1980 My literary era

Chapter 543 A touching work

Feng Xiaogang has made a movie called "Big Shot", in which there is a classic shot of Li Chengru. This shot also created a saying that has been popular for decades - don't ask for the best, but ask for the most expensive.

Many people in later generations will find it ridiculous when they watch the movie, but this scene in the movie exactly reflects some of the real ecology of society after the initial results of reform and opening up in the 1990s.

Many people have been poor for a long time and suddenly become rich, and it is inevitable that they have a bit of a nouveau riche attitude.

Ma Dudu has been doing a lot of business in the past two years. He does whatever he does to make money. He knows people from all walks of life in society, so he naturally knows what these people are like. What he said to Lin Weimin seems absurd, but it is closely related. The psychology of a group of people with consumption power today.

Ma Dudu has known Lin Weimin for so many years and knows his financial strength very well. To put it bluntly, those so-called "entrepreneurs" who are running around in society today are not worthy of carrying Mr. Lin's shoes.

While these people were still digging in the soil for food, Teacher Lin got into the car and started running.

Teacher Lin is not short of money, but he definitely doesn’t want to open a museum and have to keep raising money.

Ma Dudu likes the antique business, and he is happy to be able to use Teacher Lin's things to do what he likes.

Now that the museum is running well, the two of them can get what they need.

"Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you. But it's definitely not okay to work for free. Let's get five hundred yuan a month, which is worthy of your status as a 'curator'."

"Hey, Teacher Lin, your salary is too high." Ma Dudu laughed.

Although people's wages have increased a bit in the past two years, the increase has been very limited. Many people can't even earn 200 yuan a month. Lin Weimin offered Ma Dudu a salary of 500 yuan, which is considered a high salary.

"Come on, what is this little money compared to what you make from doing business? It's just to let you work for nothing."

It is not an exaggeration to say that there was gold all over the place in the 1980s. As long as you dared to do it, there was rarely anything that did not make money. What's more, Ma Dudu not only dared to do it, but also had courage, scheming, and ability. In the past two years, he has been doing business in the sea. No less money.

The two boldly diverged their thinking and talked about some specific construction and management measures of the museum. Ma Dudu talked endlessly.

"Okay, I'll rest assured if I leave this matter to you!" Lin Weimin said with a smile.

After the two chatted, Lin Weimin handed over the museum affairs to Ma Dudu.

There are no private museums today, and the government doesn’t even have regulations. It is not an easy thing to do well, and it may take a lot of time, energy, and money.

Until the museum has something to look at, the antiques should still be moved.

On these days in late March, Baylor House, which had been under construction for more than two years, suddenly became lively. There were cars coming and going in front of the door, and there were a few more young men who looked like they were soldiers, guarding the door.

The neighbors were very curious. They would look in from outside the gate if nothing happened, and some bold enough to inquire about the situation with a few guards.

It's a pity that these guards obeyed Lin Weimin's instructions and remained silent in the face of this group of people's questions, which disappointed the group of onlookers who were watching the excitement.

The more unclear the situation is, the easier it becomes a breeding ground for rumors.

On the seventh day when the antique moving car appeared in Baylor Mansion, a rumor spread among the people around Baylor Mansion.

The renovation and renovation of Baylor House in the past two years was done to entertain Prince Sihanouk of Cambodia. Recently, he has been very busy, just to accommodate Prince Sihanouk when he visits China in a while.

Rumor has it that it has noses and eyes. This place was originally the Baylor Mansion. The prince of Cambodia would be a Baylor-level person in China. Now it is reasonable for the Baylor Mansion to be renovated for him to live in.

Coupled with the energetic and freshly retired soldier brothers at the door of Baylor House, the credibility rate soars.

Time flies to the beginning of April, and the fourth issue of "Contemporary" is officially on sale.

Since the first issue of "White Deer Plain" by Cheng Zhongshi was published in January, the sales volume of the second and third issues of "Contemporary" have been maintained at a very ideal state, with an average of nearly 30% higher than this time last year. The sales volume of 10,000 copies is of course closely related to the publication of the hit novel "White Deer Plain".

The editorial department also has high hopes for the fourth issue of "Contemporary" in April, because this issue published Lin Weimin's latest work "No One Can Be Missed".

In the first few days after the publication was launched, the public opinion and influence caused by the publication were insignificant.

It wasn’t until a week later that letters from readers began to arrive in the editorial office.

To sum up the plot of the novel "No One Less", it is a story about a temporary substitute teacher who is not yet an adult and goes through all kinds of hardships for a promise.

There is nothing novel in the creative techniques. The style is traditional, plain and not at all flattering.

Tong Zhonggui once discussed this issue with Lin Weimin when he was reading the manuscript. Compared with his previous novels, the style of "No One Less" is too simple, and many readers who like Lin Weimin may not be comfortable with it.

"Actually, it's not that the style of this novel is simple. What you feel is actually brought to you by this story. Such a novel about rural education is destined to have neither ups and downs in its story nor in its style. How gorgeous and moving it could be.

Plainness is precisely what touches people most in this kind of story.

Xiao Tong, you have to remember that the wind and waves on the sea are never as fierce as the undercurrents on the bottom of the sea. "

Since the 1980s, there has been no shortage of eye-catching literary works in Chinese literature. We have been crazy about absorbing all new things from outside. When reflecting on literary creation and appreciation, we also demand new changes.

But now we are in the 1990s. No matter how much innovation or change is required, not only many writers can no longer do it, but even readers don’t like reading it.

Reading threshold is easy to raise, but difficult to lower.

The style of "No One Less" determines that it is not a majestic and shocking epic like "White Deer Plain". It is like a stream. As long as readers are willing to read, it will continue to wash away their hearts and keep them in the mind. Gain spiritual peace and touch in this increasingly impetuous era.

The elephant is invisible and the sound is loud. The weight of literary works is often not brought about by the work itself, but by the real power gradually accumulated by thousands of readers in the process of reading.

Lin Weimin also firmly believes that readers' tastes are not always consistent and single. In addition to the literary and ideological nature of a novel, it is also important to be good-looking. Lin Weimin is confident that the core of the story of "No One Left Behind" is enough to touch people's hearts.

The fourth issue of "Contemporary" has been on sale for more than a week, and there has been more and more feedback from readers about "No One Less". Among the many letters from readers received by the editorial department, students account for a very large proportion, and the feedback is also the strongest.

One of the letters from readers aroused the interest of the editorial department and Lin Weimin.

"...Reports on China's poor areas are always on the front pages of major media. Sometimes we seem to have become numb to this situation. I often see reports on people's livelihood issues. When I feel entangled and painful, I also felt extremely helpless.

There are too many difficulties before us, and no matter how hard we try, we can't seem to solve them.

The most touching thing about the story of "No One Should Be Less" is that Teacher Xiao Wei is single, weak and humble, but she is willing to take action for the simplest idea. Maybe her starting point is not noble, but she works for The hard work she put into this matter proved her nobility.

After reading the novel, I felt ashamed in my heart, because compared with Teacher Xiao Wei, I, a person who always seems to be concerned about the country and the people, have not taken any practical actions to change the poverty and backwardness of this country.

I can't help but reflect that I have lived in the city since I was a child, and during the most critical period of my growth, I did not catch up with going to the mountains and countryside and being busy. Compared with my compatriots who are older than me, I am happy.

But it is precisely because of this happiness that I seem to have become dogmatic, aloof, and ignorant of the sufferings of the world.

I would like to thank Teacher Lin for using such a touching work to awaken my conscience and sense of responsibility as a college student in the new era.

This year I am already a junior in college, studying in a normal school. According to the normal trajectory, I will be assigned to return to my hometown in more than a year, which is the provincial capital city where I grew up.

There, I may become a junior high school or high school teacher and spend my whole life teaching and educating people.

But today, while writing this letter, I made a decision.

I want to be like Teacher Gao and Teacher Xiao Wei, go to the places where the motherland and the people need me most, go to those poor areas, and ignite a light for those children who have been unable to afford food or go to school for generations.

I hope that I can use my knowledge and ideals to change their lives and help them escape from poverty and backwardness for generations.


The reader who wrote this letter is obviously a college student. After reading "No One Less", I don't know if it was an impulse. It seems that he plans to go to a poor area to become a teacher.

At this time, there was no talk of teaching support. When Lin Weimin was writing the novel, he thought more about advertising Project Hope, but he did not expect that it would have such an effect.

The college student naturally had a good heart, but Lin Weimin was afraid that he was impulsive. After thinking about it, he decided to reply a letter and explain the interests to the other party. Don't be impulsive before making a decision. It is best to think carefully to avoid regrets in the future.

After he finished replying to the letter, he told the matter to his colleagues in the editorial department, "Recently, everyone reads more letters from readers. We should pay attention to situations like this letter. Novels are literary works, and it is a good thing to be able to touch people's hearts. , but I am afraid that some young people will be impulsive because of this. In the future, if you see this situation in letters, you must reply a letter and advise these young people not to make impulsive decisions."

Colleagues nodded in agreement.

At the same time, everyone is a little proud when talking about this matter. No matter whether the young people are impulsive or not, this is after all the positive impact caused by the works published by "Contemporary". For their group of editors , nothing gives them a greater sense of accomplishment than this.

Because of Lin Weimin's reminder, colleagues in the editorial department paid attention to letters from readers. As the number of letters increased, everyone discovered a surprising situation.

Among the increasing number of letters from readers, it is revealed that young people who want to join the education industry in poor areas are no longer just an impulsive act by an individual, but are actually flocking together.

But at this moment, no one expected that the letter sent by Lin Weimin would appear in a place no one expected.

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