1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 644 I will invest, and you can move the factory without any worries

"Boss Chen, it seems I came at the wrong time."

Ye Luo looked at the three of them with a half-smile.

Scanned by his gaze, Shen Jiuzheng and Chen Lufu lowered their heads involuntarily, like children who had done something wrong.

"Second Young Master, why are you here?" Chen Wanyun quickly ran over to shake hands with Ye Luo, his face full of joy.

Sanyou Industrial Co., Ltd. started in the textile industry, but because Japanese textile factories almost monopolized the textile industry in Shanghai, their life has been difficult.

After the signing of the tariff autonomy agreement this year, Ye Luo took the lead in rectifying the textile industry in the south. Not only did he successfully expel Japanese goods and secure the domestic market, he also protected domestic textile factories like theirs.

It can be said that Ye Luo is the savior of the entire domestic textile industry.

Chen Wanyun was taken care of by Ye Luo several times and was one of the first members to join the Southern Textile Association. He admired Ye Luo very much.

"I heard that the Japanese caused trouble for no reason and even asked the patrols from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to seal down your main factory. I couldn't sit still, so I ran over to see the situation."

Ye Luo found a stool and sat down, took the tea from Chen Wanyun, took a sip, and said lightly,

"Don't worry, Boss Chen. I have sent away the Ministry of Industry and the Japanese and they will probably not come over to cause trouble again recently."

"Thank you so much, Second Young Master! I, I really don't know what to say." Chen Wanyun breathed a sigh of relief and sat down as well.

If Ye Luo doesn't take action this time, he will have no choice but to fight to the death with the Japanese invaders in the end. In short, he must not let these Japanese do whatever they want.

"But their evacuation is also temporary. Boss Chen still has to be fully prepared." Ye Luo remembered that the Japanese would come back in two days, and a larger-scale armed conflict would break out here. He had to remind Chen Wanyun,

"I think it's better not to take it too lightly recently, and always pay attention to the developments of the Japanese. Those Japanese monks were most likely injured and killed by themselves, and they want to blame you to further expand the dispute."

"I understand, second young master, don't worry. I have been living in the main factory recently. If there is any trouble, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Chen Wanyun deeply agreed, nodded and thanked again,

"Anyway, thank you very much, Second Young Master, for coming to help me. I am very grateful to you, Old Chen."

Shen Jiuzheng and Chen Lufu sitting aside were silent.

Ye Luo glanced at them: "Are the two bosses still planning to withdraw their shares and leave?"

"We." Shen Jiuzheng and Chen Lufu looked at each other. Even though Ye Luo took action, the relationship with the Japanese was finally forged.

They don't want to get angry.

After hesitating for a while, the two lowered their heads and nodded slightly.

"You guys!" Chen Wanyun sighed, pointed at them with his finger, and finally put them back.

Their behavior is understandable. After all, when a national crisis comes, how many people are really willing to die generously?

"Sorry, Old Chen, I still have a wife and children. The Japanese kill everyone they see in the north, and they are merciless to businessmen. If we have a head-on conflict with them, Sanyou Industrial Co., Ltd. may not be able to be saved."

Shen Jiuzheng lowered his head and said.

Chen Lufu still said nothing.

Ye Luo nodded and did not stop them: "I can understand the thoughts of both of you. Everyone has his own ambitions. Since you have decided to withdraw your shares, you should leave as soon as possible. I can fill in the equity you withdraw, so the three bosses don't have to worry about this."

Shen Jiuzheng and the others were relieved when they heard this, and without waiting much, they stood up and left.

After watching the two people leave, Chen Wanyun felt embarrassed again.

The sudden withdrawal of capital by two cooperative shareholders may cause the greatest harm to the factory, which may affect the operation of the capital chain.

Recently, the Japanese have been clinging to Sanyou Industrial Co., Ltd. Their factory cannot operate normally, and capital turnover is becoming more and more difficult. Now that it is fine, and the second young master is willing to buy shares, it doesn't matter if Shen Jiuzheng and the others withdraw the equity.

Everyone in Shanghai knows that the second young master has a lot of money.

"Second Young Master, you really saved the lives of our three friends!" Chen Wanyun almost knelt down.

With the full support of Ye's investment, he also gained the confidence to continue to fight against the Japanese.

Ye Luo patted him on the shoulder quickly and comforted him: "Boss Chen is serious. In short, my suggestion is that if you want to keep Sanyou's plates, it is best to evacuate the equipment and workers from here in the near future. This place has been occupied by the Japanese. If you stay here, I'm worried that bigger trouble will come to your door."

"This is a public concession ruled by the British and Americans. Do the Japanese dare to invade here like they invaded the north?"

Chen Wanyun was shocked. He didn't expect Ye Luo to suggest that he move the factory.

After a lot of hard work, Sanyou Industrial Co., Ltd. got the note from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau, bought the land, and built the main factory.

It's time to move the factory and all the expenses on the way will pile up. I'm afraid all the work this year will be in vain.

If other people came to persuade him to move the factory, Chen Wanyun would not pay attention at all.

But the person in front of him is Ye Luo, the second young master of Shanghai Bund and the number one tycoon.

He said this suggestion so seriously that Chen Wanyun had to think about it carefully.

Ye Luo knew that even if the three friends could escape the riots two days later, they would be destroyed in the 128 Songhu War of Resistance.

This is one of the few domestic factories that can compete with Japanese companies and has always been on the front line of the war against Japan. It is a pity that it was destroyed like this.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens." Ye Luo whispered.

Chen Wanyun nodded heavily: "Since the second young master has said so, let's move the factory! The concession is so big, there is always room for us."

Seeing that he did not choose a place outside the concession, Ye Luo breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise he would have to spend more time persuading him not to go out.

The two reached a consensus, chatted for a few more words, and then Ye Luo stood up and said goodbye.

The January 28 Incident was an important link before the Japanese invaders launched a full-scale war.

Just like they wanted to transfer Wanrong, even if there was no January 28, there would be February 28 and March 28, which could not be prevented.

What Ye Luo could do was to plan in advance, try to reduce the losses and casualties to the minimum, wait for the principal to come back, and then slowly transfer the assets invested by Ye's.

In the process of evacuating assets, if there were domestic factories like Sanyou that suffered, he would naturally help.

Taking advantage of the night to leave the Sanyou Industrial Society headquarters, sitting back in the car, Ye Luo looked out through the window.

It felt that under the night, Shanghai was like a giant beast trapped in a cage, unable to move.

"How are the evacuation arrangements for our factories going?" Ye Luo asked.

Cao Fan was familiar with this matter. The evacuation work was handled by Heng San and others, and he followed them to hear a lot of news.

When the second young master asked, he quickly replied: "It went smoothly. Because you arranged a family building, the employees are happy to come to the concession. It's just that we finally started doing business in Zhabei, the county town, and the suburbs. Now it's all evacuated, which is a pity."

"Second young master, is there going to be a war?" Shi Jianqiao had a keen intuition and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

Ye Luo sighed and lit a cigarette: "I hope not." (End of this chapter)

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