1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 668 Do you dare to acquire us despite the pressure of international disputes?

Ye Luo, who the principal's wife wanted to teach a lesson, could not go back to Shanghai now.

Zhang Hanqing's opium addiction recurred repeatedly. The initial treatment was relatively smooth, and he even recovered to his normal state. But when the addiction recurred, even Hu Ruoyu and others could not suppress him. The painful scene stimulated Yu Fengzhi and other women to be heartbroken.

Fortunately, Ye Luo was very determined and insisted that Dr. Miller continue to treat Zhang Hanqing. No matter who it was, no one was allowed to approach Zhang Hanqing who was addicted to opium and provide him with any help.

Ye Luo also burned all the opium-related things in the Marshal's Mansion, so that Zhang Hanqing could not see them.

Even when Dai Li came to arrest his father at home, he just called back and confirmed that Ye Yuqiao was fine, and then continued to watch Zhang Hanqing and help him quit smoking.

When he heard that the principal's wife was there, Ye Luo immediately understood Dai Li's little thoughts.

In history, when Shirakawa Yoshinori and others were bombed, the first to applaud were the principal and Wang and other high-ranking members of the Kuomintang.

In order to avoid the Japanese artillery fire, these high-ranking members of the Kuomintang took the train to Los Angeles as soon as possible under the pretext of moving the capital to work, and even the city hall began to move as a whole.

They were really afraid of a direct conflict with the Japanese invaders.

After this sudden assassination, the Japanese invaders stopped their attacks, and the principal was overjoyed. Not only did he not blame Chen Mingshu, the initiator of the assassination, but he also greatly commended him and promoted him to the top leader of the 19th Route Army.

Of course, the official reason for his promotion was his outstanding performance in the Battle of Songhu.

Therefore, Ye Luo knew very well that this matter would not affect the Ye family.

And from the intelligence network invested by Ye's investment, it was learned that the matter was indeed related to Ye Yuqiao.

In early March 1932, after mediation by Britain, France, Italy, the United States and other countries, China and Japan began negotiations on March 24.

During the negotiations, the Japanese military decided to hold a "Songhu War Victory Ceremony" on April 29, the Emperor's birthday. We believe that this is a provocative action against our country.

After negotiations failed, Chen Mingshu, Jiang Guangnai and Cai Tingkai decided to sabotage this provocative action.

A few days later, Chen Mingshu secretly met with Ye Yuqiao. During that period, Ye Yuqiao always went out early and came back late, just to discuss the sabotage action with Chen Mingshu.

In view of the fact that the Japanese side strictly prohibited Chinese from entering the venue and took strict precautions, Ye Yuqiao found the peninsula people who also hated the Japanese invaders and asked them to disguise themselves as Japanese to enter the venue.

On the 27th, the killer Yun Bong-gil went to Hongkou Park for field investigation to find the best attack location, and bought a portrait of Shirakawa Yoshinori in a Japanese bookstore for identification.

After that, he bought Japanese flags and other items in the Japanese concession as supplies to sneak into the venue.

That night, Yun Bong-gil wrote a suicide note to his parents, wife and two sons.

On the evening of April 28, Yun Bong-gil received two bombs specially made by Ye Yuqiao, one of which was made into a Japanese lunch box and the other was made into a Japanese kettle.

On April 29, Yun Bong-gil dressed up as a rich Japanese man, wearing a suit and leather shoes, carrying a kettle on his shoulder and a lunch box in his hand, and entered the venue smoothly with fluent Japanese.

At the climax of the ceremony, he rushed forward with the sound of salutes, threw the bomb onto the rostrum with all his strength, and it landed accurately at the feet of Shirakawa, killing and injuring a group of Japanese invaders.

On May 25, the arrested Yun Bong-gil was sentenced to death by the military court of the Japanese invaders' Shanghai Expeditionary Force, and was then taken to Japan and imprisoned in Kanazawa Prison for trial by the Tokyo Military Court.

In the original history, at 7:40 on December 19, 1932, Yun Bong-gil was used by the Japanese army to use the most cruel punishment, and was dismembered on a wooden rack to death. He was only 24 years old when he died.

In the whole assassination operation, Ye Yuqiao played the role of matchmaking. He and his old brothers were doing this kind of thing, and they had recently set up an organization called the Anti-Japanese Traitor Group.

Ye Yuqiao did all these things by himself without telling his two sons and wife.

He thought very clearly that he had been up and down all his life, and it was because of the Republic of China and the people that he could reach his current status.

This group of older people who had experienced the Qing Dynasty, the Great Revolution, the Beiyang period, and the Jinling National Government period had a very strong patriotic sentiment.

Now the Japanese invaders are arrogant and domineering, and the powers have blown open our country's door with cannons and opium. They are indignant and dissatisfied, and vow to expel the powers from our land.

Ye Yuqiao also knew that sooner or later he would become a thorn in the eyes of the Kuomintang and many warlords like the underground organization, so he tried his best to separate the Anti-Japanese Traitor Group from the Ye family, and he was also prepared to die rather than implicate his family.

But he didn't know that these things could not be hidden from Ye Luo's intelligence network.

Everything he did happened under Ye Luo's nose, and he often had to rely on Ye Luo to clean up the mess.

Ye Luo thought again and again, and finally chose not to interfere with his father's ideas.

Everyone has his own ambition and destiny, and this is a great thing for the country and the people. He felt bad to stop it for his family.

His plan to go to sea is still moving forward. Seeing that the 37th year is coming, things have to be accelerated.

In this plan, he did not force his family to obey him.

Ye Luo was very happy about the death of Shirakawa Yoshinori and others, so he decided to take a risk and arranged for Chen Zhen and a group of Jingwu Sports Company employees who were more familiar with Japan to secretly take a boat to Japan to rescue Yun Bong-gil who was imprisoned in prison!

He couldn't do it when he saw such a patriot being torn to death.

At the same time, while helping Zhang Hanqing continue to quit smoking, he sent people to speed up the suppression of the tram company.

The workers who went on strike for wages have joined Yip's Automobile Company one after another. The tram company is now just an empty shell, unable to recruit people, and the tram cannot operate.

In June, Lubeya finally couldn't bear it anymore and agreed to Van Benk's proposal to auction the tram section.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Second Young Master has no intention of letting the Belgians go. He wants to kill them all and then take the tram company as his own!

June 3rd.

Yelo came out of the marshal's house, strode into the Consulate General of Belgium in Tianjin, and participated in the auction of some tram sections in Tianjin with a group of "Chinese business shills" he invited.

Lubeya and Van Benk watched helplessly as he took away all the tram sections that originally belonged to them at a price of 7.8 million oceans.

At this point, the Tianjin Tramway Company's shares have shrunk significantly, and its market value has dropped by more than half.

Before leaving the Consulate General, Ye Luo went to find Lu Beiya and said in a heart-wrenching tone: "Consul General, the matter is not over yet! Please estimate the price of the tram company carefully, and I suggest you sell it to me early to avoid losing more. money."

"Are you crazy? Boss Ye! This is our Belgian company. Do you dare to acquire us despite the pressure of international disputes?" Everyone in Van Benk was dumbfounded.

"Then just see if I dare." Ye Luo laughed and walked away. (End of chapter)

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