Lin Weimin likes the name "Hunting" very much. The innocent frame-up is the hunting of good people by evil people and their accomplices.

He has no intention of being a judge with his sword and pen, but even if a person who doesn't know the truth reads his words and chooses to watch rationally, he is missing an accomplice.

The general plot of the novel refers to the movie "Hunting", and Lin Weimin localized it.

When writing, Lin Weimin hesitated for a moment whether to set the background of the story in the United States. Anyway, he had criticized the United States a lot in the previous "Burning".

Moreover, this happened in China, and the impact was quite large. If the novel were to be published, it would be easily attacked and exploited by interested people.

But this thought only lingered in his mind, and he became determined.

Afraid of a dick!

I'm not afraid of those evil people who do bad things. I'm afraid of a dick?

With emotions raging in his heart, Lin Weimin wrote like a spirit.

The night passed quickly, and Lin Weimin kept writing except for washing his face in the middle.

He didn't come back to his senses until he heard the footsteps of his colleagues going to work in the corridor.

Looking at the dozens of pages of manuscript paper he wrote overnight, he got up and knocked on the door of Tan Chaoyang's office.

As soon as Tan Chaoyang arrived at the office and greeted Lin Weimin with a smile, he heard Lin Weimin say: "Old Tan, I'm asking for leave!"

"Take leave? How many days? Why are you going?"

"Creation fake!"

Tan Chaoyang was squeezing tea leaves into the teacup. Hearing this, he couldn't put the tea leaves in his hand anymore.

"Why are you inviting me again?" He looked at Lin Weimin's condition and asked, "Have you been awake all night?"

"I've got some inspiration!" Lin Weimin replied, with a somewhat anxious expression on his face.

When Tan Chaoyang saw this, he knew that the inspiration must have come too quickly and he couldn't hold it back anymore.

If I don't approve of this fake, it will probably leak out of my crotch.

"Okay, when will you come back?"

"Seven or eight days."

After talking to Tan Chaoyang, Lin Weimin took his bag and left the editorial office impatiently.

Watching his leaving figure, Tan Chaoyang couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it's better to be young. This inspiration comes at a moment's notice and he can't even hold it back.

Just as he was sighing, he saw Niu Han going upstairs and greeted: "Old Niu!"

Niu Han came over, "What are you doing?"

"Have you seen Weimin?"

"I saw it. What's wrong? You look anxious. Is there anything important?"

Tan Chaoyang did not answer his question, but asked: "What did you tell him after the meeting yesterday? Look how exciting the child was!"

Niu Han was confused, "Don't make false accusations against good people. It's obviously this guy who is irritating me, an old comrade."

Seeing that Niu Han had not been deceived, Tan Chaoyang said to himself, "I really don't know what this kid can write this time!"

The news that Lin Weimin took "creative leave" again had spread throughout the Chinese Literature Society while everyone was still drinking the first cup of tea in the office.

Like Tan Chaoyang, all colleagues are full of curiosity about this matter.

A week passed by, and Lin Weimin appeared at the Chinese Literature Society again, quickly attracting the attention of his colleagues.

"For the people, have you finished writing the new novel?"

Lin Weimin responded to the concerns of his colleagues. He first went to the editorial department to order the fake ones, and then went to the front building.

Ever since Comrade Lao Xie heard that Lin Weimin had taken a creative leave, he had been restless for the past few days. What he was most concerned about when sitting in the office every day was when Lin Weimin would come to work.

Going to work means that the manuscript is finished, and once the manuscript is finished, it must be published. Where can it be published? Of course it is "People's Literature".

Poor weather, Comrade Lao Xie looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally he got Comrade Weimin back.

"Did you finish writing?"

"It's finished."

Just like the two sentences of the secret code, Comrade Lao Xie's face instantly burst into a bright smile, he stretched out his hand towards Lin Weimin, and soon received a manuscript.

After reading the novel manuscript, Comrade Lao Xie fell into silence and found Lin Weimin's office.

"Your novel..."

Lin Weimin looked at him and said, "What's wrong? Can't you send it?"

Xie Mingqing shook his head, "I can't say, Editor Liu was suspended recently."

Lin Weimin didn't say anything. He wrote the novel and he naturally knew the reason for Lao Xie's attitude.

In "Hunting", although everyone's malice towards the male protagonist is due to being deceived, the fact is that these people have become the accomplices of the lying little girl and the executioner of evil.

For the death of the male protagonist, each of them has an unshirkable responsibility.

This kind of treatment is no longer gray, but dark, which is a bit taboo.

"For the people, I think it's better to wait a little longer before publishing this novel!" Xie Mingqing advised tactfully.

Lin Weimin knew very well what Xie Mingqing meant. The public opinion situation has been tightening this year, and it would be easy for him to be criticized for publishing this novel.

"Slow down? How long?" Lin Weimin asked.

Xie Mingqing was speechless, and he also saw Lin Weimin's determined attitude.

"You guys have just finished writing and reviewing "People's Literature". It is indeed not suitable for publishing this novel. I will think of another way!" Lin Weimin gave Xie Mingqing a step forward.

Xie Mingqing sighed and left the office.

He knew that if he didn't publish it this time, he might not be able to publish Lin Weimin's works again in the future.

But he couldn't help it. "People's Literature" had just been criticized some time ago, and Teacher Liu was still suspended from his job. If he published "Hunting" at this time, it would be like hanging himself - his life is too long.

After Xie Mingqing left, Lin Weimin sat on a chair and thought for a while, then got up and went to Tan Chaoyang's office.

The next day, Tan Chaoyang sat in the office with a sad face. He had finished reading Lin Weimin's novel.

Tan Chaoyang had felt something was wrong ever since Lin Weimin came to him with the manuscript yesterday.

This guy's works are always published in "People's Literature" and will be brought to the editorial department only under one circumstance.

"You're making things very difficult for me!" Tan Chaoyang said helplessly.

"Lao Tan, I'm not talking about you. At this point, you don't have the responsibility of Lao Meng. No wonder he can become the president."

Lin Weimin's heart-breaking words made Tan Chaoyang glare at him fiercely, "Then you go find Lao Meng!"

"He has retired, so I can find him! Now you are the head of the editorial department." Lin Weimin said casually.

Tan Chaoyang glanced at him angrily, sighed and said, "You really gave me a hard time!"

After hesitating for a while, Tan Chaoyang said: "Okay, let's do it, let's do it, I'm an old man anyway."

Lin Weimin immediately laughed when he heard this, "You are still brave!"

Looking at his face, Comrade Lao Tan no longer had the heart to scold him, this guy was as thick-skinned as a city wall.

Lin Weimin and Qin Chaoyang reached a tacit understanding, but the manuscript still had to be reviewed by colleagues in the editorial department. This was the rule.

The manuscript was passed to the hands of colleagues, and everyone looked around and looked at each other.

A few days ago, everyone was discussing the case of a strong woman in the office. Lin Weimin took out such a novel and said that the two were not related, and even if they beat him to death, everyone would not believe it.

"Weimin, why do you think of designing the plot of the novel like this?" Liu Yin asked everyone's thoughts.

Of course Lin Weimin couldn't say that because I knew the truth. He explained: "I just diverged my thoughts while listening to everyone chatting that day. This story would be boring if it were written according to the case. Isn't it more interesting to write it like this now?"

Everyone nodded hesitantly, feeling something was wrong.

This design is indeed a stroke of genius, but the problem is...

"Aren't you afraid that others will say you are insinuating?"

"Did I insinuate? Can you find out which case my plot is similar to? If you can connect such different things together, will anyone believe you if you say you are not guilty?"

Lin Weimin's rhetorical question left everyone speechless.

Indeed, the plot of "The Hunt" was not the same as the case they knew.

If you simply put yourself in the perspective of a bystander who committed a crime committed by a strong woman in the past few days, it would be a bit awkward for everyone to read this novel. After all, everyone at that time looked at the problem from the perspective of the victim.

But Lin Weimin's novel provides everyone with a new perspective. Not only that, it also profoundly criticizes onlookers like them.

In the novel, Lin Weimin was particularly careful to avoid problems with law enforcement agencies that might be involved. In the novel, the male protagonist was framed but was released due to insufficient evidence.

Zhang Zhong'e took off his reading glasses and said: "The problem now is not whether to insinuate or not, we literary creators have the freedom to create. The most taboo thing about this novel is that it is too dark. According to the way it is written for the people, all the onlookers All are accomplices.”

Tong Zhonggui objected: "I think there is nothing wrong with Teacher Lin's writing. This way of writing is just a warning to us spectators not to judge others from the moral high ground."

He Qizhi agreed with Zhang Zhong'e's opinion and said: "Lao Zhang is right. For the people, if your novel is published, it will easily attract people's attention."

Lin Weimin smiled and said, "Some time ago, the right side scolded me, and now the left side scolds me. It's a good balance!"

Seeing his nonchalant attitude, everyone understood.

Since Lin Weimin published this novel, he must have considered the possible risks and repercussions after publication.

Honestly, is the novel "The Hunt" any good?

good! It’s not just average good, it’s extremely good!

Just after reading the novel, and then thinking about the title of the novel, people have a chilling feeling.

Everyone has been through those years and is all too familiar with this feeling.

The desperate atmosphere in the novel makes people feel a kind of grief that touches their bones, and vividly expresses the darkness and evil of human nature.

Literary works are not only praising, but also criticizing and exposing.

Lin Weimin's "Hunting" explains this sentence very well.

After Lin Weimin finished speaking, his colleagues fell into a brief silence.

"Hunting" is extremely excellent in terms of writing structure, plot layout, ideological and literary qualities.

Everyone even has a feeling that this novel may be the best of all the works written by Lin Weimin in recent years.

"I still prefer to publish it. It would be a pity not to publish such a novel!"

When everyone was silent, Zhang Zhong'e, who raised questions at the beginning, was the first to stand up and support Lin Weimin.

Then Liu Yin said, "Publish it! Anyway, Weimin is the editor-in-chief. If someone comes to cause trouble, we will say that he, the editor-in-chief, made the decision without authorization and it has nothing to do with us."

After Liu Yin finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter.

The atmosphere in the office relaxed, others expressed their opinions, and finally unanimously agreed to publish.

Lin Weimin looked at everyone with a sincere smile on his face, "Thank you everyone!"

On the afternoon of the same day that the editorial board of "Contemporary" reached a unanimous opinion on the publication of "Hunting", Lin Weimin was urgently summoned to the president's office.

As soon as they met, Cheng Wanchun had a bitter look on his face.

"Everything I told you was in vain!"

"No way! Your speeches as leader are all good words. Xiao Lin, I keep them in mind and recite them silently several times from time to time." Lin Weimin joked.

"Stop talking nonsense to me!" Cheng Wanchun glared at him, "What's going on with that "Hunting" movie?"

"What novel are you talking about? Hey, isn't it because Wen Siru suffered from diabetes? He couldn't control it, and he was writing with great energy!"

Cheng Wuchun was furious when he saw Lin Weimin's playful smile, "I'm telling you something serious! Be serious!"

After being scolded, Lin Weimin became more honest, "What the hell, can't we literary workers have some creative freedom?"

"Who won't let you go free? But you can't commit crimes against the wind!" Cheng Wuchun said with hatred.

"That's not the case. Leader, my novel is just to criticize human nature. It's not a grand narrative. I won't let the higher-ups focus on it."

"It will be too late when the higher ups take notice!"

Seeing Cheng Wanchun's reluctance, Lin Weimin simply acted like a rogue and said: "Okay, I won't publish the novel, I won't write it, and I won't write it in the future!"

"What do you mean?" Cheng Wuchun said angrily.

"What do you mean? That's what you mean. You don't care about heaven and earth when you write a novel. Why don't you care about my shit and farts?"

Seeing that the more he spoke, the more outrageous he said, Cheng Wanchun pointed at him angrily, "You..."

Lin Weimin scratched his neck and Cheng Wuchun was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Son of a bitch!" Cheng Wuchun choked out after waiting for a long time.

Seeing that his momentum had weakened, Lin Weimin thought to himself that he was lucky.

Just when I was about to say a few soft words, I heard Cheng Wanchun say: "How about... you send the manuscript to "Harvest"?"

Lin Weimin's eyes widened when he heard this, and he looked at Cheng Wuchun in disbelief.

Cheng Wuchun was embarrassed by what he saw, and glared at him angrily, "What are you looking at? Isn't this all forced by your kid?"

"Old Cheng, you've become a president, you've learned too much!" Lin Weimin said quietly after a long while.

Cheng Wuchun's momentum was completely gone, and he said, "It's up to you, it's up to you. I'm telling you, when the time comes, they will suspend you from your job, don't say I won't protect you!"

"It's good to be suspended, just treat it as a holiday!" Lin Weimin said in a bachelor's manner.

Cheng Wuchun was so embarrassed that he wanted to give Lin Weimin two big dicks, I'll let you be so embarrassed!

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