1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 638 Annual Meeting and Selling Assets for Cash

Marilyn, Hui Xin's youngest daughter and currently the youngest princess of the Ye family, Ye Hongdou, is actually not sick.

Ye Luo started to run Ye's Pharmaceutical Company a few years ago. Now the company has branches all over the Republic of China. It is easy to deceive the principal in this regard.

The meeting before the principal's resignation was a discussion among his own core factions.

Ye Luo didn't want to label himself and the Ye family as the Jiang family. In that case, in ten or twenty years, he would have no choice but to escape to Treasure Island.

As we all know, after the death of the principal, the power of the Jiang family in Baodao became weaker and weaker day by day. Among the people who followed him to Baodao, few families were able to flourish beyond the millennium.

Ye Luo doesn't know how long he can live in this life, but he knows that if he is tied to the principal's boat, the Ye family will most likely disappear into dust in a few decades.

With his current financial resources and the current power of investment, Ye can completely imitate those century-old families in the West and slowly build a wealthy family that will never collapse around the world.

Why bother to stick to a small place like one city and one pond?

Therefore, he decisively took Ye Hongdou and Huixin for a tour in Peiping.

He said he was treating his daughter, but in fact he visited Lin Huiyin who was about to give birth, and transferred to Tianjin City, where he told Chen Youde to continue fighting the Japanese invaders overtly and covertly.

Don't let these bastards live a good life just because Zhang Xueming left.

After the principal really left the field and took his whole family to his hometown in Xikou, Ye Luocai returned to Shanghai with his wife and daughter.

At the end of December, Fan Shaozeng brought people and money to Shanghai to visit the pier, thinking about making a living with the second young master.

After the Second Liu Zhengchuan was over, he would go back and continue to be his division commander.

Little did they know that this time when I came to Shanghai, by coincidence, I encountered a major event that shocked both China and the world.

New Year's Day, 1932.

As the chairman and general manager of Yip Investment, Ye Luo held the first annual meeting of the Shanghai Branch of Yip Investment.

The concept of company annual meetings was introduced from the West. At this time, domestic companies were not interested in engaging in this practice.

Although most of their bosses are compradors and warlords with a high degree of Westernization, they don't treat workers as human beings, and they don't even provide them with benefits, let alone annual celebrations.

The total number of Yip's Investment staff working in Shanghai is tens of thousands, and they are literally packed into the ballrooms owned by Yip's Investment such as Paramount.

The main venue of the annual meeting was held in the Paramount Ballroom, and Mingyue Song and Dance Troupe and singer Wang Ji were invited to help out. Many senior executives of the company were also present at other branch venues.

Each table in the branch room was placed with a latest radio produced by Ye's Electronics Factory.

These employees who cannot go to Paramount can also listen to Ye Luo's speech simultaneously through Asia and America Radio.

That’s how Ye’s Investment, which is engaged in radio and broadcasting at the same time, can play like this.

The unique celebration scene of the annual meeting was recorded by many newspaper reporters using various equipment. These photos and videos will become priceless treasures in the future!

Ye Luo held the annual meeting for several purposes.

It can not only make the employees of Ye's Investment more cohesive as a company, but also convey some hints quietly.

On the night of the annual meeting, Ye Luo informed all employees that Ye's investments have spread all over the south of the Republic of China. Although the north withdrew its capital due to the war, the industry has been successfully transferred to Qing City. If any employees from the north want to go back to work, they can apply to Qing City. of divisions.

As of December 1931, the total amount of Ye's investment in the Republic of China was as high as 3.2 billion yuan, while when it was founded in March 1928, it was only 50,000 yuan.

In less than four years, Ye Luo single-handedly brought Ye's investment to the highest peak and became the well-deserved first business empire in the Republic of China!

Due to various reasons, Ye Luo was unable to explain his overseas industries, so facing the "rise of giant businessmen" mentioned by Lu Yusheng back then, it seemed to be a relatively distant goal at this time.

Even if all overseas industries are listed, the total volume is about 5 billion U.S. dollars, but it has not yet reached the bottom line in Ye Luo's mind - 20 billion U.S. dollars.

Therefore, he still looked like he still had a long way to go.

Amidst the thunderous applause, Ye Luo naturally maintained his consistent style. When the domestic situation was severe and the Japanese invaders invaded the north, he once again increased the wages of all Ye's investment staff.

Ye's Investment also became the only super company in the Republic of China and even in the world that was still thriving in 1932.

The United States was still in the midst of the Great Depression, and the economic crisis it had swept across the world had spread to many countries.

If Ye Luo hadn't taken action to acquire silver, the Republic of China would have been in mourning.

Last year, he also spent money to repair water conservancy projects, provide disaster relief for many times, import relief grain from overseas, etc.

After talking about these things, Ye Luo naturally talked about Ye's investment plans for the next five to ten years.

Since we have previously reached a cooperation agreement with the Livermore Group, Ye Luo’s mention of moving the industry to central regions such as Qing City, as well as overseas regions such as Europe and the United States, does not sound too outrageous.

The north was mired in war, and the merchants who ran to pick up the leaks almost didn't come back. Ye Luo's evacuation went from being ridiculed by everyone to being regarded as a classic now.

The south has long been the base of Ye's investment.

As long as the principal is not completely destroyed, no one can really touch Ye's investment.

Even if the principal is gone, as long as a huge unified regime does not emerge, any new ruler will always have to consider the penetration of Ye's investment in the south and have to talk to Ye Luoping.

Then his development direction is indeed only overseas.

Ye Luo bluntly said that this year we will vigorously develop overseas trade, so we need to invest in three-way transportation by sea, land and air.

The unknown port industry of Tianjin City was revealed incidentally, and the shadow of Chen Youde gradually came to the forefront.

Another major change in Ye's investment was in Shanghai.

Due to previous Huade military cooperation projects, Ye invested in a large number of industrial parks and military research bases in the Zhabei area.

However, Max, the first head of the military advisory group, passed away, and the second head who succeeded him decided to cooperate in depth with the Ministry of Military Affairs and gradually stripped Yeluo of his position in the cooperation project——

Although he himself was supported by Ye Luo and Max, when it came to core interests, he did not choose to compromise.

This sounds a little disturbing.

But now that the principal has resigned, and the military and political minister has been replaced by Wang's direct descendant, he is even more happy to pick peaches.

Ye Luo stated that Ye's Investment will officially withdraw from cooperation. Those industrial parks will be sold to the Ministry of Military Affairs at a package price, and the core technologies and personnel will either return to the advisory group or follow Ye's Investment to Jiacheng and become part of the tax police group. .

The suburbs of Shanghai, mainly Zhabei, have also left many memories for Hengsan and others.

When I first came here, there were still ordinary people who had no food to eat. However, it gradually became full of life because of the Ye Industrial Park.

In more than two years, these people have become rich.

But now, he has become a victim of the struggle between the party and the government and is forced to leave his hometown.

It is impossible to say that they have no resentment.

But so what?

Ye Luo promised to use the money from selling these industrial parks to rebuild the park near Jiacheng and develop overseas. As long as they, the local employees, are willing, they can leave with them.

As soon as this incident came out, the Republic of China caused quite a stir.

Everyone knows that the second young master spent a lot of money to develop industry. Now it is better. It is a pity that the industry is not done well and someone picked the peach.

There are many people who are fighting for Ye Luo, and even the principal who has just left the field has received some good reviews.

He always engaged in factional fighting, but he was never vague about supporting Ye Luo.

Some even said that if the principal had not stepped down, perhaps this incident would not have happened.

No matter what, Ye Luo was determined to sell those properties.

He doesn't feel bad.

As long as the resources, personnel and technology are still there, it is just a matter of moving to another place to continue production.

But we really can’t stay in Zhabei any longer.

Because the January 28 Incident will happen soon!

By that time, the Japanese invaders were furiously attacking Zhabei, raining bullets and bullets. The most unlucky ones were private houses and shops.

He didn't want to suffer any loss.

However, Zhabei was attacked, but Nanshi, which was also full of industrial industries invested by Ye's family, was safe and sound.

This is also a point of confusion for many people now.

Since even the industries in Zhabei have been abandoned, why are the ones in Nanshi still kept? (End of chapter)

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