1980 My literary era

Chapter 152 Can’t explain clearly

"Tell me about you! Tell me about you!"

"You are also a literary worker. You can just go to the university to hook up with young girls under the banner of our Chinese literary society. Why are you provoking those international students?"

"I just got home and haven't even eaten yet. Lao Yan called me right away and told me about your situation. I don't even have room for my old face."

"You, you, you are so good!"

"Our Chinese Literature Society has been established for decades, and there has never been an incident of such a vile nature!"

Lin Weimin's sophistry was not spoken out, mainly because Meng Weizai didn't give him a chance and directly scolded him bloody.

After finally waiting for Meng Weizai to stop his violent output, Lin Weimin said: "Director, you really don't blame me for this."

"Don't blame you? Don't blame you for blaming me? You dare to do it but don't admit it. You are more of a bastard than you did it!" Meng Weizai found another opportunity to curse.

Lin Weimin looked innocent and wanted to cry but had no tears.

Damn it, I can’t even explain it.

Before he could speak again, Meng Weizai asked: "How far have you progressed with that brat... the little girl?"

Lin Weimin thought subconsciously, to what extent? How should this be said?

"I came here to deliver books to her today, and those students just happened to see it and started making noises."

Meng Weizai concluded: "That's just the beginning!"

Leader, we don’t want to mess with the rules!

"Separate it as soon as possible. There are so many girls across the country that you can't choose from, so you have to seduce international students?

You are still young and don't know the seriousness of this. This involves diplomatic issues, and there will be a lot of trouble in the future. "

Lin Weimin nodded, I wanted to share it too, bah, I almost got taken into a ditch.

"Boss, there's really nothing wrong with us!"

Meng Weizai frowned and glared at Lin Weimin, "If you dare to say such things again, believe it or not, I will report you to the company and expel you?"

Lin Weimin shut up, leaving no one to speak.

"Young man, you can be forgiven for making mistakes. But if you dare to do something but don't admit it, that's a matter of principle. Do you remember what I said?" Meng Weizai stared at Lin Weimin and asked.

"Remember!" Lin Weimin said helplessly.

"What's next?"

"Tell that little... girl clearly that it's impossible for her and me to stop thinking about me." Lin Weimin said honestly.

Meng Weizai nodded happily, "That's right."

Then he warned: "You must pay attention to your methods, and you must not hurt the sincerity of this little girl."

You said all the nice things, Lin Weimin complained in his heart.

"Go back and write me a review tonight, at least 5,000 words, and your attitude must be sincere."

Lin Weimin begged: "Leader, there is no need for inspection, right?"

"Do you think I'm willing to take it? Then go and tell Lao Yan!" Meng Weizai said angrily.

Lao Meng had just been scolded, and Lin Weimin was afraid that he would be drowned by spittle when he went to Lao Yan's place again.

"Okay, got it."

"Please correct your attitude!"

Seeing his attitude, Meng Weizai scolded him perfunctorily.


After seeing off Meng Weizai, Lin Weimin returned to Shichahai dejectedly, where Han Zhuangzhuang was sitting in the yard eating watermelon.

Seeing this kid's heartless look, Lin Weimin became very angry, "Eat, eat, eat, you will know how to eat all day long!"

Before Han Zhuangzhuang could refute, Lin Weimin slammed the door and entered the study.

Han Zhuangzhuang looked confused. I'm just going to eat a melon. Why are you scolding me?

My uncle is so picky!

In the study, Lin Weimin pondered over the letter.

It’s no big deal for me to write a novel, but how about writing a review? I don’t have this experience!

After destroying half of the letter, Lin Weimin shouted to the side: "Zhuang Zhuang, come here!"

After dawdling for a while, Han Zhuangzhuang walked in and said, "What are you doing, uncle!"

"Have you written a check?"

Han Zhuangzhuang was stunned for a moment, "Uncle, do you want to write an inspection?"

"I didn't write it, you wrote it."

"I wrote? What mistake did I make?"

Lin Weimin glared, "You can't write an inspection if you haven't made any mistakes?"

What does it mean to live under someone else’s roof? That’s it!

Han Zhuangzhuang felt sad, angry and aggrieved, but the thieves were so powerful that he could only swallow his anger and sit at the desk.

Holding the pen in his hand, he felt lucky that I was good at checking the writing, otherwise he would have been tortured to death by this old man tonight.

Lin Weimin stood behind Han Zhuangzhuang. As the words on the letter paper flowed out like flowing water, the surprise in his eyes grew bigger and bigger.

With almost no time to pause and think, a 2,000-word review was written.

Lin Weimin looked at the content on the letter and fell into silence. Could it be that my nephew is a creative genius?

"Uncle, how are you?" Han Zhuangzhuang asked with a proud look on his face.

"Not bad." Lin Weimin nodded slightly.

"Then I'll leave if it's okay?"

"Go ahead."

After Han Zhuangzhuang left, Lin Weimin expanded according to the inspection, which was much simpler.

Early the next morning, Lin Weimin rode his bicycle to the Chinese Literature Society.

It was during working hours and people were coming and going in the courtyard.

Lin Weimin felt that everyone's eyes were focused on him, and it was revealed that the soul of gossip was burning behind it.

what's the situation?

Despite the pressure, I entered the office on the back floor and saw my colleagues in the editorial department. They all had the same expression on their faces.

"Why are you looking at me?"

Lin Weimin pretended to be calm and went to get the teacup on the table, preparing to make himself a cup of tea.

"For the people, that's okay!" Liu Yin winked at Lin Weimin.

"What's okay?" Lin Weimin continued to maintain his expression.

Seeing that he was holding on for dear life, Liu Yin looked at the colleagues around him and couldn't help but smile.

"Are you still pretending? You don't know, right? Most of the people in our club live in Hongxing Hutong, and Lao Meng also lives there."

Depend on!

I said that as soon as I entered the hospital, I felt something was wrong.

After unloading his burden, Lin Weimin stopped pretending. He dropped the tea cup on the table and pretended to be a dead dog.

"I really didn't see it. Our service to the people is either bad or not. This is a big deal. We are talking about foreign students." Yao Shuzhi didn't mind the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, so she almost shouted out.

Rong Shihui was kind enough to stop Yao Shuzhi's behavior. He turned to Lin Weimin with a smile on his face and said, "Weimin, tell everyone, how did you get along with that little foreign girl?"

Lin Weimin really wants to spit on this cunning old guy, your conscience is so broken!

"Don't talk nonsense, that's my friend."

"Friend? Can a friend go to Yanda to confess to someone? I heard that you even arranged a car full of flowers?" Rong Shihui said.

Lin Weimin said anxiously: "That's nonsense. When are you going to send flowers? I just sent some books..."

"Oh~" Everyone looked like this, and Lin Weimin realized that he had been tricked by Rong Shihui.

"I said that I bought so many books. They were given to my girlfriend." Liu Yin joked.

Rong Shihui said: "If you don't say that young people are still willing to put down their own ideas when they fall in love, I think back when we were young..."

"That's because he has money for the people. I said that the people I introduced to him before never agreed. It turns out that..."

Colleagues were talking happily, and Lin Weimin couldn't even get in a word.



Lin Weimin sighed sadly.

After Meng Weizai came to work, he immediately ran over and handed in the inspection. The old comrade reviewed it in detail and felt that his attitude was quite sincere, so he led Lin Weimin to the office of the president Yan Wenjing.

When it comes to Yan Wenjing, criticism is inevitable, but at least he adheres to the principle of treating diseases and saving people.

After a lesson, Lin Weimin's matter was finally exposed.

On this day, there seemed to be something wrong with the door of the editorial office of "Contemporary". It opened and then closed again.

Behind every opening and closing, there is a pair or several pairs of gossipy eyes.

Everyone wanted to pay their respects to the fierce man who went to the campus of Yenching University to pick up foreign students, even though everyone had already known Lin Weimin before.

Everyone can no longer remember which satellite Lin Weimin released at the Chinese Literature Society. Anyway, there are some people here, standing in the crowd like fireflies in the dark night, lonely and shining.

After working as the mascot of the Chinese Literature Society for a day, Lin Weimin came home tired and was about to lie down and relax for a while when the courtyard door was knocked open with a bang.

Han Zhuangzhuang rushed in furiously, and when he saw Lin Weimin, he shouted: "Uncle, do I have an aunt?"

Just as Lin Weimin was about to lie down, he stood up with a start.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Han Zhuangzhuang said: "I'm not talking nonsense! It has spread in our school that you went to Yanda to molest foreign female students!"

"Bah, bah, bah!"

Lin Weimin was so frightened that he quickly covered his silly nephew's mouth. It was not 83 years ago now. Do you want your old uncle to be dragged to target practice?

He held Han Zhuangzhuang down and asked, "Who spread this in your school?"

Han Zhuangzhuang shook his head, "That's not fair. Anyway, it was spread early. You, the famous writer Lin Weimin, went to Yenching University to find a foreign female student to confess his love. He was caught by the police and school leaders and was dealt with."

"Rumors! Slander! Slander!" Lin Weimin said through gritted teeth.

“Wait a minute, are they saying I ‘molested female international students’ or are you saying I ‘molested female international students’?”

Han Zhuangzhuang shrank his neck, "That's what they said!"

Lin Weimin stared at his nephew suspiciously before letting him go.

"Zhuang Zhuang, don't listen to those rabble-rousers. In fact, my uncle went to Yanda to deliver books to his friends, but he was misunderstood."

Han Zhuangzhuang looked at Lin Weimin and suddenly said: "Uncle, the examination you asked me to write yesterday..."

"Zhuangzhuang, I'm hungry. Go get a bowl of noodles for me."

"Uncle, there is no food at home."

"Didn't you just buy a bag of noodles? How many meals have you eaten just now?"

Lin Weimin finally found a channel to vent his anger, "Sooner or later I will have to let you be the loser!"

Han Zhuangzhuang felt aggrieved and said, "You didn't eat less! Then the examination..."

"Forget it, let's not eat noodles. I will invite you out to a restaurant tonight."


Han Zhuang was so happy that he forgot what he wanted to ask just now.

Lin Weimin wiped his sweat and finally maintained his uncle's dignity.

Although information was underdeveloped in the 1980s, it did not mean that the exchange of information was stagnant. On the contrary, in some respects it is even more advanced than the twenty-first century.

For example, face-to-face communication between people.

At Yanda, college students are definitely a huge group. There are more than 100,000 students in dozens of colleges and universities. This is a semi-closed society.

There may be many gaps between schools and society, but the connection between schools is extremely close.

These days, anyone with a primary school diploma is a lover of literature, let alone college students.

Lin Weimin and others have naturally heard of it. The news about "a well-known writer confessing to a female international student" on the campus of Yanjing University only took a day or two to spread throughout the major universities in Yanjing City.

Tidbits about the famous writer Lin Weimin have become the most talked about topic among college students in recent days.

As for the person involved, Lin Weimin is now completely at peace.

There was nothing he could do if he didn't lie down, the public opinion was fierce, and he couldn't explain it no matter how hard he said it!

In September, "Contemporary" was released, and work finally became a little easier. After a long weekend, Lin Weimin hid at Shi Tiesheng's house, hoping to find some peace.

Not wanting to enter, he saw Qu Xiaowei pushing Shi Tiesheng for a walk in the courtyard.

"Why are you here?" Lin Weimin looked wary.

Qu Xiaowei had a smirk on his face, "Hey, isn't this Lin Weimin, the great writer who bravely confessed to the female international students on the Yanda campus?"

"Your uncle's!"

Lin Weimin felt helpless. The news spread too quickly. Didn't the people of the capital have anything else to do?

Shi Tiesheng looked at Lin Weimin and suddenly asked, "Weimin, I really didn't mean to provoke you with what I said that day."

"What day? What did you say?" Lin Weimin was confused.

Qu Xiaowei looked gossipy, "What did you two say?"

When Shi Tiesheng saw this, he immediately kept silent. It wasn't because Wei Min couldn't remember it, it must have been because he was stimulated by me that day, and he couldn't help but feel guilty in his heart.

If I hadn't used words to try to convince the people, he wouldn't have caused such a big trouble.

In fact, Shi Tiesheng also had his own little thoughts. His sister was getting older now, but Lin Weimin couldn't be left alone like this anymore, otherwise it would be too dangerous.

Thinking of his own selfishness, Shi Tiesheng felt even more guilty.

After a while, Qu Xiaowei finally stopped talking about Lin Weimin and started talking about Liu Haiyan's work.

After more than a month of hard work, Liu Haiyan is finally coming to Yanjing.

But before she came to Yanjing, there was still one big thing to do. Qu Xiaowei had to go to Jinling to meet Liu Haiyan's parents and finalize their affairs.

This guy quietly abducted someone's daughter from Jinling to Yanjing, leaving a good university teacher to become a high school teacher. Whose parents can do this?

When Liu Haiyan went back to handle the job transfer this time, she had a lot of quarrels with her parents.

If Qu Xiaowei hadn't made this trip, this matter would have ended badly.

He and Liu Haiyan were rushing to get married, and they offended their future father-in-law and mother-in-law. Lin Weimin felt bad for him just thinking about it.

Except for being teased by Qu Xiaowei at the beginning, Lin Weimin did get a bit of peace at Shi Tiesheng's house.

By the way, he told Shi Tiesheng that "Autumn Memories" had been confirmed to be published in the October issue of "People's Literature", which cheered him up.

In recent years, Shi Tiesheng has published many works in magazines and newspapers, but there are still not many authoritative publications like "People's Literature".

For him, this is good news.

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