1980 My literary era

Chapter 241 The Insurmountable Mountain of Pioneer Novels

A thick stack of manuscripts was handed to Ma Dudu's hand. Lin Weimin smiled and said, "Let's see if it's enough to be published in your publication."

"Teacher Lin, you really know how to joke!"

Ma Dudu joked with Lin Weimin and put his energy into the manuscript.

Lin Weimin was chatting with the editors of the China Youth Society who came to watch the excitement.

The news in "Youth Literature" alarmed Wang Weiling, deputy editor-in-chief of China Youth Society and editor-in-chief of "Youth Literature". According to the normal historical trajectory, she should have discovered Lu Yao's "Life" and brought him to Yanjing Revise the draft.

"Hello, Chief Editor Wang!" Lin Weimin greeted Wang Weiling and shook hands.

Wang Weiling's face was full of smiles, "I really didn't expect that Xiao Ma would actually get your manuscript here."

"Haha, Dudu is a very good editor, and we hit it off right away."

The sedan chair was carried by everyone. Lin Weimin had just asked Ma Dudu for a favor a few days ago. Now he came to deliver the manuscript and said a few kind words in front of Wang Weiling. He was worthy of Ma Dudu.

After declining Wang Weiling's invitation to sit in the office for a while, Lin Weimin continued to stay in the editorial office of "Youth Literature", surrounded by a group of editors, everyone talking and laughing.

While Lin Weimin was chatting with everyone, Ma Dudu focused all his energy on Lin Weimin's manuscript.

Most editors have the habit of writing manuscripts quickly. No matter how long the manuscript is, an experienced editor will always be able to roughly understand the quality of the work at a glance, and then choose whether to continue reading.

As for the manuscript Lin Weimin brought, Ma Dudu only needed one page to know its quality. His eyes were on the manuscript, not wanting to miss a word.

His approach did not slow down the review speed. On the contrary, because of his devoted reading, he would turn pages from time to time, very quickly.

Ma Dudu has always felt that reading Lin Weimin's works is a very enjoyable thing, because he can always read a sense of smoothness in these works. Unlike many works, it may be so smooth at the beginning, but once it enters the middle, it falls into a trap. A stagnant situation.

This sense of smoothness is consistent in Lin Weimin's works. It may not be until the end of the novel that you suddenly realize that you have finished reading it without even realizing it.

Ma Dudu felt like this now. He raised his eyes and looked at Lin Weimin, who was chatting with his colleagues.

"Have you finished reading Dudu?" Noticing Ma Dudu's gaze, Lin Weimin stopped chatting with the editors and asked Ma Dudu.

Ma Dudu nodded slightly, "Have you finished reading?"

"What do you think? Is there anything that needs to be modified?"

A wry smile appeared on Ma Dudu's face, "Teacher Lin, please stop teasing me. I am not qualified to change your manuscript!"

"Look at what you said, why do you feel like I'm the king of your magazine?"

"Dudu, Dudu, lend me the manuscript." Zhou Xiaohong's smile was very hearty, and she seemed to be a cheerful person at first glance. When we chatted just now, we found out that Jin Ying's "Oh, Xiangxue" won the national outstanding short story honor. 》 was edited by her.

Ma Dudu handed the manuscript to Zhou Xiaohong, and other colleagues asked: "Dudu, how about it? Tell us about it."

The manuscripts were being read in Zhou Xiaohong's hands. As they were passed down one by one, everyone would not be able to read them all within a few days. They could only use Ma Dudu to "hear first".

Ma Dudu and Lin Weimin looked at each other, "Teacher Lin, let me tell you something first?"

"It's okay, I told you."

Ma Dudu looked at his colleagues who were watching and sorted out his thoughts.

"Let's talk about the evaluation first. A few months ago, Ma Yuan's "The Temptation of Gangdise" came out. I think everyone was shocked. Some people commented that it was the first work of avant-garde novels.

As for Teacher Lin's "Chasing the Murderer", I think it can be called a masterpiece of avant-garde novels. It is a mountain that even Ma Yuan would have difficulty browsing! "

When Ma Dudu said this, Lin Weimin laughed and said: "Hey, Dudu's evaluation is too high. You are putting me on the table to roast me!"

Colleagues laughed.

But Ma Dudu shook his head with a serious expression.

"I'm not saying this to compliment Teacher Lin. Everyone will definitely have their own judgment after reading the manuscript. I'm just here to share my thoughts with you."

Seeing how serious he was, everyone's smiles faded and their expressions became a bit solemn.

"I remember that when I read "The Temptation of Gangdise", what surprised me the most was the narrative and structure in it, which almost overturned my experience of reading novels in the past ten years. This is also the reason why "The Temptation of Gangdise" The biggest reason for popularity.

However, Teacher Lin's "Chasing the Murderer" is more advanced and mature than "The Temptation of Gangdise" in terms of narrative and structure.

If I hadn't heard Teacher Lin tell this story before, I wouldn't have been able to fully understand it just after reading it. Even now, when I stand in front of you, I can only tell you my feelings and opinions, but I can't completely retell the plot of the novel.

All I can say is that to read this novel, you have to be patient and, most importantly, have some IQ, otherwise just following the small and subtle clues laid out by Teacher Lin in it will be enough to make you collapse.

"Grass is gray, snakes thread, veins run thousands of miles" are not enough to describe the clues contained in this novel, but this is not what impresses me the most. "

When Ma Dudu said this, he looked at Lin Weimin again, "What I admire most is that Teacher Lin used this novel to truly demonstrate to us what a pioneer novel in the true sense is."

"I think everyone should have read the transcript of Teacher Lin's speech at Yan'an Normal University. At that time, Teacher Lin gave the definition and characteristics of avant-garde novels.

I still remember the above conversation between Teacher Lin and a male classmate. The male classmate asked Teacher Lin whether the characteristics of avant-garde novels were actually shortcomings. Teacher Lin said bluntly, which probably meant that the characteristics or shortcomings completely depended on the level of the writer.

Teacher Lin used this article "Chasing the Murderer" today to tell me what "characteristics or shortcomings completely depend on the level of the writer".

The structure of avant-garde novels is scattered and fragmented, emphasizing narrative, no longer focusing too much on character description, no clear value orientation, and giving up the pursuit of truth and essence.

I saw all of these characteristics in "Chasing the Murderer".

But these characteristics did not weaken the shock that the novel "Chasing the Murderer" brought to me.

On the contrary, it is precisely because of the above characteristics that when I read the end of the novel, when the protagonist Zou Zhengdao faced the mirror and realized that he was the criminal, I deeply felt the shock and despair in his heart. and difficult to decide. "

Having said this, Ma Dudu's face was filled with unspeakable admiration.

"Especially the ending designed by Teacher Lin for Zou Zhengdao, I never quite understood it when I listened to it before. I think it is actually the perfect ending to design an ending for Zou Zhengdao to run away at all costs after knowing his identity. Then What a bitter irony.

But Teacher Lin chose to leave a blank here. Zou Zhengdao's story ended abruptly when he learned his identity, and everything after that was left to the readers to think, imagine and understand.

Can you understand?

It feels like, like, we have suddenly become Zou Zhengdao standing in front of the mirror. "

Ma Dudu half-closed his eyes, recalling the shock he felt when he finished reading the novel.

Ma Dudu thought again of Lin Weimin's speech, "Avoiding pure objective description and subjective expression, while maintaining the closest and natural connection with readers."

That’s it!

He paused for a while before continuing to conclude: "The narrative of traditional novels may serve the characters or the ending. In general, it will always highlight a key point. But after reading Teacher Lin's " "Chasing the Murderer", I completely understood that the narrative of avant-garde novels only serves the narrative itself, and the work and narrative cannot be separated. Only when you read the entire work can you understand the content of these narratives."

After Ma Dudu finished his long speech, the atmosphere in the office was still as calm as when he spoke.

He woke up from his narcissism and smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, I'm a little too intoxicated!"

His colleagues had already been intrigued by his description and praised him: "Dudu's story is really good. We can't wait to read it."

"It's funny, it's funny." Ma Dudu nodded to everyone and said, "It's not my words that are good, but Teacher Lin's writing that's good!"

Everyone smiled and asked about the specific plot of "Chasing the Murderer". Ma Dudu talked about it for a long time, but the more they listened, the more they felt that it was cloudy and foggy.

"Forget it, I'd better stop talking about it. Just wait and see. You will definitely be shocked."

Huang Bintang said: "You told us the ending, and we were still shocked!"

"No, no, no, you will know after reading it. Teacher Lin has told me this story before, but after reading it, I am still shocked. Trust me!"

Ma Dudu feels that the novel "Chasing the Murderer" not only sets a benchmark for avant-garde novels for all authors and readers, but is also an insurmountable mountain.

Some people have always said that avant-garde novels emphasize form over content. If this novel is published, it will definitely slap these people in the face and let them know what it means to pay equal attention to form and content.

"Teacher Lin has sublimated avant-garde novels!"

When Ma Dudu was discussing with everyone, he said this from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, stop flattering me!"

Seeing that it was already noon, Lin Weimin stood up with a smile, "It's getting late. I have to go back to work, so I won't chat with you all."

"Don't mention it, Teacher Lin. You have to have lunch before you leave anyway. I'll invite you out to eat." Ma Dudu said enthusiastically.

"No, it can't be done. You took a leave of absence. If you don't come back to lead | the leader will get angry!"

Lin Weimin rejected Ma Dudu's kindness and was escorted out of the dormitory building by the editors of "Youth Literature". Wang Weiling also came out to see him off.

After he left, Wang Weiling looked at Zhou Xiaohong and said, "Send the manuscript over to me after you finish it."

Several young editors clamored: "Editor-in-Chief, we haven't read it yet!"

Wang Weiling made a face, "Why are you so anxious? Dudu will do the first review, Xiaohong will review it, and I will do the final review. This is the rule of the editorial department. After reviewing the manuscript, you can read it if you want, no one will stop you."

What she said was so righteous that people who didn't know the truth would probably believe it.

But who asked someone to be the editor-in-chief and deputy editor-in-chief? Everyone dared to be angry but dare not speak out.

Huang Bintang muttered: "It's obvious that he is using power for personal gain!"

Ma Dudu looked at the reactions of his colleagues and felt proud in his heart.

Not only because I was able to get Teacher Lin’s manuscript, but also because Teacher Lin was able to write such an awesome work.

Yes, after Ma Dudu thought about it, there was only one word that could describe Teacher Lin and "Chasing the Murderer".


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