1980 My literary era

Chapter 238 Are you here to make peace?

After talking about the manuscript, Ma Dudu was filled with admiration and admiration for Lin Weimin.

In terms of age, he is still several years older than Mr. Lin, but looking at the things he is thinking about, whether it is conceiving works or gaining insights into industry trends, he feels that he is more than one level above me.

While Ma doodled his chopsticks, his mind was still thinking about the conversation just now.

At this time, Lin Weimin seemed to ask casually: "Xiao Ma, you grew up in Yanjing, right?"

"Yes, Teacher Lin, our family is from the Air Force compound."

When Ma Dudu said this, there was a bit of pride in his expression.

The military compound in Yanjing stretches from Princess Tomb to the foot of Xishan Mountain. The Air Force compound is the No. 1 compound.

For people like Ma Dudu who grew up in the military compound, this is their origin and their belief.

"That can be regarded as a seat of residence in Yanjing."

"It's hard to say that he came from my father's generation."

With Lin Weimin's words, the conversation between the two slowly began to shift from work to family and life.

Ma Dudu didn't expect that Teacher Lin would actually talk about these topics. While he was flattered, he told all the things about his family.

When Ma Dudu heard that Teacher Lin bought his house in Shichahai, he couldn't help but have a look of envy in his eyes, "That place used to be filled with rich and noble families."

"No matter what it is now, it is where ordinary people live." Lin Weimin waved his hand and said.

He continued: "Speaking of old Yanjing, there are so many good things. Just like this courtyard house, which costs 18,000 yuan a set, they are all things that can be passed down from family to family."

Ma Dudu smiled bitterly and said: "Teacher Lin, this is you, holding 18,000 yuan in improper money. For ordinary people like us who earn wages, 18,000 yuan is already out of reach. .”

These days, when a writer publishes a novel or more, the royalties usually exceed four digits, which is considered to be a middle-to-high income in society.

Not to mention Lin Weimin, who releases several works a year, publishes them, and adapts them. He is much richer than ordinary writers, not to mention that his works are also published overseas.

The news that "Farewell My Concubine" has been published in the United States and Nibang has been spread for such a long time. It is nothing new in the domestic literary world. Even many literature lovers know that Teacher Lin earns a lot of money from manuscript royalties. .

The original comments about sour grapes have long since disappeared. It was a fluke that the novel was published in the United States. But not only was it so good that it was reprinted, but it was also published to the point of being bombarded. Who dares to question it anymore because it is purely about oneself? Rubbing his face on the ground.

The publication of his works abroad is one of the reasons why Lin Weimin is now famous in China.

In the early 1980s, the country was not confident enough in the face of developed Western countries. It urgently needed something to win glory for the country to boost its confidence. Lin Weimin's novel was published in the United States and Japan, which happened to be one of them.

"It's useless to make so much money. It's all left in the bank to breed maggots." Lin Weimin sighed.

Ma Dudu subconsciously wanted to say something: "You are so full that you don't know how hungry you are when you are hungry." But he certainly couldn't say this out loud. He quickly said, "Then you can start a collection. Antiques in prosperous times, gold in troubled times. Now in China, The situation of reform and opening up is very good, and in the future, maybe, as you said, they will be things that can be passed down from family to family."

Lin Weimin waved his hand, "I don't understand this kind of thing anyway, do you understand?"

Ma Dudu was confused by Lin Weimin's question. He really understood, but he was afraid that saying this would make Teacher Lin think he was talking nonsense, which would be bad.

"If you don't understand, you can learn from it. You can go to cultural relics stores and trust stores. The things in them are all authentic, but they are expensive, but I think they should be worth some money in ten or twenty years. , it’s definitely better than keeping money in the bank.”

Later generations will always have a hindsight mentality. They feel that gold was everywhere in the 1980s, but no one collected so many antique calligraphy and paintings. It is really short-sighted.

But the actual situation is that the prices of collectibles such as antiques, calligraphy and paintings are directly related to economic development, and have nothing to do with their own artistic value.

Li Keran's one-foot paintings were sold in Yanjing painting stores in the 1950s and 1960s for only ten or eight yuan, but what did the people do when they bought them?

At that time, the painting would not appreciate in value until it died.

Only time-travelers like Lin Weimin and a small number of trendsetters who were at the forefront of the reform wave in the 1980s would realize that these ordinary antiques, calligraphy and paintings from the conservative era would drastically change the material lives of the people in a few years. After the great wealth, it became an art collection pursued by some wealthy people.

Moreover, those antiques that have been placed in state-owned stores, friendship stores and other places since the 1950s are really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In addition to the above, there is another most crucial thing: who are these antiques usually intended for?

They are foreign guests and overseas Chinese. Why does the country want the RMB in the hands of your people? People sell antiques for foreign exchange, okay?

On the other hand, calligraphy and painting have always been for ordinary people, and they can be bought with RMB.

Before, there was no help around him, but now that he met Ma Dudu, Lin Weimin thought it was time to get some antique calligraphy and paintings.

Maybe in the future we can open a museum that doesn’t charge tickets and allows people to see the exhibitions for free, for no other reason than to let everyone be influenced by classical culture.

"What you said is clear and logical. It seems that you are an expert!" Lin Weimin asked Ma Dudu with a smile.

Ma Dudu said modestly: "Don't say that, I only know a little bit about it."

"Experts say so." Lin Weimin complimented again.

When it comes to praising people, there is no point in how to praise and who to praise.

The first time you compliment, people may think you are being polite.

When you praise me for the second time, people think you are really knowledgeable.

When I praised you for the third time, hey, my best friend!

Especially when Lin Weimin, a famous writer and deputy editor of "Contemporary", sat opposite Ma Dudu, Ma Dudu felt that the pores on his body were open.

My heart was filled with joy, but my face had to remain reserved.

Ma Dudu was holding back his laughter and felt uncomfortable, just when he could no longer hold back any longer.

Lin Weimin asked coldly, "Hey, by the way, have you done any research on calligraphy and painting?"

“There’s not a lot of research.”

"Do you think the paintings in Heping Painting Shop will appreciate in value in the future?"

Ma Dudu thought about it carefully, "I think it will definitely appreciate in value, and it should be a substantial appreciation."

"How can you see it?" Lin Weimin asked.

Ma Dudu said: "I wonder if you have come into contact with many foreigners? I have observed that there must be shops selling antique calligraphy and paintings in several places that these foreigners must visit when they come to Yanjing. Liulichang, Rongbaozhai, Yanjing Painting Shop..."

As he counted, Ma Dudu's little eyes gleamed, "I think these foreigners are much smarter than the common people."

Through this sentence, you can understand Ma Dudu’s vision and knowledge, and why he will become an invisible rich man in the future by relying on his antique collection.

Lin Weimin nodded and praised: "Dudu is knowledgeable!"

Ma Dudu's face showed a bit of embarrassment, "Teacher Lin, you are so generous!"

"are you free tomorrow?"

"Mr. Lin, do you have something wrong?"

"Follow me to the Peace Painting Shop."

Ma Dudu asked: "Teacher Lin, do you want to buy a painting?"

Lin Weimin nodded with a bright smile, "Yes!"

"No problem. Although I don't know much about calligraphy and painting, I can help you to some extent."

Ma Dudu felt that Teacher Lin had been so helpful in compiling the manuscript and valued him so much. It was his honor and unshirkable responsibility to be able to help Teacher Lin.

"Then it's settled."

The next day, early in the morning.

Yanjing, Wangfujing, in front of the Heping Painting Shop.

The roaring motorcycle came from far away. Lin Weimin, wearing a leather jacket, stopped the car, kicked the stand with his foot, and the motorcycle stopped at the door.

Ma Dudu has been waiting here for twenty minutes, watching Lin Weimin get off the motorcycle with envy on his face.

When can I ride a motorcycle?

"Dudu, long wait!"

"It won't take long, Teacher Lin, let's go in."


Heping Painting Shop is a state-owned painting shop founded by Xu Linlu, the first manager of Rongbaozhai after its establishment in New China. Opened in the early 1950s, it received strong support from Qi Baishi, a master of the painting world at that time, and specialized in selling Qi Baishi's paintings.

Later, after development, the works of Xu Beihong, Qi Baishi, Fu Baoshi, Zhang Boju, Ku Chan, Qi Gong, and Huang Yongyu filled the Heping Painting Shop. At that time, Huang Binhong's paintings cost one yuan each.

Now that many years have passed, prices have risen, and the paintings at Heping Painting Shop have naturally followed suit.

For example, Li Keran's paintings cost 15 yuan per foot, and Wang Xuetao's paintings cost 12 yuan per foot.

As for the paintings by the aforementioned masters, you can buy them, but not many of them.

A few years ago, a patriotic Hong Kong businessman returned to Yanjing. He not only scanned the paintings in the Foreign Guest Service Department at Tian A Gate, but also the works in the major painting shops in Yanjing.

This patriotic Hong Kong businessman is none other than Xu Huachi, son of Xu Linlu.

"Comrade, I want to buy a painting." Lin Weimin said to the salesperson standing at the counter.

"Which painter's work do you want to buy?" the salesperson asked.

"Who do you have here?"

"That's a lot. Huang Yongyu, Huang Binhong, Li Keran, Wang Xuetao..." The salesperson knew the names of the painters by heart.

Lin Weimin nodded. He had limited knowledge of modern painters in China. He called Ma Dudu today as a consultant.

"These are all famous painters, right?"

"It's famous!"

Lin Weimin nodded, as long as it is famous, it means there is huge room for appreciation in the future.

He said to the salesman: "Then take out all the works of the painters you just mentioned, and I will buy them."

The salesperson asked: "Comrade, which artist's painting do you want?"

Lin Weimin emphasized: "I want them all!"

The salesperson finally realized what he was saying and felt it was a bit ridiculous. He was about to smile and say a few words, but the smile on his face stopped.

Because he suddenly thought of the "big purchase" that happened in the Foreign Guest Service Department of Tian A Gate a few years ago.

"Comrade, I want to confirm with you again. Do you want to buy all the paintings by the painters I mentioned?"

Lin Weimin nodded, "That's right."

The salesperson's throat surged, and she suppressed the shock in her heart and said hurriedly: "I'll go call our manager for you."

After speaking, the salesperson quickly walked to the office behind the painting store.

Ma Dudu finally recovered from the shock. He felt that his throat was dry, "Lin..."

He made a sound, his voice was dry and hoarse, and Ma Dudu lowered his voice again.

"Teacher Lin, are you here to make a fortune at Heping Painting Shop?"

Today's two updates are 6,000. The pain in my cervical spine and shoulders is severe, so I need to rest for a day.

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