March 22, Capital Theater.

Lin Weimin arrived early, and he can be regarded as one of the protagonists behind the scenes in today's drama performance.

He first went backstage to say hello to the actors, then spoke a few words to Ouyang Shanzun, Lan Yinhai and other behind-the-scenes creators, and then came to the entrance of the theater.

Yu Hua and Qu Xiaowei arrived one after another, and Shi Tiesheng's family was a few minutes behind them.

After several people entered, Lin Weimin waited for Chen Peisi.

"I'm here to support you and I have to buy my own tickets!" Chen Peisi complained as soon as he saw him.

"Nonsense, I only have a few tickets, can you share them? Come in quickly."

Chen Peisi snorted: "I want to see how Renyi's 'Lin Xiaoding' can be better than me?"

He entered the theater with a dissatisfied look on his face. Lin Weimin waited at the door for a while and finally saw Mr. Wan arriving.

"Teacher! Master!" Lin Weimin stepped forward to support Mr. Wan, not forgetting to say hello to Li Yuru.

Wan Fang said: "He's still alone!"

"I saw it, my good senior sister. Come in quickly, the show will start soon."

Lin Weimin led Mr. Wan and his family into the theater. At this time, the audience in the theater was almost full, and the voices of the audience talking privately formed a buzz in the sound field of the theater.

So the tickets given to Lin Weimin were connected together in the front row, and Mr. Wan's seat was also next to his.

So he came over to say hello to Lin Weimin and Mr. Wan, and then went to say hello to other acquaintances sitting in the first few rows.

Today Renyi invited many celebrities, critics and reporters from the cultural circles of Yanjing.

"How are you? Are you nervous?" Mr. Wan asked.

"It's okay. I watched the last rehearsal yesterday and the effect was very good. You will know after watching it later."

Mr. Wan smiled and said, "Then I'll wait and see."

As the audience filled the auditorium, the lights in the theater dimmed and the stage was covered by a huge curtain.

The show is about to begin.

The curtain has not yet been opened, and a low and magnetic voice comes from the side.

As the narration introducing the background of the story ended, the deafening sound of gunfire resounded throughout the theater. The huge sound was mixed with the shouts of officers and soldiers, one after another.

After a loud bang, a young voice shouted: "Political commissar! Political commissar!"


The curtain on the stage opened quickly, and the background was a hospital ward. A nurse was changing an infusion bottle for a patient. She looked at the patient on the bed and asked with concern: "Chief, are you dreaming again?"

Lan Tianye, who played Qin Yun, was in shock and said: "Xiao Li, help me up."

The nurse helped Qin Yun up. He leaned on the bedside in despair, waiting silently for the nurse to finish her work, and then said to her: "Push the wheelchair over to me."

"Chief, it's already so late. You'd better lie down in bed and rest."

"How can I get so much sleep if I lie down all day?"

Qin Yun said stubbornly and let the nurse move him to the wheelchair, with the empty trouser legs of the hospital gown dangling.

The plot unfolded slowly on the stage. Lin Weimin had watched it countless times. He turned his attention to the audience around him and looked around. Everyone's eyes were focused on the stage, concentrating on it.

Lin Weimin felt relieved.

Time passed slowly, and the one-and-a-half-hour drama was coming to an end.

On the stage, Qin Yun was waiting quietly at the prison gate in a wheelchair. By chance, a young woman came here holding a young child.

"Comrade, are you here to pick me up too?" the woman asked Qin Yun.

"Yeah, pick up... a friend." Qin Yun's tone was hesitant.

The woman smiled familiarly and said, "I'm here to pick up my man. He is also released from prison today."

Qin Yun could tell that she was very happy, "I know. Congratulations!"

While the two were chatting, the prison door slowly opened and Lin Xiaoding slowly walked out of the prison.

The woman rushed forward with the child in her arms, "Xiao Ding!"

The family of three hugged each other and cried. After crying, Lin Xiaoding noticed Qin Yun waiting aside.

"Qin..., why are you here?"

"I heard that you are coming out today, so I came to see you!" Qin Yun said.

"I..." Lin Xiaoding didn't know what to say.

Qin Yun: "I have heard what others have said about you. You are a good husband and you will definitely be a good father in the future."

The accumulated tears suddenly broke down Lin Xiaoding's defense, and he stepped forward and hugged Qin Yun fiercely.

After the hug, Qin Yun asked Lin Xiaoding to hold the child over. He looked at the child and said, "How about I let the child recognize me as his grandfather?"

Lin Xiaoding said: "Just recognize me as an uncle. Don't take advantage of me."

Qin Yun smiled and said: "You stupid boy, who is taking advantage of whom?"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

The play is over.

After a moment, warm applause erupted in the theater.

Listening to the deafening applause around him, Lin Weimin felt completely relieved. He leaned into Mr. Wan's ear and asked: "Sir, what do you think?"

Mr. Wan clapped his hands and said to Lin Weimin: "Very good!"

Lin Weimin's face showed a satisfied smile.

The actors on the stage began to come out for curtain calls, and the audience's applause became louder and louder.

The faces of the actors showed exhaustion after the performance, but more importantly, they showed the excitement and happiness of a successful performance.

Today is the premiere of the play "The Intouchables". The full audience includes not only ordinary audiences, but also theater leaders, colleagues, relatives, cultural celebrities, reporters, critics and other audiences of various identities. .

Being able to get a full house of applause is enough to prove the success of today's performance.

After the actors took their final call, the curtain slowly closed.

The lights in the theater came on, and the audience continued to applaud. The applause lasted for a long time before slowly ending.

The audience began to exit the theater in an orderly manner. Lin Weimin supported Mr. Wan. From time to time, he could hear audience members discussing the plot of the play, and they were all compliments.

Outside the Capital Theater, Mr. Wan said: "The effect is better than I expected. It is a good work that can stand the test."

After receiving the teacher's praise, Lin Weimin laughed happily again.

Lin Weimin introduced the friends gathered around him to Mr. Wan again. Chen Peisi, Yu Hua, and Shi Tiesheng's family met Mr. Wan for the first time. Except for Shi Tiesheng, who was a little calmer, the remaining people were all excited. Incredible.

After saying hello, Wan Fang escorted Mr. Wan and his wife to leave. It was already past nine o'clock. The old man was not in good health and had to go home to rest.

After Mr. Wan left, Yu Hua said excitedly: "Oh my God! I actually saw Mr. Wan!"

"Okay, calm down." Lin Weimin patted him on the shoulder.

Shi Tiesheng said to Lin Weimin: "For the people, the play is very good."

"Yes, Brother Lin, your script is so well written!"

"Thank you!" Lin Weimin said with a smile.

Chen Peisi smacked his lips on the side, "That actor Lin Xiaoding did a good job!"

After chatting for a while at the entrance of the theater, Lin Weimin sent everyone away and returned to the backstage of the theater.

It was reviewed and two paragraphs were deleted.

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