1980 My literary era

Chapter 239 A writer is so rich

Ma Dudu thinks that from today on, Yanjing will probably have one more comment.

Teacher Lin visits the painting shop - one pot at a time.

The manager of the Heping Painting Shop, surnamed Qi, came very quickly, with small steps and a service-oriented smile on his face.

When he was sure that Lin Weimin really wanted to buy all the paintings in the art shop, the smile on his face became even brighter.

Then he said a little embarrassedly: "This...your money..."

Lin Weimin unzipped the black briefcase he was carrying and gave Manager Qi a look. Ma Dudu only saw Manager Qi's breathing quicken.

"You...just wait a moment. I will immediately ask the people in the store to take inventory of all the paintings. I will bring you the ledger and check them one by one and issue an invoice to you."

After saying this, Manager Qi invited Lin Weimin to the office and made a cup of tea for the two of them.

Ma Dudu held the tea cup in his hand, feeling inexplicably absurd in his heart.

Since when do you get this kind of treatment when you enter a state-owned store?

Lin Weimin was chatting casually with Ma Dudu in the office. After waiting for more than half an hour, Manager Qi walked in.

"Comrade, everything is ready. Let's go over and take a look at the paintings?"

Lin Weimin nodded and said to Ma Dudu: "Dudu, you will have to work hard next."

"Teacher Lin, this is all within your scope."

The two left the office and returned to the painting shop again. Only then did Ma Dudu find that the Heping Painting Shop had closed the door.

Ma Dudu thought of the revelry in old Shanghai.

Several salespeople in the store were gathered together, each holding a scroll of paintings in their hands.

Manager Qi handed a notebook to Lin Weimin, "Comrade, this is the ledger of all the paintings in the store. Take it and look at it. We will check each one and make sure there is no problem. I will ask someone to issue an invoice and you will pay."

"Dudu, you better do it."

Lin Weimin took the ledger and handed it to Ma Dudu, said something to him, and ran away.

Ma Dudu took the account under the eyes of everyone, and then walked to the salesman holding the painting.

"Comrade, let's get started."

After Manager Qi finished speaking, a scroll slowly unfolded and spread on the table.

"This painting is Huang Binhong's "Copying of Yiquan". It is a sketch, 34.8 cm * 40.2 cm, 17.6 square feet.

The inscription on it is: Mr. Hufu, President, has exquisite seal carvings. He has followed the Zhou and Qin Dynasties. He has copied and printed Yiquan pictures in the Song Dynasty. Binhong quality. "

Ma Dudu's eyes looked at the painting for a long time before he came back to his senses and said to Lin Weimin: "Teacher Lin, this pot master is Li Yinsang, a famous seal carving master at that time. He studied under Huang Shiling. He is also good at calligraphy and flowers. He once Together with Cai Zhefu, he founded Tianhuang Shizhi in Xiangjiang and published Huang Binhong's calligraphy and painting works many times."

Lin Weimin nodded slightly, "Thanks to Dudu for your help today, otherwise I would have blackened my eyes after reading these words. But you don't need to give me any more introductions, as long as you don't have anything wrong with me."

"It's up to you, Teacher Lin."

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the sketch, Manager Qi ordered the salesperson to immediately roll it up, put it in a painting tube, and mark it.

Then came the next painting. When introducing the painting, Manager Qi's eyes glanced at Lin Weimin from time to time.

He was walking in the store with a calm expression, as if buying these paintings had nothing to do with him.

Manager Qi couldn't help but be filled with curiosity, who is this person? What is it for? Where did he get so much money?

Manager Qi thought of this young man named Dudu and called him Teacher Lin, but it seemed that Dudu was a little older. For such a young person to be called a teacher, could he be a teacher in a university?

When his mind was wandering, Manager Qi did not forget to introduce the paintings. Being a manager requires not to mention his business ability. He is familiar with almost every work in the store.

When the introduction came to the end, Ma Dudu couldn't help but communicate with Manager Qi, and felt that he had gained a lot of knowledge.

Time passed slowly during the exchange between the two parties. It took a full half day for Ma Dudu to finally read all the paintings and verify the relevant information.

While looking at the paintings, the salesperson of Heping Painting Shop was not idle. He kept pulling the beads on the abacus. After Manager Qi and Ma Dudu finished looking at the paintings, they handed the abacus to Manager Qi. He took a look at the numbers displayed on it. , and Ma Dudu looked at each other, and Ma Dudu motioned for him to talk to Lin Weimin.

"This...Teacher Lin!"

Lin Weimin, who was dozing off in a chair, was awakened. Manager Qi said with a smile on his face, "All the paintings are finished. There are 352 paintings in total. The total cost is 86,475 yuan and 20 cents."

Lin Weimin yawned and asked, "Why is there still a small change?"

Ma Dudu explained: "Teacher Lin, there are several paintings by Liu Bingsen here, which cost 80 cents per square foot."

Lin Weimin was surprised and looked at Ma Dudu, "How come this man's paintings only cost 6 cents a foot?"

Manager Qi looked embarrassed, "Teacher Liu is young and specializes in calligraphy."

"That's it!"

Lin Weimin did not ask any more questions, stood up and said: "Then let's issue the votes!"

Manager Qi and several sales assistants had been busy all morning, and they were waiting for this moment, and they were immediately overjoyed.

While the salesperson was busy writing out the invoice, Lin Weimin unzipped the briefcase again and poured out all the money inside.

"Here is 90,000 yuan. Send someone to count the money. After counting the money, give me the change!"

Stacks of big balls fell on the table, as if they were hitting the hearts of everyone present. This scene was so visually impactful!

It's not like Manager Qi and the salespeople have never seen rich people. Those who can buy paintings in art stores these days are in good condition, but this is the first time they have seen such a bold and unrestrained style as the young man in front of them.

Ma Dudu, on the other hand, was in a daze looking at the large mountain-like mass, with only one thought in his mind.

Great writers make so much money!

After Ma Dudu came to his senses, he came over and whispered: "Teacher Lin, you are very accurate with the money you brought."

Lin Weimin laughed, "That's right!"

He opened his leather jacket and revealed the piles of foreign exchange certificates in his inner pocket, "Do you think I'm a god? If I carry a lot of money, I'm sure I'll have enough confidence."

Ma Dudu swallowed and took his eyes back from the stacks of foreign exchange coupons with difficulty.

A piece of Da Tuan is 10 yuan, a stack is only 1,000 yuan, and 90,000 yuan is enough to fill a briefcase. The visual impact is certainly very strong.

The stacks of foreign exchange coupons in Lin Weimin's arms looked inconspicuous, but their face value was indeed one hundred yuan. The value of the stacks of foreign exchange coupons was higher than that of the briefcase.

The money has been counted, the change has been made, the invoice has been issued, the paintings have been packed and sorted, and the money has been paid.

But facing these hundreds of paintings, Ma Dudu was in a dilemma, how could he transport them back?

At this time, Manager Qi said with interest: "Where does this Teacher Lin live? I will coordinate a car to deliver these paintings to your home."

Ma Dudu’s concept was subverted again. It turns out that state-owned stores also provide door-to-door delivery services.

An hour later, Ma Dudu sat in the passenger seat of Lao Gas and bumped all the way to Lin Weimin's second-entry courtyard next to the Forbidden City.

He jumped out of the car with two salesmen from Heping Painting Shop, who were sitting in the back of the car.

The door of the courtyard was open. Lin Weimin walked out of the courtyard and stuffed a box of large front doors into the hands of two salesmen. "Sorry to bother you two."

"Teacher Lin, you are so polite!" The two salesmen, one in high school and one in junior high school, beamed with joy.

Without Lin Weimin's urging, he directly picked up the Yangjiang patent leather suitcase containing the paintings and started moving it into the courtyard.

Lin Weimin and Ma Dudu were not idle either. They worked together to carry a Yangjiang patent leather suitcase to the courtyard. Only the driver of Lao Gas was still sitting in the car, smoking a cigarette calmly and leisurely.

He is a driver these days, so he is so arrogant!

After moving a dozen Yangjiang patent leather suitcases, several people were breathing heavily from exhaustion.

"Just wait a moment and I'll get you some bottles of soda."

Lin Weimin said, got up and walked to the sales department next to the exit of Baimi Xiejie, leaving Ma Dudu and two salesmen standing at the entrance of the courtyard.

One of the salespeople in his early twenties chatted up Ma Dudu and asked, "I just heard you call that person Teacher Lin. Which school is he a teacher from?"

Ma Dudu laughed and said: "Teacher Lin is not a teacher, but a writer!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Ma Dudu realized that he had made a mistake and immediately fell silent.

The young salesperson was touched by the middle-aged salesperson and did not ask any further questions.

A few minutes later, Lin Weimin came back carrying several bottles of soda, "Here, drink some soda to quench your thirst!"

"Thank you, Teacher Lin!"

Several people raised their necks and drank the soda in a few gulps. The two salesmen stood up to say goodbye. Lin Weimin sent them to the car and waved goodbye.

The back of Lao Gas's truck was bumpy, but it didn't hinder the two salesmen's conversation.

"Hey, Lao Deng, did you hear what that person said just now? That Teacher Lin is a writer."

The middle-aged salesman who was called Lao Deng had a somewhat understanding look on his face, "Then do you know who he is?"

The young salesman shook his head, "I don't know, do you know?"

Lao Deng's eyes were filled with contempt, "How about you kid being uneducated and incompetent all day long?"

"Can we still talk?" The young man pretended to be unhappy.

Old Denghun didn't care and continued to ask: "Do you know who that person is?"

The young man's curiosity was finally aroused by him. He didn't care about making excuses and asked: "Do you really know? Who is he?"

There was a hint of pride on Lao Deng's face, "I only know of a writer named Lin who is still young and can spend so much money to buy paintings in Yanjing."

The young man was very worried by his appetite, "Don't be too pretentious, just tell me, who is it?"

"Lin Weimin!"

"Lin Weimin?" The young man paused and thought for a moment, "Why does this name sound so familiar?"

Lao Deng shook his head helplessly and reminded: ""Cliff"."

The young man suddenly realized, "Yes, yes, I remember, the writer who wrote "The Cliff", that TV series is really exciting!"

His expression exclaimed, "Is it really him?"

Old Deng is here, "I dare to guarantee it with my head, it must be him!"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but recall the scene of Lin Weimin holding a briefcase and pouring money on the table at Heping Painting Shop.

As a writer, you are so rich!

Looking at Lao Gas going away, Lin Weimin said to Ma Dudu: "Dudu, I am really grateful to you today."

"Teacher Lin, please don't be polite to me. I opened my eyes to you today."

Ma Dudu's words came from the bottom of his heart. Today he had seen what it meant to spend a fortune.

He is now the editor of "Youth Literature" and has published several works of his own. His income is considered to be among the highest among people these days.

But in the past two days, he still deeply felt the deep gap between him and Teacher Lin.

The two exchanged a few words, and then Ma Dudu said, "I see no one lives in your house?"

"Yeah, it's been empty since I bought it, and I haven't done much to clean it up."

Ma Dudu shook his head inwardly. Teacher Lin said before that his family lived in a small courtyard in Shichahai, but now there is a second-entry courtyard next to the Forbidden City.

His eyes unconsciously looked to the northeast, where he could just see the turrets of the Forbidden City. Such a good house was left empty, what a waste of natural resources!

He continued: "If you want to store paintings in the room in your yard, it is best to ensure the temperature and humidity. It's okay to leave them like this for a short time, but it won't be good for a long time."

Lin Weimin nodded, "I've thought about this too. I'll put my thoughts here for now. When I get back, I'll buy a house, clean it up, and store all these paintings there."

Ma Dudu: ...I just talk too much.

"Besides, with so many paintings, there should still be someone to help with the living." Ma Dudu suggested again.

Lin Weimin touched his chin. Ma Dudu's suggestion was right. He should find someone. Who should he find?

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