1980 My literary era

Chapter 325 Sending away groups of leaders one after another

With the foreshadowing of "Lover" and "Farewell My Concubine", Lin Weimin is now well-known in the Hong Kong literary world and has accumulated a lot of readers.

In addition to stating the above matters, the most important thing Liu Yichang called was to ask Lin Weimin to write some words as a message for his novel to be published in "Hong Kong Literature".

Lin Weimin hesitated and said, "I'm afraid it's too late, right?"

It is already late December. With today's communication efficiency, Lin Weimin finished writing the letter and sent it to Xiangjiang, just in time for the publication of the first issue of "Xiangjiang Literature".

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. There should be enough time. I was so busy that I remembered this matter. I also made an appointment with Ke Ling. He is also in Yanjing now. I estimate that the manuscript may arrive around the same time as you."

"Okay then, I'll finish writing and email it as soon as possible."

The manuscript for "Xiangjiang Literature" was not difficult. It was just about writing some scenes. It only took Lin Weimin one day to write the article and mail it out.

Before New Year's Day, Lin Weimin went to CCTV. There were still two months until the Spring Festival, and the Spring Festival Gala had entered the preparation stage.

After the success of two Spring Festival Galas, Huang Yihe's confidence has greatly increased and he proposed to hold the Spring Festival Gala stage at the Workers' Gymnasium this year.

Lin Weimin, who was sitting at the bottom, shook his head secretly when he heard his decision. Lao Huang was dazzled by the short-term victory!

The 1985 Spring Festival Gala is well known to everyone as a typical failure in the early Spring Festival Gala. In the 1980s when the technical conditions were immature, it was tantamount to wishful thinking to hold a large-scale live broadcast event in a stadium.

In addition, the temperature in Yanjing at night before and after the Spring Festival is below minus 10 degrees. The huge gymnasium is ventilated on all sides and has no heating equipment. The Spring Festival Gala performance lasts four or five hours. Who among the audience and actors can withstand it?

Huang Yihe proudly talked about how he had invited many celebrities from Hong Kong and Bay Island, and was determined to make this Spring Festival Gala a beautiful and magnificent party.

Lin Weimin's thought of persuading him only flashed in his mind. He didn't seem to be able to listen to persuasion now.

Lin Weimin also believed that no one had advised him before him.

After figuring this out, Lin Weimin decisively chose to shut up and just do his job well.

Two days later, he handed Huang Yihe two scripts directly, as usual.

One for Chen Xiaoer and one for the eldest nephew.

Lin Weimin made up his mind that he would not get involved in the Spring Festival Gala next year.

I got the praise that deserved it, and participating in the Spring Festival Gala no longer meant anything to me.

On the last day before New Year's Day, Qin Chaoyang found Lin Weimin and said he wanted to have a meal together.

Lin Weimin joked: "It's not easy. Comrade Lao Qin invites you to dinner, and the iron trees bloom!"

“Lao Yan’s treat.”

Okay, Lin Weimin is overthinking.

"How about that old Yan can be a leader, tsk tsk tsk!"

The expression on Lin Weimin's face made Comrade Lao Qin want to hit him.

In the evening, Xianheng Hotel.

Kong Yiji in Brother Xun's novel is a completely miserable scholar, but Xianheng Hotel is not. Not only is it not, but also because of Brother Xun's advertising, the business is booming.

When Lin Weimin arrived at the place, he discovered that today Lao Yan was treating guests, and all the seniors in the club were here, and he was the most junior among the group of people.

Besides him, the youngest one is Cheng Wanchun.

Lin Weimin gloriously became a young comrade serving the bureau.

Yan Wenjing invited guests, and the dishes were very ordinary. After drinking for three rounds, he stood up, clasped his fists, and said to the people present: "Thank you for your hard work over the past few years."

After speaking, he raised a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

Everyone also raised their glasses and drank the glass of wine. Lin Weimin took Cheng Wanchun and muttered: "Is this the farewell dinner for Lao Yan today?"

Cheng Wanchun whispered: "You just know!"

After eating, Lin Weimin drove people to see him off. All he drank tonight was tea.

There were seven or eight people at the table, half of whom went home alone, and the other half, old comrades who were too old, got into Lin Weimin's car.

He doubted that Lao Yan asked him to come to dinner just so that he could act as Didi's driver.

After a few people arrived at the end, only Yan Wenjing was left.

His home is at No. 60 Dongzongbu Hutong. The alley is too narrow and the car cannot enter. Lin Weimin can only stop at the entrance of the alley and help Yan Wenjing out of the car.

He drank a little too much tonight, and the entrance to the alley was dozens of meters away from Yan's house.

Lin Weimin was supporting Yan Wenjing as he walked in the dark alley, and suddenly heard Yan Wenjing say: "Comrade Jun Yi and I are about to arrive at the station."

Lin Weimin was stunned for a moment and replied: "I heard about it."

"Among the young people in the newsroom at the agency, you are the most outstanding. However, you are also the most trouble-making. You must be more mature in the future and stop being so flamboyant all the time."

Although he knew that Yan Wenjing was trying to remind him, Lin Weimin still couldn't help but ask, "Am I going to show off?"

Yan Wenjing said angrily: "What do you think?"

He continued: "Yes, you don't fight over many treatment issues, but you still have to pay more attention to what you say and do in the club."

"I know. Isn't it too early for you to say this? It seems like you are leaving soon."

"Bah, bah, bah! You can't speak. What do you mean by 'leaving'? That's what I call resignation. You kid really knows how to make a scene."

"Hey, I'm not naturally capable of sensational things."

The two walked to the door of Yan Wenjing's house, and the old man shook Lin Weimin's hand away.

"Okay, let's go back."

"Won't you invite me in for some tea?"

"Drink the hell! What time is it? Your aunt is already asleep!"

Lin Weimin felt a little regretful, "Then when I have the opportunity to come to your house for dinner next time, think about getting me some hard food!"

Yan Wenjing smiled and cursed, and the two waved goodbye.

On the way back, Lin Weimin felt a little sad.

It is estimated that there will still be some days before Lao Yan leaves office, but he chose to treat everyone to dinner at this end of the year, which means he is saying goodbye.

It has been more than four years since he joined the Chinese Literature Society. In these four years, he has experienced a lot and grown a lot.

Lao Yan and Mrs. Wei were the first group of leaders he got rid of. The next group might be Lao Meng and the others, and after that, it might be the group of Cheng Wanchun and the others.

At my age, if I stay at the Chinese Literature Society, it shouldn't be a problem to survive seven or eight leaders.

After thinking about it, Lin Weimin became happy.

On New Year's Day, Han Zhuangzhuang and Yin Geli came to Tuanjiehu Apartment, apparently ready to eat and drink.

Lin Weimin has moved into the apartment since winter.

Seeing Lin Weimin carrying a bag of vegetables and meat, Han Zhuangzhuang asked, "Uncle, what are you doing?"

"Go to Uncle Shi's house."

"Then we both will go too."

Lin Weimin said helplessly: "It's a big holiday, why don't you two go out and have fun?"

"In the past few months, we have visited all the places in Yanjing City. It's not interesting. We don't want to celebrate the big festival. It's not interesting for you to be at home alone. Come here to accompany you!"

I believe you!

I am not a lonely old man, do I need your company?

Just say "Cengfan", and say it so confidently.

Taking the Chanfan duo to No. 26 Yonghegong Street, Lin Weimin and Han Zhuangzhuang were both old acquaintances, but the appearance of Yin Geli made the small courtyard boil.

After so many years of establishment, this is the first time a foreigner appears on the 26th!

The neighbors surrounded Yin Geli. They saw that the little foreigner had a smile on her face. She was easy to talk to and spoke fluent Chinese. Many children gathered around her and asked questions.

When everyone learned that she was Han Zhuangzhuang's girlfriend, the neighbors were even more surprised.

Han Zhuangzhuang is not well-known in Yanjing as a popular actor. However, in the past two years, he has acted in TV series and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, and his popularity among ordinary people is still high.

In the past, when he came to Shi Tiesheng's house, he was not well-known. Later, when he became famous, everyone was surprised and passed away in a few days.

But looking at the current reaction, the fact that Han Zhuangzhuang has a foreign girlfriend seems to be more popular than the fact that he is famous for acting in TV series and sketches.

The old man who lived in the front yard couldn't help but patted Han Zhuangzhuang on the shoulder, "Bring glory to the country!"

The young people looked at Han Zhuangzhuang with admiration on their faces.

A role model for our generation!

Lin Weimin didn't expect that his eldest nephew would be in the limelight when he came to Shi Tiesheng's house today.

It's just that it's a bit weird to be in the limelight.

Today is New Year's Day. Lin Weimin specially prepared mutton.

In the cold winter months, nothing can warm people's hearts more than a pot of hotpot mutton.

Father Shi and Shi Lan were busy putting away the vegetables, while Han Zhuangzhuang and Yin Geli were surrounded by neighbors, almost becoming circus monkeys.

Lin Weimin rushed back and forth between the two rooms of Shi's house. He saw a stack of stationery with writing in the drawer of Shi Tiesheng's desk without closing it, and he took it out casually.

Shi Tiesheng, who was following behind, saw it and hurriedly shouted: "Hey, don't move!"

"Look at the manuscript. What are you afraid of?"

Shi Tiesheng's expression was a little anxious, "That's not a manuscript, take it over!"

Lin Weimin didn't care at first, but seeing Shi Tiesheng's reaction, he realized something was wrong.

Ignoring Shi Tiesheng's obstruction and even turning around to prevent him from grabbing something, Lin Weimin looked intently at the letter in his hand.

"Comrade Simi: Hello..."

Lin Weimin glanced at the letter and was snatched away by Shi Tiesheng.

We have known each other for several years, and this is the first time Lin Weimin has seen him move so quickly.

"Hey, the action is fast enough. Is this the magic of love?" Lin Weimin joked.

"What is the magic of love? Don't talk nonsense!"

Shi Tiesheng was a man in his thirties, with dark skin. Lin Weimin rarely saw two red clouds on his face.

Such a contrasting picture instantly made Lin Weimin feel physically uncomfortable.

"Comrade Tiesheng, don't make excuses! I think you should know the principle of leniency for those who confess and severity for those who resist. I saw it just now, 'Dear Comrade Simi'..."

"Nonsense! Where does 'dear' come from?"

Shi Tie was as shy as an adolescent boy.

Lin Weimin admitted his mistake very generously, "Oh! There is no 'dear'? Then maybe I saw it wrong."

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