1980 My literary era

Chapter 170 A good work that cleanses people’s hearts

The moment Lin Weimin came in, the reception hall became more and more lively.

Today, in addition to the award-winning writers, there are also the editors in charge of their respective award-winning works and the editor-in-chief of the publication. These editors can’t wait to introduce the outstanding writers trained by the publication to their senior seniors.

This kind of introduction is completely different from the mixed circles of later generations. Whether it is the editor-in-chief or the editor-in-chief, everyone does not seek fame or profit, but just to give young people a chance.

Lin Weimin was from the Chinese Literature Society. He was introduced by Wei Junyi, and he was almost familiar with the big guys present.

When he was saying hello, he saw Huang Anyi walking in followed by two middle-aged men.

Wei Junyi asked quietly: "For the people, I remember that your "A Penny Matter" was published in "Zhongshan", right?"

"Yes." Lin Weimin didn't know what Wei Junyi meant by asking this.

She signaled to Lin Weimin and walked towards the two middle-aged men who came in with Huang Anyi.

When he came closer, Wei Junyi greeted: "Teacher Haixiao, Zhaohuai!"

"Comrade Junyi!"

The two parties are obviously old acquaintances. Wei Junyi pointed at Lin Weimin and said: "Let me introduce to you. This is Comrade Lin Weimin. His debut work was published in your "Zhongshan"."

Only then did Lin Weimin understand the reason why Wei Junyi brought him here. He warmly stretched out his hands to shake hands with Hai Xiao and Yu Zhaohuai respectively.

"Oh, Teacher Yu, I finally meet you!"

Lin Weimin is grateful to Yu Zhaohuai, a talented person, and he is also grateful to "Zhongshan", the magazine where his works were published for the first time.

The two parties exchanged a few words, and Yu Zhaohuai couldn't help but mention that he had asked Lin Weimin to write a manuscript some time ago. Hearing that Lin Weimin forcibly wrote the short story he originally promised Yu Zhaohuai into a long story, making him wait for half a year, everyone around him burst into laughter. .

This incident soon spread throughout the reception hall and became a joke among everyone. It is expected that it will inevitably spread in the domestic literary world for some time in the future.

Lin Weimin tried his best to invite Haixiao and Yu Zhaohuai to have dinner together in the evening, but the two politely declined because they were busy. After a few more words, they took Huang Anyi to meet Ba Lao.

Huang Anyi's "The Passage", which won the Outstanding Novella Award this time, was published on "Zhongshan", which is why she appeared behind Haixiao and Yu Zhaohuai.

As a native of Shanghai, Huang Anyi has an inherent advantage in the reception hall because Mr. Ba is there.

After a round of greetings, everyone who should be known was recognized, and Wei Junyi took Lin Weimin out of the reception hall.

It was already noon when he came out of the important place of state affairs. Lin Weimin was hungry and couldn't help complaining in his heart. He didn't even entertain a meal. It was really too frugal!

Wei Junyi had to go to work in the afternoon, so she went back to the Chinese Literature Society first.

Lin Weimin stayed there and waited for a few old acquaintances. First, Tan Chaoyang brought Lu Yao out, and then Jin Ying, Huang Anyi and Jiang Zilong.

Everyone just finished getting together yesterday, and everyone has a party tonight. Several people plan to leave Yanjing tomorrow.

I can't send it off, so I can only say goodbye here.

After waving goodbye to several classmates, Lin Weimin was left with Tan Chaoyang and Lu Yao.

Lu Yao pulled Lin Weimin aside and talked about business.

"Advance the manuscript fee, and the travel expenses will be gone when we go back."

Lin Weimin said in surprise: "You have no money?"

Last year Lu Yao released two novellas, "In Difficult Days" and "Life". The royalties for "Life" alone were 1,300 yuan, and the two novellas together were at least 2,000 yuan. Now you actually asked him to advance the manuscript fee?

Lu Yao said sheepishly: "The expenses have been a bit high recently."

Lin Weimin thought to himself, you are not a little too big.

More than two thousand yuan was enough for an ordinary family in this era to save for ten years, but this guy actually spent it all in less than a year.

Not mentioning royalties, Lu Yao's salary is actually not low in this era, at 66 yuan.

Lin Weimin looked at Lu Yao's washed white clothes up and down, and admired him a little.

How do you spend so much money but not see any effect of spending money?

In fact, Lin Weimin also knows Lu Yao, and he is basically "poor and generous" in spending money.

He is very addicted to cigarettes, smoking more than two packs a day, and he will never give in. All he smokes are good cigarettes.

When he came to Yanjing this time, Lin Weimin found that he liked drinking coffee, the kind of "three-in-one" instant bagged coffee.

Although this thing may be cheap in later generations, it is expensive these days.

And when it comes to food, Lin Weimin recently heard from people on the third floor that Lu Yao often takes people to the coffee shop in Yanjing City to eat Western breakfast. There are very few coffee shops at this time. Going to a coffee shop to have breakfast is of course a high-cost proposition. A breakfast for two people will cost nearly ten yuan.

"Can't you save some flowers?" Lin Weimin advised.

Lu Yao brought out his fallacies again, "For the people, you don't understand. The biggest enemy of people like us is that we look down on ourselves. I need a special kind of publicity to offset the special low self-esteem."

Lin Weimin was completely helpless and said: "Don't advance the royalties, it's too troublesome. Let me lend you two thousand yuan first. Anyway, the royalties for "Life" will come down soon, so I can just deduct them when the time comes."

Lu Yao said happily: "No problem, I still have fun for the people!"

"Have a good time, you hammer! I tell you, don't just think about yourself, don't forget about your sister-in-law and eldest niece at home."

"Don't worry, every time I pay the manuscript fee, I leave them with living expenses."

Lin Weimin took Lu Yao to the bank and withdrew two thousand yuan for him.

The prosperous National Award Ceremony for Outstanding Short and Novels was over. Lin Weimin had nothing to do that afternoon. He had taken leave anyway and did not plan to go to work. He rode his motorcycle to No. 26 Yonghegong Street.

In late March, the cold winter in Yanjing still had its last struggle, but in this small courtyard surrounded on all sides, spring has already moved in.

After getting rid of the hustle and bustle of the award ceremony, after entering the small courtyard, a quiet and peaceful atmosphere relaxed Lin Weimin's spirit.

"Tiesheng! Tiesheng!"

Shi Tiesheng slowly rolled the wheelchair and pushed open the door.

Lin Weimin said: "The weather is so nice, don't stay bored in the house, go for a walk in the courtyard."

As he spoke, he stepped forward and pushed Shi Tiesheng's wheelchair into the courtyard.

"Is the awarding over?" Shi Tiesheng asked.

"It's done, the flowers are blooming, the enthusiasm is unprecedented, it is a victorious conference!"

Shi Tiesheng was amused by Lin Weimin's words, "Why do you feel that you are stimulated?"

"No, I just have some feelings."

Shi Tiesheng joked: "After winning the award, my consciousness has really improved. Let me see the certificate."

Lin Weimin saw the certificate and handed it to Shi Tiesheng.

He admired it for a long time, with a bit of envy in his eyes, "It's so good!"

"Write well, and greater honors are waiting for you." Lin Weimin said firmly.

Shi Tiesheng laughed, "I don't know where you get your confidence, or you are still telling lies."

"Can't this be a good wish?"

"Well, that's a good reason."

After being outside in the sun for more than half an hour, Father Shi prepared a meal and asked the two of them to eat.

After lunch, Shi Tiesheng asked Lin Weimin to go to his desk to help him get the manuscript.

"How about you help me take a look at the manuscript I just finished writing?"

"Are there any new works? How efficient is it?"

Lin Weimin sat beside Shi Tiesheng's bed with a smile and put his eyes on the manuscript.

"...I fed cattle for two years when I joined the queue. It was in Qingpingwan, a small mountain village in northern Shaanxi.

...The old man who stopped the cattle with me was named Bai. In northern Shaanxi dialect, "Bai" is pronounced as "Po", so we all call him "Po Old Man".

…I fell ill during Qingming Festival and my waist and legs hurt terribly. At that time, I only thought it was sciatic nerve pain or lumbar muscle strain, but I didn’t expect it to develop into such a serious condition now..."

Lin Weimin spent more than an hour reading the manuscript and counted the pages. The format of the manuscript was fixed, and the full text had more than 11,000 words, which was a large number of words among Shi Tiesheng's works.

"Tiesheng, is this a novel?"

Shi Tiesheng nodded.

Lin Weimin also nodded and agreed that this work should be regarded as Shi Tiesheng's autobiographical novel.

The novel uses lyrical prose to describe his memories of the life of queue jumping, recreating the story of Qingpingwan, a small mountain village on the Loess Plateau, and a "poor old man" who was a cattle herder in his memory.

"What do you think?" Shi Tiesheng asked expectantly.

With a faint smile on his face, Lin Weimin said: "Leave good works to us "Contemporary"."

Shi Tiesheng asked: "I want to hear your evaluation."

Lin Weimin thought for a while and said: "Positive and optimistic, tender and full of emotions, it makes people unconsciously immersed in it when reading it."

Shi Tiesheng clapped his hands and said: "This evaluation is really high!"

"Of course!" Lin Weimin looked at Shi Tiesheng seriously, "Tiesheng, you have written a good work that can cleanse people's hearts. It must be passed down."

Shi Tiesheng waved his hands quickly, "Stop boasting, stop boasting, I'm afraid I'll laugh."

Saying this, Shi Tiesheng could no longer control the corners of his mouth.

"You can laugh if you want. Of course you should be happy that you wrote a good piece of work."

Then the two talked for a long time about the novel "My Distant Qingping Bay". It wasn't until they were almost finished eating that Lin Weimin came out of Shi Tiesheng's house.

Back at the Shichahai courtyard, Han Zhuangzhuang had already got off work. He looked at the award certificate that Lin Weimin brought back for a long time and was sincerely happy for Lin Weimin.

"Uncle, where do you think I can put this certificate?"

"What's there to post?"

Han Zhuangzhuang said in surprise: "No? Then what's the point of getting this certificate?"

Lin Weimin was speechless for a moment, "Then what do you suggest?"

"If not, just stick it in my room."

"What are you doing in your house?"

"I am also inspired by your literary talent. People in our unit say that you are a literary star from the sky who has descended to earth."

"Do you still have such feudal remnants in your unit?"

"Don't change the subject, okay?"

"Okay, post it."

Lin Weimin is positive about his nephew's positive spirit of learning.

"Click left and go down, then go down..."

Just when Lin Weimin was directing his nephew to post the certificate, there was a knock on the door of the small courtyard.

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