1980 My literary era

Chapter 437 Aba Alai

On the evening of the next day, Lin Weimin and Tong Zhonggui hosted a banquet in Quanjude to entertain their friend Comrade Alai from the southwest region.

Alai is a Tibetan. He became a teacher after graduating from normal school. He started writing poetry in 1982. Last year, he was transferred to the "Grassland" affiliated to the AB State Literature Bureau as an editor.

Meeting Lin Weimin, a great writer who is famous all over the country, Alai was a little nervous and shy at first.

Recently, there has been a lot of news about Lin Weimin winning the American Literature Award again. This is not the first time that Lin Weimin has been recognized by foreign literary awards.

In Alai's opinion, at least among these contemporary writers, Lin Weimin should be unique.

Not only because of the awards and honors he has received, but also because of his works.

After chatting for a while, the group of people gradually became warmer, and Alai also showed his true nature.

Lin Weimin is an average drinker and never persuades others to drink, but Alai never needs to be persuaded to drink. He is a Tibetan who loves to drink and has an amazing capacity for drinking. He often says a few words and asks for a glass of wine when he gets happy.

He drank at least six or seven taels of white wine in more than half an hour, but he didn't look drunk at all. Instead, he felt like he was getting more and more sober as he drank, and his eyes moved.

"My favorite is your book "Horse Trapper". It's very interesting. It's very similar to the customs and habits of our southwest region. As a Tibetan, I don't have any faults." Alai said to Lin Weimin .

Lin Weimin laughed and said, "To get such an evaluation from a Tibetan like you is worthy of the information I checked."

Alai muttered: "Is this all about checking information? I thought you had lived in our place!"

Lin Weimin smiled, and Tong Zhonggui said: "Teacher Lin's creative attitude is very rigorous. He will check all the materials involved in writing, not only "The Horse Trapper", but also the materials he checked when writing "The Ming Dynasty 1566" The variety is overwhelming.”

Many of the materials reviewed in "Ming Dynasty 1566" were handled by Tong Zhonggui, and he has the right to speak.

Alai said: "I really envy you writers who can write novels just by looking up information. I can't."

“For full-time writers, creation is a process that continuously consumes self-reserves. Only by constantly collecting creative materials can we support our creation.

You have lived in the southwest region since you were a child. There is a large amount of oral literature in your Tibetan history. These are the nutrients for your creation. There are too many things to write. "

Lin Weimin's words are very suitable to Alai's taste. His creations are always improvised and full of the unique Tibetan free will.

This kind of free will also allowed him to experience the happiness brought by creation. On the contrary, Lin Weimin's formal writing style made him feel aggrieved and uncomfortable.

"Mr. Lin, you are right. I heard you talk about the outline, synopsis, and materials needed to write a novel, and I felt bored. I didn't even know what my novel would look like before I started writing it. How could I How to get these things?" Alai said.

He was impatient with the desk work of writing, not because he despised these things, but because of his nature.

This thing has advantages and disadvantages. When he was a fledgling, because of the nourishment brought to him by the environment where he grew up, these were not problems.

But when literary creation truly enters the deep end, it is often these meticulous desk tasks that determine the final quality of the work.

In the words of later generations of stand-up comedians: Who doesn’t write five minutes of good jokes a year?

Some people's experience in the first two or three decades of their lives is that many writers often burst out with amazing creativity in the early stages of creation.

But as time goes by, we will find that many writers are unable to continue after passing the initial stage, or even exhaust their talents.

After hearing Lin Weimin's opinions, Alai nodded. Although he didn't like this way of creation, he knew that what Lin Weimin said was right.

Several people were chatting while drinking, and the topic was led to Alai's creation.

He had just turned from poetry writing to novel writing not long ago and had little experience. When chatting, Lin Weimin's occasional words or two would often make him feel enlightened.

"You just mentioned your unique 'toast culture'. I think there is a lot of room for exploration. You can try to write it down first, and then send us the finished product for a look." Lin Weimin said to Alai.

Lin Weimin's words were a disguised invitation to write a manuscript. Alai was very happy to hear it. He said, "I'll write it when I get back!"

Lin Weimin smiled and nodded. He has been grinding you for more than half a year, and he is finally getting results.

Teacher Lin couldn't help but sigh, it's getting more and more difficult to compose manuscripts now!

Alai went to Yanjing for a business trip and only stayed for three days. He returned to Aba two days later.

Lin Weimin told Tong Zhonggui that he must keep an eye on this kid and not let him be half-hearted and abducted by other publications.

Tong Zhonggui didn't understand how much Lin Weimin valued Alai, but he believed in Lin Weimin's vision. Since Teacher Lin had explained everything, he would definitely keep an eye on Alai.

One day in April, Cheng Souchun presided over a meeting and promoted the above spirit to everyone.

After the meeting, everyone walked out of the conference room together.

Lin Weimin asked: "What has Comrade Lao Niu been busy with recently?"

Since Niu Han finished helping out at the Literary Society, he has rarely worked at the Chinese Literary Society since then. Three days a week is considered a lot, and it is not easy to see his shadow.

"Write poetry and prose!" Niu Han replied.

Lin Weimin nodded and joked: "It's okay. I'm not like those retired old men and old ladies who always record this and set that!"

"I will definitely bring this to you when I get together with the big guys." Niu Han said.

"Hey, Uncle Niu, look at you, I was just joking. You can't do this. Later, I will offend all the retired old men and ladies in the company, which will directly affect my future progress! "

The Chinese Literature Society has many editors, and many of them have multiple identities. They write novels, essays, poetry, and reportages. They are well-known in the outside world.

Especially among the retired seniors, there are many respected literary seniors.

Lin Weimin was actually right when he said they "recorded this and collected that". As literati, after retirement and having nothing to do, they will naturally recall the past and occasionally complain.

"What I mean is for them to stop holding back after finishing their work and send it to your "New Literature Historical Materials". Isn't this a mutually beneficial thing?"

Niu Han snorted, "This is still a human saying!"

After chatting for a while, Lin Weimin returned to the editorial office in the back building.

Several colleagues were talking about a case that was reported in the newspaper some time ago. Pei Shutang, a music teacher in Gansu, was sentenced to seven years in prison for raping a female student.

"This kind of person should be shot directly!"

"It's good luck for this kid that he won't catch up with the group from previous years."

"It's only been a few years, but you still dare to do this. It's really audacious."

Everyone was filled with indignation when they discussed it, and Lin Weimin frowned when he heard it.

He understood everyone's sense of justice, but as far as he knew, this case was a real injustice.

Pei Shutang is a vocal music teacher at the Cultural Center. Because her student Liu had flaws in her singing, he left her alone for tutoring before the performance.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, Liu, accompanied by his fiancé, suddenly accused Pei Shutang of raping a woman.

Pei Shutang was sentenced to jail for this. After he was released from prison, Pei Shutang found Liu and made her admit to slandering him. However, Pei Shutang was acquitted in 2011. Only the person involved knew the bitterness and hardship of this.

For a period of time in later generations, news about this type of news was very popular. Lin Weimin even searched online at that time. He didn't know if he didn't search, but he was shocked when he searched.

In addition to Pei Shutang's case, there are many cases with similar situations. Without exception, some scumbags frame people around them out of some evil mentality. Because of their absolutely weak position, this kind of thing Once it happens, even if there is no evidence, these people who are framed will be unable to defend themselves.

Because they face not only the law, but also the simple moral concepts in the hearts of ordinary people.

Under the herd mentality, many people do not talk about evidence or evidence. Later generations of the Internet have proven this matter countless times.

Lin Weimin sighed helplessly. This Pei Shutang is not the worst. He has seen one of the worst cases. It was Wang Kangfu, a teacher who was falsely accused of rape by students in the 1960s. He served ten years in prison and still remained in prison after he was released. You have to bear the discrimination and insults from people around you.

After being released from prison, Wang Kangfu has been running around trying to prove his innocence.

He waited for this innocence for a full fifty years, and it was not until 2016, fifty years after the case, that the teacher was able to clear his name.

A little lie, in exchange for half a century of humiliation.

Thinking of the movie and several real cases he knew, Lin Weimin's good mood disappeared instantly.

There are really many beasts in this world. They are obviously beasts, but they still have to wear human skins. Not only they have to wear human skins, but they also have to wear the human skins of the weak.

Everyone chatted indignantly without realizing that the target of their anger was just an innocent person.

This feeling made Lin Weimin feel a little aggrieved. He was still sitting in the office until get off work.

There is a movie "The Hunt" in later generations, which tells the story of the teacher Lucas who is favored by the female student Carla because of his kind-hearted personality and gentle personality. Lucas rejects Carla's confession out of the morality in his heart, but Carla refuses because of Lucas's rejection. She held a grudge and lied and slandered Lucas for violating her. From then on, Lucas' life fell into hell and he finally lost his life.

A little lie is enough to make a devil and destroy a good person.

Lin Weimin never felt that he was a nosy person, but the frustration of not being able to speak out even though he knew the truth made him unhappy.

He sat there until it was completely dark, and finally came to his senses. After thinking for a moment, he spread out the manuscript paper and removed the cap of the pen on the table. Since he couldn't speak out, let's write it out.

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