1980 My literary era

Chapter 544 Influenced a Generation

In late April, the fourth issue of "Contemporary" has been on the market for more than 20 days, and Lin Weimin's "No One Less" has been published for more than 20 days. The critics' evaluation of this novel is generally positive. , but many people think that Lin Weimin's latest work, which was released two years ago, lacks the sharpness and aura of the past and appears to be very mediocre, and the novel is somewhat deliberately sensational.

Compared with the polarized opinions of critics, many readers' evaluations of this novel are more positive and positive, and almost all of their letters are praise.

Among them, the most enthusiastic response belongs to the vast group of college students.

This group of young people in their prime and full of enthusiasm felt strongly after watching "No One Less". Many of them wrote letters to the editorial board of "Contemporary" and expressed their intention to devote themselves to education in poverty-stricken areas.

The first reader's letter mentioning this idea also received a personal reply from Lin Weimin. In the letter, Lin Weimin gave the enthusiastic college student some kind words and advised him to think twice before taking action.

The original intention is that he can think it over carefully and not regret it.

But the excited college students seemed to have misunderstood Lin Weimin's meaning, thinking that Lin Weimin did not trust him, and even sent Lin Weimin's letter to the China Youth Daily.

"China Youth Daily" was founded in Yanjing in 1951. It is a national mainstream media with great influence and young people as its main readers.

Since its resumption in 1978, it has successively reported on the deeds of advanced young figures and advanced collectives such as Zhang Haidi, who is disabled but not disabled, and the Chinese women's volleyball team, which has aroused widespread and enthusiastic influence across the country.

This kind of media has always been full of interest in the deeds of young people who have the courage to struggle and take responsibility.

While sending Lin Weimin's letter, the college student also wrote a letter to China Youth Daily, explaining in detail the whole story.

The editorial board of "China Youth Daily" was immediately interested. The ideal and ambitious college students were inspired by the novel and hoped to devote themselves to education in poverty-stricken areas. What a good promotional material!

The editorial department immediately polished Lin Weimin's letter and the submissions from college students and published it.

"China Youth Daily" is a national newspaper. Within a few days of its publication, it immediately aroused widespread discussion and attention across the country.

Readers can all see that Lin Weimin's intention in writing that letter to the college students was out of good intentions.

As he wrote in the letter, "I hope you are not inspired by the novel, but you have made an important decision related to the destiny of your life by asking yourself in your heart and after careful consideration. ".

The descriptions written by college students in articles submitted to China Youth Daily are full of youthful passion and idealism unique to young people, especially the last paragraph.

"I want to thank Teacher Lin for his kindness, but I hope he can face up to my decision. This is by no means a hasty decision made on impulse.

I voluntarily devote myself to education in poverty-stricken areas and ask the motherland and people to supervise me! "

The influence of "China Youth Daily" is huge. After it published this article, it not only aroused the attention and discussion of readers nationwide, but also aroused discussion in many media, and this discussion has grown over time. Time continues to expand.

College students in this era are truly the pride of heaven and an important force in the development of the country and society. It stands to reason that they should be placed where they are most needed.

Sending college students who have been trained with great difficulty in these countries to teach and educate people in the poorest areas of the country will be difficult to produce results in a short period of time, and it is also suspected of being overqualified.

Readers who supported and did not support quickly divided into two groups. In a very short period of time, it tended to spread into a national discussion.

In the 1980s and 1990s, such national discussions were not uncommon.

On May 11, 1978, Guangming Daily published an article "Practice is the Only Criterion for Testing Truth" as a special commentator, which triggered a great discussion on the standard of truth;

In May 1980, "China Youth" published a letter from female worker Pan Xiao, setting off a "Pan Xiao Discussion" about the meaning and value of life;

On July 11, 1982, "Guangming Daily" reported the story of college student Zhang Hua's death while saving a manure collector. The change of college student to manure collector sparked a great discussion among Chinese people about the value of life.

The Chinese in the 1980s were materially poor, but spiritually rich.

These national discussions have enriched the lives of a generation, become the nourishment of their lives, and also brought infinite vitality to the entire society.

In recent years, there have been fewer and fewer big discussions like this. The big reason is that domestic attention and energy have been increasingly attracted by economic life, while neglecting metaphysical pursuits.

The report in "China Youth Daily" just inspired the spiritual pursuit of the Chinese people that had been dormant for a long time.

Lin Weimin did not expect that his letter would be published in a newspaper, and he was even more unprepared for the development of external public opinion. When a reporter from the China Youth Daily found him, he still felt a little unprepared.

"Teacher Lin, what is your attitude towards the current discussions between all parties? I read your letter and it seems that you do not support the decision of college students."

Facing the reporter's question, Lin Weimin smiled helplessly: "At that time, I was mainly afraid that this classmate would make a hasty decision after reading my novel, so I wrote him a letter. It's not that I disagreed. If he goes, I just hope that he can make a prudent decision. After all, this is a major event related to the future of life."

Speaking of which, Lin Weimin took out some letters received by the editorial department of "Contemporary" in recent times.

"Look, these are the letters we have received recently. They are all letters from students who have read "No One Less" and plan to support education in poor areas."

The reporter turned over the letters from readers and burst into tears.

The handwriting of these letters is different, but they express the same responsibility and ambition for the country and people.

"Teacher Lin, you have really done a great and great deed. Your novel has influenced a generation!" the reporter said excitedly with tears in his eyes.

Lin Weimin said with a serious smile, "You can't say that."

"Why?" the reporter asked.

Lin Weimin pointed to the letters on his desk, "I believe the students who wrote the letters have good ideas at the moment, but there is a huge gap between ideals and reality..."

The reporter was silent after hearing this, and after a while he said: "Are you afraid that they may regret it in the future?"

Lin Weimin nodded, "Ideals are not easy to stick to. Some people will regret it. I just hope that by that time, those who shrink from the battle will not bear the guilt of conscience and the condemnation of public opinion."

When he said this, he looked at the reporter, who subconsciously avoided Lin Weimin's eyes.

How could he not understand what Lin Weimin meant. The matter of dedicating himself to education in poverty-stricken areas was naturally a good deed full of idealism and humanistic care. The media was willing to see it, and the government was also happy to see its success. Only then did public opinion arise. Adding fuel to the flames.

Once someone really decides to do this, he will inevitably be pushed to the high altar of morality, and no retreat will be allowed.

"Teacher Lin, your concerns are reasonable, but this is a good thing for the country and the people." The reporter said.

Lin Weimin nodded slightly, "Of course it's a good thing."

He smiled and said, "This is just an inappropriate little concern of mine. I hope you can mention it by the way when you report it, okay?"

"No problem, your concerns are right."

The reporter from China Youth Daily left, and two days later, an interview with Lin Weimin, a person involved, was published again, which again attracted a lot of attention.

In addition to China Youth Daily, there were many media outlets involved in this incident and discussion. The media rushed to report on the case of aspiring young students who planned to join the education industry in poor areas. It suddenly became a trend and even attracted the attention of TZY.

Lin Weimin, as the starting point of the entire incident, was invited to have an in-depth discussion.

"It is a good thing that the majority of college students have such passion and ideals, but I think the government should provide positive guidance and cannot rely solely on public opinion. College students are too idealistic. They underestimate the difficulties they face in reality and cannot allow them to have such enthusiasm and ideals. There is too much ideological baggage, let alone moral kidnapping.”

“This kind of support activity must be voluntary, and there must be some honorary rewards and hidden benefits. It cannot just be about dedication without talking about rewards.

Things are different now. It is difficult to get things done with just passion. "

“My suggestion is that it’s best to do it as a volunteer activity.”

Not long after Lin Weimin was invited to have an in-depth discussion, TZY decided to implement the Chinese Youth Volunteer Action.

The first activity of the Chinese Youth Volunteer Action is to call on young people with a high school degree or above to teach in hope primary schools across the country.

Since the Hope Project was launched at the end of 1988, it took more than half a year for the first Hope Primary School to be completed and put into use. It seems to be very slow, but in fact there are 30 Hope Primary Schools built at the same time as the first Hope Primary School. Now, half a year later, nearly a hundred Hope Primary Schools have been built across the country.

These hope primary schools are located in remote areas. Although there have been changes in physical facilities, they are still lacking in teacher resources.

The Chinese Youth Volunteer Action was organized and implemented by TZY. It was in line with the upsurge of teaching support triggered by Lin Weimin's "No One Should Be Less". It quickly received a positive response from the majority of young students. In just half a month, more than 6,000 college students were enrolled. Sign up to participate.

The term "support education" appeared in the Chinese context for the first time. It was associated with a novel called "No One Left Behind", which encouraged countless students to devote themselves to the education of the motherland.

The name of this novel will be together with "Supporting Education" and is destined to become a part of the history of Chinese education.

These two chapters are written very slowly, and there are only two updates today.

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