1980 My literary era

Chapter 451 Lu Yao’s illness

In late July, Lu Yao called Lin Weimin. After nearly a year of creation, he finally completed the third part of "The Ordinary World".

This is of course a first draft and will definitely need revision.

Lin Weimin immediately invited Lu Yao to come to Yanjing to revise the manuscript, and Lu Yao was already familiar with this procedure.

"Don't tell me, if you don't let me go to Yanjing to revise the manuscript now, I really won't have any inspiration."

The witticism means that Lu Yao is in good shape, at least definitely better than when he finished writing "The Ordinary World" in later generations.

In later generations, Lu Yao spent a lot of energy and health due to the "Ordinary World" trilogy, coupled with long-term irregular work and rest and some bad living habits, which eventually led to physical problems.

In this time and space, because of Lin Weimin's help, he had constant minor physical problems, but it didn't seem to be a major problem.

But Lin Weimin thought about what happened to Lao Guo. After he came to Yanjing, he changed his past behavior and drove him to the Union Hospital instead of locking him in a small dark room.

"What are you doing here?" Lu Yao asked in confusion as he looked at the hospital sign.

"Get your body checked."

"To whom? Me?"

Lu Yao realized belatedly, "No, since when did you, "Contemporary", become so service-minded? Don't engage in such nonsense, and the real thing is to ask for some royalties."

Lin Weimin ignored Lu Yao's nonsense and handed him over to Yu Junli, who was Meng Weizai's daughter-in-law and an old acquaintance.

Lin Weimin waited outside for a long time, finally waiting for Lu Yao to finish checking his body. When he saw him coming out, he asked, "How is it?"

Lu Yao was distracted. When he heard Lin Weimin's question, he looked at him and pursed his lips.

Lin Weimin was startled by him and hurriedly asked Yu Junli who was standing aside, "Sister-in-law, what's going on? Is there really any problem found?"

"I suspect there is something wrong with the liver. I contacted him just now. He has eaten today and some tests cannot be done. Let's wait for you to come back tomorrow."

Lin Weimin felt excited when he heard this and nodded, "Okay, then we'll come back tomorrow. Sister-in-law, I'm really sorry for troubling you."

"Why are you so polite!"

After a few polite words, Lin Weimin took Lu Yao away from Xiehe.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with it yet. Don't scare yourself."

While driving, Lin Weimin saw that Lu Yao was unconscious and could only comfort him.

Compared with the lively appearance when he came, Lu Yao was completely wilted now. After being silent for a while, he said: "For the people, I'm not worried about anything else. I'm just worried about the manuscript of the third part. I really can't do it by then. , just help me change it, I can’t trust others!”

Lin Weimin didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard his words, which were like asking an orphan on his deathbed.

"Where is this? Can you wait until the test results come out tomorrow before you become decadent?"

After consoling Lu Yao all the way, Lin Weimin found a restaurant on the roadside when he saw that it was already noon and he couldn't catch up with the food in the cafeteria when he returned to the club.

I ordered two dishes, one meat and one vegetarian. The meat dish was twice-cooked pork.

In the past, when Lu Yao was eating, the first thing he would use with his chopsticks was twice-cooked pork. He used to love meat the most, especially twice-cooked pork.

But today he was acting normal. He didn't even touch the twice-cooked pork, but kept adding the vegetarian dish.

Lin Weimin felt bad. Lao Guo passed away because of liver disease.

Lin Weimin was very impressed. At that time, he didn't touch any meat and fish, and he felt like vomiting when he smelled it.

"When did this start?"

Lu Yao smiled bitterly, "I had it last year, and I never paid attention to it. I just thought it was because of my old age, plus I am immersed in writing every day and my metabolism is slow, so I have no appetite."

Lin Weimin nodded, not knowing what to say to comfort Lu Yao, let alone why Lu Yao didn't go to the hospital when he realized something was wrong.

Just like Lao Guo back then, they have never been squeamish after coming from difficult times, and they will not go to the hospital just because they feel a little uncomfortable.

After a boring lunch, we returned to the Chinese Literature Society and settled Lu Yao down first.

After another night, Lin Weimin took Lu Yao to Xiehe again. After a morning of examination, the disease was finally determined.

It is early stage cirrhosis of the liver.

Hearing this answer, Lu Yao felt like he was struck by a bolt from the blue and was speechless for a long time.

Lu Yao asked: "Doctor, how long can I live?"

"Don't think wildly. As long as you actively cooperate with our treatment, I guarantee that you will live to be eighty."

The doctor's answer made Lu Yao's cold heart beat again, "So I can still be saved?"

"Of course it can be saved, but the premise is that you can cooperate with our treatment. People of your generation have not received the hepatitis B vaccine when they were young, so they are the hardest hit areas for hepatitis B. Also, as you just said, your work and rest are abnormally irregular. This is also why you The most important cause of serious liver disease."

Lu Yao is in the early stage of liver cirrhosis, and his condition is not serious yet. The doctor did not even admit him to the hospital. He only needs to take medicine according to the doctor's instructions, change his bad habits, and come to the outpatient clinic for regular check-ups.

After struggling for almost a day, Lin Weimin and Lu Yao came out of the outpatient building of Union Hospital again.

The sun is setting in the sky, and people in big cities cannot see the last rays of the sunset, as they are all blocked by high-rise buildings.

In the past two years, there have been more and more high-rise buildings in Yanjing.

Lu Yao looked around, feeling as if he was in another world.

"Come home with me first and call your family." Lin Weimin said.

Lu Yao shook his head, "What are you calling? There's no need to worry them. I'll take some medicine first, and I'll go back to recuperate after I finish revising the manuscript."

"You're also changing a crappy manuscript!" Lin Weimin suddenly raised his voice, "Is the novel more important or life?"

Lu Yao glanced at him in surprise, but felt warm in his heart after being scolded by him.

"It's okay. I won't stay up late this time. I'll just write during the day."

Lu Yao's insistence was decisively suppressed by Lin Weimin, and he was escorted back to Shizhu Xiaoyuan. This was Sanjin Courtyard and there were many houses. There was no problem in arranging a place for Lu Yao. Then Lin Weimin called the Shaanxi Literary and Art Association. Telephone.

The Literary and Art Association quickly called Lu Yao's wife Lin Dan, but Lu Yao coyly refused to talk. Lin Weimin had no choice but to steal the topic and tell Lin Dan about Lu Yao's examination. Lin Dan remained silent on the spot.

"Sister-in-law, my suggestion is that you can bring your child to Yanjing to accompany Lu Yao for active treatment. I will arrange the house for you. This may be unfair to you, but his current situation is indeed not optimistic. If Due to his temperament, his condition can easily get worse, and he can't live without you."

Lin Weimin has a very good relationship with Lu Yao, and he occasionally mentions his wife Lin Dan when chatting.

When Lin Dan and Lu Yao met, he was still a penniless poor boy. Lin Dan got engaged to him when he was in his most difficult time and devoted all his efforts to support him in college.

After marriage, she was willing to serve as a companion. In addition to silently taking care of the family, she also tried her best to help Lu Yao's career.

On the contrary, Lu Yao was obsessed with writing all day long, and he did not care enough about his family.

This was also the reason why he was unwilling to call Lin Dan to tell Lin Dan about his condition. He still felt guilty in his heart.

"Otherwise, let him come back to Xi'an. I will definitely be able to take good care of him." Lin Dan's voice sounded, sounding quite calm.

"Sister-in-law, the medical conditions in Yanjing are the best in the country, and the hospital I found for him is also the best hospital in the country. He is in the early stage now, and if treated properly, he is very likely to recover..."

Lin Dan on the other end of the phone hesitated for a moment, "Okay, I'll listen to you. I'll ask for leave from work tomorrow."

"Okay, when the time is set, just make a call and I will pick you and the child up."

Lu Yao and Lin Dan's daughter is eight years old this year and has just started elementary school. It happens to be summer vacation. Coming to Yanjing to accompany Lu Yao will not affect the child's schooling at all.

"If my sister-in-law is not here for the past few days, you can stay at my house first. It just so happens that you can adjust your schedule. I will arrange a place for you and your family of three to stay tomorrow."

Seeing that Lin Weimin had made clear arrangements for him, Lu Yao could only stay obediently.

The next morning, after going to work, Lin Weimin chatted with Tan Chaoyang about Lu Yao's situation.

After finishing the third part of "The Ordinary World", Lu Yao went to Beijing to revise the draft. Unexpectedly, something went wrong during the inspection, so the revising had to be put off later.

Tan Chaoyang was also a little surprised by this situation, and Lu Yao was the first to dig it out.

If "Thrilling Scene" had not been promoted by him, "Contemporary" would not have been published, not to mention that he later published a public article in the newspaper to support Lu Yao.

"He is just too desperate!" Tan Chaoyang sighed.

Everyone in "Contemporary" knows about Lu Yao's creative habits.

His morning always started at noon, and he later wrote an essay titled "The Ordinary World" under this name.

In addition, since the release of "The Ordinary World", the evaluation of the literary circle has generally been contemptuous and questioning. Although he does not say it, everyone knows that Lu Yao is holding back a lot of energy in his heart.

Facing the pressure from the outside world, he worked even harder on creation. In a sense, the birth of "The Ordinary World" burned Lu Yao's life.

After sighing, Tan Chaoyang asked about Lu Yao's arrangements again. After hearing Lin Weimin explain the situation, he nodded happily, "This is the best."

Then he thought for a while and said: "After he has made arrangements, I will go over to see him and give him some comfort. Creation is not something that happens overnight. You are always in such a hurry. Even if you are cured this time, you will still be able to do it next time." You may not have any disease!”

Tan Chaoyang's words don't sound good, but they are true.

A few days later, Lu Yao's wife Lin Dan came to Yanjing with their children, and Lin Weimin and Lu Yao went to pick them up.

As soon as they met, Lin Dan's eyes turned red.

In recent years, her husband has paid little attention to the family and focused solely on writing. It is impossible to say that she has no complaints, and the couple often quarrels over this.

But they were a couple in need. Now that Lu Yao was seriously ill, how could she not feel distressed?

After picking up Lu Yao's wife and daughter, Lin Weimin drove the family all the way to Gongjian Hutong near Jingshan Park.

Lin Weimin has a courtyard here that he has never lived in since he took it in. The courtyard is well maintained and the living facilities are complete. You can live in it just by buying some daily necessities.

To the south is Jingshan Park and to the west is Beihai Park. The environment is beautiful and the scenery is a good place for recuperation.

It's not far from the Painted Hutong, only 200 to 300 meters. If anything happens to Lu Yao's family, it's easy to run over and call Han Zhuangzhuang.

"No one has lived in this yard for a while, so I just tidied it up briefly." Lin Weimin said.

This courtyard house covers an area of ​​300 to 400 square meters. Because it is a single-family courtyard, the original owner lived in it carefully. It is much more decent than most employee housing in Yanjing in this era.

Lin Dan looked at the place Lin Weimin had arranged for their family, his eyes full of satisfaction and his mouth full of thanks.

"Sister-in-law, please don't be polite to me. Aren't you catching up? The most important thing for your family now is Lu Yao's illness. You have to keep an eye on him. You must not let him be like before." Lin Weimin warned.

Listening to Lin Weimin's words, Lin Dan couldn't help but blush again, and said to Lu Yao: "Tell me, is this body yours or ours? How much have I worried about you?"

In the past few years, Lin Weimin has been responsible for Lu Yao's works. Lin Dan is Lu Yao's pillow, so he naturally knows Lin Weimin's concern for Lu Yao.

Lu Yao's face showed a bit of embarrassment, and he said with a guilty conscience: "I know, I will pay attention to it in the future and take good treatment."

Her husband, who had always been as stubborn as a donkey, was finally willing to bow his head. Lin Dan was actually grateful for the illness.

But what she was more grateful to was Lin Weimin. If he hadn't taken her husband to the hospital for a check-up, her husband's condition would not have been discovered.

Cirrhosis of the liver is a serious disease.

"Weimin, on behalf of our family, thank you!" Lin Dan bowed to Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin grabbed Lin Dan and said, "Sister-in-law, you are out of sight when you say this."

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