1980 My literary era

Chapter 358 A novel that cannot be adapted

Li Tuo did not break his promise. He was very drunk the first night and appeared in the editorial office of "People's Literature" early the next morning.

For no other reason than to write a review article on "The Ming Dynasty 1566".

After spending three days squatting in the editorial office of "People's Literature" and flipping through the manuscript several times, Li Tuo finally wrote a long review of nearly 20,000 words.

"The Ming Dynasty under Fission - Thoughts after Reading "The Ming Dynasty 1566".

After Li Tuo finished writing this review, he submitted the article to "Literary Newspaper".

Three days later, this review article was published on the front page of "Literary News".

Such efficiency is rare for the Literary Journal.

In addition to the excellent quality of the novel "Ming Dynasty 1566", Lin Weimin's close relationship with the Literary and Art Association is also one of the reasons.

Li Tuo's love for the novel "The Ming Dynasty 1566" is deep in his heart, but he is not blindly irrational in praising this novel.

On the contrary, in this review article, Li Tuo thoroughly analyzed the novel "The Ming Dynasty 1566" from the inside out with a rigorous attitude.

From the creative style, technique, and structure to character creation, plot arrangement, and conflicts, the narrative is comprehensive and every sentence is logical and every word is precise.

“What’s amazing about this novel is that it describes a romance in the style of an official history, but it doesn’t feel inconsistent at all, and it allows readers to feel the weight of history and the treacherousness of politics.

Rather than saying this is a historical novel, it is better to say it is a political fable written for us by the author Lin Weimin..."

In a classroom at Yan'an Normal University, Zhang Jianjun recited a review article in the "Literary News" with excitement. When he read the end, he couldn't help but applaud.

"Great! It's so well written! It really captures the essence of Teacher Lin's novel!"

After listening to it, several classmates around him looked a little excited and said, "I really want to see the second half of the novel earlier."

"That's right, why can't we distribute it all in one issue? It has to be divided into two issues, which is really exciting."

Zhang Jianjun heard everyone's complaints and said: "Everyone has to understand. Teacher Lin has been holding it back for a year this time, and he has been holding it back for a long time. If this issue publishes "The Ming Dynasty 1566", there is no need to say goodbye. works.”

"I definitely understand, but I just can't get enough of it!"

"You don't even know that I got goosebumps after reading many passages in it. I used to think that people's hearts are complicated, but I didn't expect it to be this complicated. Those people who engage in politics are even more terrifying. It's simply chilling. "

"Didn't you notice? There are some dialogues and descriptions in this novel that you have to read twice. Really, you have to read it twice before you can understand the profound meaning of the characters in the book. I really can't figure out how Teacher Lin wrote it. To come up with something like this. Writing a novel like this requires so much IQ!"

"It's not surprising that Teacher Lin was able to write this novel. After all, not everyone can write "Chasing the Murderer"."

This last sentence spoke to everyone's hearts.

Indeed, from "Chasing the Murderer" to "The Ming Dynasty 1566", when reading novels, people often feel as if their IQ is being repeatedly pressed to the ground by Teacher Lin.

When the discussion was at its most intense, the classroom door was pushed open, and a boy came in wearing glasses as thick as the bottom of a bottle.

"Mu Sen, you came just in time!"

Zhang Jianjun greeted the boys, then waved a copy of "People's Literature", "Have you read Teacher Lin's new novel?"

Mussen said: "Look!"

"how do you feel?"

"Okay!" Musen seemed to be a man of few words and spoke concisely.

Zhang Jianjun said: "How about we make a drama out of this novel?"

Musen's face became surprised, "Rehearsing a play with this novel?"

Zhang Jianjun and his group are not only lovers of literature, but also lovers of drama.

Most people in school are not only members of the literary club, but also members of the drama club.

Together they will go to the Yuetan Erqi Theater to watch "Red Nose", to the Dongsi Foreign Performance Company rehearsal venue to watch "The Caucasus", and to the Capital Theater to watch "The Intouchables", "Farewell My Concubine", "The Salesman" "The Death", "Camel Xiangzi", "Tea House", and I will also go to the Central Academy of Drama in East Mianmian Hutong to watch the plays put on by the students.

Mu Sen and Zhang Jianjun are both students in the 1981 grade. They are avid drama enthusiasts. Their biggest hobby is reading various drama books, magazines and performances.

The year before last, students from the School of Drama directed and performed a production of Teacher Lin's "Farewell, My Concubine", and also staged a touring performance in major universities in Yanjing, which made the drama club very excited.

So they also began to try to rehearse a play by themselves.

Compared with the group of drama students in East Mianhua Hutong, Musen and the others are very immature, but love can overcome everything.

They find their own venues, make props, act as actors, and solve any difficulties themselves.

It is precisely because of this love that they officially moved "Classroom Composition" written by German writer Erwin Weickerd to the school auditorium last year, and it was warmly welcomed by the students.

Musen shook his head and said: "It's too difficult!"

Musen is a director in the drama club, and everyone listens to him when rehearsing the play. When he said it was difficult, everyone was a little discouraged.

Zhang Jianjun said: "What's wrong with the difficulty? If it's too difficult, you can't queue?"

Mussen patiently explained: "It's not that we can't queue, it's that we can't queue because we don't have the strength."

Zhang Jianjun has a reckless personality, and the more he listens to what he says, the more impatient he becomes, "Aren't we also arranging "Classroom Composition"? Why can't this novel be good? Do you have to be talented to rank this novel?"

Musen shook his head, "You may not even be able to win the arts!"

Zhang Jianjun sneered when he heard this, "You are really good at bragging!"

"It's true that I can't take it off!"

In the rehearsal hall of Renyi, Ouyang Shanzun and Lin Zhaohua were sitting at the director's seat chatting, and he said with regret on his face.

"Lao Lan and I studied the novel for several days and found that it was difficult to shrink the novel to the stage."

After hearing what Ouyang Shanzun said, Lin Zhaohua looked a little depressed, "Then what do you think the shortest length can be reduced to if we follow our drama creation habits?"

Ouyang Shanzun hesitated for a moment and said, "If the second half of the novel continues at this pace, it will start at ten hours."

Ten hours?

Lin Zhaohua was silent.

Not to mention ten hours, even if it is reduced by half, it will only be five hours, which is already very long for a drama, and Ouyang Shanzun said it would start at ten hours.

"What a pity for such a good novel!" Lin Zhaohua sighed.

He was just promoted to deputy dean of humanities and art last year, and he wanted to make some achievements.

Lin Weimin has always been a big producer of dramas in the hospital. As soon as his novel was published, Lin Zhaohua immediately followed it.

But after reading it, he began to murmur in his heart that it would be extremely difficult to adapt this novel into a drama.

So he came specifically to find Ouyang Shanzun, who had cooperated with Lin Weimin several times, and wanted to hear his thoughts.

But now it seems that Ouyang Shanzun has the same view as him.

It would be too difficult to adapt this novel to the stage of a drama!

Chinese Literature Society, editorial department of "People's Literature".

Zhu Wei is reading letters from readers again. This is already the 64th letter from readers that he has dealt with today.

It has been nearly half a month since the October issue of "People's Literature" went on sale. Starting four or five days ago, a flood of letters from readers began to pour into "People's Literature".

As a junior in the editorial department, Zhu Wei does his part in this kind of work.

Zhu Wei opened the letter and sighed, "How long will it take to open this letter?"

Xie Mingqing raised his head and joked: "Don't worry, when Lin Weimin first went to "Contemporary", he was doing the same job as you. Look at him now, isn't he the editor-in-chief?"

Zhu Wei glanced at Xie Mingqing and said, "Teacher Xie, Teacher Lin has been promoted to deputy editor for two years, and I have been in the editorial department for two years."

Xie Mingqing smiled and said: "The ambition is not small. You can't compare it like this. Their "Contemporary" belongs to the category where there are no tigers in the mountain and the monkey is the king!"

As soon as he said this, a voice sounded at the door.

"As soon as I stood at the door, I heard someone arranging me!" Lin Weimin walked in from the door.

Xie Mingqing immediately changed his face and said: "Can you compete with Teacher Lin? I don't know what to do!"

Zhu Wei was speechless.

"Okay, Lao Xie, he's almost catching up with the chameleon." Lin Weimin joked.

After joking for a while, Zhu Wei stood up and handed over a package of readers' letters specifically addressed to Lin Weimin to him.

Take the letter back to the office, open it, and read each letter at a glance.

If you have serious needs, just reply with a few words if you can reply, and put everything else aside.

In the past few years, Lin Weimin has opened at least 108,000 letters with his own hands, and has replied to at least 3,000 to 5,000 letters.

If everyone read the letter carefully before replying, he would not be able to finish the reply even if he went back to the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

It took more than an hour to process a packet of letters from readers, and it was time to get off work.

Lin Weimin first went to the Shizhu Courtyard on Xi'anmen Street in Tuanjie Lake, unlocked the door and entered the courtyard, opened one of the east rooms, and neatly placed the letters from readers on the bookshelf.

After doing this, Lin Weimin left the room and went to the basement.

In May of this year, the antique calligraphy and paintings in the second courtyard next to the Forbidden City were moved to the Shizhu courtyard and stored in the basement.

Over this period of time, Ma Dudu continued to help Lin Weimin search for treasures, and now more than half of the two hundred square meters of space on the upper and lower floors of the basement has been filled.

According to this progress, this basement will not be enough by the beginning of next year at the latest.

After walking around the basement, the temperature and humidity inside were normal. Lin Weimin walked out with peace of mind. He now visits here almost every month.

After all, if something went wrong with so many antique calligraphy and paintings, it would make him feel distressed for a while.

After locking the courtyard door, we drove back to Shichahai courtyard.

Tao Huimin had just returned from Renyi. Recently, "The Biography of a Female Doctor" was about to start filming, so she went to Renyi to study again.

"Today I heard from Teacher Zhu Lin that Renyi is studying how to put your play "The Ming Dynasty 1566" on the stage."

Lin Weimin chuckled and said: "Putting it on the stage? That would be equivalent to reinventing the wheel. It would be better to just write a new one."

Tao Huimin was speechless, "Is it so difficult?"

"The difficulty is certain. The only suitable form of adaptation of this novel is a TV series. Only the size and form of a TV series can accommodate this novel."

"But I think everyone doesn't like watching TV series."

Lin Weimin nodded and said: "It's normal. When talkies came out, Chaplin even boycotted talkies! Art is just a form, what's more important is the content. Some people stick to the rules and follow the old ways, and it's difficult for them to learn from their inherent thinking. Those who jump out will only be eliminated by the times in the end.”

Tao Huimin looked at Lin Weimin with a bit of obsession. What she liked most was the way her boyfriend talked endlessly and eloquently, making people unable to help but get intoxicated.

"By the way, when will your TV series start filming?" Lin Weimin suddenly remembered as he spoke.

"The day after tomorrow." Tao Huimin replied, and then she said: "By the way, do you know who the male protagonist of our TV series is?"


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