1980 My literary era

Chapter 357 Praise it well

Since 1984, domestic manuscript fee standards have increased significantly without even realizing it.

In the past few years, the standard of ten yuan for a thousand words has come to an end, but now it can easily be more than ten yuan for a thousand words.

Thirty-five yuan per thousand words is certainly a record, but for Lin Weimin, this standard is basically better than nothing.

Lin Weimin revealed some of his thoughts during the conversation, and Wang Meng looked at him with strange eyes.

"Who do you think is you, Lin Wanwan?"

The old man sealed his throat with a sword, leaving Lin Weimin speechless.


I can't talk anymore today.

After Lin Weimin left, Zhu Wei looked at his back with envy, "Isn't thirty-five yuan for a thousand words too little?"

Wang Meng joked: "How about I am like Lin Wanwan? The richer I am, the more I have to spend every penny."

Zhu Wei thought about it for a while, and it seemed to make sense.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, colleagues in the office packed up their things and left. Zhu Wei was the last one to lock the door.

I went to the carport to pick up my Phoenix bicycle, and followed the off-duty army of the Chinese Literature Society into Chaonei Street.

His family lives in Baijiazhuang, just on the edge of the East Third Ring Road, very close to Tuanjie Lake.

After passing Chaoyang Gate, Zhu Wei found a book and newsstand and stopped.

"Get a copy of "People's Literature"!"

Zhu Wei paid and took the magazine.

The price of 40 cents has been maintained by "People's Literature" for almost ten years from the resumption of publication in 1976 to this year.

Zhu Wei has been working in the editorial department for two years. In the past two years, there have been discussions about the pricing of publications, but the pricing has never increased.

After all, "People's Literature" is not just a publication that aims to create benefits. It also represents the highest standard in the Chinese literary world. Compared with the economic benefits, the social and cultural effects it can produce are what the Chinese Literature Society and the higher-ups value more. of.

When I got home, I made a bowl of noodles and while I was eating, someone knocked on the door. When I opened the door, I saw it was Li Tuo.

Li Tuo had a bit of excitement on his face, "I've seen it!"

There was no ending to the sentence, just like a code. Zhu Wei understood it immediately and asked while slurping noodles: "How do you feel?"

Li Tuo shouted: "One word, awesome! Two words, awesome! Three words, awesome!"

Zhu Wei couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Which teacher taught you this math?"

"It doesn't matter which teacher teaches..." Li Tuo pulled up a chair and sat down. Just as he was about to speak, he saw the "People's Literature" Zhu Wei put on the table. He picked it up, waved it and said, "I told you ! As soon as this novel comes out, "Li Zicheng" and "Emperor Kangxi" will have to stand aside. From now on, I will only recognize this "Ming Dynasty 1566" among historical novels."

Zhu Wei finished the noodles in several bites, put the rice bowl in the pool, brushed it a few times, and put it in the cupboard.

"You're not afraid of offending anyone by saying this!"

"Good is good, and I am telling the truth. I did not say that these two novels are useless. In fact, both of them are well written. The key is that the opponents are too strong!

This Lin Weimin, he...how did he write it? "

Li Tuo said with astonishment on his face.

Zhu Wei finally sat down, "Yes, we are curious too."

"You said he really didn't have any research on the history of the Ming Dynasty before?"

Zhu Wei shook his head, "As far as I know, no. He has no airs in the club and can talk to anyone. I have never heard him say anything like this before."

"Is that really just the history of the Ming Dynasty that I learned just for writing this novel?"

The expression on Li Tuo's face became even more shocked as he spoke. It was hard for him to believe that such a brilliant and brilliant historical novel as "The Ming Dynasty 1566" was actually written by a writer who didn't know much about the Ming Dynasty.

"I heard that I have been in the library for more than half a year. You don't know him. He actually writes things very quickly. "Farewell My Concubine" only took a week to write more than 100,000 words. This time I wrote this "Farewell My Concubine" "The Ming Dynasty 1566" took nearly a year, and it has already set a record!"

Hearing this, Li Tuo couldn't help showing a bit of bitterness on his face, "Of course I've heard of this. What the hell, it doesn't matter if he's so talented, he can write very fast!"

"How about everyone saying that he is truly blessed by God?"

Li Tuo nodded, agreeing with Zhu Wei's words.

Then he opened "People's Literature" again and complained: "Tell me, you are the same, why do you have to publish it in two issues? This makes people anxious to wait!"

Zhu Wei asked: "Have you finished reading?"

"Then where can I finish reading it? I have to slowly appreciate such a good work."

Zhu Wei was speechless, "Then hurry up!"

"I have to finish it sooner or later. I can't watch it for a month, right?"

"Then there's nothing we can do. Who told him to write it too long? With more than 400,000 words, it's too much to fit into one issue. You can't let us lose money on this novel, right? We're not making any money now."

The space of publications is limited, and the difference between issues is only a few pages or a dozen pages.

It can be said that the length of "The Ming Dynasty 1566", if it were published in one issue, would not only be a few pages, but nearly a hundred pages.

Without mentioning pricing, Chinese Literature Society would lose money to the point of vomiting blood.

"Hey!" Li Tuo's expression showed a bit of regret, and he turned over the "People's Literature" in his hand. "It's good if it's long. The longer it's good, the better."

Zhu Wei asked with a smile: "What about yours? Why are you looking through mine?"

"You're so stingy! Here you go!"

Li Tuo threw the "People's Literature" in his hand to Zhu Wei, opened his clothes, and pulled out an identical copy from the waistband of his trousers.

"You taste too bad!" Zhu Wei frowned and said in disgust.

Li Tuo deliberately slapped it twice and said, "Okay, the smell is gone now!"

Zhu Wei was speechless.

After the joke, Li Tuo sat on a chair holding the "People's Literature" that had just been launched today in his hand, reading it very seriously.

Zhu Wei took out several manuscripts brought back from his work unit from his bag, sat down at his desk to review them, and occasionally picked up a pen to write down comments.

Nowadays, everyone does not have mobile phones or telephones. When friends are interested, they basically just ride their bicycles to meet whomever they want, without ever saying hello in advance.

Li Tuo's family lived in Dongdaqiao, not far from Zhu Wei's family, and they often arrived after a ten-minute bike ride after work.

At this time, Li Tuo usually found another good book or read a good article in a newspaper, and then he couldn't wait to come to share with Zhu Wei.

Although he has stopped writing novels in the past two years, his reading volume is greater than when he was writing before. After all, he has more time.

The quiet atmosphere in the room lasted until about nine o'clock in the evening. The sound of Zhu Wei getting up to pour water woke up Li Tuo, who had been immersed in the novel.

"What time is it?" Li Tuo asked.

"It's half past nine!"

Li Tuo suddenly realized that he was so absorbed in reading that he didn't even notice the time.

He lowered his head and glanced at the "People's Literature" in his hand. Unknowingly, he had turned over more than half of the pages of "The Ming Dynasty 1566".

Li Tuo felt uncomfortable when he thought that half of the content would have to wait until next month to be seen.

The feeling of waiting is unpleasant!



"Let me discuss something with you. It's too uncomfortable to look at it like this. Would you like me to go to your editorial office to look at the manuscript?"

After Zhu Wei heard Li Tuo's request, his first reaction was whimsical, "Can I show you the manuscript at will?"

"Anyway, it's all published. I won't take it away. I'll just squat in your editorial office. I can just bring a mazar with me. I promise not to delay the work of your editorial office. How about it?"


Li Tuo's attitude was so humble that Zhu Wei was embarrassed to refuse.

The next morning, Lin Weimin was reviewing manuscripts in the office, and Liu Yin walked in.

"Hey, Weimin, have you heard about it?" she asked with a gossipy look.

"What did you hear?" Lin Weimin looked up at her with a bit of confusion.

"Where is Li Tuo sitting in the editorial office of People's Literature?"

"What is he doing squatting there?"

There was a somewhat mysterious smile on Liu Yin's face, "To read your novel manuscript!"

Lin Weimin's expression was a little surprised, "Look at my manuscript? That one, "The Ming Dynasty 1566"?"

"Yeah." Liu Yin nodded.

Lin Weimin laughed and said: "It won't happen, hasn't it already happened?"

"Not all of them! I heard that he came here in the morning, and specifically applied to Wang Meng to stay in the editorial office to read your novel. I didn't expect that your novel is so charming!" Liu Yin praised.

After Liu Yin finished talking about this gossip, he left Lin Weimin's office. Needless to say, he would spread the news after returning to the editorial office.

After a busy day, when it was time to get off work, Lin Weimin was about to pick up his car and leave when he heard someone calling him at the door of the front building.

"teacher LIN!"

He turned around and saw that it was Zhu Wei, followed by Li Tuo.

When Li Tuo saw Lin Weimin, he was so excited that his facial features were distorted. He rushed in front of Zhu Wei and held Lin Weimin's hand.

"Teacher Lin, Teacher Lin, you have written a good work! What a good work!"

Li Tuo shook Lin Weimin's hand with excessive enthusiasm, his eyes flashing with reverence.

Lin Weimin smiled and exchanged greetings with him. The two met at the "Furong Town" symposium not long ago, but they didn't talk much at that time.

"Teacher Lin, do you have time? Let's have some food together!" Li Tuo took the initiative to invite him.

Lin Weimin hesitated and said, "Okay."

Li Tuo was so happy that he called Zhu Wei, left the Chinese Literature Society compound and went straight to a restaurant.

While chatting while waiting for the food, Li Tuo kept talking about "The Ming Dynasty 1566".

He spent a whole day reading the other half of the novel today, holding back a lot of thoughts. When he came out, he happened to meet the novelist Lin Weimin who was getting off work. Needless to say, he was excited.

He endlessly elaborated on his feelings and opinions after reading the novel, and even the food and wine on the table could not arouse his interest.

Seeing this, Zhu Wei interrupted Li Tuo and said, "Can you eat something first and then talk?"

Li Tuo then realized his gaffe and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Teacher Lin, I'm a little excited."

Lin Weimin said with a smile: "Brother Li, what are you talking about? I should be happy that the novel is so loved."

Zhu Wei also smiled and echoed: "Li Tuo was not the only one who liked Mr. Lin's "The Ming Dynasty 1566". All our colleagues in the editorial department at that time had a feeling of astonishment after reading it."

Li Tuo slapped his hand on the table, "That's right! Zhu Wei is so right, this is the feeling, it's amazing!"

Li Tuo's praise made Lin Weimin a little embarrassed, "Brother Li, you are over-praising me, you are over-praising me!"

Li Tuo's face was serious and his tone was solemn, "There is absolutely no praise!"

"Teacher Lin, you have written an amazing work! It's time to realize it!"

Li Tuo seemed unhappy as he spoke. He raised the wine glass on the table and drank it all in one gulp.

"It's amazing! It's amazing! As a writer, if you can write such a work in your lifetime, you will be satisfied even if you die!"

Li Tuo took advantage of his drunkenness and became dissolute.

Zhu Wei looked at his friend dumbfounded and explained to Lin Weimin: "Teacher Lin, he didn't mean that."

Lin Weimin laughed and said, "Of course I know!"

Lin Weimin was also very happy that his work was so highly recognized by his peers, and he raised his glass and drank.

Li Tuo added: "I must write a review for your novel and praise it!"

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