1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 669 Successfully Quitting Smoking

Lu Beya's voice of opposition was loud, but he was completely timid after a few days.

Because he gradually found that it was useless to shout slogans. Now his subordinates were all remnants of defeated soldiers. If he continued to play with Ye Luo, he would lose everything sooner or later.

As Ye Luo said, if he sold the tram company to him as soon as possible, he could stop the loss in time.

But he couldn't accept that something that was once firmly in his hands was suddenly changing hands.

After hesitating for another two days, the price of the tram company fell from 2.9 million oceans to 1.75 million oceans. The consortium in the European headquarters could not sit still. They sent a telegram directly, first dismissing Van Benk from his position as general manager, and then using political connections to force Lu Beya to surrender and sell the tram company.

This was actually a great thing for Van Benk. He was caught in the middle and couldn't fight against Ye Luo at all. He had to help the Belgian consortium as a pioneer.

Now that he was fired, he could leave the tram company openly, away from the disputes between the two sides, and no longer have to suffer from both sides!

Lu Beya fell to the bottom in an instant, and could only visit Ye Luo in person and beg him to buy the tram company.

Ye Luo did not continue to mess with him, but just casually lowered the purchase price of the tram company to 1.5 million yuan, and then wrote a check to Lu Beya on the spot.

Seeing the Belgian Consul General, who was still arrogant a month ago, fleeing in panic, Kong Lingjun, who watched the whole business war, was amazed, as if he had opened the door to a new world.

In fact, the core point of this business war is "burning money".

But ordinary Chinese businessmen can't afford such a money-burning war at all. They have no money and don't know how to burn money reasonably.

This kind of unconventional business war skills, or business war skills that can only be used after a successful career, are actually not suitable for instilling in people who are new to business operations.

But Kong Lingjun is an exception.

She is the young lady of the Kong family. Her father is Kong Xiangxi, the richest man in the Republic of China. She is the goddaughter that the wife of the principal loves the most. She is a lady who can walk sideways in Jinling and other places.

Kong Lingjun will never lack capital in her life.

So her business career is destined to be different from most people.

Ye Luo cultivates her as a future female president.

She does not need to learn how to make the first pot of gold, but only needs to learn how to make money with money.

Not long after the tram price increase storm ended, the Belgian Tianjin Tram Company was officially acquired by Ye Shipping under Ye Investment.

Amid the cheers of the people, the original company's doorplate was slowly removed and replaced with the sign of the Tram Co., Ltd. under Ye Shipping.

So far, the Belgian occupation of the tram industry in Tianjin has finally become history.

Celebrities in Tianjin City came to congratulate Ye Luo, and the spies in the Japanese concession also wanted to imitate the Peninsula people to assassinate Shirakawa Yoshinori, and attempted to carry out a bomb attack at the opening ceremony.

Unexpectedly, Ye Luo did not attend the opening ceremony at all. Chen Youde and other senior executives of Ye Investment in Tianjin City went there.

Their assassination plan was leaked a few days ago.

Those spies were caught by the staff of Ye Sports and Security Company before they even entered the venue, and were directly put into sacks and thrown into the sea outside to become food for fish.

Ye Luo, who traveled from the future, knew the prosperity and backwardness of the intelligence system of the Republic of China.

They are prosperous because every city has a dense intelligence network woven by various countries and major domestic warlords.

They are backward because the spy agencies are basically very simple structures, and the contact methods and working methods they use are quite primitive, which cannot be compared with the future.

Even if Ye Luo only knows a little bit, after more than four years of operation, the spy agencies under Ye Investment are far ahead of other agencies.

Let alone the scattered spy agencies of the Japanese invaders, even Dai Li’s spy department would give a thumbs up to the intelligence workers under Ye Luo.

Ye Luo, who did not attend the opening ceremony, stayed in the Marshal’s Mansion.

These days, Zhang Hanqing tried to quit smoking, and Ye Luo accompanied his wives to play poker. They were tired of playing mahjong, mainly because Shi Jianqiao's poker skills were really bad, and she was really a bad teammate.

Fortunately, the three of them didn't bet much, otherwise, with Ye Luo's superb poker skills, he could make them lose all their money and kneel on the ground to help him count money.

In this way, they played poker for three or four days in a row. Finally, in mid-June, Zhang Hanqing, who had recovered his human form, walked out of the closed courtyard with the support of Hu Ruoyu.

He was very weak, and his footprints were wet every time he took a step. Even slow movements required Hu Ruoyu's support, but his face was still in good spirits, and he no longer had the disgusting look of a smoker.

How difficult it is to quit smoking can be seen from the documentary of the smoking cessation center in later generations.

In the original history, Zhang Hanqing successfully quit smoking with the help of Lu Yusheng and Dr. Miller. In this regard, he is really a great man.

Thanks to quitting smoking, he was able to live to the age of 101, becoming a rare long-lived old man.

"Hanqing!" Yu Fengzhi ran over quickly with tears in her eyes.

"Commander~" Zhao Yidi also ran over, her voice charming and moving.

The two women were in his arms, but Zhang Hanqing didn't even have the strength to hold them, and hurriedly whispered: "Oh, oh, no, no, no, let me slow down, let me talk to A Luo."

"Yeah, let's go stew your favorite pork rib soup and nourish yourself!" Yu Fengzhi knew that he had something to discuss with Ye Luo, so she took Zhao Yidi away.

"Sister-in-law, Sixth Brother just quit smoking, he can't eat too greasy food, cook more porridge." Ye Luo shouted to the two people who were going away, then smiled and gently hugged Zhang Hanqing who was sweating all over.

"A Luo, I... I really don't know how to thank you." At this time, Zhang Hanqing was like reborn from the ashes, his eyes full of gratitude, "I thought after that, you would be ready to completely break up with me."

"How could it be. If Sixth Brother hadn't come to Shanghai to help me four years ago, I wouldn't be here today. I, Ye Luo, am not the kind of person who knows a favor but doesn't want to repay it."

Ye Luo helped him walk to the study, and Hu Ruoyu also followed to disperse the servants and military police at home.

The two sat at the desk. Ye Luo poured him a glass of water and said with a smile, "I heard from Dr. Miller that as long as you continue to quit slowly like this, it won't be a problem to cure it."

"Alas, it's easy to smoke but hard to quit. Now I can really understand the feelings of those addicts in the opium dens in Tianjin City! Opium harms people! I plan to issue a permanent smoking cessation order in the jurisdiction next month, prohibiting all local warlords and government officials from selling and smoking opium."

Zhang Hanqing, who escaped death, now gritted his teeth when he mentioned opium. The south had already started to quit smoking under the strict order of the principal, but the north had never implemented it due to the complex composition of warlords in various places.

Now that he has walked out of the opium, the first thing he has to do is to ban smoking! (End of this chapter)

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