1980 My literary era

Chapter 305: It’s so well written

When I returned to the Chinese Literature Society, it was almost time to get off work.

As soon as Lin Weimin entered the back building, he was grabbed by Meng Weizai and went to the president's office.

"What's going on with Zheng Yi?" Yan Wenjing asked.

"It's just an emotional matter that young people can't think about for a while." Lin Weimin explained.

Yan Wenjing nodded slightly. As long as the problem was not caused by the Chinese Literature Society or "Contemporary", he asked again: "How are people doing now?"

"The operation went well. He will definitely not be able to return to his previous condition, but fortunately it's his little finger, so it has almost no impact, and his mood is considered stable."

"That's good. How is the revision of his manuscript?"

Lin Weimin thought about it and said, "It's still a little bit worse."

"If it doesn't work, I think you should change it for him." Yan Wenjing said.

Lin Weimin looked at Yan Wenjing unexpectedly, then glanced at Meng Weizai, and probably understood what he meant.

"Leader, are you afraid that he will be emotionally unstable and something will happen again?"

Yan Wen nodded and said, "We have to guard against it!"

Yan Wenjing and Meng Weizai are not afraid of trouble, but the nature of Zheng Yi's incident is too bad. It is not only a harm to him, but also to the writers who live in the guest house and revise their manuscripts, as well as the Chinese Literature Society and "Contemporary". influential.

Lin Weimin couldn't guarantee that if Zheng Yi's mood was stable this time, he would suddenly do something stupid next time because of his excitement.

At this stage, the less irritating Zheng Yi is, the better.

Thinking of this, Lin Weimin said: "Okay."

He smiled bitterly and said: "I saw Lao Rong off in the morning and talked about his style. I'm afraid I have to do it this time too."

Meng Weizai said: "I have read Zheng Yi's article "Old Well", and the foundation is very good. Everyone can rest assured if I leave it to you."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

When he returned to the editorial office from the front building, he was immediately locked in with the gossipy eyes of a group of colleagues, like a widow who had been in drought for several years seeing a handsome young man.

"For the people, how is Zheng Yi?"

"Why did you chop off your finger?"

After satisfying the "widows", Lin Weimin's mouth was dry. He ran in the hospital for most of the day without drinking water, so he quickly took a big sip of tea.

Before we could sit down and rest for a while, it was time to get off work and everyone was leaving one after another.

He ran to the third floor to sort out Zheng Yi's manuscripts. The top few still had some blood stains on them, and put the manuscripts into his bag.

Back home, because tomorrow is the weekend, Lin Weimin revised the manuscript until very late and took a rest.

The next day, he ran to No. 26 Yonghegong Street.

"Tiesheng! Tiesheng!"

Lin Weimin opened the door before Shi Tiesheng came to open it, and found a group of guests in his narrow room.

Shi Tiesheng smiled and talked to the other person, but Lin Weimin knew him well, and you could tell by the look in his eyes that he was somewhat impatient.

"We have guests. It seems I came by accident." Lin Weimin made a gesture to leave.

Shi Tiesheng hurriedly stopped him, "Hey, for the people, let me introduce you to these two comrades from the LY Literary Association."

Lin Weimin turned his head and took a deep look at Shi Tiesheng.

Use me as a shield?

Tiesheng, you have learned so badly now!

When the two comrades from the LY Literary and Art Association heard the word "for the people", their eyes lit up, "Is it Teacher Lin Weimin?"

Shi Tiesheng nodded and said: "Yes, it's Lin Weimin from "Contemporary"."

The two of them suddenly looked happy.

Lin Weimin had a smile on his face and shook hands with the two of them warmly, "Hello, hello!"

After following Lin Weimin for such a long time, Shi Tiesheng has fully accepted the spirit of "die Taoist friends, never die poor Taoists". While Lin Weimin was chatting with the two of them, he stayed quietly and watched Lin Weimin talk incessantly and eloquently. , the two comrades who came to ask for advice were stunned for a while.

In the end, Lin Weimin declined the two's request to write for the local LY publication, and Lin Weimin sent the two out of Shi Tiesheng's house.

When he returned, he saw Shi Tiesheng with a mocking look on his face.

"Tell me, how can you thank me?" Lin Weimin said.

"Invite you to dinner."

"You are not sincere. You don't need to treat me to this meal. My uncle treated me to it."

When Lin Weimin was talking, the door of the room next door was open, and Father Shi smiled a little.

"What have you written recently?" Lin Weimin asked.

Shi Tiesheng joked: "I knew you had bad intentions."

"Aren't I paying you for publishing your manuscript?"

"Then I still have to thank you?"

The two joked for a while, and Shi Tiesheng actually gave Lin Weimin a manuscript.

"Did you really write it?"

Shi Tiesheng said with some complacency: "You didn't expect it, right? I'm not idle either."

The manuscript he took out was a medium-sized piece, which was a rare length in his creative sequence.

"Reportation About Pastor Zhan", this is the name of the novel.

After waiting for Lin Weimin to finish reading, Shi Tiesheng looked into his eyes and asked with some expectation: "How is it?"


"Is it enough to be published in your "Contemporary" magazine?"


Shi Tiesheng showed a somewhat satisfied expression on his face and said in a joking tone: "It seems that the manuscript standards of "Contemporary" are very average!"

Lin Weimin felt that he was drifting very much now and needed to calm down.

"Hey, that's about it. I also accepted a novel written by a newcomer before, who has never published a serious novel."

Shi Tiesheng suddenly became interested, "Oh? If you can mention it, it should be a good write-up."

Seeing that he had taken the bait, Lin Weimin's mouth curved.

"That's all." He said this again, indicating that he didn't want to say it anymore.

Shi Tiesheng became more interested, "Tell me, tell me!"

Lin Weimin reluctantly asked, "What about me?"

"Talk about it!" Shi Tiesheng encouraged.

"Okay, let's talk about it then."

"The station couldn't be more chaotic. Thousands of people are talking. Quotes and songs are playing one after another on the loudspeaker, which makes everyone even more panicked. I feel even more panicked. I talk one by one After seeing off my friends, it’s my turn today..."

Lin Weimin has a good memory. He remembers most of the descriptions and plots of "The King of Chess" and talks about it like a storyteller.

More than an hour later, Lin Weimin finished his work. His mouth was dry, so he poured himself a glass of water and drank it leisurely.

Shi Tiesheng was sitting in a wheelchair, still immersed in the stories Lin Weimin told him.

From time to time, the sound of Lin Weimin sipping water could be heard in his ears. As if on purpose, he would make a sound after taking a sip of hot water, which abruptly pulled Shi Tiesheng out of the story.

Looking at Lin Weimin again, Shi Tiesheng's eyes had changed.

"How's it going? Is this novel acceptable? After all, this is a newcomer, and it's his first work, so it's still not very mature!"

Shi Tiesheng wanted to spit at Lin Weimin and scold him: Pretending is annoying!


This story was really good, so good that he couldn't help but praise it.

"It's so well written!"

Shi Tiesheng squeezed out these words through his teeth.

Lin Weimin held it in for a long time and finally burst out laughing.

While laughing, he also pointed at Shi Tiesheng, making Shi Tiesheng even more depressed.

While the two were joking, Shi's father had silently prepared lunch.

Shi's father made a braised pork dish today. Shi Tiesheng is a carnivore, and his mouth was full of oil after eating.

After eating, Shi Tiesheng asked Lin Weimin to push him out for a walk.

"Where to go?" Lin Weimin asked, pushing Shi Tiesheng.

"Go to the Temple of Earth!" Shi Tiesheng said.

The Lama Temple where Shi's family is located is adjacent to the Temple of Earth. Lin Weimin pushed Shi Tiesheng and his wheelchair into the Temple of Earth Park in a few minutes. The rocking chair drove straight in. The large trees in the Temple of Earth grew so thick in summer that they blocked most of the sunlight. I felt cooler.

The big cypress tree in the southeast corner of the Temple of Earth was Shi Tiesheng's old hiding place. Lin Weimin pushed him under the tree.

Shi Tiesheng took out a few books from the side of the wheelchair next to his legs, and then took out a few from the other side. There were more than a dozen books at once, including literature, history, politics, and philosophy.

Lin Weimin said: "I said it's so tiring to push, but it turns out you brought some private goods with you!"

Shi Tiesheng waved the book and said, "Do you want to read it?"

"Let me see what books there are? Why aren't there any of my books?"

"Nonsense, I've read all your books."

"All right."

Lin Weimin picked around and chose a copy of "People's Literature", which was the June issue.

Shi Tiesheng randomly selected a book from "The Sound and the Fury" by Faulkner.

Shi Tiesheng sat under the tree, and Lin Weimin sat directly on the ground, leaning against the tree.

The two opened the book and each had a cigarette. The smoke was lingering under the big cypress tree, and the atmosphere was quiet.

Lin Weimin saw a piece of reportage "The Cabin" by Huang Zongying, pointed at it and asked Shi Tiesheng, "Has this article been published before?"

Shi Tiesheng took a look and said, "It was published in Wenhui Monthly last month. It should be a reprint."

"No wonder it looks familiar."

Lin Weimin has to read countless manuscripts every day, and he just flips through many publications. He has a general impression, but he has not studied them carefully.

It was rare that I had time today to calm down and read a book for myself. He read very slowly.

When I read the selfless part, my hand was burned and I realized that the cigarette had burned out, but I didn't take two puffs.

Taking a look at Shi Tiesheng, he was very energetic and had put out his cigarette early.

At this moment, when he heard Lin Weimin's movements and looked over, he laughed unconsciously and lit up his cigarette that he had not taken two puffs of.

"Young man, you don't know how to live!"

He took two puffs of cigarette happily and continued reading.

After Lin Weimin finished reading a piece of work, he couldn't help but raise his head and move his neck.

He tilted his head and squinted his eyes, looking at the blue sky through the gap between the trees.

Suddenly, a burst of bicycle bells interrupted the quiet environment. Lin Weimin and Shi Tiesheng raised their heads and looked. It was passers-by taking a shortcut through the park.

Yawning, Lin Weimin glanced at his watch. It was already past three in the afternoon.

"What time is it?" Shi Tiesheng asked when he saw him looking at his watch.

"It's past three o'clock."

"It's time to go back."

Unknowingly, after staying in the Temple of Earth for more than two hours, Shi Tiesheng put the book away and stuffed it into the side of his thigh.

Lin Weimin pushed the wheelchair and the two returned to Shi's house.

Before leaving, Lin Weimin took out two drama tickets from his pocket, "Tickets for "Farewell My Concubine" tomorrow. The show is almost over this year. I thought you haven't watched it yet!"

Shi Tiesheng was very happy after taking the ticket, "Then I have to have a good sleep at noon tomorrow."

He is in poor health, and Renyi's plays are usually performed at night. If it is a big play, it may be 11 or 12 o'clock in the evening after finishing the play, which is a challenge for him.

But he loves to watch dramas, and he often refuses visitors a day in advance to watch the dramas. He also has to have a good sleep from noon to afternoon of the same day to accumulate enough energy for watching the dramas in the evening.

Before going out, he would dress up specially and hang a water bottle next to his wheelchair.

For Shi Tiesheng, watching a drama is a very ritualistic thing, just like the ancients bathing, changing clothes, and burning incense before reading, and it is full of piety.

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