In the evening of the next day, Lin Weimin drove to Renyi and met Yu Zhi and Lin Zhaohua.

"For the people, come on, let me show you something interesting!"

So he was very happy to see Lin Weimin, and he couldn't wait to take out a copy of the script.

"check it out?"

Lin Weimin took the script and looked at the title on the cover. He asked curiously: "Who in your hospital wrote this?"

So he started to talk about it, "You take a look at it first, and then talk about it after you finish it."

When Lin Weimin heard what he said, he had to read the script first.

This is a three-act play with not much text but a surprising amount of lines.

The creative method is even more bold. There is only one scene in the whole play and two actors.

The plot opens with "Hai Rui"'s "Public Security", followed by a dialogue between Emperor Jiajing and his minister Hai Rui. All plot advancement and conflicts are completed through the actors' lines.

The scene remains the same, there is only a dark background, it can be a court or a prison cell.

The monarch and his ministers sit down and stand up.

Speech spreads all over the world.

This unique and pioneering temperament instantly caught Lin Weimin's attention, reminding him of a classic drama of later generations - "Mutiny".

The same scene is simple and relies entirely on the actors' speaking. There are more than ten characters in "Mutiny", but this script is more radical. It even has only two characters.

This extreme handling method is surprising and surprising at the same time.

The content of the three-act play is not long. Lin Weimin spent an hour reading it from beginning to end, and then raised his head.

So Zhi looked at him with expectation in his eyes.

"how do you feel?"

Lin Weimin recalled the contents of the script, "Very good! The talent is impressive!"

So Zhi smiled and asked: "Are you praising the script, or are you praising yourself?"

Lin Weimin smiled back, "They're all the same!"

He pointed at the cover of the play and asked again: "Can you tell me who wrote it this time?"

So he stopped trying to be pretentious and said, "It was written by a student of Yan Normal University and submitted to our hospital two days ago."

"Student of Yan Normal University?"

Lin Weimin looked surprised. He didn't expect that there were so many talents, but the one who finally adapted his work was actually a student.

"You are also surprised, right? Who wouldn't be?" Souzhi said and sighed, "Today's young people are amazing!"

Lin Zhaohua said: "Teacher Lin, Dean Yu and I want to ask for your opinion to see if we can do this drama in the name of adapting "The Ming Dynasty 1566"?"

After listening to this, Lin Weimin looked at the script in his hand. The title of the play was written on the cover.

"Jiajing and Hai Rui".

Seeing his serious expression, Lin Zhaohua asked, "What worries do you have?"

Lin Weimin shook his head and said: "I have no scruples. The form of your drama is very novel. Although it was born out of "The Ming Dynasty 1566", the script is exquisitely conceived, alternative and original. If you want to use it, of course I agree. But …”

When he said this, his tone changed, and Lin Zhaohua felt uneasy.

The script "Jiajing and Hai Rui" is an adaptation of "Ming Dynasty 1566" with such a deviant flavor.

The entire novel, which contains more than 400,000 words, has been condensed into a three-act drama. All redundant characters and subplots have been removed, and they only exist in the mouths of the two protagonists.

But it is precisely this unexpected way that this novel, which contains so much content that no one knows how to start, was adapted.

"However, if the play is like this now, if you say it is adapted from my novel, many viewers will definitely have a psychological gap when it is actually performed.

Therefore, my idea is that you should try not to mention "Ming Dynasty 1566" when promoting it.

Just promote this as a newly created drama. "

After listening to Lin Weimin's opinion, Lin Zhaohua immediately said: "How can this be done? This drama is novel in form, but almost 100% of the content comes from your novel. Without your novel, this drama would not exist at all."

Lin Weimin smiled calmly and said: "What does it matter? If you don't tell me, won't everyone know how this drama is related to my novel? I just don't want to misplace the audience's expectations!"

Lin Zhaohua felt that what Lin Weimin said made sense, but at the same time he felt that such an approach was unfair to Lin Weimin, so he set his sights on Yu Zhi.

So Zhi laughed and said: "Teacher Lin, we all know that you are upright and upright, and you do this entirely for the sake of the drama itself. But because of this, we can't do this!"

“Think about it, even if we don’t promote it then, won’t the audience still find out after watching it?

By then, the audience will no longer have what you call ‘misplaced expectations’, but they will still be scolded by us in the arts. I used your novel but didn't even give it a signature. "

Lin Weimin hesitated, "That's a problem."

Lin Zhaohua had an idea and came up with an idea.

"Teacher Lin, let's change the title of the play."

"How to change it?"

""The Ming Dynasty 1566: Jiajing and Hai Rui", how about this name?"

So he snapped his fingers and said excitedly: "This is a good title. It not only allows the audience to know that the play was born out of the novel, but also points out the differences from the novel. Teacher Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Weimin thought for a moment, nodded slightly and said, "Not bad, it's really good."

So Zhi said happily: "Since Teacher Lin has agreed, our theater will use this drama! The director asked Zhaohua to come, what do you think?"

"I have no opinion."

Ouyang Shanzun, who I have been working with before, is too old. He said last year that he would completely retire.

Besides, the script of "Jia Jing and Hai Rui" is too avant-garde, and it is not the same as Ouyang Shanzun's directing style. On the contrary, it is very consistent with Lin Zhaohua's long-standing style, so it was a good choice to choose him as the director.

After discussing the script, several people discussed the issue of actors again.

"Ming Dynasty 1566: Jiajing and Hai Rui", the names of the characters in the play are not even as long as the title of the play.

The script is not so much a script as it is the script of the two protagonists "Jiajing" and "Hai Rui".

This kind of work is too selective of actors.

So he consulted Lin Weimin for his opinion, and he said without hesitation: "Let's go with Zhu Xu and Ren Baoxian. It's not a big problem to support this drama with their acting skills."

So Zhi and Lin Zhaohua thought about it carefully and found that this candidate was indeed a suitable candidate.

So Zhi complimented: "It must be you, the original author, who found the most suitable candidate right away."

"The actors are right there. Wouldn't it be the same if you choose me? There are only a few who can act."

Lin Weimin is telling the truth. Everyone knows that for a script as difficult as "Jiajing and Hai Rui", even if it is a talent, few actors can handle it.

After agreeing on the drama, Lin Weimin came out of the dean's office. When he was picking up his car, he saw a familiar figure coming out of the art rehearsal venue.

"Mr. Lin? What a coincidence!" Zhang Guorong greeted Lin Weimin with a smile.

"Azai, why are you here?" Lin Weimin asked.

Zhang Guorong said: "I found a teacher here. I usually finish my work and come here to take classes in the evening."

"I see, you really worked hard!"

"Why did Mr. Lin come to Renyi today?"

"There's a script to discuss."

The two exchanged a few words, and Lin Weimin was about to say goodbye.

Zhang Guorong suddenly stopped him, "Mr. Lin!"

"What's the matter?"

"Are you free tonight? I'd like to buy you a coffee."

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "It's better to have a meal, I haven't had dinner yet."

"Then I'll treat you to dinner." Zhang Guorong smiled.

"No need. It's better to meet by chance. Come to our house for a bite. You and Huimin are also familiar with each other."

"Okay." Zhang Guorong happily agreed after being invited to Lin Weimin's home as a guest.

Arriving at Tuanjiehu Apartment, Zhang Guorong followed Lin Weimin in and was amazed when he looked at the layout and decoration of the apartment.

This was the first time he saw houses similar to those in Xiangjiang in the Mainland.

Seeing his curiosity, Tao Huimin explained: "We are in the north, and heating in winter is inconvenient, so he will move to the apartment as soon as winter comes. When spring gets warmer, he will move to the yard on the Shichahai side. .”

Zhang Guorong nodded, "Mr. Lin really knows how to enjoy life."

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "When it comes to modernity, Yanjing cannot compare with Xiangjiang. But when it comes to the interest in life, it is very interesting here. The weather will get warmer in two or three months, and the scenery over Shichahai is very good. You are free. You can come and sit.”


Several people were eating and chatting, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

After eating, Tao Huimin went to clear the table.

Lin Weimin and Zhang Guorong sat on the sofa and drank tea. Zhang Guorong said: "Mr. Lin, I have heard that your novels are very good, but I have never read them. I have been working in the Mainland recently, and I happened to have time in the evening, so I read a few of your novels. novel."

Lin Weimin held the tea cup and did not answer. He knew that Zhang Guorong must have something else to say.

"Your novel "Farewell My Concubine" is so well written!" Zhang Guorong mentioned this novel with a certain sparkle in his eyes.

Lin Weimin said politely, and Zhang Guorong added: "I studied with Teacher Yang, and everyone said that his performance as Cheng Dieyi was particularly good. Unfortunately, I came at the wrong time and did not see his grace on the stage."

The play "Farewell My Concubine" is performed at the Capital Theater every June, and Zhang Guorong came at the wrong time.

"Xiao Yang worked hard for this role. He worked hard at the Peking Opera Theater for several months, and almost lost a layer of his skin before he gained some of the essence of the role."

Zhang Guorong sighed in admiration: "Yes, I heard Teacher Yang say it, and others also told me. One minute on stage, ten years of hard work off stage."

He then added: "I heard that Ms. Yang Meng approached you before and wanted to make the movie "Farewell My Concubine"."

"There is such a thing, and you are quite well-informed about it!"

Zhang Guorong smiled and said, "I am in the entertainment industry after all!"

"However, I did not agree to this matter with Ms. Yang Meng. The filming conditions for "Farewell My Concubine" are not yet mature."

Zhang Guorong asked seriously: "Mr. Lin, if "Farewell My Concubine" is to be made into a movie in the future, can I play the role of Cheng Dieyi?"

As expected, Zhang Guorong went all the way around just to ask this question.

"The movie has investors and a production company. What do you ask me to do?" Lin Weimin asked.

Zhang Guorong chuckled and said: "I have been in the Mainland for such a long time, and I have learned a lot about you. I know that you have a say in your own works. And director Xu Anhua is filming your "Lover", and the leading actor Tony Leung is said to be It’s what you designated.”

When Lin Weimin heard this, he nodded and said, "Not bad."

He looked at Leslie Cheung and asked, "How do you think your acting skills compare to Tony Leung Ka Fai?"

Under Lin Weimin's gaze, Zhang Guorong's face flashed with panic. He forced himself to calm down and said: "My acting skills are not very good, and I may not be able to compare with Tony Leung Ka Fai. However, "Farewell My Concubine" will not start filming soon. If Lin If my husband is willing to give me a chance, I am confident that I can play the role of Cheng Dieyi well."

Lin Weimin was noncommittal, "Having confidence and being capable are two different things."

Zhang Guorong felt the contempt hidden in his words, and said solemnly: "Mr. Lin has never seen my efforts, how do you know it won't work?"

"Then let me see your ability first." Lin Weimin remained unmoved, his expression indifferent.

Zhang Guorong followed up and said: "If I can meet your standards, can you give me this role?"

"That's not necessarily true. There can be many people who meet the requirements, but there is only one role. Do you think the Cheng Dieyi created by Xiao Yang will be worse than you?"

Zhang Guorong was discouraged when he heard this. He had been studying with Yang Lixin in the humanities industry, so he naturally knew his acting skills.

Yes, not to mention anything else, just the pearls and jade of the drama version Cheng Dieyi are like a big mountain in front of him.

Zhang Guorong's face was full of disappointment, and it took him a while to get away from this emotion.

"It seems I still have to work hard."

Lin Weimin said warmly: "I am very happy that the character Cheng Dieyi can be loved by you. No one can say what will happen in the future, and I am the same.

Your main job in Xiangjiang now is to be a singer. If you have the opportunity, you can develop in the direction of movies and practice your acting skills.

If "Farewell My Concubine" really wants to be made into a movie in the future, there may be a chance. "

Zhang Guorong's original disappointment was raised again, and he asked in surprise: "Really?"

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