1980 My literary era

Chapter 403 Why do you write this?

It was past ten o'clock in the evening, and an hour had passed since the performance at the Capital Theater ended. Logically speaking, the audience had already left the show by this time, but the entrance of the Capital Theater was surrounded by layers of audience members.

These people are waiting here for only one purpose.

Meet "Jiajing" and "Hai Rui".

Lin Weimin drove Mr. Wan and his wife and was a little surprised when they passed the gate.

"Today's audience is quite enthusiastic!" Lin Weimin said with emotion.

Mr. Wan glanced out the window and said, "There weren't so many people during the performance of "Farewell My Concubine", right?"

"How old is Farewell My Concubine!"

"Farewell My Concubine" was performed at the Capital Theater in 1982 and has always been very popular. It has become one of the most popular plays in the entertainment industry in the past ten years. It ran for four years and finally stopped this year.

No matter how popular a drama is, there are only so many viewers, and it is impossible to show the drama to the audience forever.

Renyi has been able to perform "Farewell My Concubine" at the Capital Theater for four consecutive years, and also goes on tour from time to time, which is enough to prove the quality and influence of the drama "Farewell My Concubine".

"Farewell My Concubine" has been suspended, and Renyi has added another classic to its library of works. In another two years, it will be performed from time to time, and its style remains the same.

After Lin Weimin's crown passed by, not long after, the cast and crew of Renyi also got off work.

Not everyone in the audience stopped at the door, what everyone was waiting for was "Jiao'er"!

Tonight, Zhu Xu and Ren Baoxian are the "corners"!

Zhu Xu and Ren Baoxian rode bicycles and were treated almost like superstars.

The enthusiastic audience shouted their names and surrounded the two people. They were riding bicycles, but unfortunately they couldn't ride at all.

I could only push the cart and move it step by step, and from time to time I had to deal with the enthusiastic audience.

Even other cast and crew members who were off work could only be blocked in the back.

Everyone followed behind, not in a hurry, watching the audience's reaction with great interest.

For the behind-the-scenes staff of Renyi, they have seen too many such scenes.

The special thing about today is that the audience was a little too enthusiastic.

Feng Yuanzheng and Mu Sen walked at the end, looking enviously at Zhu Xu and Ren Baoxian who were surrounded by the crowd.

"This is called Jiao'er!"

Musen encouraged: "You will definitely be as popular as them in the future!"

Feng Yuanzheng smiled and said, "Then you have to write the script for me!"

"no problem!"

The two young people chatted and laughed, and as the team squirmed, after waiting for a long time, Zhu Xu and Ren Baoxian in front finally broke away from the crowd of spectators.

Order at the door was finally restored. Just as Musen was about to walk out of the door, he heard a heartbreaking voice coming from the audience.

"Musen! Awesome!"

This noise not only startled Musen, but also the audience.

After the initial confusion, everyone immediately realized who the male voice was calling. He was the screenwriter of "Ming Dynasty 1566: Jiajing and Hai Rui". It was written on the poster at the door!

Is the screenwriter of this drama awesome?


The audience has just finished watching the play, and no one has more say than them.

After that heartbreaking male voice, other spectators also shouted: "Musen! Awesome!"

Suddenly, there was an uproar!

Musen was both happy and a little bit dumbfounded.

At night, there were only street lights at the entrance of the theater, and the light was dim. But even so, Musen could still tell who the owner of the original voice was.

My college classmate for five years, Zhang Jianjun!

Zhang Jianjun is here to cheer for his old classmates today.

Of course, more importantly, he wanted to test the difference between their YNU version of "Jiajing and Hai Rui" and the Renyi version of "Jia Jing and Hai Rui".

What's the difference? Why do we have to give others performances if we perform well?

Facts have proved that there is a difference between cloud and mud.

The talent is so awesome!

Since the premiere of "Farewell My Concubine" that year, Zhang Jianjun has been a loyal audience of Renyi. This year "Farewell My Concubine" was suspended, and Zhang Jianjun was sad for a while, wondering when he would be able to see "Farewell My Concubine" performed again.

But after watching the play tonight, Zhang Jianjun felt that there was nothing wrong with waiting for "Farewell My Concubine". Without "Farewell My Concubine", wouldn't there be "Jiajing and Hai Rui"?

Dieyi is beautiful, but he is a man after all.

In comparison, the old man Hai Rui is more interesting.

The premiere of "Ming Dynasty 1566: Jiajing and Hai Rui" was undoubtedly very successful. Not to mention the reaction of the audience at the Capital Theater that night, the reaction of the Yanjing media the next day alone said it all.

Rave reviews!

More than four newspapers reported on last night's premiere of "Jiajing and Hai Rui" and received almost unanimous praise.

The next morning, Musson read the reports among his theater colleagues.

He recently graduated from Yan Normal University and has become a formal employee of Renyi.

"Based on Lin Weimin's long historical novel "Ming Dynasty 1566", the drama "Ming Dynasty 1566: Jiajing and Hai Rui" written by Renyi young screenwriter Mu Sen premiered at the Capital Theater last night..."

Musen felt excited when he saw his name printed on the newspaper. This feeling was different from when he saw the signature on the poster at the Capital Theater yesterday.

At this moment, he truly realized the meaning of Teacher Lin's refusal to sign.

Just then Lin Zhaohua came over and patted Musen on the shoulder.

"Xiao Mu! He's going to become famous!"


As the performance of "Ming Dynasty 1566: Jiajing and Hai Rui" gradually gained influence and reputation, Musen's name quickly became famous in the theater and cultural circles of Yanjing.

Newspapers even began to come to the hospital and request interviews with him.

After hesitating, Musen chose to refuse.

"Why?" He was puzzled.

Because Teacher Lin rarely gives interviews to the media.

He definitely couldn't say this to Su Zhi. He estimated that if he dared to say it, the dean would dare to slap him in the face.

Do you dare to compare with Teacher Lin?

"The success of "Jiajing and Hai Rui" is built on the shoulders of giants, and my personal contribution is not much."

Mu Sen's modesty made Su Zhi nod happily, "Xiao Mu, your mentality is right. But you can't belittle yourself. Your contribution to this drama also deserves the greatest credit."

So the more he said this, the less Musen wanted to be interviewed.

Teacher Lin didn’t even accept an interview. What’s the point of me accepting an interview?

So he nodded and said: "It's a good thing that you have such an awareness, so forget it this time. We will accept the interview again after you complete the work independently!"

The performance of "Ming Dynasty 1566: Jiajing and Hai Rui" once again caused a craze among the drama circles and audiences in Yanjing.

Although Lin Weimin did not sign his name in the screenwriter column, no one will underestimate his role.

Anyone who has read the original novel knows that the success of the drama "Jiajing and Hai Rui" is inseparable from the good foundation of the novel.

But these heated discussions and concerns have little to do with Lin Weimin.

After several days of work, the Chinese version of "Burning" was finally finished.

At this time, Lin Weimin received an international call from the United States.

The caller was Jonson Williams.

Half a month ago, the English version of Lin Weimin's "Burning" was mailed from the Dakota Apartment in New York, and Qiao Sen received the manuscript a few days later.

For more than a week, not only him, but also the senior editor of Random House, had read the manuscript of "Burning" more than once.

The opinions are very unanimous. If this novel is published, it may not be a best-selling work, but the work is very thoughtful and has a high probability of winning an award.

Lin Weimin's first few novels almost missed American literary awards because they were imported.

The appearance of "Burning" this time gave Johnson and Random House an opportunity.

The operating logic of publishing houses is actually similar. Apart from making money, the most important thing is the influence it can create and generate.

Obviously, it would be very beneficial to Random House if a Chinese writer with strong influence in the United States could be promoted.

As long as the novel "Burning" can win one or two major awards in the mainstream literary circles of the United States, Lin Weimin will immediately get rid of the phenomenon of "his works are popular but not popular" in the United States.

By then, Random House will definitely be making a lot of money thanks to its years of partnership with Lin Weimin.

"Yes, Lin, the editors are unanimously not optimistic about the prospects of this novel."

"But I believe in you. You have the ability and talent to be a world-class writer."

"After my strong opposition, the company decided to publish the novel "Burning"."

"It's just that the royalty sharing needs to be negotiated. I think..."

Lin Weimin interrupted Qiao Sen.

The two have been dealing with each other for several years. Qiao Sen is a very clever guy who never tells the truth and wants to take advantage of any loopholes he sees. Lin Weimin knows this very well.

Therefore, Qiao Sen was not given a chance to bargain at all, "There is no need to discuss royalties. If you want to publish it, just publish it. If you don't want to publish it, forget it."

This is called one force reducing ten!

On the other end of the phone, Qiao Sen was depressed for a long time, and finally said helplessly: "Lin, you are really not a good negotiator."

"But I'm a good partner."

The two ended the call.

Qiao Sen plans to come to China next month, not only to sign the publishing agreement for "Burning", but also to renew the publishing contract for "Farewell My Concubine".

The original publishing contract signed by Random House and Lin Weimin was for five years, and now four years have passed.

After four years of sales of "Farewell My Concubine", the sales curve is extremely stable, and Random House is reluctant to let go of this stable cash flow.

It just so happened that the publishing contract for "Burning" was signed, and the issue of contract renewal was also solved. It was a little early, but it saved me a lot of nightmares.


"How do you like the manuscript?" Lin Weimin asked while drinking tea.

Lin Weimin had given the manuscript of "Burning" to Xie Mingqing a few days ago. Just after going to work today, Xie Mingqing found Lin Weimin's office with the manuscript.

For the story of "Burning", Lin Weimin picked up Haruki Murakami's original novel "Burning the Barn", including Bangzi's movie "Burning" based on this novel.

Lin Weimin felt that the name "Burning the Barn" was a bit off, but on the contrary, he felt that the name "Burning" was inexplicably interesting.

The story is not complicated, with three protagonists, two men and one woman.

To sum it up simply, the rich second generation pried off Tu Gou’s money-worshiping girlfriend, treated Tu Gou’s treasured girlfriend as a plaything, and even killed him. Tu Gou sent the rich second generation to hell.

The story couldn't be simpler, but it is even more beneficial to people like Lin Weimin who have ulterior motives for bringing in private goods.

In Lin Weimin's version of "Burning", the basic characters of the three protagonists have not changed, namely, the rich second generation, the local dog, and the money-worshiping girl, but the background has been slightly changed.

All three are Chinese. When the movement first started in the 1960s, the rich second-generation family and the money-worshiping girl sought refuge with relatives abroad.

After many years of domestic reform and opening up, Tugou also went to study abroad through his own efforts.

Over the years, the rich second-generation family has become rich because of their relatively powerful relatives, while the money-worshiping girl's family has been in a worse situation.

Tu Gou reunited with the gold digger girl in college. Because they had a previous relationship and Tu Gou had more academic potential, the gold digger girl fell in love with Tu Gou.

But the good times didn't last long. Tu Gou contacted the rich second generation through a Chinese friend. The money-worshiping girl found a better target and fell in love with him. She thought that the rich second generation, like Tu Gou, would treat herself as a treasure.

It turned out that the rich second generation was just playing with her, and the gold digger kept pestering her. She also discovered the secret of the rich second generation's love for fireballs, and was killed by the rich second generation.

The native dog who discovered the truth could not accept the reality and also killed the rich second generation.

Throughout the novel, Lin Weimin's criticism of capitalism and the United States, including those intellectuals who yearn for the Western capitalist world, is naked and unabashed.

Faced with Lin Weimin's question, Xie Mingqing frowned, "Why do you have to write like this?"

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