1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 643: Disaster strikes, only one friend left among three

"It's the Second Young Master who is here!"

"These Japanese are going too far. Let the Second Young Master help us get justice!"

"Yes! Yes! Not only did they obstruct our training, but they also closed the factory. This is intolerable! We will fight the Japanese!"

"Who said we will fight the Japanese?"

Ye Luo got off the car surrounded by a group of big men in black.

As soon as he appeared, the messy crowd suddenly became silent.

The Japanese hiding behind the patrolmen of the Municipal Council were stunned. They just wanted to take advantage of the intensified chaos and the outbreak of conflicts to do something else.

Unexpectedly, this young Chinese who came out halfway shocked all the Chinese workers with just one sentence.

"What are you doing? The Municipal Council and the Songhu Police Department are still investigating the truth of the matter, but you are gathering to cause trouble. Do you think the situation is not chaotic enough?"

Ye Luo scolded loudly, leaving a group of Chinese workers speechless.

There were a few who were not convinced and were ready to go up and argue with Ye Luo, but when they saw Shi Jianqiao and others who were fully armed, they all backed off.

The police from the Municipal Council translated Ye Luo's words to a few Japanese, who were all happy and smiling, not expecting that it was friendly troops coming over.

Just as they were about to come up and greet Ye Luo, Ye Luo turned around and scolded the police from the Municipal Council again.

"What did you do? Clearly the matter has not been settled yet, and you rushed over to seal other people's factories and beat other people's employees? Is the Municipal Council doing things so overbearing now?"

Ye Luo stood in the middle of a group of Chinese workers and police officers. He was the only one speaking in the whole audience, and no one dared to interrupt.

"Second Young Master, we" The captain of the police wanted to argue, but was glared at by Ye Luo fiercely, and immediately shut up.

Ye Luo was a specially appointed Chinese director of the Municipal Council, one of the Chinese consuls of the British Consulate General in Shanghai, and one of the few Chinese with real power in the International Settlement.

It was equivalent to their boss's boss.

They really didn't dare to talk back.

"Okay, what's the point of gathering here in the middle of the night? Those who should go back should go back, and those who should go to work should go to work. I believe the Municipal Council can find out the truth, right?"

Ye Luo began to wave his hand to drive people away.

In this case, there is a high probability that there are spies of the Japanese invaders among those who gathered to cause trouble. They want to make things bigger so that they can find an excuse to call in the army.

Ye Luo naturally won't let them do what they want.

Since the spies can't be found for the time being, just cut it off first.

Several patrolmen were submissive and had to smile and nod. Under the watchful eyes of Ye's security staff, they began to gather the team and gave up the idea of ​​sealing off the Sanyou Industrial Society headquarters.

The foreign leader of the Municipal Council gave them the order that no matter what means were used, they must mediate the incident and satisfy the Japanese.

Now that the second young master has come forward, the effect is the same, and there is no need to do such an unethical thing as sealing off other people's factories.

"Second Young Master, what if the Municipal Council can't find out clearly and the shit pot insists on putting it on our heads?" a voice in the crowd asked.

Ye Luo's eyes turned cold, and he glanced back at the Japanese who had bad intentions, and said calmly: "If the Municipal Council can't find anything, then we, the Ye Security, will have to take action."

"We believe in the Second Young Master's people!"

"Yes! The Second Young Master will definitely give us justice!"

"Let's go, let's go, don't gather here to cause trouble for the Second Young Master."

The confrontation situation that was originally quite a headache was quickly resolved because of Ye Luo's arrival.

Several Japanese looked uncertain and gritted their teeth in anger, but they could do nothing about Ye Luo, so they could only return to the Japanese concession in disgrace under the escort of the Municipal Council patrolmen.

The crowd dispersed, and Ye Luo took Shi Jianqiao and others to the factory, ready to meet the bosses of Sanyou Industrial Society.

Sanyou Industrial Society was founded by Chen Wanyun, Shen Jiucheng and Shen Qiyong in 1912 (the first year of the Republic of China), and soon became the first textile factory in my country with large-scale machine production.

One year after the factory opened, Shen Qiyong changed jobs and split the shares. Soon, Chen Wanyun's fellow villager Chen Lufu invested 2,100 yuan. At that time, the capital increased to 2,400 yuan, and the word "Mei Ji" was added to the factory name.

After the product came out, how to enter the candle wick market monopolized by Japanese merchants became a problem again.

In order to open up the situation, Chen Wanyun and Shen Jiucheng promoted and marketed on the streets themselves, set up a stall near the Japanese candle shop and lit homemade candles.

Pedestrians gathered around and saw that the candles did not drip oil, bend, or go out in the middle, which was indeed not inferior to foreign candles.

This street live advertisement made the "Venus" brand candle wicks famous, and the "Sanyou" candle wicks quickly opened up the market with the advantages of low price and high quality.

After the Fengtian Incident, the workers of the Sanyoushe General Factory were enthusiastic about resisting the Japanese. They established the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Association and organized the Sanyou Anti-Japanese Army, with more than 400 people participating. Chen Wanyun was the captain. The team members made military uniforms at their own expense and practiced every day before work.

The Sanyou Anti-Japanese Army also posted a giant propaganda poster on the high wall at the factory gate, with the title "We must recover the north". The picture shows a volunteer soldier holding a long gun and pointing it at Japanese soldiers.

The Japanese-owned Donghua Towel Factory to the west is stationed with the Japanese Marine Corps and has an observation tower. Every day, they can see the actions of the Sanyoushe Towel Factory, and they hate it and regard it as a thorn in their eyes.

In order to cooperate with the upcoming January 28 Incident, the "Japanese Monk Incident" was launched today.

Walking into the factory, you can't hear the roar of any machines at night, but you can vaguely hear the workers practicing with weapons.

The Ministry of Industry and Industry Bureau blocked the door, and the three friends Chen Wanyun, Shen Jiuzheng and Chen Lufu also had internal conflicts.

Ye Luo arrived at the general manager's office under the guidance of the workers. When he opened the door, he heard the fierce quarrel between the three people.

"It is our responsibility to resist Japan and save the country! We formed the Three Friends, engaged in industry, and drove out Japanese goods. Isn't it just to get the invaders out of our country? Now it's good, people are knocking on the door, but you are going to be a coward?"

Chen Wan was so lucky that he had a toothache. He looked at his two former friends with an expression of hatred.

Shen Jiuzheng sighed: "Wan Yun, we are businessmen, not soldiers. If you form a workers' army with great fanfare and train day and night, you will definitely become a thorn in the side of the Japanese. This is not cost-effective."

"Isn't it cost-effective? We are facing a national crisis, and our northern compatriots are suffering day and night. Are you telling me about the benefits?" Chen Wan pointed at his nose and cursed.

Chen Lufu on the side didn't say much, just silently picked up a check on the table: "Wan Yun, I don't dare to get involved in this matter, so I will withdraw my shares. Let's cooperate again if we have the opportunity."

"I'm quitting my shares too! I can't go crazy or die with you!" Shen Jiuzheng's relatives were from the north. They were doing business there and tried to resist the Japanese. Then the whole family was killed and the family property was lost.

He admires and respects people like Chen Wanyun, but he cannot be such a person himself.

"Okay, okay, let's go!" Chen Wanyun slammed the table and wanted to speak, but he caught a glimpse of Ye Luo smiling at the door.

He was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Second, Second Young Master?" (End of Chapter)

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