1980 My literary era

Chapter 222: It’s a shame to be here

In the first month of 1983, Lin Weimin's work and life were busy and fulfilling.

At work, the deputy editor-in-chief of "Contemporary" has just been mentioned. Meng Weizai and Qin Chaoyang have to run away and hide whenever they can from the administrative tasks assigned by the society. This is a hardship for Lin Weimin, who has just taken office. The editorial department always has to There is someone who performs the above task, and the young Lin Weimin naturally becomes the best choice.

Lin Weimin even suspected that he, the deputy editor, was the result of two old... comrades. As soon as he came to the position, not to mention his junior qualifications, he was still young. Do you have the nerve to refuse when I ask you to work? The leader made an exception and put you in such an important position. You can't stretch your hips as soon as you get on, right?

He was the first to propose the task of publishing the winning works of the first Yanbing Literature Award in the form of "Contemporary Book Series". After more than a month of busy work, it was finally completed successfully. The book series has just been launched not long ago, and there is no sign of it yet. These works The latest one has been published for more than a year, so it is basically unlikely to trigger a big rush. We can only rely on the enthusiasm of many domestic literature lovers.

In terms of writing, "Horse Trapper" was first published in the January supplement of "People's Literature". It was published separately, and the importance it attached was self-evident. After it was published, it completely stole the limelight of the January issue, triggering It is enthusiastically sought after by countless readers.

As of the end of January, the sales of the January issue of "People's Literature" reached 700,000 copies, while the sales volume of the supplement reached 800,000 copies.

Comrades in the editorial department of "People's Literature" joked in casual chat that everyone had worked hard for a month to compile the manuscript, but it was not as effective as Lin Weimin writing a novel.

The situation that the sales volume of the January supplement greatly exceeds that of the main issue is doomed, and as time goes by, this gap will inevitably grow wider, until the sales potential of the January issue is completely exhausted.

In life, my little girlfriend went to Beijing with the Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe to participate in the Spring Festival Gala. The program has been confirmed, and she will sing a happy reunion excerpt from "Five Daughters Happy Birthday", which is in line with the cheerful atmosphere of the New Year festival.

During this period, Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin met almost every two or three days, and their relationship heated up rapidly.

On this day, Lin Weimin came to the broadcasting compound again. Today is the day for the review of the Spring Festival Gala program. As the screenwriter and consultant of this year's sketch program, Lin Weimin naturally came to participate in the review.

"Teacher Yan, Teacher Wang!" Lin Weimin greeted Yan Shunkai and Wang Ruoyu politely when he saw them backstage. The two nodded to Lin Weimin with gentle smiles on their faces.

Lin Weimin was the consultant for the sketch program at this party. He gave a lot of guidance and help to the two during the rehearsal process of their program.

"How are you, are you nervous?" Lin Weimin asked, patting his nephew on the shoulder.

"Don't be nervous. I've seen places ten times bigger than this." Han Zhuangzhuang's tone was firm, but the hand that kept rubbing his trouser legs betrayed his heart.

The scale of the Capital Theater is indeed larger than that of CCTV's studio. These days, CCTV does not have the nationally famous No. 1 Studio. Lin Weimin took a look around the stage. The entire studio is less than 600 square meters, and the stage alone occupies the entire area. A large part, if it can accommodate two to three hundred spectators, it is considered too much. My nephew is right about this.

"Where are Guanhua and Dandan?"

The expressions of Liang Guanhua and Song Dandan were mixed with nervousness, excitement and excitement, and they didn't know how to express their feelings for a moment.

"Okay. We've been rehearsing for so many days. It'll be fine. Just relax." Lin Weimin comforted several people.

In fact, as he said, after rehearsing for so many days, the content of the skit can be said to be familiar by heart. There are two reasons that really make a few people feel nervous.

First, there were leaders sitting in the audience. Although the party was hosted by CCTV, all ministries were involved. Even the leaders of the Public Security Bureau were sitting under the stage.

Second, program review does not only look at effects. Political factors and public opinion guidance are also the focus of review. If the review leader really raises objections, the program will be removed if it is not good.

If the show is really successful, the hard work of these people for more than a month will be in vain. They don't want this to happen.

The most important thing is that they missed an opportunity to appear in front of a national audience, especially for Liang Guanhua and Song Dandan. They are still students in the People's Art Actor Training Class. They can be on a stage as big as the CCTV Gala. It's a great blessing.

Lin Weimin searched for a long time backstage, and finally found Chen Xiaoer and Zhu Shimao behind the curtain on the second floor.

"What are you two doing here?"

Chen Xiaoer squatted on the ground, wearing a woolen hat, looking like a lawless element.

"There are too many people down here, but this area is still quiet. Let's exchange words by the way."

After chatting with the two for a few words, Lin Weimin knew that they needed to prepare for the show, so Lin Weimin stopped disturbing them.

A few minutes before the review started, Lin Weimin came from the backstage to the auditorium of the studio.

Looking at the rows of little horses in the audience, Lin Weimin complained in his heart, even if it is not a live broadcast, isn't this scene too tragic? Can't he change the stool?

But looking at the row of department and bureau-level officials sitting in the first row, it was hard for him to express any opinions, so he just sat there honestly.

The rehearsal officially started and the programs started one by one.

As a gala that plans to bring out the old and bring out the new, CCTV has given great support to the chief director Huang Yihe and invited many performance teams from various domestic art groups.

The theme of the party is "Unity, Joy, Hope". Although it is "the first time to eat crabs", the program structure of the entire party is already very rich, including singing and dancing, cross talk, sketches, poetry recitation, Huangmei Opera, and Peking Opera. , Yue Opera, and even magic, acrobatics and martial arts, covering almost all art forms that ordinary people can see in their daily lives, and even two movie clips are prepared.

Before the 1983 Spring Festival Gala, CCTV's Spring Festival Gala had announcers and announcers, but there was no concept of a "host."

This year, CCTV introduced a host for the party for the first time. However, this role was not played by CCTV announcers at this time, but was handed over to several actors.

Wang Jingyu, Liu Xiaoqing, Ma Ji, Jiang Kun.

The reason for this is that the leaders in the station are worried that the announcers have strong recitation skills but have no on-site experience. They are afraid that they will not be able to react to situations on the spot.

They hired two crosstalk actors, Ma Ji and Jiang Kun, who have quick reactions but are prone to making jokes to make people laugh. They were afraid that their style would not be high, so they hired Wang Jingyu, a comedian who had received professional training from the Drama Academy.

The three hosts were all men, and they didn't look good on stage, so they hired the most popular actor Liu Xiaoqing.

Lin Weimin saw Liu Xiaoqing in person for the first time today. She is a very busy person now, so she only took time out to attend the party. She only entered the party after seeing that the live broadcast was going to be broadcast for more than a week.

This big Ben'er doesn't look very good. The people's aesthetics are still too simple!

After waiting for almost an hour, Lin Weimin's first sketch finally came on stage. It was "Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren" performed by his nephew, Song Dandan, and Liang Guanhua.

A few young people acted very hard, but no one below them laughed. They sat on the mat with serious expressions, whispering to each other from time to time.

A few people became more and more unsure of their performance, and in the second half of the show they made two small mistakes.

After the show ended, several people returned backstage, feeling uneasy.

"I see that none of the leaders down there are laughing. Our show won't be taken down, right?" Song Dandan said worriedly.

Liang Guanhua sighed: "It's hard to say. Didn't you cancel a program last time?"

Han Zhuangzhuang could only comfort the two of them and said, "It's okay. The rehearsal last time was not good. This time it is a review. We will know the result later."

While several people were worried, the performance on stage continued.

The entire party lasted for 278 minutes, excluding the opening speech at the beginning of the party, the introduction of the guests present, and the condolences to the staff at the end of the party. There were more than 50 programs.

It took almost a whole night to review all the programs.

It was almost midnight, the stage had already dispersed, but the conference room was filled with smoke.

There is still more than a week until the party starts, and time is running out.

Today, the review team raised two prominent issues. One is about "Hometown Love" sung by Li Guyi, and the other is about the "debt triangle" issue raised in the sketch "Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren".

At the end of 1979, CCTV broadcast the TV scenic film "The Legend of the Three Gorges", and its opening theme song was "Nostalgia". Once it was broadcast, "Nostalgia" attracted people's attention with its unusual rhythm and singing method.

During New Year's Day, Shanghai's "Wenhui Po" published an article reviewing "The Legend of the Three Gorges". It talked about "Nostalgia" and pointed out that the song has a lyrical and beautiful melody and is very popular with the audience.

Two months later, the song was selected into Yanjing People's Broadcasting Station's "Song of the Week". "Hometown Love" quickly spread throughout the country and had a huge response. In just a few months, TV stations and radio stations competed for it. Play "Nostalgic Love".

At this time, criticism also followed. First, "Yanjing Music News" took the lead in publishing the article "Unsuccessful Attempt" on the front page, criticizing "Nostalgia" for "not expressing a healthy nostalgia for the mountains and rivers of the motherland", but "a low and lingering love". The sound of Mi Mi". Some people even labeled the singer Li Guyi as having "decadent bourgeois sentiments".

Later, colleagues in the industry criticized Hong Kong and Taiwan pop music represented by Teresa Teng at a national music creation conference, and "Nostalgic Love" was severely criticized because its style was similar to Hong Kong and Taiwan pop music.

After these events, "Hometown Love", which was originally very popular, became a "banned song" for a time.

This year, CCTV invited Li Guyi to participate in the party. In line with the bold principle of innovating and bringing forth the new, Li Guyi was asked to perform 9 songs in a row, the first of which was her well-known classic song, including "Hometown Love".

The censorship team requested that the song "Nostalgia" be removed from the program. As director Huang Yihe could only explain that the songs sung by Li Guyi were determined by the director team to be more popular with the general public after various investigations. song.

One party had the power of censorship, and the other party had public opinion. After a while, the discussion reached a deadlock.

At this time, Li Guyi spoke, "If it's not late, I won't be attending the party, so as to save everyone embarrassment."

Today, Li Guyi is only in her thirties, but she has a great reputation. With her unique voice, her songs are widely circulated across the country.

The review team did not expect that Li Guyi would be so stubborn and would not be accepted. She had a total of nine songs on the program list. If she was really not included, the entire program schedule of the party would be disrupted.

After hearing what she said, Huang Yihe hurriedly said: "Teacher Li, don't give up. We didn't say we wouldn't let you go."

He knew that the reason why Li Guyi dared to say this was not just to vent his anger on the review team.

Because around the Spring Festival, Li Guyi's Central Orchestra had a large-scale performance in Pengcheng.

She came to the party, but she couldn't go to the performance in Pengcheng. At this time, Li Guyi was the leader among the solo singers of the Central Orchestra in terms of strength, fame, and masterpieces. The performance without her would definitely be overshadowed, so the Central Orchestra did not want her to attend the party.

However, when CCTV held a party, it was like a dignitary carrying Shang Fang's sword. The Central Orchestra did not dare to disobey and had no choice but to let Li Guyi come over.

Now if the party program team gives her this excuse, they might turn around and run to Pengcheng. They must not let her go.

"Leaders, how about we discuss the issue of the song "Nostalgia" again?" Huang Yihe found a way for the review team, and everyone had no choice but to nod.

Next it was Lin Weimin's turn for "Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren".

Looking at the look in the eyes of the review team, Lin Weimin really wanted to say: "I won't be attending this party either."

It's a pity that it doesn't work. After all, it's my nephew's show, so my uncle has to protect himself no matter what.

Teacher Lin said: It’s not a big problem.

"Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren" was created in 1996. At that time, the domestic "triangular | debt" problem had already become serious enough to have to be dealt with, and the government had made great determination and big plans a few years ago. Make efforts to rectify.

At this time, the problem of triangular debt has become widespread, but the economic situation is still good, and all problems have been covered up.

Facing the interrogation by the review team, Lin Weimin's expression remained normal.

"Dear leaders, I just want to ask, does the problem of triangular debt exist? Can our program at the party talk about the problem, or do we just need to praise virtues?"

Lin Weimin's words were like a sharp sword, pressing against the throats of everyone in the investigation team. Everyone looked at him, and for a moment no one dared to speak.

What is murder and heart-breaking?

This is called murder and heart-breaking!

Do you dare to say that CCTV’s gala can only praise virtues and cannot expose problems?

Twenty years later it would be more or less the same, but at this time, no one dares to say this.

Huang Yihe glanced at the faces of everyone in the investigation team and smiled inwardly. Just now, Li Guyi's tone could only be described as stiff, but this one just took his turn. Who of you dares to accept this? Are you kicking the iron?

Everyone in the review team was also alert at this time. The young man in front of them was no ordinary person.

The deputy editor-in-chief of "Contemporary" magazine, a direct disciple of Mr. Wan, the pioneering master in the domestic drama circle, a famous writer who has won national literary awards for his short, medium and long works...

To put it bluntly, if someone can come and compile a program, it’s just for the party!

No matter how awesome the censorship team is, they can't compare to others. If you said today that you cheated on other people's programs, they would have the guts to go to the Literary and Art Association to complain, saying that you are blocking the way of speech. Just a few years after the storm, those old literary gangsters I'm so sensitive, I don't know how far the trouble will go.

"Dear leaders, I think it's already midnight. Our director team already understands your opinions. Why don't we wait until the next review?"

Everyone in the review team looked at each other and thought it was better to get off the stairs as soon as possible.

As for the issue of the next review, let’s talk about it next time.

"Okay, let's do this first."

At the end of the meeting, the review team members left first, with Lin Weimin and Huang Yihe walking at the end. Huang Yihe whispered to Lin Weimin: "Teacher Lin, be tough!"

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "I'm not as tough as Teacher Li."

Li Guyi, who was walking in front, turned his head, glanced at the people in front, and said softly: "Teacher Lin is still tougher!"

Lin Weimin joked with the two of them for a while, but when he thought about it, something seemed wrong.

I was busy all day yesterday, so I will post the first update, the second update around 11 o'clock, and the third update around 4 or 5 pm.

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