1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 640 I did it on purpose

January 18, 1931.

In the evening, Paramount Ballroom.

Wang Ji, the current queen of singing and dancing in Shanghai, walked onto the stage, still dressed as a "black cat" with her long hair tied up with a rose-red braid and high heels.

Countless men in the audience immediately cheered.

Since Wang Ji became famous, she has performed less and less, and some even said that she is the mistress of a high-ranking official.

Even when she performed a few times, she changed her dress from the black cat dancer period and instead dressed elegantly.

For some reason, Wang Ji changed back to her sexy style today and performed on stage.

"Long time no see, friends." Wang Ji's voice was as beautiful as ever.

I heard that there was a queen of singing at Paramount tonight, and the ticket price suddenly increased tenfold. Even so, the venue outside the public pool was still full of people.

They raised their arms and shouted "Long time no see", which made Ye Luo, who was mixed in the crowd, feel like he was watching the fanatical fans chasing stars after the millennium.

No matter which era, there are fanatical fans.

Rosemary standing next to him was also very eye-catching. She was cute and petite, which was quite rare in the Republic of China.

She was at her most youthful age, just like the heroine in the movie "Lolita". When she stood there, she aroused the hearts of many men.

Rosemary pursed her lips and chuckled: "Second Master, she seems to have been looking for you."

Ye Luo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Probably."

After contacting the latest heir of Sassoon for a while, Ye Luo was more and more amazed at the sixth sense of this loli.

She was always right.

This is also the reason why Ye Luo was willing to eat and dance with her.

There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

He didn't get along with Sassoon and Edward, but it didn't mean that Ye's Investment and Sassoon would not cooperate.

Rosemary is a qualified partner in every aspect.

But she is like a little wild cat, and it is not easy to tame this little wild cat.

Wang Ji on the stage started singing.

It was still the familiar "Night Jasmine", which she actually did not sing once last year.

The last time she sang was also in front of Ye Luo.

In the faint and elegant singing, Ye Luo and Rosemary also danced on the dance floor.

The dozen pairs of men and women around them were bodyguards sent by the two major forces. No matter where Ye Luo and the others turned, they would follow.

Rosemary was less than 1.5 meters tall, and dancing with Ye Luo, who was more than 1.7 meters tall, she had to tiptoe slightly. It was obviously very hard, but she enjoyed this feeling very much.

"Second Young Master~ Why are you so sure that the industrial park in Zhabei will depreciate?" Rosemary suddenly asked.

Ye Luo paused and looked down at her.

The little Loli's eyes were clear and pure, but with a hint of cunning.

This guy didn't know the truth, but he felt something with his sixth sense.

"Why do you say that?" Ye Luo pulled her around.

Rosemary smiled sweetly and said, "Not long ago, Wang's subordinates came to our company and hoped that we could buy part of the industrial park and then run it again."

"That's a good thing." Ye Luo smiled, he was telling the truth.

Sassoon lost money, isn't that a good thing?

Rosemary bit her lip and glared at him: "You are lying. Your eyes tell me that this is not a good thing. Anyway, I didn't agree to this and pushed it to Yu."

"Yu Qiaqing." Ye Luo added.

Rosemary nodded: "Yes, it's him. One of the most famous Chinese businessmen in Shanghai. He even came to thank me specially."

"Then you missed a good opportunity to make a fortune." Ye Luo said regretfully, "If you can take over all the industrial parks I left behind, you will be ahead of many companies at the beginning."

"Really? Then why don't you want it?" Rosemary asked.

Ye Luo smiled and said, "Secret."

"Hmph. Okay, then I have another question." She continued to ask, "About Shanghai's finance"

"Ms. Sassoon, didn't you say that we would only dance and eat today, not talk about business?" Ye Luo interrupted her.

Rosemary was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "But in this way, no one can answer my doubts."

"What doubts? Why relax financial controls outside the concession area?" Ye Luo smiled at her.

This little Loli's business mind and vision are really amazing.

She should have collected a lot of his information, analyzed it one by one, and came to a roughly accurate conclusion.

Yes, Ye Luo has been doing some relatively secretive business activities recently.

To put it simply, all the assets of Ye's investment located outside the concession were quietly and quietly moved into the concession.

Large industries such as Ye's Automobile and Ye's Dance Industry suddenly began to close branches in the suburbs and county towns, which must not be hidden from the eyes of those who are interested.

But Ye Luo has too many reasons to use.

Just say that after the principal stepped down, the new mayor, Wu Tiecheng, did not get along with him. This alone was enough.

The most suspicious of these is what Rosemary said, to relax financial controls outside the concession.

At this time in the Republic of China, the financial and monetary system has gradually collapsed under the impact of multiple wars and overseas monetary systems.

In 1928, 1 US dollar was exchanged for 2.4 oceans, and now 1 US dollar is exchanged for 5.2 oceans.

In the black market, 1 US dollar can even be exchanged for 6.1 oceans.

You must know that under normal currency exchange rates, the black market, as a place for money laundering, should have a lower exchange rate.

This shows that the official exchange channel is not even as conscientious as the black market.

In other words, the depreciation of the ocean is far greater than what is shown on the surface.

There are thousands of reasons for these situations, such as the resignation of the principal, domestic chaos, the fall of the north, and overseas financial crises.

In a certain area, the biggest businessmen have power similar to that of the official.

Especially Shanghai is the base camp of Ye's investment, and Ye Luo can completely control the black market exchange rate.

But he chose to relax the financial control outside.

This also means that Ye Luo is completely opening up the business circle outside the concession.

For those consortiums that support Mr. Wang, this is a huge benefit.

Sassoon \u0026 Co. got wind of the news and naturally wanted to move, but Rosemary's first reaction was that this was so similar to the time in the north!

"So you really did it on purpose!" Rosemary opened her mouth and was stunned.

She was not sure at first, but Ye Luo admitted it himself.

Then this is a huge pit.

You must not jump.

In short, she is superstitious about Ye Luo's behavior. Although sometimes it doesn't make sense, he always wins in the end.

"Okay, the answer time is over. Listen to the song, Miss Sassoon."

Ye Luo gently pulled the petite Rosemary out of the dance floor.

The reason why he stopped was simple.

On the stage, after Wang Ji finished singing, the Mingyue Song and Dance Troupe sent a newcomer.

A little girl named Zhou Xiaohong, only twelve years old.

She is Wang Ji's last disciple, and also a new singer that Li Jinhui has been admiring recently.

Ye Luo knows that she will have another famous name in the future - Zhou Xuan. (End of this chapter)

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