1980 My literary era

Chapter 326: Going out to be a matchmaker, taking a week off

Cheng Ximi, Shi Tiesheng's later wife.

Lin Weimin has not read many works by contemporary writers in later generations, but he was deeply impressed by the relationship between Shi Tiesheng and his wife mentioned in his works.

In 1979, Shi Tiesheng's first work "The Destiny of Love" was published in the journal "Hope" of Northwestern University, which attracted the attention of Cheng Ximi, who was studying at Northwestern University at the time.

Cheng Ximi happened to be the editor of "Hope" at that time. Out of her appreciation for Shi Tiesheng, she wrote a letter to Shi Tiesheng, and the two people's lives intersected. The two continued to correspond for the next ten years.

It was not until 1989 that Shi Tie became seriously ill and Cheng Ximi rushed from Shaanxi to Yanjing after learning the news. The two expressed their friendship to each other and finally got married.

For Shi Tiesheng's life, ten years is too long.

In such a beautiful time, they should have each other as soon as possible. Lin Weimin planned to be a Yue Lao today.

Shi Tiesheng's eyes were filled with resentment, which made Lin Weimin's skin crawl.

"Can you please stop looking like that? It seems like I have done something outrageous."

Facing Shi Tiesheng, a "big man" in his thirties, Lin Weimin finally showed mercy and didn't go too far.

He asked seriously: "Has this girl graduated too? When can we make an appointment to meet in Yanjing?"

Shi Tiesheng's face passed the initial shyness and he said: "She is in Shaanxi, so it's inconvenient."

There was a bit of unconfidence in his words, and he was obviously making excuses.

"You're quite a grownup now, so let's meet up if the conversation is suitable!"

Shi Tiesheng said again: "We are pen pals, pen pals!"

"What kind of pen pal? Don't think I don't know. You are harboring evil intentions. Why haven't I seen you corresponding with other male compatriots for several years?"

Lin Weimin mercilessly exposed Shi Tiesheng's little thoughts.

Shi Tiesheng pursed his lips and said harshly: "We have a very pure pen pal relationship."

"Yes, you are so pure. We are just pen pals who have corresponded for five years."

Lin Weimin said angrily, making Shi Tiesheng's face appear shy again.

"Look at you like this, I'm worried for you. If you like someone, just take the initiative!" Lin Weimin continued to bewitch.

Shi Tiesheng stopped talking this time and just shook his head.

Lin Weimin finally stopped teasing him. Instead, he pushed his wheelchair and said warmly: "You usually dress well. It's a pity that you are still exposed in front of love!"

Shi Tiesheng said harshly: "What have I exposed?"

"Exposes your cowardice, cowardice, and inferiority!"

"Don't think that I will fall for your trick!" Shi Tiesheng saw through Lin Weimin's trick at a glance.

"What is a trick? I'm just telling the truth. Do you admit that you are cowardly, cowardly, and have low self-esteem?" Lin Weimin asked again.

Shi Tiesheng stopped talking again. Of course he knew that he was inferior and cowardly.

"Think clearly, this girl has been corresponding with you for several years, right? If she wasn't interested in you, how could she keep communicating with you for such a long time?

Are you thirty-four this year? If you are not anxious yourself, how can other girls not be anxious? If you wait for another two years, your girl will be older. Can she still stay with you like this?

When the time comes, if someone really meets the right man and gets married, you won’t have anywhere to cry! "

Lin Weimin's heart-wrenching words made Shi Tiesheng fall into silence.

As a result, when the copper hot pot and hot-boiled mutton were served at noon, Shi Tiesheng was a little indifferent.

Shi Lan stared at his brother for a long time, wondering what kind of mood he had today.

During this meal, Shi Tie's raw food tasted like chewing wax.

When Shi Lan was clearing away the dishes, he pulled Lin Weimin aside and asked, "What did you two say in the room just now? Why is he acting like that?"

Lin Weimin did not answer her question, "Shi Lan, let me ask you, do you want more sisters-in-law?"

Shi Lan glanced at Lin Weimin with a strange look. Could it be that...

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lin Weimin scolded her angrily, and then said: "Your brother's female pen pal who has been corresponding with each other for several years..."

"I know, I know, Cheng Simi!"

Lin Weimin asked: "She is a nice girl, right?"

Shi Lan shook his head, "How could I know! My brother wrote to her all the time, and I haven't read their letters. Besides, I haven't even met them in person!"

"These days, if you can communicate with someone for several years, she must be a good girl!"

"Brother Lin, I think your idea is wrong!"

"Stop arguing with me!" Lin Weimin scolded her again and continued: "Your brother is already a big brother, aren't you in a hurry?"

Shi Lan glanced at Shi Tiesheng, he must be anxious, but his brother's body...

"Okay, stop reading. When you have time, please advise your brother. He spends all his time in philosophy, literature, and history, but he is so hesitant and hesitant about important matters in his life."


After lunch, Lin Weimin left with the duo.

Back home, Lin Weimin was busy writing novels without any distractions.

At night, after washing up and about to go to sleep, I heard a rapid knock on the door.

He opened the door and saw Shi Lan, whose face was red with cold.

"What's going on? Why are you here?"

Shi Lan gasped and said: "My brother, my brother..."

"What's wrong with your brother?"

"My brother asked you to come over!"

"You girl, why are you talking so loudly and out of breath?"

Lin Weimin got dressed, went downstairs, started the car, put the bicycle Shi Lan had ridden in the trunk, and drove all the way to the vicinity of the Lama Temple with the back cover open.

Entering Courtyard No. 26, Lin Weimin saw Shi Tiesheng with a bit of pride on his face.

"What's going on? Do you understand? Why are you looking for me?"

Shi Tiesheng stared at Lin Weimin for a long time before asking: "Then what should I do now?"

"What else can I do? Just express your feelings! If you think it's too slow to write a letter, I can take you to Shaanxi now to express your feelings to her face to face. You young people are all impatient, I understand!"

When Lin Weimin spoke, he raised his eyebrows at Shi Tiesheng, like a madam seducing a good woman into the sea.

When Shi Tiesheng said "confession in person", a light seemed to flash in his eyes, but it dimmed again in an instant.

"It's too far and it's inconvenient."

"What's the inconvenience? It takes three or four days to go back and forth. If you succeed and get a wife back, you won't lose anything!"

"Didn't you want to go back to northern Shaanxi before? We just took advantage of this opportunity to get everything done together."

Lin Weimin kept bewitching, causing Shi Tiesheng's weak will to waver again and again.

Shi Tiesheng was in northern Shaanxi when he joined the queue. "My Distant Qingping Bay", which made him famous in the literary world, describes his life in northern Shaanxi. It is a place that haunts him. He often mentioned it to Lin Weimin before. I want to go back and take a look.

"Since you haven't thought about it, I'll go back first."

Lin Weimin saw Shi Tiesheng's face full of hesitation and no movement, so he stood up directly.

"For the people!"

Shi Tiesheng stopped him, "Come pick me up tomorrow morning, let's go to Shaanxi!"

He looked at Lin Weimin with firm eyes.

Lin Weimin wanted to say, why are you waiting for tomorrow morning? Let's take a quick trip now.

However, considering Shi Tiesheng's health, Lin Weimin nodded and said: "Okay, I will pick you up tomorrow morning, let's go to Shaanxi!"

When I left Shi Tiesheng's house, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Lin Weimin thought for a while and drove to the Chinese Literature Society.

The bright headlights dazzled Uncle Zhai, who was on duty in the mailroom. The old man came to the gate wearing a cotton-padded jacket and said, "Who is it?"

"Uncle Zhai, I am for the people!"

"Weimin? Why are you here?"

Uncle Zhai opened the locked door, and Lin Weimin said, "I'm here to ask for leave!"

Uncle Zhai was confused, "Asking for leave? What kind of leave are you asking for at this late hour?"

The two walked back to the hair salon, and Lin Weimin asked, "Uncle Zhai, do you have paper and pen?"

"Yes!" Uncle Zhai found a pen and paper and handed it to Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin took it over, and there was a flurry of dragons and phoenixes dancing, and a leave request note was written.

Then he handed the leave request note to Uncle Zhai, "You can give it to Lao Meng tomorrow morning!"

Uncle Zhai took the leave request and said hesitantly: "Isn't it good to do this for the people?"

"It's okay. I'm busy with business. The leader will definitely understand."

"That's okay."

Uncle Zhai collected the leave request, and Lin Weimin went to the office to get a letter of introduction. The operation was smooth and smooth.

If he didn't know this, Uncle Zhai really wanted to take this kid to the police station.

With this set of operations, locking you up for a month and a half is not too much, right?

"Okay, let's go, Uncle Zhai!"

Uncle Zhai looked at Lin Weimin's back and shook his head helplessly.

Young man, you are so courageous!

Returned home and rested for a night.

In the morning, Lin Weimin finished breakfast, packed a bag and ran to Shi Tiesheng's house. Shi Tiesheng's eyes were red and bloodshot, and it seemed that he had not slept much last night.

"Tiesheng, let's go!"

He put the crown on Shi Tiesheng's back, put the wheelchair in the car, and drove straight to the train station.

"Don't you go to work to ask for leave?" Shi Tiesheng asked.

"Don't worry, we're all done!" Lin Weimin said confidently.

When Crown arrived at Yanjing Station, Lin Weimin parked the car, pushed Shi Tiesheng to the ticket office, bought the earliest train to Shaanxi, and waited for about two hours to get on the train.

When the train started moving, Shi Tiesheng looked out the window, feeling extremely melancholy.

Lin Weimin comforted him: "Comrade Tiesheng, you have to have some confidence in yourself. You are also a famous writer after all. If Comrade Ximi wasn't so obsessed with minis, how could he take the initiative to write to you? This time, let's fight for her when we get back." Take it!"

Shi Tiesheng looked at Lin Weimin helplessly, "I wish I had your blind confidence!"

"You're such a boring person!"

Lin Weimin picked up a boiled egg that Shi's father stuffed before leaving and stuffed it into his mouth.

At this time, the Chinese Literature Society is in the back building.

Meng Weizai looked at the endless leave application note in his hand, his head was buzzing and his blood pressure was rising.

"He wrote this?"

Uncle Zhai shook his head, "Yes, I wrote it in the middle of the night last night."

Meng Weizai slapped the note on the table angrily, "This bastard! Lao Yan just warned him to keep a low profile two days ago, this bastard! How can this be unreasonable!"

Eight words were clearly written on the note: "I am going out to work as a matchmaker, please take a week off!"

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