1980 My literary era

Chapter 306 This foundation is not simple.

Going to Shi Tiesheng's house on the weekend is a rare rest and relaxation for Lin Weimin.

When he returned home in the evening, he picked up Zheng Yi's "Old Well" again and revised it.

"Old Well" has almost nothing in common with Lin Weimin's writing style. It describes the life of ancestors on the Loess Plateau, with a bit of horror and fantasy romanticism, but at the same time it is full of realism.

After staying up another night, I revised most of the manuscript of "Old Well". This efficiency is much faster than Zheng Yi's revision.

When he went to work the next day, Lin Weimin first went to the hospital. Zheng Yi was in good condition. He was observed in the hospital for two days and there was no problem.

When he saw Lin Weimin, he clamored to be discharged from the hospital. Lin Weimin wanted him to stay in the hospital for another two days, but he was adamant and had to be discharged.

Lin Weimin could only take him back to the Chinese Literature Club. As soon as he entered the guest house in the back building, Zheng Yi appeared like a street tiger. Everyone's eyes were a bit weird, and there was a bit of fear behind them.

"Did you see it? After all the trouble you caused, who among us would dare to get close to you?"

Zheng Yi was also a little ashamed, "I'm really sorry, Teacher Lin."

"Don't say I'm sorry. Don't be so excited when doing things in the future. Just do it according to your temper."

The two entered the dormitory, and the blood on the floor had been wiped clean. Zheng Yi found that the manuscript on the table was missing, and said anxiously: "My manuscript..."

"The manuscript is at my place!"

Lin Weimin asked Zheng Yi to sit down first and explained: "What happened to you, the leaders in the club were murmuring, fearing that you would kill yourself with a knife because you were depressed because of the failure to revise the manuscript. I took over the matter. , during this period, if you have time, go out and relax, and don’t think about useless things.”

What Lin Weimin said was half true and half false.

"How can that be done? Teacher Lin, I'm just here to revise the manuscript, so I can't trouble you."

"It's okay. This is just a novel, so it won't delay much. I did this because you still have injuries on your hands, and you have to use your hands to revise the manuscript, which will definitely be inconvenient. So, you can just rest and recuperate. You can go wherever you want to go. Let’s go have some fun.”

Seeing Lin Weimin's sincere expression, Zheng Yi became even more embarrassed and apologized to Lin Weimin, "It's all because of me!"

"Don't say that. We are all young people, and it is inevitable that we will have to figure it out. Just think about it. Don't think about the manuscript. I will revise it for you. You can read it yourself and if you agree, we will use it. If there is anything else The idea is that your hands will probably be good by then, so you can change it yourself."

Lin Weimin thought everything about Zheng Yi, which moved him, "Teacher Lin..."

"Okay, that's it. I have to go to work and be nice to everyone. You scared everyone that day."

Lin Weimin never forgot to tell Zheng Yi before leaving.


Back on the second floor, Lin Weimin first went to report the situation to Meng Weizai.

"You have to keep an eye on him and don't let anything go wrong."


Lin Weimin responded helplessly.

Teacher Lin had locked up so many authors into the dark room, but Zheng Yi was the first to cause trouble, which made him feel a little depressed.

Could it be that he has done this too much and is getting retribution?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Teacher Lin serves the authors wholeheartedly, how could this happen?

Lin Weimin is doing some psychological construction for himself.

When I returned to the office, I saw Zhang Zhong'e chatting with a wealthy middle-aged man in his forties or fifties.

"Weimin, you just happened to be back. Let me introduce you."

Zhang Zhong'e stood up and pulled Lin Weimin over, "This is Comrade Zhang Qi. He previously published a long article "Reformer" in our "Contemporary". Now he is the leader of the Literary and Art Association, and he came here specifically to find you."

Find me?

Lin Weimin was surprised and shook hands with Zhang Qi.

He was impressed by the work "The Reformer", which was not only published but also published by the Chinese Literature Society.

Zhang Qi first introduced himself a few words. He had just been transferred to the head of the permanent organization of the National Association for Literary and Art Circles in the first half of the year. He was a high-ranking leader in the Association for Literary and Art Circles. However, Lin Weimin didn't know what would happen if he suddenly found him.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a few words. When Lin Weimin saw that Zhang Qi had not explained his purpose, he knew that it might not be convenient to talk about it in front of everyone, so he pulled him to an empty dormitory in the guest house on the third floor.

"You are here this time..."

Only then did Zhang Qi explain his purpose.

He used to work in a local literary association and often visited seniors at their homes, but the result made him feel very heavy.

Contrary to imagination, many writers live very poor lives. Some people not only have financial difficulties during their lifetime, but also have problems with funeral expenses and the placement of their survivors after death.

Therefore, when he was in the local area, he often solved difficulties for many writers who were in difficult conditions.

When he returned to the National Literary and Art Association, the first task Zhang Qi set for himself was to do his best to help writers in difficult conditions in China.

“Without money, it’s not easy to do practical things and do good things for writers!”

Zhang Qi couldn't help but sigh at the end.

Lin Weimin had been listening carefully when he spoke.

If this matter were left to future generations, Lin Weimin's first reaction might be that this person was taking the opportunity to make money.

But in the 1980s, Lin Weimin had no doubts about Zhang Qi, and even had some admiration in his heart.

The job he found for himself was a hard job. If he wanted to spend money, he had to raise money first.

Where can I get this money?

If the government can help him, he won't have to come out to beg for help, so the funds can only come from the private sector.

A person who is engaged in literature goes to various places to seek help from people and asks them to donate some money. I understand how difficult this is.

Although the newspaper and magazine market across the country has been booming in recent years, with new publications being launched almost every day, there are actually less than a hundred literary publications that have been able to survive.

Among the nearly 100 literary journals, almost half of the manuscripts are works by famous writers, and the remaining pages are fought for by literary lovers and unknown writers.

Take Lin Weimin for example. If he wants to publish a manuscript, any publishing house or editorial department will welcome him with open arms.

Another example is Mo Yan. When he was not famous, his works could only be published in places like "Lotus Pond".

The bimonthly literary magazine "Lianchi" is called "Lianchi" because their editorial office is in a room temporarily borrowed from the management office of the Lotus Pond Park.

After a period of time, "Lotus Pond" was renamed "Novel Creation", and was later closed due to lack of funds.

This is the ultimate fate of most literary publications across the country today.

Among the millions of literary creators and lovers across the country, there are less than a thousand writers who are famous enough to be welcomed by publications.

Although these people may publish a work for hundreds, thousands, or even thousands of yuan, many people often publish a work in one or two years, or several years, and their average income is no higher than that of the average person. How many.

There are very few writers who are as efficient as Lin Weimin.

Whether the remaining people are part-time writers who have joined the literary association or are pure literary lovers, there are very few people who make a prosperous life through writing.

The status of a small number of them is that they have their own jobs, write on the side, and occasionally publish an article, which is equivalent to extra money and improves their recent lives.

Most people get nothing but waste money on stamps, envelopes, and manuscript paper.

Lin Weimin thought for a while and realized that the reason why he had the idea that literature in the 1980s was very profitable was entirely due to survivorship bias.

You must know that except for the first year after time travel, the rest of his time was almost spent in the field of professional literary creation, and the people around him were all well-known industry leaders in the country.

Even Cheng Shixu, who has recently been troubled by the fact that his works cannot be published in national literary publications, would not take much effort if he wanted to publish something in an ordinary local magazine. It is impossible to make a fortune from manuscript fees, but it is impossible to maintain a living. questionable.

"Why did you think of looking for me?" Lin Weimin asked.

Zhang Qi laughed and said, "I'm sorry to say it, but I heard that your previous novel was published in the United States and you received a large sum of royalties."

"Then I'm showing off my wealth!" Lin Weimin joked.

The two chatted for a few more words, and Zhang Qi asked Lin Weimin if he was willing to donate some money. Lin Weimin remained silent.

Seeing this, Zhang Qi asked: "What concerns do you have? You might as well tell me directly..."

After Zhang Qi said in a sincere tone, Lin Weimin was still thinking.

The fact that he is rich now is due to his reputation.

Today Zhang Qi came to ask for alms. It would be inappropriate for him not to donate.

Moreover, Lin Weimin feels that he has indeed made a lot of money through writing in the past few years. Occasionally giving back to the society can also give him a sense of accomplishment other than the achievements in writing.

Since we must donate, how much should we donate and where should we use the donated money is a question.

Lin Weimin pondered: "Can I ask, if I donate this money, how do you plan to use it?"

“My idea is to set up a foundation and if the money is raised, it could be used in several ways.

One is to provide certain subsidies to writers in poor conditions, including the situations I told you before;

The second is some cultural undertakings that help promote the development of literature, such as donating books to schools, holding reading activities, etc.;

Third, if there is spare capacity, we can hold national literary awards and literary projects. "

After Zhang Qi said these points, he said with some embarrassment: "These are just my personal thoughts. How much can really be done depends on how much money can be raised. If the money is small, just do what I started with." My idea is to help those comrades who are in poverty. If we have more money, we can do more things, and that would be beautiful!"

Lin Weimin nodded and said: "It is a good idea to establish a foundation. Should it be done through the Cultural Association?"

"There are no specific charters yet. I have been working on this recently. You also know how difficult it is to set up a foundation in our country. The only thing that is certain is the name of the foundation."

Foundation, an imported product, only entered the Chinese market in 1981 and is still a new thing to Chinese people.

Three years ago, the All-China Women's Federation, the Federation of Trade Unions, the Communist Youth League and other national organizations and units jointly launched my country's first national foundation, the China Children and Teenagers' Foundation, marking the beginning of my country's foundations from scratch.

Since then, a number of foundations have been established one after another, such as the Soong Ching Ling Foundation and the China Disabled Persons Welfare Foundation in 1982.

However, since our country does not have clear management regulations for the operation and management of foundations, government departments are very cautious in the procedures for approving foundations.

Just look at the names of the foundations established in recent years and you will know that it is not easy for an organization like the Literary and Art Association to apply for a foundation.

"Oh? What's your name?" Lin Weimin asked with interest.

"Chinese Literature Foundation, what do you think of this name?" After Zhang Qi finished speaking, he looked at Lin Weimin expectantly.

Chinese Literature Foundation?

So familiar?

Lin Weimin slapped his thigh and remembered that before time travel, he had participated in reading activities organized by the Chinese Literature Foundation in college and learned a bit about the history of the foundation.

This foundation is not simple!

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