1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 670 Han Qing Returns

"Banning smoking is a good thing, but it should not be done too hastily. Brother Six, you should be clear about the current environment in the north. The primary goal is to unite local warlords to jointly fight against Japan and save the country. As for the issue of smoke in the north, I will try my best to let the employees of Ye's Investment cooperate with you. "

Ye Luo thought it was a good thing for him to cheer up, but if he used too much force, it might be better to stay depressed like now for a while.

Moreover, in the original history, as the Japanese invaders penetrated deeper into the north, Zhang Hanqing would be forced to go to Europe and the United States for inspection around the end of the year, and it would be 1934 when he came back.

So now even if he vigorously promotes the ban on smoking, when he leaves, the north will be in a state where people have left and the birds and animals are scattered.

"Okay, with your help, A Luo, what can't be done?" At this time, Zhang Hanqing had already placed Ye Luo in a higher position than the principal.

During the China Eastern Railway incident, everyone obeyed him and when he insisted on going his own way, only Ye Luo was working hard to advise, while the principal was adding fuel to the flames.

When the Japanese invaded later, Ye Luo proposed more than once that he should transfer the elite of the Northern Army back to Fengtian, but he always believed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Jinling National Government could handle the matter, so he agreed to the principal's "non-resistance" policy.

Later, he died in Pingyang and became a traitor that everyone wanted to beat. Only Ye Luo withstood the pressure and came all the way to see him and help him quit smoking.

This is a real good brother!

"What are Brother Six's plans for the future?" Ye Luo asked tentatively, "Tianjin City is already filled with Japanese agents. These Japanese invaders have ulterior motives. You have to be careful."

"What can we plan? Now my reputation has plummeted, but the principal has become famous through the Battle of Songhu. Now he can only guard his own territory and act according to the opportunity."

Zhang Hanqing laughed miserably, losing the vigor of the young marshal back then.

Ye Luo sighed. It seemed that he had accepted his fate and gradually gave up the idea of ​​competing with the Southern Principal.

That's fine, you can safely be a big warlord during the Anti-Japanese War and fight against the enemy together.

It seems that the incident in 1936 that shocked the country and abroad was not groundless.

His thoughts are also changing step by step.

"There are many anti-Japanese and national salvation armies organized by non-governmental organizations in the north. If Brother Six has the opportunity, he can secretly support them. They are surrounded by enemies from both sides, and it is not easy to fight the Japanese invaders and puppet troops at the same time."

Ye Luo whispered.

Although these people are unyielding heroes who fought against Japan and saved the country, like underground organizations, they are not recognized by the current Kuomintang orthodoxy and warlords.

In their eyes, they are just a group of bandits and grass bandits.

"Okay, since you said so, I should do it with my heart." Zhang Hanqing now knows that every word and action of Ye Luo has a deep meaning. In short, it will not harm himself.

"Thank you, Sixth Brother. If you need any supplies or military expenses, just ask Chen Youde for it. He has the right to make his own decisions for business of less than 10 million yuan." Ye Luo said to him with a smile.

Zhang Hanqing was stunned for a moment, then looked at him seriously.

Unexpectedly, it has only been four years. Ye Luo, who used to have to look at the eyes of many important military and political figures in the dance halls of Shanghai, has now become so big and powerful!

A single subordinate can decide on a business worth less than 10 million yuan!

"Aluo, when do you plan to leave for Shanghai? I heard that your father is being targeted by people from the Secret Service." Zhang Hanqing asked again.

He had been thinking about something that could help Ye Luo, but after much thought, he couldn't think of it at all.

Ordinary Chinese businessmen are short of money and backstage. Zhang Hanqing can provide these things, but Ye Luo is not short of either.

And judging from the current situation, Ye Luo's capital is already so strong that even he has to look up to it.

"Don't worry, Sixth Brother, Dai Li doesn't dare to touch my father." Ye Luo waved his hand and smiled, "The Kuomintang was the happiest when Bai Chuanyi was killed in the bombing, so how could they really express their anger? The principal's move is still the same old method of killing chickens to scare monkeys. That’s all.”

"The principal is headstrong and suspicious. Do you really not want to consider coming to my place?" Zhang Hanqing hesitated for a moment. The opportunity and confidence to recruit Ye Luo were not as good as before, but he still asked.

"The green hills remain unchanged and the green waters flow forever. In a few years, I will consider leaving Shanghai." Ye Luo shook his head and said, "Brother Six, please stop trying to persuade me. Look, if I had invested in Ye's family a few years ago, If we move them to the north, won’t they all become Japanese companies?”

"Haha. That's right. I'm not as good as you in business, and I'm not as good as you in military affairs. Alas, I'm not as good as you either." Zhang Hanqing smiled awkwardly, vaguely remembering that when he persuaded Ye Luo, he said this confidently, but he didn't expect that after the fall of the north, The incident hit me hard.

Just because Ye Luo does not participate in politics does not mean that his military and political vision is not good!

"In a few days, after everything is settled here, I will take people away." Ye Luo said seriously, "After that, I probably won't come here for a long time."

"That's it. Today and tomorrow, I will ask your sister-in-law to cook in person. We can eat and chat at home and have a few drinks. Then we will practice it for you." Zhang Hanqing originally wanted to suggest going to a restaurant or Hualian outside, but after a while, Thinking that my body is in good condition, I will stop indulging in sexual activities.

"Okay, I've long wanted to try my sister-in-law's craftsmanship." Ye Luo nodded.

"Aluo, is there really nothing I can do to help you?" Zhang Hanqing paused and couldn't help but ask.

In short, he asked Ye Luo to help him, but he was like a dragging guy, which really made him feel bad.

His speech was no longer as high-spirited as before.

"Of course. If Brother Six is ​​willing, please take good care of my shipping company in Tianjin City. You also know that the shipping industry is very hard controlled by foreigners. After I acquired the China Shipping Merchants Company and opened the Ye's Steamship Company, I also I can only capture about 18% of the domestic market, so Tianjin is my lifeblood.”

Ye Luo smiled and whispered,

"The other ones are some apartments in Tianjin City. I asked Brother Six to help me keep an eye on them."

"Shipping company? That's no problem. What I say in Tianjin City still carries some weight." Zhang Hanqing nodded and said with a smile, "My father-in-law? Do you have a grudge against those bad old men?"

"It's not me, it's Jianqiao." Ye Luo glanced at Shi Jianqiao who was teaching Zhang Hanqing's children how to use swords and guns outside.

Her father died tragically at the hands of Sun Chuanfang. This incident has always been despised by the warlords. After all, it is a consensus that when everyone goes to war, the leader will not be harmed.

After catching Shi Congbin, Sun Chuanfang ridiculed and ridiculed him, and then ordered Shi Congbin to be tied up with iron wire to Bengbu Station, where his head was cut with a slow knife, his head was hanged and his body was exposed, and a red cloth banner with white letters "The head of the new governor Shi Congbin" was hung on it. ".

Since ancient times, when two armies are fighting, prisoners must not be tortured and killed. Sun Chuanfang's move set a precedent for killing captured enemy generals since the Republic of China. It is indeed extremely cruel.

The key is that many members of the Shi family are revolutionary martyrs, and Shi Congbin is also an extremely upright general, not the kind of warlord who commits evil crimes.

The hatred for killing his father was irreconcilable, and Shi Jianqiao didn't want to kill his enemy every day.

She followed Ye Luo for many years because of Ye Luo's promise back then.

"Sun Chuanfang, right? I understand." When it came to revenge for killing his father, Zhang Hanqing couldn't say anything, so he nodded.

Shi Jianqiao outside felt something in his heart and quietly looked inside.

So many years have passed.

The hatred in my heart has actually faded a lot.

Sometimes she thought that if she had to make a choice between killing Sun Chuanfang and staying with Ye Luo, she suddenly felt at a loss.

She hated herself like this, but there was nothing she could do about it. (End of chapter)

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