1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 645 The Rampant Japanese

It was 2 a.m. on January 20, the twenty-first year of the Republic of China (1932).

Chen Wanyun was suddenly shaken awake from his sleep.

"Boss Chen, Boss Chen! Wake up! The Japanese are coming!" A worker panicked, and his blue and white work clothes were still stained with small pieces of blood.

"What?!" After hearing the half-sentence "The Japanese are coming in", the confused Chen Wanyun woke up instantly and jumped up from the simple spring bed.

From time to time, there were shouts and explosions outside the window, it really felt like a war!

"Take me to have a look quickly!" Chen Wanyun was so sleepy that he didn't even have time to put on his coat and just grabbed the worker and ran outside.

Boom boom!

After several explosions, the large wooden door of the factory warehouse instantly shattered into several pieces, and sawdust flew everywhere.

"Boss Chen, hurry up and leave through the back door! There are so many Japanese!"

"Boss Chen, please leave, I, we will fight with them!"

The dozen or so factory workers who rushed over were all disgraced, and some were even injured.

They looked indignant, holding weapons such as wooden sticks and machetes in their hands, and they were on the verge of an explosion.

"Why are you fighting so hard? All of us are risking our lives! Call all the brothers who are staying in the factory over here and let's go out the back door together!"

Chen Wanyun saw the burning fire and the grenades thrown from time to time, and finally understood that what the second young master said that day was not a joke.

These Japanese people really want to use their Sanyou Industrial Co., Ltd. to start a new round of diplomatic conflict!

Even munitions like grenades were used, and troops might be sent in soon.

If it were just those Japanese ronin, Chen Wanyun would have the confidence to organize the Anti-Japanese and National Salvation Army in the factory to resist, but if the opponent was a regular army, workers like them who had been practicing temporarily for a while would not be able to stop them!

"If we leave now, what will happen to the factory?" Some workers said angrily.

The factory is just like their home. Now that their home has been destroyed by the Japanese, no one can swallow this sigh of relief.

"The factory can't be saved. If you stay here, you will risk your life! Have you forgotten? The second young master promised to find a new place for our factory."

Chen Wanyun angrily scolded several dazed workers. He couldn't just watch them die.

"But the second young master." Several people didn't trust this kind of big boss and capitalist.

"Didn't the move of the factory start a few days ago? If you don't believe the second young master, I do! If you don't want to leave, you can die here!"

Chen Wanyun had a bad temper. Seeing the Japanese shouting getting closer and closer, he didn't bother to talk nonsense with the group of people, so he took the lead and ran towards the back door.

The boss took the lead and left, and the workers behind him naturally chased after him one by one.

The one who raided the main factory of Sanyou Industrial Co., Ltd. was the Japanese ronin group "Japanese Youth Gay and Lesbian Association".

The leader was Chiharu Shigeto, one of the Japanese monks who caused trouble a few days ago. He led more than 60 members of the Comrade Association, and under the cover of the Japanese Marines stationed in Shanghai, they made a sneak attack on the main factory of Miyu Industrial Co., Ltd. in the deep dusk.

This raid was obviously planned in detail. The Japanese invaders successfully sneaked into the factory. Brimstone bombs, oil-soaked paper balls and grenades flew into the factory at lightning speed.

The factory suddenly burst into flames and screams continued.

After throwing grenades, the Japanese invaders set fire to six factories, hundreds of bales of cotton yarn, and damaged 24 looms.

While setting fire to the factory, Chiharu Shigefuji and his accomplices also killed one arrester from the Ministry of Industry Bureau and injured two others who came to suppress him!

If Chen Wanyun hadn't followed Ye Luo's advice and made preparations to move the factory in advance, this raid might have caused damage to a large amount of Sanyou Industrial Co.'s equipment, not to mention casualties.

This extremely heinous raid lasted until about six o'clock in the morning.

Seeing that the sky was turning white, Shigeto Chiharu decisively called on her accomplices to leave quickly, leaving only the bodies of the Chinese patrolman from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and several workers, and got into the prepared car without looking back.

Sitting in the car was Japanese Consul General Yata Nanitaro.

He sat in the front row and asked calmly: "How is things going, Shigeto-san?"

"It went well! But I didn't see anyone." Shigeto Chiharu nodded heavily. He was too familiar with things like burning, killing and looting.

Although he is a monk, this is what he does in Japan.

This time, Sanyou was caught off guard. Everything was fine, but it was strange. There were not many people in such a big factory, and there were not many equipment and goods in the warehouse.

"Well, in short, as long as things go well, you can stay in the Japanese Concession to avoid the limelight these days." Yata Shichitaro smiled.


The car gradually disappeared in the morning light.

Soon, the news of the attack on the three friends spread in Shanghai.

The disheveled Chen Wanyun came to Ye Mansion early in the morning to report the news. Xiaoli was shocked by a group of people covered in blood.

After Ye Luo got up and listened to what happened, he comforted Chen Wanyun and asked him to send all the injured workers to Ye's United Hospital, and then told him to move the factory to the concession as soon as possible.

After Chen Wanyun left, the Ye family gathered together, all looking unhappy.

"These Japanese actually dare to do this kind of thing in the public concession!" The veins in Ye Hao's hand holding the tea cup bulged. If he were near Sanyou, he would rush up and teach these bastards a lesson.

"What are you afraid of? A few days ago, they even conquered Jinzhou!" Ye Yuqiao sipped his tea, even though Ye Luo repeatedly emphasized that he should not get involved in various political affairs and be at home to take care of his grandchildren.

But Ye Yuqiao has been a hero who rose from the grass in his life, how could he be able to endure it at such a time.

Since the Fengtian Incident, Ye Yuqiao has refocused on national affairs.

Not long ago, Jinzhou, which Zhang Hanqing had defended for more than three months, was officially broken, which meant that the door to the north was forcibly opened by the Japanese.

If this continues, the fall of the north is only a matter of time.

The principal, who had resigned and was traveling with his wife in his hometown of Xikou, sent several secret telegrams to Zhang Hanqing, asking him to defend Jinzhou to the death.

Gu Weijun and others sent several telegrams in a row in one day, begging Zhang Hanqing not to give up Jinzhou.

Unfortunately, the situation was over.

Zhang Hanqing was no longer able to fight back to Fengtian, and continued resistance would only increase casualties. He abandoned Jinzhou against all odds and withdrew all his troops back to Shanhaiguan, which marked the fall of the entire Northeast.

The fall of the Northeast!

This news was like a thunderclap, exploding in the Republic of China. Parades and petitions emerged all over the country, and people with blood even took the initiative to go to the north to fight against Japan.

As for the Jinling National Government, after the principal announced his resignation, it had been reorganized into a "collegial system".

Now Lin Sen is the top leader, Sun Ke is the president of the Executive Yuan, and Wang and others are assisting. This group of people "deliberate" and firmly control national affairs.

But this group of people can do nothing but fight among themselves, and they can't come up with a national policy that is beneficial to the war situation.

The principal is not a pushover. Although he left, he arranged his confidants in key departments such as the army in advance. Kong Xiangxi, Song Ziwen and others are still there, and the real power of the Nanjing National Government has not been lost.

The principal's method of retreating to advance this time is very clever. In the past, he was accused of "non-resistance" and became the target of criticism from all factions.

Now, I'm not here, and if something goes wrong, you can't blame me, right?

It's this mess of government that has caused Shanghai to suffer.

The Sanyou Industrial Society's main factory was bombed, and the first-hand news Ye Luo received from the City Hall was that Wu Tiecheng wanted to ban public opinion and not allow the situation to escalate.

And then he had to personally appease the Japanese invaders?

After losing sovereignty and humiliating the country to such an extent, Ye Luo also understood that this group of people was hopeless.

He paced back and forth in the living room, and finally made up his mind to try again.

"A Luo, what are you doing?" Li Shuzhen was furious and stood up to stop her son.

This is really going to be a war. No matter how powerful her son is, he is just a head and two arms, and he will be shot dead.

She was unwilling to let Ye Luo go now.

"Don't worry, mom, I know what's going on. I'll go to the phone room and call the principal to try."

Ye Luo comforted his mother, and then gave Bai Xiuzhu, Xiao Aqiao and Meng Xiaodong a look.

The three girls understood and immediately surrounded their mother-in-law to let Ye Luo get away.

"You stinky boy! Oh!" (End of this chapter)

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