1980 My literary era

Chapter 450 Not human inside and out

Early the next morning, the news of Lin Weimin's award appeared in several major newspapers such as "People's Daily" and "Guangming Daily". In an instant, it became a hot topic in Yanjing City. Coupled with the blessing of "Xinwen Lianbo", it probably won't take long. God will make it known to all the people.

Lin Weimin is different from Zhang Yimou. He has been soft-hearted about winning awards in recent years. He takes these awards very lightly, and he does not need to attend film festivals or conferences to promote his works.

After all, the audience for drama is still too small, let alone a drama performed abroad.

However, one good thing about the Tony Award-winning news is that it has made people's art popular. Lin Weimin's drama works are all performed in people's art without exception. The original version of this award-winning work "The Kite Runner" is from the previous ones. "The Horse Trapper" was staged in 2011.

For a Chinese work to be popular in the United States and win a big award, countless Chinese people are curious about how this work performed.

Just like "Red Sorghum", the news came out in late February that it had won the Golden Bear Award. It was directly promoted after returning to China, and the people were itching to hear the news.

If you have some conditions, you must go and see "Red Sorghum" when it comes out.

In the end, a serious literary film like "Red Sorghum" grossed more than 4 million at the box office in just two months. Before winning the award, such box office results would have been unimaginable.

This is still official statistics, and the actual box office is definitely much higher than this number.

As an investor, Xi Film Studio also made a lot of money by selling copies.

After continuous performances in the past few years, the only one of Lin Weimin's works that is still being performed on the human art stage is "The Ming Dynasty 1566: Jiajing and Hai Rui".

All other works have been suspended. After all, they have been performed for several years. The audiences who should watch them have already seen them, and it is impossible to continue to perform them.

It is the same at home and abroad to take back Renyi's works and wait a few years before taking them out and re-arranging them.

What is unexpected is that these works have only been suspended for a few years, but because of the award-winning "The Kite Runner", they have once again attracted public attention, and the voices calling for the revival of the drama are getting louder and louder. .

Faced with the voice of the masses, Renyi quickly made a decision.

The revival of "The Intouchables" and "The Horse Trapper" will be performed in the second half of the year.

As soon as this decision came out, it immediately aroused unanimous praise from the masses.

Because these two works are not only Lin Weimin's works, but they also happen to be Tony Award-winning works.

As news reports continued to ferment, the news that Lin Weimin's work won the Tony Award spread more and more widely, and soon spread all over the country.

The excitement of winning the award will definitely be overwhelming for a while, but it won't last long.

No matter how big the news is, it won’t be as popular for more than a month. People’s attention will eventually shift to other places.

At this time, the 4th National Drama, Opera, and Drama Outstanding Script Awards Ceremony was held in Yueyang, Hunan, and a total of 17 works in three categories won awards.

Among them, "Lin Weimin" and ""The Kite Runner"" are impressively listed.

The news was quickly brought to the public through CCTV, "Literary News", "Drama News" and many other media. Many people did not see anything special about the list of winners at first glance, but those who were interested could see the fishiness of this list at a glance.

There is no problem for Lin Weimin to win the award, but winning for "The Kite Runner" is a bit too much. This play was performed in the United States, so what does it mean to win an award from China?

Besides, your Theater Association didn't give out awards before, but now that someone has won the Tony Award, you give it to them?

What does this mean?

Arrogant at the front and respectful at the back, the attitude of a villain!

No shame!

Soon, feedback from enthusiastic audiences, including people from the literary and art circles, appeared in newspapers. Not only did they write letters and contribute articles to newspapers, these people also wrote letters to the theater association.

A swarm of public opinion came overwhelmingly, overwhelming the Opera Association.

A few days ago, news came out that "The Kite Runner" had won a big victory at this year's Tony Awards in the United States, and the Theater Association already had a bad feeling.

But the list has been determined, and since this award was originally intended to compensate Lin Weimin, the Theater Association could only bite the bullet and carry on.

Unexpectedly, after the list was announced, the literary and artistic circles and the public responded so strongly.

The leaders of the Theater Association were almost crying. They were almost bald because of this award. As a result, now that the winners of the awards have been announced, the association has become like a pig looking in the mirror - not a human being inside or outside.

In desperation, the leaders of the drama association had no choice but to approach Mr. Wan.

Mr. Wan is the chairman of the Dramatists Association, but he is similar to Balao in the Literary Association. He has ignored secular things for many years and is just a decoration.

Back then, you didn't agree to award Lin Weimin an award. Now that he has taken off and won a foreign award, if we don't award him an award, it would be malicious suppression.

Now we have given him awards and scolded him, but you can't ignore it.

Of course I can't say that, but the meaning is expressed very clearly.

Mr. Wan had no choice but to smile bitterly. He did not allow Lin Weimin to participate in the award evaluation because he was afraid of being criticized. Winning the award at a young age would actually harm him.

But who would have thought that this kid was so evil and would reach such heights in just a few years, even sweeping the highest drama awards in the United States!

After a wry smile, Mr. Wan had to admit that he was directly responsible for this matter.

"Okay, I'll write something to clarify later."

Mr. Wan's cheerful statement made the leaders of the Theater Association feel embarrassed. It seemed a bit unkind to force the old comrades to do this.

"Then what, why don't you ask Teacher Lin to send something?"

Mr. Wan's face dropped when he heard this, "Bad idea!"

"It was enough to wrong him if he wasn't allowed to judge the award back then. Now I want to compensate someone for being scolded, but I still want someone to clarify?"

The leader had a stern expression and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Mr. Wan waved his hands and said, "The main responsibility for this matter lies with me, so I should be the one to write this. Don't put too much pressure on me."

Mr. Wan's actions made the leaders of the Theater Association burst into tears of gratitude.

A few days later, the latest issue of "Drama News" was published, which published an article by Mr. Wan.

In the article, Mr. Wan recalled his experience in teaching at the Literary Research Institute, and also mentioned the acceptance of Lin Weimin as a student, and his interactions with Lin Weimin in the following years. Naturally, he inevitably mentioned the issue of the Dramatists Association's awards. Taking all the problems on yourself.

At the end of the article, Mr. Wan could not hide his pride and praised Lin Weimin for his kindness.

Lin Weimin felt a little embarrassed.

After the leader of the Theater Association approached Mr. Wan, he called Lin Weimin to his home. Since he wanted to publish a clarification in the newspaper, he must talk to Lin Weimin, the person involved.

Lin Weimin learned of Mr. Wan's decision and advised Mr. Wan not to do it. It was more appropriate for him to issue a clarification instead.

If this was done from Mr. Wan’s perspective, the negative impact would be far greater than if he posted the article himself.

There are two reasons.

First, Lin Weimin had just won the award and public sentiment was booming. It was easy for the people to misunderstand Mr. Wan’s protection as suppression.

The heart of a villain is impossible to guard against.

"Wan Jiabao has been running out of talents in recent years. When he sees such a talented young man, he feels jealous. It is reasonable to suppress him."

Lin Weimin is sure that there are definitely not a few people who have such thoughts.

The second is that they will be attacked and suspected of being flattery. When they see someone winning a foreign award, they will post a flattering message.

Given Mr. Wan's status in the domestic drama circle, he naturally disdains and has no need to do such a thing.

As the saying goes, the villain's heart is hard to guard against.

Therefore, it was most appropriate for him, a student, to do this, but Mr. Wan insisted on his own opinion in the face of Lin Weimin's persuasion.

"I was too stubborn in the past and always thought it was for your own good. Now it seems that it is still unfair to you.

Since you are wrong, you must admit it. You have suffered enough injustices. Compared to the injustice you suffered, what's the harm in me being scolded? "

Lin Weimin recalled what Mr. Wan said at that time, and his heart was still warm and inexplicably moved.

I put down the "Drama Newspaper" in my hand. This publication is called a newspaper, but it is actually a publication.

It was founded in 1950 and was originally called "People's Drama". Just by looking at the first two words, you can tell the importance of this publication in the domestic drama circle.

Similar to most domestic publications, it has been suspended and then resumed. It has always been sponsored by the Dramatists Association, which can be said to be the official media of the Drama Association.

It is appropriate that Mr. Wan’s statement is published above, but in any case, Mr. Wan’s image will definitely be tarnished to a certain extent.

Thinking of this, Lin Weimin felt a little melancholy.

Who would have thought that winning an award would push the teacher to this point?

Time flies to July.

Mr. Wan's article published in "Drama News" already had some influence. Those who criticized the Drama Association saw that the article had long since ceased, but there were a lot of gossips about Mr. Wan in the literary and art circles.

The content is naturally inseparable from the things Lin Weimin mentioned to Mr. Wan before. The old man took it very lightly and never took these rumors to heart.

In the middle of the year, Shi Tiesheng and his wife, who had been separated for half a year, finally met in Yanjing.

On the day Cheng Ximi came to Yanjing, Lin Weimin drove Shi Tiesheng to the station where he was picked up.

The car drove to the Shichahai courtyard. When Shi Tiesheng led Cheng Ximi to open the courtyard door and told Cheng Ximi that this place would be their home from now on, Cheng Ximi was inexplicably surprised.

Last year, she stayed here, so she naturally knew that this was Lin Weimin's home, so Shi Tiesheng told Cheng Ximi about Lin Weimin's renting a house.

After hearing this, Cheng Ximi was both moved and a little guilty.

Cheng Ximi never expected what kind of material conditions she would enjoy when she married Shi Tiesheng.

She knew that whether it was Lin Weimin or Shi Tiesheng, they were doing this for the happiness of their young couple, and to be more precise, it was also for her.

Regardless of Lin Weimin's presence, Cheng Ximi threw herself into Shi Tiesheng's arms.

"Marrying you is the best decision in my life!"

Shi Tiesheng hugged his wife, happiness beyond words.

The couple was tired of it for a long time, and in the end Lin Weimin couldn't help but said: "That's almost it, this is a big living person!"

Hearing this, Shi Tiesheng and his wife separated, but the previous shyness was no longer on their faces.

Now they are husband and wife, above board.

"For the people, thank you!" Cheng Ximi said from the bottom of his heart, his tone full of gratitude.

"I'm not confiscating the money. You're not asking me to give you a discount on next year's rent, right?" Lin Weimin joked.

Shi Tiesheng and his wife smiled. They knew Lin Weimin's temper all too well.

He is a person who always likes to laugh and laugh no matter what time he is.

But hidden under this cynical appearance is a soft heart.

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