"Zhuang Zhuang!" Lin Weimin shouted during dinner.

Han Zhuangzhuang, who was immersed in cooking, raised his head and asked, "What's wrong, uncle?"

Lin Weimin looked kind and kind, "How far have you progressed with the foreign girl?"

Lin Weimin suddenly mentioned this topic, and Han Zhuangzhuang's face immediately became distorted, and even the rice in the basin no longer smelled good.

"Uncle, it's not what you think. Classmate Geli and I have a very pure friendship."

Lin Weimin nodded and said: "I understand, I understand. I just care about you. I'm not young anymore, so I need to consider becoming a friend."

He seemed to say casually: "It's not convenient for you to live in my small courtyard all the time. It's not convenient for you to make friends. You young people should have your own space. The house next to the Forbidden City is vacant. You can move there." "

Han Zhuangzhuang was secretly happy. The apartment in the Forbidden City was much larger than the one in Shichahai where he lived now. He was just about to agree, but suddenly he thought of something and his face changed.

"Old...uncle, are you...there something wrong with your health?"

Lin Weimin had three black lines on his forehead and suppressed the curse words on his lips.

"Don't worry, my uncle's health is fine. I just think that for someone as old as you, you should have a space of your own." Lin Weimin said earnestly.

Han Zhuangzhuang was moved, and hugged Lin Weimin regardless of the rice particles still on his mouth.

"Uncle, I knew you were the best to me!"

You bastard, you don't know how to be gentle.

Lin Weimin pushed Han Zhuangzhuang away and continued to warn: "The house is for you to live in, but you have to take good care of the things inside and don't damage them."

Han Zhuangzhuang slapped his chest and said, "No problem, I will definitely clean up the yard for you, uncle."

Lin Weimin smiled and nodded, expressing full trust in his nephew.

The next day, Han Zhuangzhuang carried his bedroll to the second entrance courtyard next to the Forbidden City, and excitedly opened the door of the main room.

"What is this?"

Lin Weimin walked in slowly from the back, "Oh, that's the painting I bought."

"Uncle, you are really a cultured person, and you even buy paintings." Han Zhuangzhuang said with a smile.

Turning around again, another patent leather box came into view, "What is this?"

"This is the painting I bought."

"Uncle, have you bought a lot of paintings?"

"Yeah, cheap."

Han Zhuangzhuang was silent until he saw the fourth box.

"Is this also a painting?"

"My nephew is so smart."

Han Zhuangzhuang pushed open the other two main rooms. There were several boxes piled inside each. Needless to say, it must be the paintings bought by his uncle.

A rare trace of melancholy appeared on Han Zhuangzhuang's simple and young face.

At this time, a palm patted his shoulder and said, "Nephew, these things must be maintained by my uncle."

Han Zhuangzhuang turned to Lin Weimin and said with difficulty, "Uncle, I am your nephew."

Lin Weimin pressed his shoulder, his face full of sincerity, "It's because you are my nephew that I gave you such an important task. Do you know how much I paid for these paintings?"

"How much?"

"One hundred thousand?" There's nothing wrong with rounding it off.

"How much?" Han Zhuangzhuang's eyes widened.

At this moment, he was extremely sad.

My uncle is such a spendthrift that he only spent 100,000 yuan to buy such shabby paintings.

"Zhuangzhuang, you won't let me down, right?" Lin Weimin looked at Han Zhuangzhuang with kind eyes.

The eldest nephew also looked at the old uncle and struggled in his mind for a long time, "Old uncle, I am your nephew..."

This kid's eloquence is a little bad. He kept saying this sentence over and over again. Lin Weimin was about to speak, but he heard Han Zhuangzhuang squeeze out a sentence from between his teeth: "You have to give me money!"

Lin Weimin was furious: "You unfilial thing!"

He raised the painting tube and was about to hit it, but then he remembered that the paintings inside were worth hundreds of dollars, so he put it down, pointed the painting tube at Han Zhuangzhuang and cursed: "Thank you, uncle, for being so good to you!"

Han Zhuangzhuang had already run to the door at this time, holding on to the door frame and shouting: "Brother Ming settles the accounts, I am here to update you. Landlords still have to pay wages when they hire long-term workers!"

"I'm your uncle!"

"I'm still your nephew!"

The uncle and nephew confronted each other for a long time, but Lin Weimin compromised first. He said helplessly: "Okay, okay, what are your conditions?"

"Give me a color TV!"

Lin Weimin said angrily: "You are so beautiful! How much does it cost to hire a watchman?"

"Then you go find a night watchman." Han Zhuangzhuang was confident, knowing that Lin Weimin couldn't trust anyone else, otherwise he wouldn't have asked him to live here.

"You bastard!" Lin Weimin cursed, "It's just a black and white one, do you want it if you like it?"

"Okay, you'll pay for the electricity bill." Han Zhuangzhuang knew very well the principle of accepting things as they come.


Lin Weimin cursed and agreed to Han Zhuangzhuang's conditions, and then he returned to the house and was kicked by Lin Weimin.

Han Zhuangzhuang laughed. It was good to live alone, but it was always hard to sleep alone at night. It would be much better to have a TV.

When the uncle and nephew went to buy daily necessities, they bought a 12-inch Yanjing brand black and white TV in a department store. Han Zhuangzhuang happily put the TV back on and tinkered with the antenna.

Looking at the TV on the other side of Bishchahai, which is a whole circle smaller, it is still in black and white, and the experience must be poor, but at least I no longer have to share a TV with my uncle, how free!

When packing his things, Han Zhuangzhuang arranged a main room for himself and the other two rooms for paintings.

The two of them carried the Yangjiang patent leather suitcases on the bench. When the salesperson from the painting shop helped carry the suitcases into the house, they specially sprinkled white ash and mothballs into the house.

Han Zhuangzhuang patted his suitcase and asked, "Uncle, is this thing resistant to snakes, insects, rats, and ants?"

Yangjiang patent leather boxes are made of fir wood and are wrapped with buffalo or sheepskin inside and outside. In the early years, they were often used as dowry items for girls. Later, due to their unique workmanship and good sealing performance against light and moisture, they became the items preserved by many collectors. container.

"It's moisture-proof and moth-proof, but it can't prevent mice. You have to come over from time to time to check on it. It's best to get a cat back."

When leaving the Heping Painting Store after buying the painting, Manager Qi specifically explained to Lin Weimin the characteristics of the Yangjiang patent leather box.


"I'll see if I can get some safes to put all these paintings in later."

After cleaning up, the door was locked directly.

"Okay, I'll leave you one key here, and I'll keep one for myself."


After explaining the matter, Lin Weimin waved his hand and prepared to leave the courtyard.

"Uncle!" Han Zhuangzhuang called him.

"What's wrong?" Lin Weimin turned around and asked.

"Can I still go back to Shichahai?" Han Zhuangzhuang asked, with a trace of anxiety hidden on his face.

Lin Weimin said impatiently: "Go back if you want, no one will cook for you!"

Han Zhuangzhuang grinned, "I know, I won't go back if nothing happens."

"Don't blindly bring someone home, unless it's your girlfriend." Lin Weimin warned.


It took two days to finally finish the painting.

Lin Weimin did some calculations and found that he spent 86,475 yuan and 2 cents on the painting. The paint-leather case was given free of charge by the painting shop without any charge. He also bought a TV for his eldest nephew, which cost him 400 yuan, plus 30 yuan in foreign exchange. The coupons are for TV tickets.

His total savings in the bank were just over 90,000 yuan, and he only spent a fraction of it this time.

Fortunately, there are still 110,000 foreign exchange coupons that have not been moved, and this is the bulk.

After a while, when you have time, you can take Comrade Xiaoma to raid the cultural relics stores and trust stores. The foreign exchange coupons will then come in handy.

Lin Weimin sighed, after all this calculation, I really can't help but spend the little money I have!

Besides, the 352 paintings bought back are basically the works of famous modern and contemporary painters in China. Among them are 3 paintings by Qi Baishi, 1 painting by Zhang Daqian, 1 painting by Xu Beihong, and the rest include Huang Binhong, Huang Yongyu, Li Keran, Painters such as Wang Xuetao have many paintings, ranging from a dozen to dozens of paintings each.

If these more than three hundred paintings are kept for thirty years, the value of them will increase ten thousand to twenty thousand times. Isn’t it too much?

Of course, Teacher Lin is a scholar and buying paintings is not just for money.

The key thing is that he is elegant!

The work of buying paintings is finally over, and time is free.

Lin Weimin was writing a novel in the study at night. He wanted to drink some tea, but the cup was empty. Lin Weimin subconsciously shouted "Zhuangzhuang".

It took him a while to realize that his nephew had been sacrificed by him.

It's really hard to adapt to the sudden absence of someone in the family.

When can we add more imports?

After having a cup of tea by himself, Lin Weimin continued his creation.

He was writing the avant-garde novel promised to Ma Dudu, and he named it "Chasing the Murderer".

This novel by Lin Weimin drew heavily on the narrative techniques and storyline of Christopher Nolan's famous work "Memento" and the domestic movie "The Pursuit of Evil".

With the materials of these two excellent movies, Lin Weimin's process of creating "The Murderer" was not difficult, at least he did not need to waste so much time and energy on searching for information.

Including the time spent in the early stages, it took Lin Weimin nearly twenty days to finish writing this 110,000-word novel.

Efficiency has dropped slightly compared to the peak of the year.

But it's still worthy of the reputation of "Quick Gunner".

"Youth Literature" is affiliated to China Youth Publishing House. At this time, it is still crowded in the office of the literary editing room.

The office is in the dormitory building at No. 21 Dongsijiu, in the largest room of a three-bedroom apartment on the sixth floor.

Lin Weimin pushed the door open and walked in. This small office looked in poor condition.

"Teacher Lin, why are you here?" Ma Dudu saw Lin Weimin, his face full of surprise and surprise.

Lin Weimin smiled and shook the manuscript in his hand, "I'm here to give you this!"

Several editors in the editorial department who were immersed in their work raised their heads and looked at Lin Weimin. They got some information from the few words in the conversation just now.

Recalling the topics Ma Dudu had talked about in the office before, several people's faces became excited.

"Lin Weimin?" A young man sitting in the aisle at the door called out in surprise.

Then he realized his impoliteness and nodded apologetically to Lin Weimin: "Teacher Lin!"

Lin Weimin smiled and waved to him, "It's okay. We should be about the same age, so it's appropriate to call us by our first names."

Ma Dudu quickly introduced his colleagues to Lin Weimin. The young man who just called out Lin Weimin's name was Huang Bintang. He was assigned to the editorial department of "Youth Literature" last year.

Just as Ma Dudu was introducing, colleagues in other rooms on the sixth floor heard the noise, and someone came over. When they heard that Lin Weimin was coming, the office exclaimed from time to time.

Lin Weimin came to "Youth Literature" and caused a sensation in the editorial department.

Third update at noon.

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