,Do you understand?"

"I will live up to my trust." Song Ziwen felt unhappy.

He just wants to be the finance minister safely.

But after the principal resigned, he was asked to concurrently serve as the vice president of the Executive Yuan, and he was asked to engage in this struggle and that struggle, which was extremely against his wishes.

But what can be done.

This guy is his own brother-in-law, and the fate of the Song family and the Jiang family have long been closely linked.

The principal looked at Kong Xiangxi again: "Recently, those people from the Jiangsu and Zhejiang conglomerates have been trying to make a move. Although I have asked A Luo to beat them, he has no power after all and is alone. You must always pay attention to the movements of those businessmen. When I come back, I will attack them first. !”

"I know." Kong Xiangxi was very steady and didn't say much.

This is actually a chore.

The people from the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Consortium were the first group of businessmen to support the principal. Doing this now is like killing the donkey.

The principal is like this. He always likes to assign them to do the dirty work, so that he can make a name for himself with nothing.

"That girl Lingjun, I heard that she has started doing business with him?" When talking about this, several people laughed.

Kong Lingjun was only thirteen years old when she came out of school. This is no longer the old society, and women can also study and enter college. Normally, she should not start working until she is seventeen or eighteen years old.

It was good now that Ye Luo was working as a tutor for her. She really didn't care about Kong Xiangxi's face and just started to work like a cow and horse.

This is also the reason why several other families do not want to leave their children to Ye Luo for training.

This second young master is really unpredictable.

Kong Xiangxi's old face darkened and he could only say: "She can do whatever she likes. It's better than tearing down her family in Jinling."

Kong Lingjun was deeply loved by the principal's wife and regarded her as her own. If she stayed here, everyone present would have seen her ability to tear down homes.

The name of the Demon King is not for nothing.

Now follow Ye Luo, out of sight and out of mind.

"Well, that's fine. With your commander here, your two families won't get too far apart." The principal nodded.

He does intend to cultivate Ye Luo, and even wants him to replace Kong Xiangxi or Song Ziwen in the future.

But he didn't want to completely lose the support of the Kong family and the Song family.

At least when the Ye family has not grown to a towering tree, there is no need to chill people's hearts.

"Guofu, isn't Deng Zesheng still unwilling to cooperate?" The principal mentioned the last name that gave him a huge headache.

Deng Yanda is one of the loudest and most powerful people in the Kuomintang who opposes him.

Hu Hanmin still couldn't kill one person to serve as a warning to others.

This time the principal was really murderous.

Chen Guofu nodded.

"Dai Li, go and deal with it and make it clean." The principal's eyes were fierce.

This was his last instruction before leaving the field.

In the afternoon of the same day, the president issued a telegram, voluntarily announcing his resignation and resigning from the positions of top leader of the Jinling National Government and executive dean.

After a series of detailed arrangements, he and the principal's wife returned directly to his hometown in Xikou, which stunned Yan Xishan and others.

According to their thinking, there may be another Central Plains war this time.

But the principal actually went down like this!

He really ran away in despair!

For a moment, the others were overjoyed.

But it didn't take long for this joyful celebration to turn into an internal struggle among other forces to compete for the power that the principal had stepped down.

Not long after the Jiangcheng National Government was established, it did kill the principal without any blood.

However, before the fruits of victory were ripe, guys like Mr. Wang began to sharpen their swords against their teammates.

It's messed up, everything is messed up! (End of chapter)

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