1980 My literary era

Chapter 223 Wangtai’s Sincerity

It has just gone through some censorship and no programs have been canceled. All existing programs are likely to be seen by viewers across the country at the New Year's Eve party.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, there was no better news than this.

It was already midnight when the review ended. Huang Yihe did not let Lin Weimin go home, but took him to the Temple of Heaven Hotel.

"Tomorrow is the weekend anyway."

After staying in a hotel room for one night, I woke up early and heard singing singing from the corridor. It was the Little Baihua Yue Opera Troupe practicing.

He glanced at Tao Huimin in the crowd, and their eyes intertwined. Lin Weimin walked upstairs, and Tao Huimin found an excuse to sneak out.

"Why are you here?"

"The review was too late last night, so I spent the whole night in the hotel."

"What's the result of the review? Is it going well?" Tao Huimin had a bit of worry on her face.

After the review ended last night, only Lin Weimin and Li Guyi's programs were retained. The review team must have raised questions.

"It's okay, the show is on as normal."

"That's great!" Tao Huimin was relieved.

The two of them couldn't help but chat with each other for a short while. It wasn't until someone went out and people came and went in the corridor that they restrained themselves.

In the morning, Tao Huimin had to go to rehearsal with the theater troupe, so Lin Weimin stayed in the hotel.

It was a rare weekend with nothing to do, and he just wanted to stay in bed.

Unfortunately, Huang Yihe called him out within a few minutes of lying down. He was also at the Temple of Heaven Hotel last night.

"Teacher Lin, are you okay today? Come to our station if you have nothing to do?"


"Our station director is looking for you."

Lin Weimin was surprised, "Why is your station director looking for me?"

"I didn't tell you. You won't know until you get there."

Huang Yihe took Lin Weimin out, and Lin Weimin drove him to the broadcasting compound on a motorcycle.

When I entered the office, I saw Wang Feng, the director of CCTV, chatting with several other people on the directing team.

"Wangtai, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Wang Feng smiled and said: "I know you guys stayed up until midnight last night, thank you for your hard work."

He said hello to Lin Weimin and said, "Everyone is here just now. Let's discuss something. What do you think about the name of the party?"

CCTV has put all its efforts into preparing this party, which basically breaks the previous conventional model. There are some innovations in content and form, but the name has not yet been decided.

If I had followed the "New Year's Gala" from previous years, I would feel that it would be a little less interesting, and I would be sorry for all the effort.

Several people on the directing team looked at each other, and Deng Zaijun said one thing first, "I think it would be good to use the Spring Festival Gala."

"Where's Yang Jie?"

Yang Jie looked thoughtful, "How about the New Year Gala?"

Wang Feng called his name again, "Yihe!"

Huang Yihe said: "My idea is the Spring Festival Gala."

Wang Feng scratched his head after listening to several people's opinions. He felt that either one was good, and he didn't know how to choose for a while.

After the directors finished speaking, they looked at each other. Huang Yihe said, "How about we let the stage and the program staff of the party vote?"

Wang Feng shook his head and said: "Everyone is so busy. It's a waste of time to hold a special vote for this kind of thing. It will be broadcast live in a few days."

As he spoke, he saw Lin Weimin who was sipping tea beside him. He had an idea and asked, "Which name does Teacher Lin think is better?"

Lin Weimin put down his teacup and said, "Everything is fine."

Wang Feng smiled and said: "Then which one do you think is the most suitable?"

"I think everyone's opinions can be combined."

Wang Feng asked: "How to synthesize it?"

"How about calling it the Spring Festival Gala?" Lin Weimin said in a relaxed tone.

"Spring Festival Gala?"

Several people present were stunned when they heard this name. At first they thought it was nothing, but after chanting it a few times, they felt it was much smoother than the names of Huang Yihe and Yang Jie.

Although it is not as concise as Deng Zaijun's name, every word accurately hits the key points of this party.

"Spring Festival, party, party, well, it's both accurate and catchy." Wang Feng said the name in his mouth and nodded in praise.

He asked again: "What's everyone's opinion?"

Huang Yihe and others shook their heads, "We have no objections."

It's just a name. The name chosen by Teacher Lin really combined the ideas of several people, and it is also catchy.

No one realizes that the name of the Spring Festival Gala will accompany the Chinese people in the future through decades of ups and downs.

"Okay, then it's settled, let's call it the Spring Festival Gala." Wang Feng said.

"Thank you, Teacher Lin!"

"Wang Tai, you are too polite. I just summarized everyone's thoughts."

After joking for a while, Wang Feng asked Huang Yihe and others to continue busy, and he pulled Lin Weimin out of the office.

When Lin Weimin saw this, he must have something to say to himself.

The two of them were standing outside the broadcasting compound. The sun was shining brightly today. They nestled under the window of a bungalow and didn't feel cold at all.

Wang Feng first handed Lin Weimin a cigarette and exchanged a few words.

After talking for a while, he got down to business, "Teacher Lin, the broadcast of "Cliff" on our station is really a historic achievement!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either. Thanks to Teacher Jinshan and Director Ren, and yes, Director Deng."

Wang Feng said: "Your script is better. Our family watched this TV series from beginning to end. We watched it for the second time and then went to Yanjing TV to watch it. We couldn't get enough!"

After finishing his compliments, Wang Feng finally got to the point.

"The playback effect of "Cliff" is so good, has Mr. Lin ever thought of adding your other works to the list of adaptations?"

Lin Weimin had already guessed the purpose of Wang Feng's conversation with him, and his face was calm, "The success of "Cliff" is due to the right time, right place, and right people. If it were a different time, a different broadcast platform, or a different group of staff, it would have been possible. It won’t have such an effect.”

Wang Feng said with a smile: "Then let's use this team. I'll recruit Ren Hao to our station, and Teacher Lin will hand over the TV series "The Wind" to our station to produce it?"

Lin Weimin shook his head, "Wang Tai, "The Wind" is not easy to shoot!"

Lin Weimin has not read the original novel of "The Wind". The "Wind" he created is completely based on the movie version. If it is presented in the form of a TV series, the effect will definitely be much worse. The most important thing is that the script adaptation is very expensive. A lot of thought, and he didn't want to waste time on it for the time being.

"That's it!" Wang Feng's tone was full of regret, and he asked tentatively: "What about "Latent"?"

Among Lin Weimin's works, the three spy novels "Latent", "Cliff" and "The Wind" are the most suitable for adaptation into TV series.


Sun Honglei's small eyes flashed in Lin Weimin's mind.

The length of "Insidious" is a novella, and it will also take a lot of trouble to adapt it into a TV series script.

Perhaps seeing the embarrassment on Lin Weimin's face, Wang Feng's mind kept spinning, thinking about how to persuade Lin Weimin to agree to hand over the adaptation rights of the novel to CCTV.

"Mr. Lin, your works are all excellent. If you adapt them rashly, they may lose their charm. I think the scripts can be controlled by you as the chief editor.

In addition, in terms of royalties, CCTV will definitely give you a price that satisfies you. "

Wang Feng's words made Lin Weimin's eyes light up. We are not so rigid in making sure we are not careful. Let's talk about the remuneration first.

"Well, what I'm worried about is the adaptation. As you know, Wang Tai, the editorial department is quite busy, so we can't let go of writing easily..."

"Yes, yes, Teacher Lin, you are right." Wang Feng saw some signs of Lin Weimin's looseness, and immediately hit the snake and followed the stick, "If you have any other concerns, you might as well tell me, I will try my best to satisfy you. .”

Lin Weimin shook his head, "I don't have many requests. I certainly can't participate too much in the adaptation of the script, but my requirement is that the final version of the script must be approved by me. In addition, arbitrary changes are never allowed during filming, even if it is Every word needs my permission."

Nowadays, the profession of screenwriter has not reached the point where one can control any cat or dog in future generations. It is very respected in the creative process, so this request made by Lin Weimin seems normal to Wang Feng.

Even though "you need permission to change even one word" is a bit strict, but in order to obtain the right to adapt Lin Weimin's work, it is not unacceptable.

"That's no problem. Script, script, script. We definitely respect your rights as a screenwriter, Mr. Lin."

Lin Weimin nodded slightly, "Then there is the choice of actors..."

"You wrote the novel, and no one knows better than you what kind of actor is suitable for the role."

Wang Tai knows how to be a good person, and Teacher Lin expressed that he felt fully respected.

"Then there's the royalties..."

After all, CCTV is a national television station, so it can’t be too shabby, right?

Lin Weimin looked at Wang Feng and waited for him to make an offer. After talking for a long time, this was the key point.

Wang Feng understood immediately and hesitated for only a few seconds. He gritted his teeth and said, "The remuneration will be three thousand yuan. What do you think, Mr. Lin?"

Three thousand yuan is definitely a lot of money for domestic film and television production these days. The cost of writing a script for a movie or TV series these days is usually less than a thousand yuan.

Of course, Wang Feng's shouting out this price was by no means out of his mind.

He is from the literary and art circle, so he naturally knows that a work like Lin Weimin's can be published as a full-length novel. Three thousand yuan is basically equivalent to Lin Weimin's publishing a full-length novel.

The price is quite sincere.

Teacher Lin nodded with satisfaction and really felt Wang Tai's sincerity.

Again, price is not important, what is important is respect.

"Okay, I agree."

Lin Weimin finally relaxed, and Wang Feng felt a burst of joy in his heart.

After laughing twice, he suddenly stopped and was happy. Teacher Lin didn't say which work he would give the right to adapt!

Or give both?

Second update, and another update in the afternoon.

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