1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 639 Selling Faster Than Anyone Else

Regardless of those doubts and puzzled eyes, Ye Luo reached a consensus with the Military and Political Department at the fastest speed.

All the technicians, staff and the latest equipment in the industrial parks he left in Zhabei were directly evacuated, escorted by Ye's Security and Ye's Sports, and temporarily moved to the headquarters of the Tax Police Corps in the suburbs of Jiacheng.

The remaining old equipment, factory buildings and land were sold to Wang's faction.

Even if Ye Luo was unwilling to leave the technicians and the latest equipment here, Wang still felt that he had made a lot of money, smiling and celebrating.

Ye Luo was recognized as one of the businessmen of the pro-principal faction. Looting a large number of industrial parks from him was equivalent to giving the principal a direct blow.

In Wang's eyes, the stir caused by this matter was even higher than the value of these industrial parks.

He finally made the arrogant principal suffer from the front.

He finally proved that he was a big man who could sit on an equal footing with the principal within the Kuomintang.

Others, such as Sun Ke, have not yet achieved this level.

After several rounds of negotiation, the Ministry of Military Affairs offered a price of 27.62 million yuan, which was considered to be a good profit for Ye Luo's "sensible" behavior.

Ye Luo readily agreed.

After the most important technical personnel and new equipment were evacuated, the remaining pile of scrap metal was actually not worth much.

As long as he was given a few pieces of land of the same size, he could reshape several such industrial parks in a few minutes.

Ye Luo's lowest price in his mind was 12 million yuan, but Mr. Wang was very generous and more than doubled it.

It has to be said that these politicians really make money. They didn't even blink when they wrote a check of nearly 30 million yuan.

On January 15, the newly appointed Minister of Military Affairs came to Shanghai with a smile to sign a contract with Ye Luo, and also brought Chairman Wang's sincere greetings.

Mr. Wang also tried to win over Ye Luo.

Previously, he had persuaded the Jiangsu and Zhejiang consortium headed by Yu Qiaqing to become his money bag.

Now if Ye Luo can be taken down, it will be equivalent to cutting off half of the principal's source of income.

How could Ye Luo dare to get involved with such a big traitor? He smiled and declined, and in his heart, he mourned for Yu Qiaqing and others for a few minutes.

No wonder the principal returned to work later, fighting the war of resistance while preparing for the "state advances and private retreats" movement.

He hated these two-faced businessmen.

After being rejected, Mr. Wang was not discouraged. Anyway, there were plenty of opportunities.

The principal has stepped down, isn't it a matter of time to deal with you rotten fish and stinky shrimps?

He thought so in his heart, and issued several new decrees overnight.

One of them was to dismiss Zhang Qun and transfer him to Hubei Province to serve as the top leader of the military and political circles.

This was a transfer in public but a demotion in private. Hubei Province is now underdeveloped, banditry is rampant, warlords are everywhere, and it has been hit by wars many times. It is not a good place to do business.

No matter from which point of view, it is better to stay in Shanghai.

And going there is equivalent to indirectly leaving the "capital circle" headed by Jinling, which is equivalent to being transferred away from the center of power.

Zhang Qun was also helpless. Who made him a diehard of the principal's faction?

Wang was very considerate of Bai Xiongqi by not forcing him to leave with the principal.

Bai Xiongqi, who was ambitious and only wanted to get promoted, also suffered.

He was also demoted and transferred to the post of Minister of Military and Political Affairs of Jiacheng, and his official position was cut in half.

Because he had Ye Luo as his brother-in-law, Wang could not suppress Bai Xiongqi too much, so he did not kill him, because he had Ye Luo as his brother-in-law.

Jiacheng was the station of the General Tax Police Corps, which was roughly equivalent to Ye Luo's territory. It was better to send him there than to Hubei Province like Zhang Qun did.

After a series of personnel transfer orders were issued, the principal's faction members in Jinling were scattered.

Wang was not stupid. He knew that military figures could not be moved at will at this time, so he let Dai Ji go.

It was this decision that prevented the January 28 Incident from reaching the most extreme bad ending.

Ma Yongzhen, who also had a close relationship with Ye Luo, continued to serve as the head of the Songhu Police Department. After all, compared with Bai Xiongqi and others, he was just a younger brother.

Moreover, in the past few years, Ma Yongzhen has built the Songhu Police Department into his own home. Even if he is dismissed, the new chief cannot deal with these subordinates.

Even so, the voices of Ye Investment and the Ye family being bad-mouthed are slowly rising.

As the Ye family goes down, rivals such as Sassoon will naturally climb up.

The last time Edward went to the north to "show his strength", he almost didn't come back. Since then, he never dared to believe his sister Rosemary's words again. He directly booked a boat ticket and prepared to leave Shanghai at the end of the month.

Rosemary was helpless. Although Edward was not capable of competing with her for the position of heir, it was good to keep him as a gun.

Unexpectedly, this young man was afraid of a few times, which made her very unhappy.

Fortunately, although she was defeated in the north, her goal was still achieved.

As she guessed, Ye Luo always seemed to do things that ordinary people could not understand, but if you look into it, there must be a reason.

When Ye's investment withdrew from the north, almost no one could resist the temptation. Rosemary also wanted to fight for the territory several times, but she still suppressed her restless heart.

Before coming to China from overseas, she repeatedly studied Ye Luo's life experience.

Since he emerged at the age of twelve with Jing Ruishan, his life has been like a cheat, with both civil and military skills and proficiency in everything.

After six years of studying abroad, Rosemary also used her family connections to get some of Ye Luo's information about Cambridge and Harvard. After reading it, she, who also graduated from Harvard, was simply full of admiration for this senior.

No wonder this silly brother can't beat Ye Luo.

He returned to Shanghai in 1928 and started running Ye's Automobile in just one year. This is something Edward can't learn in his lifetime.

The more she knows Ye Luo, the more surprised Rosemary is.

Therefore, when Ye's investment left the north, her first reaction was not to follow others to seize territory and industry, but to wait and see.

She only fooled Edward to try.

Sure enough, everyone who went to the north lost all their money.

Some people with bad luck even lost their lives.

From the surface factors, it was because of the sudden outbreak of the Fengtian Incident, which led to the war in the north, and merchants naturally became prey.

But if he only relied on this kind of luck to do business, could Ye Luo make Ye's investment a scale of tens of billions of oceans?

She didn't believe it.

There must be a deeper reason.

Rosemary became more and more excited as she thought about it. She sat on the boss's desk, swinging her short legs leisurely and humming a song.

Anyway, she had an appointment with Ye Luo for dinner at Paramount tonight. All the mysteries might be solved at this dinner.

She also admired Ye Luo's boldness and generosity.

Sassoon and Ye Investment were almost mortal enemies. He dared to come to dinner when his mortal enemy's daughter invited him!

Interesting! (End of this chapter)

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