1980 My literary era

Chapter 371 The magnificent picture of contemporary China

Tong Zhonggui looked at Lin Weimin and suppressed the excitement in his heart. He hoped that the critics and readers who questioned "The Ordinary World" could listen to Teacher Lin's inspiring speech.

At the same time, he also had complex emotions in his heart, including the shame of trying to use shortcuts such as workshops to increase the influence of his work, the self-blame for the poor review of "The Ordinary World" and the suspicion of Teacher Lin. of regret.

After venting his speech, Lin Weimin calmed down and said in concluding words: "Overall, "The Ordinary World" is an excellent literary work with no flaws. If it can be loved by readers in the future, , then this must be a victory for 'realism'!"

"Realism" is the concept and creed that "Contemporary" has adhered to since its inception.

Tong Zhonggui suddenly felt enlightened.

That's why Teacher Lin insisted on publishing "The Ordinary World" and gave it such high courtesy.

This novel, to some extent, represents the original intention of "Contemporary".

Tong Zhonggui felt that he had enlightened. He completely understood Teacher Lin's good intentions and foresight.

Teacher Lin has really shouldered too much for "Contemporary"!

After the conversation ended, Tong Zhonggui returned to the office, still recalling Lin Weimin's sonorous and powerful speeches in his mind, feeling excited and unwilling to express his anger.

He spread out the letter paper and wrote a line of title "The Magnificent Picture of Contemporary China - On the Ordinary World".

A few days later, Liu Yin opened the new issue of "China Youth Daily" with both hands and made a tut-tsk sound in his mouth, "Xiao Tong's review is well written! This title is a pun, which not only praises Lu Yao's The novel praised us as "contemporary" again!"

Tong Zhonggui was a little embarrassed to be praised by Liu Yin, "Teacher Liu, a lot of the content here is what I heard from Teacher Lin, but it actually has little to do with me."

"Yes, yes, I saw it. You mentioned our Editor Lin three or four times in your excellent review article, which made people look awkward. Those who didn't know thought it was him who asked you to write it!"

Tong Zhonggui waved his hands in panic, "No, no, I have to write it myself."

Zhu Changsheng smiled and said: "She was joking! Don't take it seriously, little Tong, your article is well written and it will boost the morale of "The Ordinary World"! It's a good sign!"


"Overall, "The Ordinary World" is an excellent work with no flaws. Its inherent moral concept is classical virtue theory ethics. This pre-modern virtue theory is a historical limitation that the author Lu Yao cannot escape. At the same time, it also forms the unparalleled advantages of this novel.

"Ordinary World" may not be widely recognized by critics, but it will eventually become the spiritual home of a generation of young people.

Such an evaluation reminds me of Maugham, a writer who has caused endless debate in the world's literary circles for decades. This writer, who has always been regarded as a second-rate writer by critics, once expressed this emotion: "Yes, what is the reason for this?" Maugham has been published and read continuously, so that he has so many readers? ’

Maugham's emotion was more like questioning. He was questioning those critics who looked down upon his works.

Lu Yao may not be able to achieve Maugham's literary achievements, but the influence of his works among Chinese readers is no less than Maugham's. As teacher Lin Weimin said, if "The Ordinary World" can be loved by readers, especially young friends, it will be a victory for realism. "

After Zhang Jianjun read the comments in the China Youth Daily, he put the newspaper on the desk and asked, "Do you think this comment makes sense?"

"I disagree. Mediocrity is mediocrity. Lu Yao's novel can't be called clumsy, but it is far from excellent. This article is too exaggerated."

"I think it's a good point. Which novel has no shortcomings? We can't just look at the shortcomings.

We look at the two protagonists in Lu Yao's works. Sun Shaoan pursues reality, values ​​material things, and has a closed personality. Sun Shaoping likes fantasy, values ​​spirituality, and is tolerant and open. You can say that this way of shaping the numbers is very rigid, but after reading the novel, I feel that the portrayal of these two characters is tenable. They each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Just like the novel "Ordinary World". "

"We can't just look at this novel based on its pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses. Looking beyond the work and looking at the author of the novel, Lu Yao, he obviously admires the generosity, warmth, and simplicity in the history and culture of our farming nation. He also Praise farmers for their perseverance and hard work, and regard this character as a home for the spirit.

At the same time, as a farmer's son who has stepped out of farming, he does not fully agree with the lifestyle, way of thinking, and values ​​of farmers who have been farming on the yellow land for generations.

Therefore, his cognition is contradictory, and his works are also contradictory. His inability to unify characters and ideas in his works is the biggest failure of Lu Yao's novel.

But at the same time, Lu Yao used his powerful writing power to create for us the fate of the joys and sorrows of the little people in the big picture of changing times and historical turning points. This is another success of this novel..."

"You can tell me both the truth and the truth!"

"That's how it is. How can things in this world be either this or that, black or white?"

This opinion piece published by Tong Zhonggui in the China Youth Daily aroused heated discussions among the students in the classroom at Yan'an Normal University.

Everyone made impassioned speeches and argued endlessly, but no one could convince anyone.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing." Musen, wearing glasses as thick as the bottom of a bottle, stood up, "You've almost rested, so hurry up and rehearse."

The conditions of the Drama Club of Yan'an Normal University are very poor, and the only way to rehearse dramas is in an empty classroom.

After he finished speaking, everyone started to move.

Some time ago, everyone has been studying how to adapt Lin Weimin's "The Ming Dynasty 1566". After thinking about it, it was too difficult, so Musen came up with an unconstrained idea.

Simply put aside the novel and re-create a drama based on the characters.

This kind of re-creation is certainly not fabricated out of thin air. Most of the drama content is still based on the novel.

But without the constraints of the novel's larger framework, the students' creative inspiration was completely ignited, and they actually created an extremely avant-garde drama.

The rehearsal started again, and Musen looked at "Jiajing" and "Hai Rui" who were stumbling on the podium while saying their lines, with a sad look on their faces.

Such a performance was far from the result he wanted!

You have to think of something!

On the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month, Lin Weimin picked up Tao Huimin after work and came to the new residence of Han Zhuangzhuang and Yin Geli in Paint Zuo Hutong.

"Brother-in-law, this is Huimin!" Lin Weimin introduced.

Tao Huimin called out "Hello, brother-in-law" gracefully, and Han Dingbang beamed, "Okay, okay!"

He turned around and took out the gift from the house, "Here, take it."

Tao Huimin glanced at Lin Weimin and took the things.

Han Dingbang came to Yanjing earlier this year than in previous years. After all, the situation this year was special. His son got married, which was a big event for the family. He also wanted to come to Yanjing early to reunite with everyone.

In the evening, the family cooked a sumptuous dinner and got together to laugh and laugh.

Han Zhuangzhuang and Han Dingbang talked about the topic of retirement, "Dad, Geli and I are married and have bought a house. Do you also have to consider retirement?"

Han Dingbang frowned and said, "How old am I? Why do I retire so early?"

"Hold a grandchild! Don't you want a grandchild? Me and Geli plan to have a baby next year. Geli's parents can't live in Austria. If you don't come to help by then, we both have to go to work. How can we be busy? ah!"

Han Zhuangzhuang's words made Han Dingbang hesitate.

He is not yet fifty, so it is too early to talk about retirement.

But when it came to having a grandson, Han Dingbang had to think about it seriously.

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "Now our family members are all in Yanjing, and you are alone in Shanghai, so why bother? Zhuangzhuang's career is developing well now, and you can take care of each other when you come to Yanjing." "

Under the persuasion of the two people, Han Dingbang quickly decided.

“I’ll go through the formalities when I get back after the New Year!”

He has bad legs and feet and can retire at any time if he wants.

Han Zhuangzhuang and Lin Weimin were very happy.

After talking about retirement, Han Dingbang asked Lin Weimin again, "When are you going to take care of the matter between you and Huimin?"

Tao Huimin's face showed a bit of shyness, she glanced at Lin Weimin, lowered her head and said nothing.

Lin Weimin was a little embarrassed, "Brother-in-law, you forgot again, Huimin hasn't graduated yet!"

Han Dingbang said: "Of course I know Huimin hasn't graduated yet, so are you planning to get married after she graduates?"

Tao Huimin looked at Lin Weimin after hearing this, with some expectation in her eyes.

"That's for sure, I'm looking forward to this day!" Lin Weimin said with determination after hesitating for a second.

His statement made Tao Huimin's face flash with joy.

Han Dingbang also smiled happily, "That's good. Huimin graduated in 1987, right?"

Tao Huimin nodded.

"In 1987, Weimin was twenty-seven years old, and Xiao Tao was also twenty-one, which is just right." Han Dingbang said with a smile.

After dinner, Tao Huimin and Yin Geli went to the kitchen to clean up, while Han Zhuangzhuang dragged Lin Weimin outside to smoke.

"Uncle, are you reluctant to get married?"

Lin Weimin was horrified, how could this kid see it?

Han Zhuangzhuang looked proud, "Hey, you were right, right?"

Lin Weimin became angry and said, "You know nothing!"

"Why don't I understand? You are so young, handsome, rich and talented. You definitely don't want to get married so early!"

Because your kid is so good at talking, I don't understand you anymore.

"Are you okay? If you have nothing to do, go back to the house. It's very cold outside!"

"Something happens, something happens!" Han Zhuangzhuang grabbed Lin Weimin and said, "Our dean asked you to come to our courtyard tomorrow when you are free."

"What's up?"

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