1980 My literary era

Chapter 169 People’s Literature

National Association for Literature and Art, a ministerial-level unit.

The national selection of outstanding short and medium-sized novels is hosted by such a ministerial-level unit, and the standards are naturally not low. Even the award ceremony is held in a nationally important place.

In recent years, perhaps to make up for the unfair treatment received by intellectuals in previous years, domestic intellectuals have been treated with unprecedented courtesy.

When he got up early in the morning, Lin Weimin got dressed, went to the Chinese Literature Society to pick up Lu Yao, and then went to the venue where the awards ceremony was held.

His scooter usually shuttles through the streets and alleys of Yanjing City without restraint, but today it could only park far outside the gate of the awards hall.

The security measures were very strict, which made the atmosphere become solemn invisibly.

Lin Weimin saw many familiar people after entering the door.

"Hello, Teacher Wang!"

"Comrade Xiaolin, long time no see!"

Wang Meng, a little old man, smiled when he saw Lin Weimin. He was deeply impressed by Lin Weimin, the most naughty and mischievous boy in the Institute of Literature.

After exchanging a few words, Lin Weimin saw the silver-haired Wei Junyi again, "Hello, editor-in-chief! Hello, editor-in-chief!"

"Yeah!" Wei Junyi nodded.

Today, in addition to Wei Junyi from the Chinese Literature Society, Qin Chaoyang is also here. He is the editor-in-chief of "Contemporary". Many people in "Contemporary" have won awards today.

After saying a few words, Lin Weimin saw Jiang Zilong, Huang Anyi, Jin Ying and others coming over, and quickly waved to greet them.

Lu Yao was introduced to a few people, and everyone looked at Lu Yao with a bit of surprise. "Life" had become so famous in the six months since it was published, and his reputation as an author had become very famous.

More and more people are gathering at the door of the auditorium. The winners this time are writers from all over the country. Who doesn’t have close friends?

In addition to award-winning writers, editors-in-chief and editors of major literary publications across the country, leaders and cadres of literary associations, and comrades from various co-organizing units are all here today.

Just like Lin Weimin, everyone always says hello when they meet, right?

After a few words of greeting, the stairs into the auditorium were blocked.

The entrance to the synagogue was buzzing with people for a while, and suddenly there was a commotion in the distance.

Everyone who was immersed in the atmosphere of gathering old friends looked in that direction, wondering what was going on.

It wasn't until a while later that news came from the people in front.

"Ba Lao is here!"

With a "boom", Lin Weimin felt that the people originally scattered at the entrance of the auditorium instantly turned into a swarm, swarming towards the direction where the news came.

There were shouts not far away: "Everyone, please stop crowding, stop crowding!" "Pay attention to safety and be careful where you step!"

Lin Weimin quickly dragged a few people around him to escape, "Good guy, this is too enthusiastic!"

Jiang Zilong smiled and said: "I can't help it, this is a living legend."

He looked at Lin Weimin and smiled: "If your teacher could come over, he would be treated like this."

Lin Weimin shook his head, "Sir, after all, he is from the drama circle, and his appeal here cannot be compared with Balao's."

Lu Yao looked in the direction of Ba Lao with eyes full of longing. Lin Weimin joked: "Isn't it time to say, "He can take his place?"

Several people around laughed, and Jiang Zilong said: "You kid, if people hear you, I have to say that you are so crazy that there is no limit to it!"

The crowd not far away finally began to flow smoothly after the wave-like surge just now. A few security guards protected a short old man who walked at the front. The crowd moved with the movement of the old man, like Like the tide.

Lin Weimin stood outside the crowd and caught a glimpse of the old man. Although he had never met the old man in person, he had seen his photos in various news reports, materials, and books in the past two years, so he naturally knew him.

When the old man entered the auditorium, the crowd began to slowly enter the auditorium. Lin Weimin also said: "Let's go in too."

"Let's go, let's go!"

Everyone climbed up the steps and entered the solemn building.

The venue is large and can accommodate one or two thousand people.

Lin Weimin stood on the stairs and took a look. There were about two to three hundred people coming today, mainly concentrated in the front half of the hall. The entire back of the hall seemed a bit empty.

The buzz in the venue lasted for a few minutes. After everyone took their seats for a while, it gradually became quiet.

On the stage, the members of the selection committee took their seats, and in the first few rows of the audience were the leaders of the Association for Literary and Art Circles, the Ministry of Culture, and the writers who won the award this time.

Lin Weimin's position was in the second row, and several other acquaintances were scattered among the second and third rows. Only Huang Anyi was the closest to him.

Mr. Shen passed away on March 27 last year. He served as the leader of the National Cultural Association for 35 years when he was alive. After his death, Balao temporarily took over the important task of the leader of the National Cultural Association and became the acting leader of the Association.

Ba Lao spoke on the stage, and the faces of the award-winning writers below gradually became serious. Lin Weimin felt that Huang Anyi beside him seemed to be nervous.

The speech was not long. After the speech by Balao, the representative of the Cultural Association, he was followed by several comrades from the co-organizers. The speeches were kept brief.

In less than half an hour, the speech was over and the award ceremony officially began.

The National Outstanding Short Story Award was awarded first. There were 20 winners of this Outstanding Short Story Award. Everyone stepped onto the rostrum one by one and stood in the center of the stage. Leaders from the Cultural Association such as Balao and comrades from the Ministry of Culture presented awards. Everyone awards awards.

Many comrades looked nervous and excited. Lin Weimin and others applauded Jiang Zilong, Jin Ying and others in the audience. Others in the audience also applauded, and the atmosphere was warm.

After the awards were awarded, the winning writers had to give a few sentences. There were too many winners and it was impossible to speak one by one. They could only find one or two representatives. Ba Lao called the names and happened to choose Jiang Zilong and Jin Ying, a man and a woman. It was very strange. Representative.

Jin Ying's speech was quite satisfactory. When it was Jiang Zilong's turn, he had the personality to go crazy on his own.

"My surname is Jiang and my name is Zilong. I am from Cangzhou in northern Hebei Province. I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child and have practiced several sets of fists and kicks. I am 1.83 meters tall and can easily deal with a few heroes. This time in Yanjing, I was appointed to be the director of our Literary Research Institute. The head of the security department and the head of the undergraduate department who are two beautiful female writers do not dare to slack off..."

Everyone in the audience burst into laughter at his speech. After listening to his speech, Mr. Balao couldn’t laugh or cry and said, “I won’t be too disrespectful when I go on stage next time!”

Jiang Zilong will come on stage later. His "Red Orange Yellow Green Green Indigo Purple" also won the Outstanding Novella Award.

The venue was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

After finishing their speeches, the award-winning writers returned to their seats, and the next step was the award ceremony for the Outstanding Novella Award.

The number of winners this time was five more than the short story award. Jiang Zilong, an old face, came on stage again in less than a few minutes. Everyone in the audience couldn't help but smile when they thought of what Ba Lao said just now.

More than 20 award-winners were standing in a row on the podium, including men and women, old and young. Lin Weimin stood among them and stood out. He was the youngest here, and the young man was tall and handsome.

When it was the representative's turn to speak, Ba Lao's eyes wandered among the crowd and locked on Lin Weimin and Huang Anyi after a few seconds.

"Come, Comrade Lin Weimin from Yanjing, and Comrade Huang Anyi from Shanghai. You two are a man and a woman, one from the south and one from the north. You are the youngest among our group, so you can be the speech representatives."

Balao's roll call was to encourage young people, just like he just asked Jin Ying to speak.

And what a coincidence. The four speakers at Balaodian were all students of the fifth period after the Institute of Literary Studies resumed operations. The Institute of Literary Studies was an institution directly under the Literary and Art Association. Lin Weimin was thinking wildly in his mind.

Lin Weimin and Huang Anyi stood up after hearing Balao's call. He glanced at Huang Anyi, who was a little nervous, and whispered: "I'll go first."

He walked to the table in the center of the podium, picked up the microphone, and looked at the people in the audience.

Over the past year, Lin Weimin has become famous in the domestic literary world. Most of the people in the audience saw his true face in Lushan for the first time, and their eyes were full of curiosity and scrutiny.

"Hello, seniors and colleagues, I am Lin Weimin. Today is the awards ceremony, and I am very happy to win the award. Many acquaintances are also here, and I am even more happy to meet old friends again.

On the path of literary creation, I am a junior, and today I would like to express my personal expectations for the future of this industry without any shame.

I hope that our literature will always be the literature of the people and will always be popular with the people. I also hope that many of our predecessors and colleagues will be able to write more popular works, nourish the spirit of our people, and shape the character of our people!

thank you all! "

Lin Weimin's speech was short, but every word was sonorous and powerful. Especially the two sentences "I hope our literature will always be the literature of the people and will always be popular with the people", which aroused great resonance from everyone in the venue.

Mr. Balao praised: "Comrade Weimin said it very well. Our literature was born among the people, and we can never forget our roots. I hope we can all remember it in our hearts."

There was warm applause in the venue.

When it was Huang Anyi's turn to speak, she was still a little nervous. She tried her best to thank everyone she could think of in a slightly Shanghainese accent, including Lin Weimin.

The people in the venue looked at this young lesbian and smiled knowingly.

After finally finishing speaking, Huang Anyi returned to her seat, feeling a little annoyed in her heart.

My own performance was really bad. Look how good and generous Lin Weimin was just now!

"Well said!"

A warm voice came from beside her. Huang Anyi looked sideways and met Lin Weimin's eyes, her eyes were shy.

The novella awards have been awarded and the award ceremony has come to an end.

There was a photo session at the end, which took more than half an hour before it was over.

After another speech, Balao, as the leader of the Cultural Association, announced the end of the conference.

Everyone in the venue left one after another.

Wei Junyi stopped Lin Weimin and took him to the reception hall next to the venue.

Here, Lin Weimin met Balao again.

Ba Lao was talking to others when he saw the two of them smiling and said: "Look, our Comrade Jun Yi has arrived with the cadres of the Chinese Literature Society. Comrade Weimin is now the editor of "Contemporary", right?"

Lin Weimin nodded and said, "Yes."

Wei Junyi smiled and said: "I brought this monkey to see you. Didn't you talk about serving the people just before the meeting?"

Lin Weimin was surprised. Before the meeting, Balao mentioned him?

"I heard in Shanghai that you have a talented person in "Contemporary". No wonder "Contemporary" has developed by leaps and bounds this year, and its sales have already surpassed our "Harvest"." Ba Lao said jokingly.

When other parents praise their children, Wei Junyi naturally has to be modest and say, "He is a celebrity, but he is just a stupid young man who is frizzy all day long."

"Comrade Weimin is a good talent. I have watched Farewell My Concubine. It is both story-telling and thoughtful. It is a rare work that balances both."

Lin Weimin hurriedly said: "Lao Ba, you have given me the reward."

After praising Lin Weimin a few words, Ba Lao said to Wei Junyi: "This time your Chinese Literature Society has made a big splash!"

Ba Lao was referring to the number of awards for works published in magazines under the Chinese Literature Society this time.

In this National Outstanding Short Story Award, 4 novellas from "Contemporary" won the award, 1 novella from "People's Literature" won the award, and 5 short stories won the award. They single-handedly accounted for one-fifth of the number of awards. There are more, and it can be said to be the biggest winner of this National Outstanding Short Story Award.

"Harvest", founded by Balao, had three novels winning awards in this award.

Another big winner is "October", also in Yanjing, which is also a domestic first-tier literary magazine. Five novellas won the Outstanding Novella Award.

If Guowenshe is a group army battle, then "October" is an independent regiment battle, and its combat power is truly terrifying.

Under the recommendation of Wei Junyi, Lin Weimin also met Su Yu, the editor-in-chief of "October". She was over fifty years old and looked younger than Wei Junyi. She spoke extremely powerfully and exuded a sense of courage.

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