1980 My literary era

Chapter 154 ICU also has to pay attention to methods and methods

Han Zhuangzhuang's entrance examination into the People's Arts went very smoothly. He is an actor at the Shanghai Film Studio, and he also studied at Yanying for a period of time. In addition, he has Lin Weimin's connections. During this period, he has been guided and cared for by many seniors in the People's Art. , entering the human art is like searching for something.

On the day he got the news, Han Zhuangzhuang excitedly told Lin Weimin the news, and Lin Weimin said that his efforts were finally in vain.

Han Zhuangzhuang's career has been settled, and he has a connection with Yanying's group of 78-level fifth-generation famous directors. As long as he doesn't act like a monster, his acting career will be smooth sailing.

Lin Weimin is worthy of his dead sister.

Han Zhuangzhuang was particularly happy that day. He told Lin Weimin that he hoped to invite his classmates to his home, and Lin Weimin happily agreed.

Two days later, on the weekend, a group of young people came to Lin Weimin's house.

Han Zhuangzhuang belongs to Yanying's 80-level amateur acting class. They will graduate in July. These students originally came from all over the country, and most of them scattered all over the country after graduation. Today, only a few students from Yanjing are here.

In addition to classmates from the acting class, Han Zhuangzhuang also invited classmates from other departments who were familiar with him, most of whom he met while filming "Little Courtyard".

Everyone was a little reserved after meeting Lin Weimin. Obviously everyone was about the same age, and even Lin Weimin was a few years younger than many people. However, he was the uncle of his classmate Han Zhuangzhuang and a well-known writer, so it was hard for everyone not to be nervous. .

"Come on, come on, everyone, sit down."

It was a September morning, the sun was just right, and the environment in the courtyard was comfortable and cozy.

A group of young people took the bus for several stops before arriving at Shichahai Courtyard. After entering, Lin Weimin enthusiastically moved chairs and stools for everyone.

There were so many people that Lin Weimin's house didn't have enough chairs and stools. Some people could only be assigned to the matza, while some simply stood in the courtyard.

"Everyone, eat some melon seeds and candies first. Don't see anyone else. When you come, treat it as your own home. It's a nice day today. It's comfortable to sit in the yard."

Lin Weimin, the master, is very responsible and takes care of everyone.

Han Zhuangzhuang bought these things in the morning, and he was still buying vegetables at the vegetable market.

"Zhuangzhuang, give everyone a share, but don't let them be polite." Lin Weimin was talking about Tian Zhuangzhuang.

He himself was not idle either. He made tea for the students and arrived with a few bottles of soda. "There is tea and soda. You can make whatever you like to drink."

Under Lin Weimin's enthusiasm, this group of Yanying students gradually relaxed.

Lin Weimin and Tian Zhuangzhuang talked about the current situation of "Small Courtyard". The East Film Festival will be held in October. Yanjing has already sent the sample film to the East Film Festival, and there will probably be feedback in less than half a month.

After chatting in detail, Lin Weimin found that Tian Zhuangzhuang's mentality was quite good.

The filming of "Small Courtyard" was a rare practical opportunity for these students who have not yet graduated. He not only learned a lot during this practice, but also absorbed a lot of lessons and experiences.

In addition, "Small Courtyard" is a short film, so he was very normal about participating in the East Film Festival.

When chatting with Tian Zhuangzhuang, Lin Weimin did not forget about other classmates.

"Is this classmate Yimou?"

"Teacher Lin, you have a very good memory."

Zhang Yimou, who is in his early thirties, has an old face and a subwoofer voice. At first glance, he looks like a man in his forties or fifties.

He was already twenty-eight years old when he was admitted to Yanying, and he was admitted by Yanying under special circumstances. After chatting for a while, he talked about his experience in taking the exam.

It is not only full of twists and turns, but also full of inspirational struggles.

Lin Weimin sighed in his heart, no one can succeed casually.

While chatting with everyone, Lin Weimin noticed that a few students seemed to be a little restless, and said: "You can feel free to enter the house if you want. Just don't touch the things in my study."

He said something, and everyone was reluctant to move at first. After a while, they started to move impatiently. With a leader, everyone also started to move, and started to visit the courtyard and the house.

At this time, Han Zhuangzhuang pushed the door in with his hands full of things, followed by several people.

"I said it's too shameful for you to use my eldest nephew as a coolie. Where are you, this stupid boy?" Qu Xiaowei, with his hands empty, defended Han Zhuangzhuang and said.

Lin Weimin glanced at him sideways, "Why haven't you left yet?"

"Do you care about me?" Qu Xiaowei said before that he was going to Jinling to meet his future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Behind Qu Xiaowei, they were also followed by Zheng Guo and Yao Shuzhi. When they entered the hospital and saw many people inside, they immediately let go of the hands they were holding.

"You two are quite annoying!" Lin Weimin said with disgust.

"Do you want to take care of it?" Yao Shuzhi rolled her eyes at him.

When Han Zhuangzhuang put everything in the kitchen, Lin Weimin said to him: "Zhuangzhuang, come and greet your classmates, I'll go and get busy first."

Lin Weimin invited a few friends into the kitchen, and Qu Xiaowei couldn't help complaining: "I dare to go to your house and have to cook by myself?"

"This is called self-reliance and having enough food and clothing."

A few people were talking and laughing, and some female classmates among the students who came today also entered the kitchen to help with some work.

For people of their generation, cooking and housework are all things they take for granted.

With everyone's joint efforts, the meal was ready quickly.

Platefuls of dishes were brought out of the kitchen. Two round tables were set up under the trees in the yard, and the dishes were placed on the tables.

Just when everyone was busy, an exclamation came from the study.

Lin Weimin asked everyone to continue their work. He entered the study and saw that it was Li Chengru who was looking at the painting he hung on the wall of the study.

"Teacher Lin, is this a picture of Li Keran's cattle herding?" Li Chengru asked excitedly.

"Well, it was a gift from a friend."

Li Chengru looked at Lin Weimin in shock. Was it a gift from a friend?

What kind of friend is this? Send Li Keran’s original work?

Li Chengru didn't think Lin Weimin would hang a fake in his study.

Although he is not a "prosperous antique" at this time, Li Keran is still considered a famous painter all over the world. His paintings are given away whenever he wants. This friend's identity must be extraordinary, and his friendship with Lin Weimin is even more extraordinary.

A poem suddenly appeared in Li Chengru's mind. This is probably the meaning of "There is no white man in the world."

Thinking like this, Li Chengru felt that the fact that he was invited to Lin Weimin's home today became a classy thing.

"Teacher Lin, your friend is so generous."

Hiding all his thoughts, Li Chengru smiled and complimented.

Generous? I really didn’t feel it, but it was true that I was eating and drinking.

After chatting for a while, Li Chengru and Lin Weimin left the study.

After the food and wine were served, two banquet tables were set up in the courtyard. Lin Weimin, the host, did not speak, but asked Han Zhuangzhuang to get up and say a few words.

Han Zhuangzhuang, a man with a clumsy tongue, babbled a few words, which probably meant that everyone should eat and drink well, drink and eat well, which caused everyone to burst into laughter.

Li Chengru quietly lamented to Zhao Baogang next to him: "It's really hard to compare people to death, and you have to throw away goods when comparing goods!"

Zhao Baogang picked up a piece of braised pork and put it into his mouth, "Where did you get so many emotions?"

"Think about it, when Zhuang Zhuang came to school, he was young and naive, so no one took him seriously!

What's the result? I have an uncle who is a great writer. He has just graduated and his job is already arranged. Renyi!

do you know? I was wandering around Teacher Lin's study just now. Guess what I saw? "

"What?" Zhao Baogang asked curiously.

"Li Keran's picture of cattle herding."

Zhao Baogang didn't know much about painting, but he had heard of Li Keran, "Isn't that worth a lot of money?"

"Who knows? I guess it's worth 1,800 yuan, right? But that's not the key..."

"Then what's the key?"

"The key is that this painting was given by Teacher Lin's friend. Hey, can you imagine that I gave you Zhang Li Keran's painting?

What does it mean that there are great scholars when talking and laughing, but there are no white people when going around? Just for the things that this friend gave me, this person’s connections..."

When Li Chengru said this, he gave Zhao Baogang a thumbs up below.

While Li Chengru was talking, Zhao Baogang never stopped picking up food. After hearing what he said, Zhao Baogang said: "That's true, Teacher Lin has a good reputation after all. But..."

Zhao Baogang glanced at Tian Zhuangzhuang's table and said, "The people who can enter our courtyard are from pretty good families. Aren't people like Tian Zhuangzhuang and Cheng Kaige also from famous families?"

Li Chengru lowered his voice, "How can it be the same? One is out of fashion, and the other is currently popular. Besides, he is a writer and a literati. The profession of actor is also low-class..."

Zhao Baogang was not happy when he heard this, "You are still in this business?"

"Nonsense, am I not allowed to make a living?"

Li Chengru said so confidently that Zhao Baogang felt speechless.

If this person is shameless, you have no tricks at all!

Today, in order to celebrate Han Zhuangzhuang's new job, Lin Weimin set up two tables at his home. Han Zhuangzhuang was at one table with his classmates from the acting class, and there were also a few students from other departments mixed in.

At the other table were Lin Weimin and several of his friends as well as several people from the "Small Courtyard" crew, including Tian Zhuangzhuang, Hou Yong, Cui Xiaoqin, Zhang Yimou and others.

In order not to embarrass everyone, Lin Weimin, the landlord, took great care of Tian Zhuangzhuang and the others, and would give them topics to talk about from time to time.

While talking, Tian Zhuangzhuang mentioned the time when Lin Weimin "told the drama" to the female lead Zhu Lin during the filming of "Small Courtyard", and he was full of admiration for Lin Weimin in his words.

Lin Weimin was moved when he heard Zhu Lin's name, and asked casually: "Your leading actress seems to be in Zhuangzhuang's class, right? Which theater has she entered after graduation this time?"

"No. Zhu Lin became a monk halfway. It turned out that she was not in our field at all. But she is doing well now. She was transferred to Sichuan Film Studio to become an actress."

Lin Weimin felt a little disappointed in his heart. Is my dream of a harem going to die before it even begins?

He said casually: "Is her acting skills still needed by the company? It's not easy!"

Cui Xiaoqin looked at Lin Weimin on the side and cried out for Zhu Lin in her heart. What do you mean by "her acting skills"?

Although his acting skills are not excellent, he is still passable, okay?

Do you always have to be so picky?

She couldn't help but think of the fear of being dominated by Lin Weimin's demonic voice when she was on the set that day. Not to mention Zhu Lin as the person involved, she was still frightened as a bystander.

Looking at Teacher Lin's performance today, I couldn't help but wonder, how could such a person express his love for a female international student on campus?

Cui Xiaoqin didn't believe it in her heart, but she couldn't believe it because everyone said he had a nose and eyes.

Moreover, she also asked Han Zhuangzhuang. Although Han Zhuangzhuang insisted that his uncle would not let him talk nonsense, didn't this prove the authenticity of the scandal from the side?

Cui Xiaoqin was a little confused for a moment. Teacher Lin, Teacher Lin, which one is the real you?

The banquet ended in joy. Every one of Yan Ying's students was drunk, even Zhang Yimou, a mature and prudent man.

It was the first time for everyone to be entertained by a popular writer of Lin Weimin's level, and we were indeed a little excited.

After letting these people rest at home for two hours, Lin Weimin finally let the students leave with confidence.

After seeing everyone off, Lin Weimin patted Han Zhuangzhuang on the shoulder and said, "In the future, hang out with your classmates more. These are all connections."

The next morning, Lin Weimin went to work normally.

As soon as he sat down in the office, Liu Yin handed over a newspaper.


Lin Weimin took it and took a look.

Hey, old acquaintance!

"Guangming Daily".

There is a review above, which is about the work "Life" in the new September issue of "Contemporary".

"...Lu Yao's "Life" appeared in this bustling literary era, and it used the current social background as its theme. The emergence of "Life" brought a fresh "Northern Shaanxi style" to the literary world at that time .”

Compared with the criticism of "Farewell My Concubine", Guangming Daily praised Lu Yao's "Life" more highly.

Not only this one, Lin Weimin sorted out the magazines on his desk, and many of them published reviews of "Life".

There are mostly newspapers and relatively few magazines. The latest one is "Youth Literature" which published a set of review articles about "Life". The articles are called "Discussing Gao Jialin in "Life"" and "The Enlightenment of Gao Jialin's Tragedy" ", "A Mirror of Life", etc.

Compared with newspapers, magazines take much longer to publish, and feedback on works is naturally slower.

Lin Weimin sorted out all these good reviews, specially cut them out and stuffed them into envelopes, and then wrote a letter to Lu Yao, full of praise and encouragement.

ICU writers have to pay attention to methods. Not only do you have to criticize, but you also need to praise and encourage.

Lin Weimin expressed his gratitude to Sister An Yi in his heart. Without her words and deeds, how could he have come up with such a good idea.

Lin Weimin glued the envelope and sighed: "This time, Lu Yao is really going to become famous!"

Colleagues in the editorial department attach great importance to comments and feedback on works in publications. With the publication of "Life" these days, reviews of this work have appeared in the media one after another, and most of them are positive.

Not only that, the editorial department also received significantly more letters from readers, a large proportion of which mentioned or praised "Life".

With these comments, everyone understands.

"Life" is popular!

Lu Yao is also going to be popular!

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