1980 My literary era

Chapter 402 Mr. Jun, do you know?

Fang Yihua called Lin Weimin for no other reason than to arrange a script.

Teacher Lin refused almost without thinking.

He wouldn't have done it if it weren't for the fact that he had previously raised funds for the Chinese Literature Foundation to write scripts for TVB.

The price/performance ratio is too low!

When writing novels in China, although the royalties for publishing them are a little less, the fact that they can be published and adapted makes them both famous and profitable.

Write plays for Broadway and gain fame and fortune.

The fee for writing a movie script is average, but at least you can get a name.

Writing scripts for TVB, the fee is average, needless to say the name, how many viewers will pay attention to the screenwriter of the TV series?

One word summary: No need.

What would you do if you have that time?

Declining Fang Yihua's request, Lin Weimin hung up the phone.

A few days later, Lu Yao came to Yanjing.

The first draft of the second part of "The Ordinary World" has been written. This time he came to Yanjing to deliver the manuscript and revise it on the way.

Lin Weimin looked at the manuscript and completely inherited the simple, heavy, lengthy and complicated style of the first one.

"You are really stubborn!" he joked.

Lu Yao smoked a cigarette, with a somewhat self-deprecating smile on his face, "You already have this kind of morality, why should you change it! If they want to scold you, let them scold you!"

Lu Yao smashed the jars, looking like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

"Don't be so decadent, the first volume sold well." Lin Weimin said.

In May, the first single volume of "The Ordinary World" was published by the Chinese Literature Society and sold nearly 200,000 copies in two months.

This achievement is considered top-notch in today's domestic book market.

The first volume of "The Ordinary World" was published, and Lu Yao received a large amount of royalties.

When the sales performance of the book was mentioned, a rare smile appeared on Lu Yao's face. The sales performance of the book was indeed good news for him.

No matter how much critics criticize it, at least it still has the recognition of readers.

During lunch, Lu Yao and Lin Weimin chatted about Cheng Zhongshi.

He and Cheng Zhongshi were both Shaanxi writers. Lu Yao was originally inspired to write "The Ordinary World" by Cheng Zhongshi when he attended the PEN Conference in Yantai.

The two of them have corresponded from time to time in the past two years. Lu Yao has finished writing both "Ordinary World", but Cheng Zhongshi has not started writing yet!

Lin Weimin also corresponded with Cheng Zhongshi, so he was naturally very aware of his current situation.

"You two have completely different styles. He checks the information in detail. He will not write easily unless he is fully prepared."

Lu Yao also had a look of admiration on his face, "His patience is unmatched by ordinary people."

"Old Cheng is determined to write something as a starting point, so he must be cautious."

After lunch, Lu Yao was arranged to enter the guest house of the Chinese Literature Society.

In the past two years, Lu Yao has been obsessed with creating. The place where he spent most time was the guest house of Chenjiagou Coal Mine, and then the guest house of the Chinese Literature Society. He rarely went back to his own home.

In mid-July, Lin Weimin was invited to attend the premiere of "Ming Dynasty 1566: Jiajing and Hai Rui".

It is still the Capital Theater and a stage for people and art.

On the huge play poster at the entrance of the theater, there is only one name in the screenwriter column: Mu Sen.

"How do you feel?" Lin Weimin patted Musen on the shoulder and asked him with a smile.

Musen suppressed the excitement and anxiety in his heart, "It's hard to describe!"

"Haha, you will get used to it later."

Mu Sen looked at Lin Weimin and said, "Teacher Lin, thank you!"

"You've said this many times! Let's go in!"

Lin Weimin said, and the two walked into the theater.

Before the show started, Musen went to the Capital Theater gate to greet Lin Weimin.

In his heart, only this form can show his gratitude and respect for Teacher Lin.

Today is the premiere of "Ming Dynasty 1566: Jiajing and Hai Rui". Not only many celebrities from the Yanjing cultural and drama circles are here, but also many people from government departments are here.

The novel "Ming Dynasty 1566" was published last year. It has not only been praised by countless readers and critics, but has also become a must-read for many public officials.

Among them, rumors about "recommendations by big leaders" are rampant. No one knows where they come from, but everyone says so anyway, and it seems to have become an established fact.

Lin Weimin sat in the first row, next to him sat Mr. Wan, and on the other side was Wang Meng, who is now the head of the ministry.

As for Musen, the screenwriter, although he was also sitting in the front row, he was quite far away.

There was no way, there were too many big guys here today, and he was a young man. If it weren't for his status as a screenwriter, he wouldn't even be able to get into the first row.

The Capital Theater, in terms of scale, is the leading theater even on Broadway.

On the stage, Zhu Xu, one of the mainstays of the entertainment industry, was dressed plainly with a few patches on, and he played the role of Hai Rui. His rival actor, who plays Emperor Jiajing, is Ren Baoxian.

Emperor Jiajing stood on the stage, dressed in gorgeous clothes and imposing. Hai Rui was on his right. Although he was sitting, his momentum was not weak at all.

"...They didn't say anything, but I spoke alone. What's the insinuation? I spoke alone, but all the officials refuted it. Do they want the emperor to be infamy for eternity?" After finishing a long series of lines, Zhu Xu became imposing. Ru Hong, staring at Emperor Jiajing played by Ren Baoxian.

Ren Baoxian's face was full of anger, "A single person is a loyal minister? A good minister? A wise minister?"

Zhu Xu was still not afraid, "I'm just a straight minister!"

"A direct minister without a father and a king?" Ren Baoxian asked sharply.

Zhu Xu added: "I lost my father when I was four years old. My mother raised me by herself, and when I became an official, my mother worriedly taught me: Although you have no father, as long as you have the emperor's salary, you are your father."

In fact, I, Hai Rui, am not the only one who regards the emperor as a father. Everyone in the world regards the emperor as a father.

The emperor lived deep in Xiyuan, focusing on mystical cultivation. He often observed the sufferings of the people and thought that tens of millions of people, although they have a king but no father, and although they have officials, are like thieves. The two capitals and thirteen provinces are full of hungry and cold babies waiting to die, and fish and meat waiting to be cut.

Father, do you know? "

After finishing a large section of lines, Emperor Jiajing fell into silence on the stage.

The audience in the theater was also completely impressed by the actors' superb acting skills and amazing lines. They watched the performance on the stage with their eyes fixed and breathlessly.

Mussen was also watching the performance on stage, and his mouth was moving when the actors read their lines.

He wrote the script, and he knows every line by heart, but most of these lines come from Teacher Lin's novels.

Usually during rehearsals, he doesn't feel it strongly.

But today, on the stage of the drama performance, listening to the actors' solemn and powerful lines, tears fell from his face for some reason.

The writing of this line is absolutely amazing!

"Father, do you know?"

Hai Rui's question brought out the cries of billions of people and the despair of thousands of people dying of hunger.

Off the stage, there were many viewers who shed tears like Musen, and some even emotionally sensitive viewers covered their faces and cried bitterly.

This generation of viewers all grew up reading Mao Xuan.

"What happened in the Six Dynasties was just a private plan of the family", an ancient saying explains the decadence of the feudal dynasty.

While many viewers were saddened by the drama, they also thought more about the exploitation and oppression suffered by the ancient Chinese people for thousands of years.

I don't know who it was, but suddenly, he shouted loudly in the theater: "The Chinese people have stood up!"

In a moment, it triggered a chain reaction in the audience. Everyone raised their arms and shouted: "The Chinese people have stood up!"

The audience shouted loudly, with tears streaming down their faces, but their faces were full of piety.

Just as a great man announced to the world thirty-seven years ago standing on the Tiananmen Gate Tower.

The performance on stage was interrupted by shouts like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Zhu Xu and Ren Baoxian had never encountered such a situation in their decades of acting career. The two of them stood there at a loss.

After a few seconds, when they heard clearly what the audience was shouting, they couldn't help but feel excited.

But this is a performance on stage. They are not Ren Baoxian or Zhu Xu, but Jiajing and Hai Rui.

The two stood calmly on the stage, maintaining their expressions and momentum. After a few minutes, the audience's mood stabilized and the cries gradually faded away.

Zhu Xu had an idea, his anger dropped from his dantian, and he asked again seriously.

"Father, do you know?"

Ren Baoxian burst out in anger, "Hai Rui, I will give you eight words: you have no father and no king, you have abandoned your country and your family."

An unprecedented performance accident was saved from danger by the calm response of two veteran actors.

After more than half an hour, the performance on the stage ended.

Unlike other drama performances where the actors came out one after another to take their final call, "Jiajing and Hai Rui" only had two actors standing on the stage.

Zhu Xu and Ren Baoxian called all the backstage staff to the stage, as well as screenwriter Mu Sen who was sitting in the audience.

Mu Sen pulled Lin Weimin. Lin Weimin didn't want to go, but he was dragged onto the stage by him.

All the crew members of "Jiajing and Hai Rui" stood on the stage, and the theater erupted with applause and cheers that shook the earth.

On the stage, everyone is enjoying the glory that belongs to them.

Only Lin Weimin caught a glimpse of Feng Yuanzheng standing on the side of the stage and waved to him.

Feng Yuanzheng then stepped onto the stage to share this unforgettable moment with everyone.

The curtain call of Renyi is never pretentious. The curtain call usually ends after the audience's applause has subsided.

But the applause from the audience today was long-lasting, warm and lasting.

The cast and crew on the stage were unable to move at all and could only stand on the stage and bow continuously to thank them.

Every time they bowed, the applause from the audience was like waves hitting the rocks, one wave after another.

It was not until twenty minutes later that the audience's emotions finally calmed down and the applause gradually faded away.

Everyone bowed to the audience again before returning backstage.

Backstage, everyone was still excited and hugging each other.

Everyone is happy not only because of the success of today's premiere, but also because of the courtesy and honor they received.

For drama workers like them, there is no higher praise than the applause and enthusiasm of the audience!

The curtain call finally ended and everyone returned backstage.

Lin Weimin patted Feng Yuanzheng on the shoulder, "You are also an actor in this play, why don't you go on stage?"

Feng Yuanzheng said without confidence: "Teacher Lin, I am just a student."

"When you get on stage, you are an actor. The ones I chose are not students."

Lin Weimin's words made Feng Yuanzheng feel warm and excited in his heart, and he nodded solemnly towards Lin Weimin.

Everyone backstage congratulated each other, and the whole backstage was lively.

At this moment, Su Zhi led a group of big shots to the backstage to express condolences to the cast and crew.

Lin Weimin, the author of the novel, was immediately surrounded by everyone. Wang Meng praised: "Today's play was well arranged!"

Lin Weimin pulled the young man Mu Sen over and said, "It's all because of the good writing by Comrade Mu Sen!"

Wang Meng looked at Mu Sen, "This drama has a high-level intention and is unconventional. It is really well written. Comrade Mu Sen is very capable!"

Musen quickly waved his hand and said: "This play is actually all the work of Teacher Lin. He is both the original author and the screenwriter. It's just that Teacher Lin is upright and upright and has no signature."

Wang Meng and everyone present did not expect that there was another story behind the scenes of "Jiajing and Hai Rui". At this time, Su Zhi laughed and said: "Don't be humble, both of you. The success of this drama cannot be achieved without you two."

Lin Weimin added: “It’s also thanks to everyone’s contribution!”

So Zhi patted his head and said, "Yes, that's right, everyone's contribution is also due!"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh!

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