1980 My literary era

Chapter 153 Joint Production

News about Lin Weimin, a well-known writer, who is crazy about pursuing a sexy female overseas student has been circulating in the city of Yanjing for a few days. There is very little entertainment news these days. When hearing tidbits about writers like Lin Weimin, the people's enthusiasm for eating melons is very strong.

But any hot news is always time-sensitive. After a week at most, the popularity will drop.

The news spread for more than a week, and people's interest in the matter gradually declined. Just when everyone thought the matter was settled.

A cute girl with a Nihong accent appeared at the door of the Chinese Literature Society. She was holding an exquisite lunch box in her hand and explaining to the guard eagerly.

It's a pity that her Chinese is a bit out of shape, and because the explanation took a long time, she was anxious, and the more she spoke, the harder it became to understand.

But the guard still understood the name she kept repeating: "Lin Jun", "Lin Jun".

The guard thought for a long time. There is no one named Lin Jun in the Chinese Literature Society?

It happened that someone was going out at this time, and the guard quickly stopped the person and asked, "Is there anyone named Lin Jun in our Chinese Literature Society?"

"Jun Lin? I don't know you." The man looked at the eager-looking girl and asked, "Is she looking for someone?"

The girl asked anxiously: "Ni Hao, do you know Mr. Lin?"


The man was stunned for a moment, then immediately realized that the accent sounded like that of a foreign friend. Then looking at the girl's black hair and dark eyes, he immediately thought of the hot news that had been spread a few days ago.

He pulled the guard over and muttered a few words. As he spoke, their eyes wandered over the girl's body from time to time.

"I dare to look for him!" The guard suddenly realized.

The man left with a bit of a gossip in his eyes. The guard enthusiastically took the girl to the back building and led her directly to the door of the "Contemporary" editorial department on the second floor.

"Jun Lin!"

"Yoko? Why are you here?" Lin Weimin looked at Xiaohei Yoko in surprise.

Xiao Hei Yoko showed a sweet smile and said: "I'm here to deliver lunch to you. Look, I walked for several days before I bought such a beautiful lunch box, specially used to deliver lunch to you."

The colleagues in the office had expressions of watching the fun, and even the doorman who came with Xiao Hei Yoko had a face full of gossip.

Lin Weimin has never seen a guard send visitors to the office. His purpose can be imagined.

He pulled Xiao Heiyoko and said, "Let's go outside and talk."

Lin Weimin walked in front, holding Xiao Heiyang's arm. She followed behind, looking at Lin Weimin's back with a happy face.

When the two came to the corner of the corridor, Lin Weimin said, "Yangzi, why are you here delivering lunch to me?"

Xiao Hei Yoko smiled and said: "Jun Lin, you work hard every day. I want you to eat delicious meals."

"Don't you know we have a canteen?"

"I know. But how can the food in the cafeteria compare to Yoko's craftsmanship?" Xiao Hei Yoko held the food box and handed it to Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin really took a look at it and saw that it was a very standard Nibang style lunch box.

He really wanted to say something, Yoko, your skills are really no match for those of the canteen master.

But when he thought of Meng Weizai's instructions, he couldn't make Yoko too sad. It was difficult to grasp the scale!

"I finished eating lunch."

"It's okay, you can have it for dinner."


Lin Weimin has a toothache.

Seeing the expectant expression on Xiao Hei Yoko's face, he reluctantly took the food box and said, "Okay, I'll eat it tonight."

"But just this time, you must not give it away again in the future." Lin Weimin warned.

"Why? Mr. Lin doesn't like the food I cook?"

"It's not that I don't like it. Oh, how should I explain it to you?"

Lin Weimin scratched his head anxiously.

Xiao Hei Yoko looked at his expression, with a bit of disappointment on his face, "Mr. Lin, is Yoko's appearance causing trouble to you?"

Looking at her look, Lin Weimin felt a bit unbearable and said against his will: "That's not true."

"Really? That's great!" A sunny and sweet smile immediately appeared on Xiao Hei Yoko's face, and he happily took Lin Weimin's arm.

Ouch, this annoying little goblin!

For the first time, Lin Weimin felt helpless in front of a woman.

It shouldn’t be!

"Then, Mr. Lin, please enjoy my heart. I will come again tomorrow."

Are you coming tomorrow?

Lin Weimin was shocked. If you continue like this, your reputation will be ruined.

"Yoko, don't come tomorrow."

"Ah, Mr. Lin, are you busy tomorrow? I'll come the day after tomorrow."

"Don't come the day after tomorrow either."

"Ah, is that so? Then the day after tomorrow..."

"Stop it!"

Lin Weimin stopped the possibility of endless quarrels and said sternly to Xiaohei Yoko: "Yozi! I made it very clear to you at Yanda that day. I actually treat you..."

"Ah, Mr. Lin, I remembered. I have classes in the afternoon, so I'll go back first."

Xiaohei Yoko didn't give Lin Weimin a chance to finish speaking. He stuffed the food box into his hand and ran down the stairs without looking back.

Lin Weimin was left standing there alone, messy in the wind.

He watched through the window of the corridor as the bouncing back of Little Black Yoko disappeared at the entrance of the Chinese Literature Society, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Lin Weimin thought for a long time and realized that he seemed to have been tricked by Yoko.

He looked at the food box in his hand. There was a blue cloth bag on the outside. It looked like it was hand-sewn and had a cute lamb embroidered on it.

The cloth bag contained an exquisite ceramic lunch box, which should be rare in this era. Anyway, this was the first time Lin Weimin saw it.

Just from the detail of the lunch box, it is enough to see the thought that Koguro Yoko put into it.

Having lived in this era for almost three years, he has always been alone, and Lin Weimin felt an inexplicable warmth flowing in his heart.

I hadn't noticed it before, but this girl is quite clever.

Lin Weimin turned around and was about to go back to the office, when he saw six or seven heads blocking the door of the office, which shocked him.

The colleagues withdrew their heads in guilty conscience and waited for Lin Weimin to enter the office again. Everyone was sitting at their desks, busy with their work, with serious expressions.

Lin Weimin even wondered if he was dazzled just now.

He shook his head helplessly, why is this person so gossipy?

After get off work, Lin Weimin returned to Shichahai courtyard carrying a beautiful ceramic lunch box.

Han Zhuangzhuang is cooking, "Uncle, please wait a moment, we will eat soon."

"I won't eat, you can eat it yourself."

Lin Weimin said something and opened the lunch box.

In the weather in September, it wouldn't be a problem if the food was left out for a long time. Lin Weimin took a bite and frowned.

Where did this girl Yoko get her confidence that she dared to compete with the cafeteria master for favor?

Lin Weimin looked at the packed food in the lunch box and thought, don't waste food.

Han Zhuangzhuang, sweating profusely, came out of the kitchen with the food. When he saw Lin Weimin's mouth full of oil, he was surprised and said, "Uncle, where did you get the food?"

"A gift from someone else."

Han Zhuangzhuang's eyes were full of suspicion, "Who can bring you food?"

Then, his brain reacted and he shouted: "My old aunt?"

"Cough, cough, cough!" Lin Weimin was so frightened that he coughed up the food in his throat and scolded, "What old aunt? Just an ordinary aunt."

"Ordinary aunt?" Han Zhuangzhuang shouted: "Don't fool me, can an ordinary aunt bring you food?"

Lin Weimin said angrily: "What does it have to do with you whether I deliver food or not? Do you want to eat or not? If not, go back to the house and sleep."

Under the eaves, Hero Han Zhuangzhuang was short of breath and said, "Just eat!"

The news about "Writer Lin Weimin's courtship of a female overseas student" gradually subsided, but this incident has a sequel within the Chinese Literature Society.

The female international student who was pursued by Lin Weimin came to bring him food!

When he went to work the next day, as soon as Lin Weimin walked up to the second floor of the back building, he saw Meng Weizai standing at the door of the office with a dark face.

He instinctively felt guilty and said hello from afar: "Good morning, leader!"

Meng Weizai said nothing, and the air pressure in the corridor was horribly low.

"You kid, you didn't take my words to heart at all!"

Lin Weimin knew that he could no longer pretend to be stupid at this time, "Leader, it's not my fault! I'm following your instructions, not only to draw a clear line with her, but also to pay attention to my attitude. You don't even know, give me trouble Yes!"

Meng Weizai's face was full of distrust. He looked at Lin Weimin and said seriously: "You, please be more careful!"

"Yes, yes, leader | that's what you said."

After warning Lin Weimin, Meng Weizai no longer dwelled on the matter. In the final analysis, this was more of Lin Weimin's private matter.

After spending a day in the unit, Lin Weimin was surrounded by gossipy looks and whispers.

Returning to the courtyard, I finally felt peaceful.

It happened that Han Zhuangzhuang was not here today, so Lin Weimin finally calmed down and wrote the script of "Cliff" in the study.

The time he agreed with Qindao TV to write the script was three months, which was plenty of time for Lin Weimin. He planned to finish the script as soon as possible to avoid distractions.

With the addition of later movies and TV series, Lin Weimin had almost no bottlenecks in his creation. It took him just a few days to complete the TV series script for "The Cliff".

At work that day, as soon as he put the script in the mailbox, Meng Weizai found him.

"Leader, what's going on?"

"Come to my office."

Calling Lin Weimin to the office, Meng Weizai introduced an old man with silver hair to Lin Weimin.

"This is Teacher Jinshan, a famous performing artist, and now the director of the Television Arts Council. I am here to talk to you about the adaptation of "Cliff"."

Adaptation of "Cliff"?

What's going on? Ren Hao and Lin Weimin, who just left Qindao TV Station, agreed.

Looking at the doubt on his face, Jinshan laughed, "Director Meng told me just now that someone from Qindao TV came to see you before, and you agreed to adapt "The Cliff"."

Lin Weimin nodded and said: "That's true. I'm so sorry, Teacher Jin!"

Jin Shan waved his hand, "Teacher Lin, don't be too busy to refuse. Is it okay if I make a suggestion?"

"Teacher, please tell me."

"Do you think this is okay? You can be the middleman and we contact Qindao TV. How about our TV Drama Art Committee and Qindao TV jointly produce this TV series?"

Lin Weimin looked at Jinshan in surprise, not expecting him to come up with such an idea.

While he was dazed, Jinshan asked, "What do you think of my proposal, Teacher Lin?"

"Of course."

With one more production unit, it will definitely be richer in terms of funds, personnel, and connections, which will be beneficial to the adaptation of TV series.

Lin Weimin happily contacted Qindao TV station and explained the situation on the phone. Qindao TV station verbally agreed that such a big matter must be discussed in detail in person, but Lin Weimin did not need to participate in such a matter.

Lin Weimin also mentioned that the script of "Cliff" has been completed, and Jinshan is interested and wants to take a sneak peek.

Lin Weimin could only go and take out the script again and hand it to Jinshan.

The volume of TV drama scripts is larger than that of drama scripts. Lin Weimin wrote 20 episodes of scripts, with each episode containing more than 12,000 words, a total of more than 200,000 words.

Jinshan couldn't finish it all at once. He only watched the first five episodes and was amazed!


"With this script, our TV series will be 100% successful!"

He stood up and looked at Lin Weimin with some excitement, "I have heard from my friends in Renyi before that Mr. Lin, you are Mr. Wan's close disciple, and you have outstanding creative ability. You are indeed extraordinary when you meet me today."

"Teacher Jin, you are overly praised!" Lin Weimin said humbly.

Jin Shan holds the script in his hand, his expression still full of excitement, "We have found a treasure this time!"

He solemnly put the script into Lin Weimin's hands, "Mr. Lin, please mail the script to Qindao TV Station first. Our art committee will contact the TV station for the next step. I will contact you after it is confirmed. You communicate.”

"Ok, no problem."

After sending Jinshan away, Lin Weimin delivered the script to the mailbox again, and this time the script was really mailed away.

Lin Weimin breathed a sigh of relief after completing the desk work for another work.

At this time, it was already mid-September, and Han Zhuangzhuang brought Lin Weimin news.

Yanying sent the graduation joint work "Small Courtyard" of the 78th grade students to the Tokyo Film Festival for screening.

The filming of "Small Courtyard" was completed more than half a month ago, and post-production was also carried out. The final film is about 15 minutes long. It cannot be called a movie, but can only be regarded as a short film.

Sending it to the film festival is a form of training for Yanying’s students, allowing them to experience it.

Lin Weimin helped a lot with the script of "Small Courtyard" and had little involvement in the post-production production. He knew very well that "Small Courtyard" was a work for students to practice, and it was enough to get a passing evaluation. Well, you can’t expect it to go any higher.

Han Zhuangzhuang, on the other hand, was extremely excited. He played a supporting role in "Small Courtyard" and now the film was sent to the Tokyo Film Festival for screening. He was so excited that he didn't calm down until he was scolded by Lin Weimin a few times.

"How are the preparations going?" Lin Weimin asked Han Zhuangzhuang.

Renyi's recruitment this year is scheduled for mid-September, and there are still two days before the exam.

Han Zhuangzhuang slapped his chest and said, "Don't worry, uncle, I haven't learned anything in vain these days!"

Lin Weimin habitually wanted to put him in ICU, but when he thought about it, forget it, the exam was coming soon, so he might as well give his child some confidence.

"Well, that's good. Teacher Ouyang also told me that you have some talent in acting."

Han Zhuangzhuang said in surprise: "Really? He scolded me yesterday and said I was as stupid as a pig."


The slap in the face came so quickly. Lin Weimin patted his nephew on the shoulder and said, "Get ready these two days."

Han Zhuangzhuang's expression became serious, "Uncle, don't worry, my nephew will never embarrass you!"

He knew very well how much his uncle owed him.

The update time is adjusted to 8 a.m.

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